Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1379 Agree to your conditions

The scarred man stood aside, but his heart was beating.

He decided to approach the exchange with more caution.

Finally, Murong Fu ended his conversation with the woman and walked over.

You're back.

Then, what do you think, Master Di Shitian? Murong Fu asked with a smile.

The scarred man took a deep breath and tried to look calm.

Lord Emperor Shitian agreed to your conditions.

He said, and at the same time he became more convinced that this Murong Fu was by no means a simple person.

After hearing this, the smile on Murong Fu's face became more obvious, but he didn't say anything more. He just took out an exquisite wooden box from behind the counter, put the small jade bottle in it, and then handed it to the scar-faced man.

If necessary, Rongfu Pharmacy is always waiting for you.

Murong Fu said.

The scar-faced man took the wooden box and nodded, but his heart was full of doubts and uneasiness.

After saying goodbye politely, he left Rong Fu Pharmacy.

As the night grew darker, Murong Fu stood at the door of Rong Fu's Medicine Shop and took a deep breath of the cool night breeze.

He turned to the waiter and said, You are responsible for closing the store. Be careful and don't accept any transactions from unknown persons.

The waiter immediately understood and responded solemnly: I understand, shopkeeper.

Murong Fu then turned to Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, both of whom were dressed in black, low-key and mysterious.

You two should go back to Tianxiahui as soon as possible. There are things that need to be dealt with there.

I still have some things to do while I'm here.

Murong Fu's tone was calm but clear.

Nie Feng nodded slightly and responded briefly: Understood.

Bu Jingyun showed a thoughtful smile, but didn't say anything, just nodded.

In that case, let's go our separate ways.

Murong Fu waved his hand to say goodbye.

The three people's eyes met for a second, as if at this moment, each of them understood the challenges and unknowns they might face next.

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun turned around and walked out of the medicine shop, disappearing into the night.

Murong Fu looked at their leaving figures, sighed lightly, then turned around and walked back to the medicine shop.

When the waiter saw Murong Fu coming back, he immediately stepped forward and asked, Shopkeeper, do you need me to do anything?

Prepare a few commonly used medicinal materials. I need to refine some potions myself.

Murong Fu responded.

Yes, shopkeeper.

The waiter busily began to prepare.

And the other side.

The Ming family's mansion was always lively at night, with bright lights and constant laughter.

However, Mingyue felt more and more that there was something hidden behind these laughter and lights.

As she walked in the mansion, she discovered a disturbing phenomenon: many of the servants were new faces.

These new faces seemed diligent and obedient, but their eyes made Mingyue feel uncomfortable.

When one of the new servants was serving tea, Mingyue noticed a subtle alertness flashing in his eyes, as if he was always paying attention to her.

At dinner time, Mingyue and grandma sat at a dining table made of rosewood.

There are various delicacies on the table, but Mingyue's appetite is not good.

Grandma, I think there are a lot of new faces in the house recently.

Where did they come from? Mingyue tried to control her emotions and keep her tone calm.

Grandma put down the chopsticks in her hand and said with a smile: Oh, they were sent by the Lord of Dugu City.

It is said that they are all capable people, so I accepted them.

Upon hearing the words Dugu City Lord, Mingyue's heart tightened.

Various possibilities immediately emerged in her mind, and the one that made her panic the most was: was she being watched?

Grandma, why did the Lord of Dugu City send these people here? Mingyue tried hard to control her tone and not let her anxiety show.

Grandma glanced at Mingyue uncertainly, as if looking for a suitable explanation, and then said casually: The Lord of Dugu City may have good intentions.

You know, he always likes to do unexpected things.

Mingyue felt increasingly uneasy, but she knew now was not the time to get angry.

Just as she was about to change the topic, her grandma suddenly asked, Mingyue, I remember you had contact with Murong Fu.

What's your impression of him?

This sudden question made Mingyue even more alert, and she realized that there must be something fishy in it. .

But she still replied: Murong Fu? He seems to be a smart and capable man.

Grandma smiled, but that smile made Mingyue feel a little unreal.

Yes, he is indeed a capable young man.

Maybe we will have more intersections in the future.

Grandma put away her smile and sighed softly.

Grandma looked at Mingyue's face, and the doubts in her heart became more and more obvious.

She could almost tell that Mingyue's attitude towards Murong Fu was not just a general understanding, but she did not continue to ask.

She gently put down the porcelain bowl and put her hand on Mingyue's shoulder.

Mingyue, let's not talk about anything else.

The wedding is approaching, you should start preparing wedding clothes. After all, Dugu Ming is a good candidate.

Although grandma's tone was calm, the underlying meaning made Mingyue feel depressed.

Mingyue's hand resting on the table couldn't help but clenched into a fist, and the veins on the back of her hand were slightly highlighted.

I will prepare the wedding dress, grandma.

Mingyue forced a smile, trying to cover up her inner discomfort.

Good boy, you are always so sensible.

Grandma patted Mingyue's hand gently, but her eyes seemed to be examining a complex work of art.

Mingyue responded with a smile, but her heart felt like a huge stone was pressing down on her.

She understands that this time is not just her personal problem, but involves the future and safety of the entire Ming family.

She could not let her personal emotions affect the overall situation, even if that meant suppressing her growing feelings for Murong Fu.

The two of them cleared the tableware in silence, and there seemed to be some indescribable tension and silence in the air.

Mingyue, go to bed early. There are still many things to do tomorrow.

Grandma finally broke the silence and reminded gently.

Okay, grandma.

You should also go to bed early.

Mingyue held her breath, stood up and gently gathered her skirt, then turned around and left slowly.

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun walked into the hall of Tianxiahui and saw Xiongba standing there with a slight wrinkle on his forehead and a sharp light in his eyes.

He held a golden folding fan tightly on the back of his hand and kept tapping the long table in the center of the hall.

Nie Feng, where have you been today?

Why haven't you been in Tianxiahui all day? Xiongba asked, with an unmistakable seriousness in his voice.

As Xiong Ba's words fell, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun's hearts tightened almost at the same time, and Nie Feng's face turned a little pale!

Naturally, Xiong Ba couldn't let Xiong Ba know about his secret relationship with Murong Fu.

Otherwise, Nie Feng was not sure what kind of trouble he would cause Murong Fu!

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