Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 187 Iron Bones and Black Calyx Mei Niansheng

Brother...has a good eye. Ding Dian's face turned red after what Murong Fu said. He pulled Ling Shuanghua aside and introduced:

I have been engaged to Shuanghua, and I will ask my eldest brother to officiate my wedding later.

Ling Shuanghua quickly saluted and said, Shuanghua has met my eldest brother.

Marriage! Haha, congratulations, congratulations. Murong Fu patted Ding Dian: Don't worry, your wedding will be arranged by my eldest brother.

Afterwards, he introduced Wang Yuyan and others to each other and led everyone into the old house.

Haha, Master Mei, how is your injury? Murong Fu asked with concern.

As I get older, it is a bit difficult to recover, and I can only recover less than 60%. Mei Niansheng shook his head and sighed.

Well, 60% is no longer slow. I'll ask Divine Doctor Su to take a look at you later. Murong Fu replied.

Haha, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I know my body well. Mei Niansheng laughed a few times.

Ding Dian said: Brother, I heard that you are going to compete with that Jinlun Dharma King, but is it true?

Of course. Murong Fu nodded.

I heard from friends in the martial arts world that Jin Lun Dharma King's current strength is not what it used to be. Don't be careless. Mei Niansheng kindly reminded.

Murong Fu cupped his hands and said, Don't worry, Mr. Mei, I'm already preparing for the war. There should be no big problem.

Mei Niansheng shook her head and sighed: Mr. Murong, I'm afraid you are careless.

Huh? How do you say this? Mei Niansheng has rich experience in the world, and Murong Fu knows that he will not talk nonsense.

The competition between the two countries involves a lot of things, especially since the Yuan Dynasty is so strong now, they will never lose. Mei Niansheng deliberately added the emphasis on the word absolute.

Sir, are you worried that he is doing something shameful? Murong Fu asked.

Mei Niansheng affirmed: If I am not wrong, they will definitely find someone to test your kung fu.

Looking for someone? Who is more suitable? Murong Fu was also curious. It would be pointless for Yuan Ren to find someone weak.

If it is too strong, if someone fails to kill him, it will give others an excuse.

I don't know, but your journey will definitely not be peaceful. Mei Niansheng said in a deep voice.

Murong Fu laughed haha and said:

It doesn't matter, Murong Fu is no longer the incompetent guy being chased to the end of the world.

I will kill as many as you come.

As expected, my eldest brother is so heroic. Ding Dian praised.

Murong Fu glanced at his sworn brother: How is your Shenzhao Sutra practice going?

Brother, it's okay. Ding Dian smiled sheepishly.

Recently, he has been quite busy and has been a little slow in practicing the exercises.

Murong Fu glanced at Mei Niansheng's expression and made a good guess.

He smiled and took out two strength-enhancing pills: Here, this pill is my latest refinement. You two can take one pill each.

Brother, what's the use of this thing? Ding Dian asked curiously.

Murong Fu said: This pill is called Strength-increasing Pill. It can increase a person's strength. After taking it, you can increase your pure strength by five hundred kilograms.

Ding Dian and Mei Niansheng were startled at the same time, looking at Murong Fu in disbelief: There is such a divine creature in the world.

Brother, wouldn't I become a natural god?

Murong Fu said with a smug smile between his brows and eyes: That's right, but a person can only eat thirty pills at most in his lifetime. He can barely reach the level of a master.

Well, I'm still far from being a master. Master said I'm barely a third-rate guy now. Ding Dian scratched his head and said with some embarrassment.

Hmph, your eldest brother is now a hero that everyone respects, but you only know the love between children and your daughter. Isn't it embarrassing to talk about it when you are away from home?

Mei Niansheng snorted coldly, her apprentice was good at everything, but he just hung around that Ling Shuanghua all day long, which delayed his time to learn martial arts.

Murong Fu gave the servant a look and asked, When will the food be ready?

Right away, right away. The servant was smart enough to understand what Murong Fu meant and replied quickly.

Murong Fu smiled and said: Mr. Mei, I will ask my servants to take you to your room first. You can tidy up and come back later for dinner, okay?

Well, everything depends on Master Murong. Mei Niansheng nodded and said with satisfaction.

The servants were extremely discerning and helped Mei Niansheng and Ding Dian leave with their things.

Wang Yuyan smiled and said: Your sworn brother, master, is really fierce.

Haha, Mr. Mei was betrayed by his apprentice before. This bad anger has never been expressed in his heart. He is probably waiting for Ding Dian to avenge him. Murong Fu guessed casually.

Huh? Is there such a thing? Wang Yuyan was a little surprised.

Murong Fu smiled: There are always more things that are unclear about the affairs of the world.

By the way, Madam Liu and the others, can they come over on New Year's Eve? Murong Fu asked.

Wang Yuyan nodded: I asked the third brother to ask before, and he agreed to come to our house on New Year's Eve.

Well, there aren't many people in Governor Song's house. Are they coming over?

Murong Fu knew that Song Yongsi would not return to his hometown this year, so he sent an invitation in advance.

After all, we all serve as officials in the same court and get along quite happily, so it makes sense to ask.

Well... I don't know. Third brother didn't tell me. Wang Yuyan lowered her head and felt embarrassed.

Logically speaking, she should be responsible for this kind of thing.

However, since she rarely comes to the old house, Bao BuTong does all these things for her.

Haha, it's okay. Brother Bao San should be fine in a while. Murong Fu was worried about his beloved wife's random thoughts and held her hand and said.

Don't worry, cousin, I'm fine. I'm going to see how the food in the kitchen is doing. Wang Yuyan said with a chuckle.

Go. Murong Fu nodded.

After about half an hour, the servants prepared the meals and invited Mei Niansheng, Ding Dian, and Ling Shuanghua over.

Wang Yuyan also specially prepared several jars of medicinal wine to entertain everyone.

Murong Fu stood up and began to introduce the new people:

Bao BuTong, Su Ying and Su Shenzi, these are my cousins. Together they are called Murong Jiuxiu...

Ding Dian said in admiration: Eldest brother is really a big family, with a prosperous family, it's so lively.

Murong Fu couldn't help but look a little embarrassed when he heard the words population is booming.

The only person at the table besides himself was the stern-faced Murong Wudi.

The rest are all women, and it is obvious that the yin is strong and the yang is weak.

Mei Niansheng smiled and said: It seems that Mr. Murong needs to work harder and give birth to more boys.

Haha, as expected of Mr. Mei, he saw the clues at a glance. Murong Fu said with a smile.

Murong Wudi, who was always dissatisfied and angry, said: Mr. Mei, may I ask which Mr. Mei it is?

Murong Fu didn't know what this old guy was up to, so he joked:

Look, I forgot to introduce it to you.

This is my adopted brother's master, the iron-bone Mo Calyx Mei Niansheng.

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