Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 215 There is great fortune between life and death

Murong Fu saw Yao Yue's bad expression and explained, I'm not trying to hurt you.

You are just trying to hurt me! Yao Yue replied seriously.

Murong Fu said speechlessly: I am stating the facts.

I don't need the truth, you are just trying to hurt me! Yao Yue refused to listen to anything Murong Fu said and insisted on her own thoughts.

Murong Fu knew that if this topic did not stop immediately, it would go on forever.

I... I'm just a little anxious and my tone is not very good.

Haha, you finally admitted that you were trying to hurt me. Yao Yue raised her eyebrows and said calmly.

Murong Fu was really angry. It was all saved by the harmonious society, otherwise...

Sister, I also want to wait until the child is born to rebuild my left hand and foot. Lianxing pleaded.

Yao Yue's face darkened, and she finally agreed with Murong Fu and Lian Xing's words.

The child is yours anyway, I just don't care.

After saying that, they ignored each other and turned around to leave.

Murong Fu breathed a sigh of relief and said, This woman is really used to being domineering.

Haha, you are still the first person who dares to harm my sister. That's right. Keep up the good work and I will support you. Lianxing said with a smile.

I'm not hurting her... Murong Fu made his final defense feebly, but unfortunately, it was of no use. ..

Finally, Lian Xing left with a full belly again.

It’s euphemistically called experiencing life.

A few days later, Murong Fu recovered all his internal strength.

The fire poison in the body has also dissipated, and the body feels much more relaxed.

After he had a big week, he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: Huh, I didn't expect it to be a blessing in disguise. I went in for a few days to draw out the fire poison.

It's useless! Yao Yue's misty voice appeared in her ears again.

Murong Fu was so frightened that he quickly opened his eyes. The other party appeared in front of him at some unknown moment.

Staring at herself with a pair of beautiful eyes shining like stars in the sky: When did you come?

Yaoyue said calmly: A long time ago.

What do you mean by useless? Murong Fu asked curiously.

I have to admit that you are indeed very strong, but you are still far from defeating a great master. Yao Yue said truthfully.

Murong Fu felt strange: You told me this, weren't you worried that I would die?

Yes, I am really afraid that if you die, Lianxing will probably be sad. Yao Yue said lightly.

What about you, will you be a widow after I die? Murong Fu asked.

Yaoyue shook her head: I don't care.

It is said that a husband and wife will be blessed forever. How can you be so cold-blooded? Murong Fu asked.

Yao Yue said calmly: I have now cultivated to a state where I forget my feelings. Emotions are just a burden to me.

If a person has no emotions, what is the difference between him and a puppet? Murong Fu retorted.

You don't need to worry about it. You just need to answer and help you if you need any help. Yao Yue asked.

Murong Fu's face hardened and he asked, How do you plan to help?

It's very simple. I just go and kill that King Jinlun.

Yao Yue's tone was extremely calm, as if what she killed was not a great master, nor a national master of a country.

Instead, he killed an ordinary person who was so ordinary that he couldn't be more ordinary.

However, her proposal made Murong Fu a little moved.

Although he was confident of surviving in the hands of Jin Lun Dharma King, he could not avoid being beaten.

However, if Yao Yue takes action as a being who transcends the Grand Master, it will definitely cause some old monsters in the Yuan Kingdom to take action.

For example, the magician Pang Ban is an old monster whose strength is not inferior to that of Zhang Sanfeng.

If we really force him out, let alone the Yihua Palace, the entire world of martial arts will be in chaos.

There will definitely be another bloody storm by then.

After thinking about it, it was impossible for a man to hide behind a woman, so he shook his head and objected.

Forget it, although Jinlun Dharma King is not as powerful as you, he is the Yuan Kingdom's national master after all, and his background should not be underestimated.

Do I care about Yuan Guo? Yao Yue has always been fearless and didn't take Yuan Guo seriously at all.

Haha, I have to deal with my own affairs myself. Murong Fu did not explain too much.

According to Yao Yue's character, the more you persuade her, the more energetic she becomes.

Maybe if he dares to mention Pang Ban, Yao Yue will go to Yuan Kingdom to cause trouble for him.

Men, for the sake of some so-called self-esteem and face, you can even risk your life. Yao Yue said.

Murong Fu was not angry and said with a smile: Don't worry, I am still somewhat sure that I will not die when dealing with Jin Lun Dharma King.

Oh? Do you still have confidence in yourself? Yao Yue's eyes couldn't help but reveal a glimmer of light. She was curious where Murong Fu got his confidence.

Murong Fu did not hide anything and told the other party how he could be reincarnated from the dead.

Yao Yue was also shocked after hearing this:

You can actually practice three types of internal skills at the same time.

We can also temporarily fuse them together with the help of Ziwei Jing!

This is the first time I've heard of such a thing.

Murong Fu was very satisfied with the woman's expression and pretended to be calm:

Alas, it's all my fault that my qualifications are low and I can't integrate the three top skills together.

Otherwise, I should be promoted to Grand Master.

Yao Yue's eyes narrowed slightly. For some reason, she felt that Murong Fu's expression at this moment made her feel very unworthy of beating.

Very mean and proud!

Uh, what's wrong? Did I say something wrong somewhere? Murong Fu asked, seeing Yao Yue's unkind expression.

Yao Yue snorted coldly and said, No, but I do have two ideas that will help you integrate your skills.

What can we do? Murong Fu asked excitedly.

Yao Yue's knowledge is rare in the world, so it would be great to get some advice from her.

Martial arts in the world are all created by chance. Yao Yue said slowly.

One is to accidentally reach the extreme of the body, and then some kind of magical power appears.

The other one is eating some kind of genius treasure, which causes earth-shaking and strange changes in his skills.

Murong Fu thought that after listening to Yao Yue's words, his brows furrowed tighter and tighter, and finally he smiled bitterly:

Both of these things are things that can be encountered but cannot be sought.

It's harder to get it than to reach the sky. I'm afraid it's not easy to get.

Yao Yue said: It is natural that treasures from heaven and earth are rare, but I can do the first one to stimulate your body to its extreme.

You help me? Murong Fu looked at Yao Yue in surprise.

Unexpectedly, the other party was actually willing to help him.

Of course. Yao Yue nodded without any unnecessary nonsense.

Murong Fu was overjoyed, I could only combine the three techniques into one, and his strength would inevitably skyrocket.

Then I really want to thank you. Yao Yue said solemnly: You must know that the limit of the body is related to life and death. Only between life and death can great fortune be achieved?

Once it starts, I won't be able to control it accurately, and you will most likely die!

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