My cousin is so miserable. Wang Yuyan took the elixir and sniffed it with her nose. She playfully stretched out her tongue and licked it with a look of disgust.

Murong Fu laughed and said: Haha, good medicine is bitter in the mouth and good for the body. You will have strength after eating it.

Is there really such a magical thing in this world? Wang Yuyan couldn't believe it.

Murong Fu shook his head: It's useful, but it's just that you have to take it to know whether it's true or false as stated in the prescription.

Well, okay, give me a taste. Wang Yuyan took the elixir in her mouth and swallowed it, and immediately felt a strange energy about to explode in her belly. .

Sit down and perform the Small Phaseless Skill. Murong Fu ordered quickly.

Wang Yuyan did not doubt his presence and sat obediently on the stone chair in front of Murong Fu.

He felt his lover's hands on his back, and from time to time, a warm energy entered his body.

Soft and silky, it seemed to be massaging her body.

After a few breaths, it came to her belly to help her digest the power of the elixir.

Breath by breath, time passes slowly.

Wang Yuyan naturally began to circulate Zhou Tian, ​​and the power of the medicine also traveled throughout the body along with the true energy.

Turning around, it went towards the limbs and bones, and penetrated into her body.

Unknowingly, with the help of Murong Fu, the medicinal power in Wang Yuyan's belly was completely refined.

She slowly opened her eyes, showing an incredible expression, and said excitedly: Cousin, I feel like I have become stronger.

Haha, it can't be so fast. Murong Fu shook his head and smiled.

Here, look. Seeing that Murong Fu didn't believe it, Wang Yuyan stood up and glanced at the stone table beside her, then reached out and grabbed it with her five fingers.

Murong Fu was startled. He quickly asked Wang Yuyan to put down the stone table: Good fellow, this stone table weighs at least three hundred kilograms. Cousin, you actually arrested me?

Well, I feel like my whole body is full of strength. Wang Yuyan clenched her hands and smiled.

Murong Fu was worried that something was wrong and quickly grabbed Wang Yuyan's hand to feel her pulse.

I found that everything was normal and nothing was wrong. When I was wondering, I saw Su Ying walking out of the house with an unhappy look on her face. She stared at the couple with wide eyes and pointed at Murong Fu as she walked over: also gave Sister Yuyan a strength-enhancing pill?

Yes, she can now hold a three hundred kilogram stone table. Do you want to try it? Murong Fu said with a smile.

I don't want it. If I exert my strength now... Su Ying glared at Murong Fu fiercely, and then looked up and down at Wang Yuyan very puzzledly: Why is Sister Yuyan okay?

What's the matter? Murong Fu didn't think of the embarrassment for a moment. But seeing Su Ying's shy look: Oh, haha, I helped her refine it, so she didn't have that reaction.

What! Can you help with the refining? Su Ying shouted, Then why are you helping me!

Who told you to run too fast? I want to help you. Murong Fu said with a smile.

You... Su Ying raised her hands and prepared to fight Murong Fu, but the anger in her belly was overwhelming and she couldn't move.

Haha, don't be angry, don't be angry. Next time I have some new medicine for you to take, I will help you refine it. Murong Fu laughed a few times and walked towards the house.

Murong Fu, you deserve to die! Su Ying cursed several times in anger.

Seeing this, Wang Yuyan stretched out her hand to pull Su Ying: Sister, don't be the same as him. He's almost thirty and he's still so ungrateful. Let me talk to him properly when I get back.

Su Ying looked at Wang Yuyan helplessly. She would rather believe that there were ghosts in the world than that Wang Yuyan would talk about Murong Fu. She shook her head:

Sister Yuyan, please don't lie to me. I guess if that bastard Murong Fu asked you to give me to him, you wouldn't even say no.

When Wang Yuyan heard this, she perked up and said, Sister Su, it's actually very good to marry my cousin. In the future, we sisters will be even closer.

This... Su Ying immediately imagined the scene where she and Wang Yuyan were serving the same husband, and she immediately stood up and ran away in fright: I don't want to serve that bastard.

Wang Yuyan shook her head when she saw this, and wanted to persuade her again.

But when she heard a loud noise coming from Su Ying's house, she thought about it and let it go.

Murong Fu returned to the room and was not idle. He took out two power-increasing pills and swallowed them to refine them.

As soon as the two pills entered the abdomen, the true energy in the body rushed towards them crazily, gaining experience in helping Wang Yuyan refine them.

In less than half an hour, it was easily refined.

Now he has practiced Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu to the fifth level.

With the help of these two pills, his power has reached the power of an elephant.

Yes, this feels good. Murong Fu tried to clench his fists. With his ability, he could now perfectly digest the power of the elixir.

Cousin, are you okay? Wang Yuyan stepped forward and asked when Murong Fu opened his eyes.

Murong Fu said: I took two strength-increasing pills, and they actually increased my strength by one thousand kilograms. This means that one pill can only increase my strength by five hundred kilograms at most. It does not have the power of an ox mentioned in the pill prescription.

Is the prescription fake? Wang Yuyan asked.

Probably not. If it's fake and you and I can't increase our strength, I guess my guess is right. The key to the lack of potency lies in the medicinal materials. Murong Fu said.

Medicinal materials? Wang Yuyan pondered for a moment and said, Could it be that who is my cousin? Today's medicinal materials do not have the... aura of ancient times?

Yes, my cousin agrees with me.

Murong Fu guessed that there must be some differences between the pre-Qin period and the present, otherwise it would be impossible to explain the existence of those immortals in ancient times.

Cousin, how many pills of this pill can you take? Wang Yuyan felt worried, worried that the pill would not be able to help Murong Fu.

About thirty. Murong Fu said after thinking about it, but seeing a look of worry on Wang Yuyan's face, he smiled and said, No need to worry, I have other ways.

Really? Wang Yuyan said in surprise.

Murong Fu hugged Wang Yuyan into his arms and said, Don't worry, Jin Lun Dharma King has only become a Grand Master not long ago. It is possible for him to defeat me, but it will be difficult to kill me.

I believe my cousin. Wang Yuyan nodded seriously.

Murong Fu felt someone approaching and shouted casually: Who?

Master, your adopted brother and his master have arrived outside the gate.

The servant outside the door was startled by Murong Fu's sudden shout and said quickly.

Haha, the adopted brother is here? Murong Fu was overjoyed and pulled Wang Yuyan and said, Come on, follow me to pick them up.


Wang Yuyan replied and followed Murong Fu to the gate of the old house.

As soon as they saw the three of them, they heard Murong Fu's laughter.

Haha, Mr. Mei, Second Brother, and Miss Ling are all here.

Mei Niansheng returned the gift with a smile: Mr. Murong, I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard that you have become famous recently, which is really rare.

No way, no way. Murong Fu smiled, turned his head to look at Ding Dian, then glanced at the beauty beside him, and said:

Haha, brother, you have finally grown up.

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