Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1369 Jianghu people falling from the sky

At this moment.

In the gate of heaven.

Emperor Shakti sat on a seat carved from nine kinds of rare jade.

His robe shimmered with a faint golden luster, reflecting each other with the dozens of pearl lights hanging in the sect hall.

His eyes were like cold stars, sweeping over him, making the disciples in the hall dare not look directly at him.

In his hand he held an invitation framed with brocade and jade.

The phoenix-feather font on the invitation is full of tension, showing Murong Fu's unusual identity.

Murong Fu, the man from the world who is said to have descended from the sky.

Could it be that he has already made a name for himself, and now he has even extended an invitation to a sect leader like me to move to another house? Emperor Shitian smiled leisurely and contentedly, and then put down the invitation.

But soon, Emperor Shitian seemed to have thought of something, and whispered to himself: This Murong Fu is not just an ordinary person.

He is related to mysterious forces and may even pose a threat to the entire Tianmen Sect.

The attendant in the sect hall saw the subtle change in Emperor Shaktian's expression, stepped forward gently, and asked respectfully: Master, how do you think we should respond to this invitation?

Emperor Shitian stood up and walked slowly towards the window, looking through the clouds and mist outside the hall, as if he could see the endless future.

Tell the disciples to prepare the best gifts.

I decided to go there myself to see where this Murong Fu came from.

Upon hearing this, the attendant immediately kowtowed and responded loudly: Yes, Master!

Emperor Shitian smiled slightly, but there was no slightest hint of contempt or arrogance in his heart.

He knew very well that this trip might disturb the delicate balance between Tianmen and other sects.

However, it's a challenge he's happy to accept.

Okay, you can go get ready.

Emperor Shitian waved his hand, indicating that the attendants could leave.

The attendant respectfully exited the hall, while Emperor Shitian sat back on his chair and began to study Murong Fu's invitation in detail...

And at the same time.

Wushuang City, in the main palace of Dugu City.

On the wall of the study room hangs a landscape painting with a python skin background. The brush is dripping and full of atmosphere.

Dugu Yifang was wearing a dark robe with exquisite dragon and phoenix patterns embroidered on the sleeves, showing his noble status.

At this moment, Dugu Fang held an exquisite invitation in his hand. He read every word and line carefully, his eyes showing a hint of complexity.

The invitations were made of high-grade brocade and jade, and even the handwriting on the invitations exuded an extraordinary temperament.

Humph, Murong Fu, are you finally planning to ease your relationship with me? Dugu Fang smiled slightly, almost overjoyed.

He pressed the copper bell on the table. After a brief ringing, a maid walked in quickly.

City Lord, what are your orders?

Prepare a gift. I want to attend the housewarming celebration of Murong Mansion in person.

Make sure this gift is the best in our Dugu family, which is enough to show my respect for Murong Fu.

Dugu Fang ordered with a firm voice.

The maid immediately responded respectfully, Yes, City Lord.

Then walked out of the study.

Dugu Fang stood up, walked to the window of the study, opened the window, and looked out at the magnificent scene of Dugu City.

He was full of expectations, If I can reach a reconciliation with Murong Fu this time, it will greatly enhance my status in the world.

He returned to his desk, took out a piece of white paper and a wolf-hair brush, and began to write a reply carefully.

Every stroke and every painting is full of his emphasis on this housewarming celebration.

After writing the reply, he carefully put it into a brocade bag tied with red silk tape and pressed the bell again.

Send this reply to Murong Mansion and make sure it is delivered to Murong Fu accurately.

Dugu Fang handed it to the maid who walked in, his tone full of seriousness.

The maid took the brocade bag and nodded gently, I'll do it right away, City Lord.

Watching the maid exit the study, Dugu Fang sat back in his seat with a smile, but this time, his smile was filled with more confidence and expectation.

And at this moment.

In Murong's mansion.

Murong Fu was sitting in the exquisite piano room of his residence, with a guzheng placed on a low table and the faint smoke of sandalwood floating in the air.

The maid stood beside him like a shadow, holding a plate made of rosewood in her hands, with dozens of exquisite replies on it.

Who are they from? Murong Fu raised his head, his eyes as calm as a lake untouched by the wind.

There are replies from the Lord's Mansion of Dugu City, Tianmen, Tiexin Island and Wushen Jue Palace, Master.

The maid tried her best to keep her voice steady, but still inevitably showed a hint of excitement.

Murong Fu reached out and picked up a reply, opened it gently, and then glanced at it.

He put it back on the plate, picked another one, read it, and put it back again.

The maid observed all this and was secretly surprised.

She thought to herself that any master who could receive responses from so many masters would be somewhat complacent or happy.

However, Murong Fu's expression did not change at all, as if all this was within his expectation.

Very good, you can go prepare for the celebration.

Murong Fu said calmly.

The maid immediately saluted: Yes, Master.

After the maid left, Murong Fu gently played the strings of the guzheng and produced melodious notes.

His expression remained unchanged, but an unfathomable light flashed in his eyes.

Everyone thinks that this celebration is an opportunity to show off the family's prestige, Murong Fu whispered to himself, but do they understand that this celebration is more likely to be the beginning of a change in the world's situation?

He stood up, walked to the window of the piano room, and opened the window.

From here, you can see the busy preparations in the mansion. Workers are setting up banquet tents, gardeners are pruning the flowers and trees in the courtyard, and maids and servants are shuttling around every corner. They are all very busy. M..

Murong Fu looked at all this, and finally a smile appeared on his lips...

At this moment, the busy preparation work in Murong's mansion has reached its climax.

The maids and servants shuttled through every corner of the mansion while communicating and coordinating with the workers who were setting up the banquet.

The maid Zhilan held a detailed list and kept checking various items and ingredients.

Her expression was focused and serious, leaving little time to pay attention to the others.

Walking into the kitchen, she took a look at the ingredients on the table: delicacies from the mountains and seas, various vegetables and selected meats.

The chefs were busy preparing various delicacies, and the firelight reflected on their sweaty faces.

At the same time, the servant Changfeng was directing the workers in the front yard of the mansion.

Several carpenters were busy building a large tent to entertain the upcoming distinguished guests.

Changfeng's eyes are like a torch, and he patrols the workers' actions from time to time to ensure that every detail meets the predetermined standards.

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