Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1380 The Wedding at Dugu Mansion

In the hall of Tianxiahui, Xiongba paced back and forth angrily, his forehead wrinkled slightly, and his eyes flashed with sharp light.

The golden folding fan in his hand gently tapped the long table, making a crisp sound, as if to emphasize his dissatisfaction.

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun stood at the entrance of the hall, facing the angry Xiong Ba, their expressions became a little nervous.

Nie Feng half-truthfully explained to Xiongba: Brother, I went out today mainly to find out the details of Rongfu Medicine Shop and ensure that our plan will not be leaked.

Xiong Ba's frown deepened. He didn't completely believe what Nie Feng said, but he didn't question it directly.

He knows that he cannot easily doubt his subordinates, otherwise he will destroy the trust relationship.

Therefore, he just took a deep look at Nie Feng and then turned to Bu Jingyun.

Xiongba's eyes were locked on Bu Jingyun, and his voice was calm and low, revealing unquestionable authority.

He asked Bu Jingyun for confirmation, hoping to get a clear answer: Bu Jingyun, are you sure that Nie Feng is telling the truth?

Bu Jingyun smiled slightly. His expression was strict and calm, without leaking any information.

He understands the importance of this moment and must keep it a secret so that the Overlords cannot doubt their loyalty.

He raised his eyebrows slightly and cast his gaze towards Nie Feng, as if to indicate to Nie Feng that he should stick to his original intention.

Then he replied calmly: He told the truth.

Xiongba nodded slightly, seeming to feel a little relieved.

Bu Jingyun's performance made him feel reassured. At least at this moment, he believed in the honesty of Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng.

But he knows that this world is full of fraud and betrayal, and he cannot take it lightly.

Okay, since you all said it was for the Tianxiahui, I will believe you for once.

Xiongba's tone softened slightly, but it still contained an element of warning.

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun nodded quickly to express their understanding.

They understand that being doubted or losing trust can be a fatal blow.

In this crisis-ridden world, they must remain vigilant while also serving Murong Fu's plans.

The atmosphere in the hall was a little heavy, and Xiong Ba's anger eased slightly, but his vigilance did not dissipate.

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun carefully exited the hall, knowing in their hearts that they had to be more careful to prevent any threat to Murong Fu's plan.

And a few days later.

In the main palace of Dugu City.

Red festive gauze is flying in every corner of Dugu Mansion, like crimson clouds rolling in the sky, exuding a strong festive atmosphere.

The banquet hall in the mansion was even more magnificently decorated, with huge red silk hangings hanging down and golden flowers dotting it, as if entering a fairyland.

The light smoke from the incense burner rises slowly in the air, exuding the fragrant fragrance of flowers and sandalwood, which is intoxicating.

In the courtyard, there was an endless stream of guests. People in costumes gathered together to congratulate and talk to each other. There was endless laughter and cheers.

The servants in the mansion also wore uniform red robes, meticulously carrying all kinds of delicacies and placing all kinds of delicacies on the long table in the banquet hall.

The huge jade plate was filled with exquisite pastries and fruits, and the magnificent wine vessels were filled with fine wine.

Dugu Ming was dressed in a wedding dress and running around busily, his face filled with anticipation and excitement.

He personally checks every detail to make sure everything is perfect.

From time to time, he would ask the servants about the preparations for the celebration, his voice full of gentleness and kindness.

Are the flowers arranged properly? he asked a servant, his eyes shining with happiness.

Yes, Palace Master.

The servant replied respectfully, they all knew that this wedding was very important to the master of the palace.

And the other side.

The atmosphere in the Ming family hall was very different from usual, and a tense atmosphere filled the air.

Especially outside the door of Mingyue's room, several maids were whispering to each other in low voices, their expressions showing uneasiness and worry.

They hold the brooms and mops tightly in their hands, as if they are not holding tools, but a kind of psychological support.

What are you muttering about? Suddenly, a sharp voice broke the silence, and grandma walked in.

Her eyes were so sharp, as if they could penetrate everything, making the maids even more afraid to raise their heads.

Grandma was wearing a brocade gown that was embroidered with exquisite patterns, but the gorgeous dress at this moment was in sharp contrast to the angry look on her face.

Miss Mingyue hasn't come out of the room for a long time, and we don't dare to disturb her. M..

A maid responded tactfully, the corners of her mouth twitching, fearing to arouse her grandma's anger.

Why don't you dare to disturb her? Isn't today her big day? Why don't you change into your wedding clothes? Grandma pinched her handkerchief angrily, turned around and pushed open the door of Mingyue's room.

In the room, Mingyue sat in front of the dressing table, wearing a lavender dress, staring blankly at herself in the mirror.

There was no smile on her face, but a sad look on her face.

Seeing her grandma come in, she couldn't help but choked up and tears rolled down her face.

Mingyue, what's going on? Grandma frowned and placed a hand on Mingyue's shoulder.

Grandma, I don't want to get married, I really don't.

Mingyue cried, her voice trembling, I don't love him, how could I marry him?

What are you talking about? Grandma's eyes widened, obviously not expecting Mingyue to have such a reaction, Do you know how important this marriage is to our Ming family?

Mingyue shook her head feebly, her eyes full of tears: But I can't sacrifice my happiness for the benefit of my family.

Grandma's eyes darkened and she seemed a little speechless for a moment.

But after all, she is an experienced old man, and she quickly adjusted her mood, and her tone was gentler: Mingyue, nine times out of ten things in life will be unsatisfactory.

There are some things we can't choose.

Mingyue raised her head and looked at her grandma, with a hint of determination in her eyes: But grandma, marriage is the most important thing in my life, and I can't give in.

Grandma pursed her lips tightly, her eyes flashing with unconcealable anger.

She slowly walked to the dressing table and gently opened a box studded with pearls. Inside was Mingyue's phoenix crown and a string of gold and silver jewelry.

Mingyue, don't think that if you cry a few tears, things will be solved.

Grandma said coldly, picking up a jade bracelet and placing it in front of Mingyue's eyes, Look at these, this is the accumulation of several generations of the Ming family. Do you want to destroy it like this?

Mingyue raised her head and looked at her grandma, her eyes filled with tears that were not easy to detect, but more of an uncompromising determination.

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