Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1368 Murong Fu’s invitation

At this moment, Dugu Fang carefully considered every detail, but no matter how he planned, in the end, he could not do without one person - Murong Fu.

This made Dugu Yifang feel a sense of loss and anxiety.

Finally, he placed the parchment on the table and decided to review it again the next day.

He walked to the window and opened it, and the biting night wind immediately hit his face.

Standing there alone, watching the moonlight shining on the roofs and high walls outside the window, the pressure in his heart seemed to lighten a little.

However, no matter how much he hopes that things will turn around, he knows that the reality is cruel.

He withdrew his gaze, slowly closed the window, and then blew out the oil lamp in the study.

The next day.

Xiongba sat in the hall of Tianxiahui, always maintaining that arrogant and unfathomable look on his face.

His eyes were like lightning, as if he could see through everything.

Just as he was about to take his first sip of tea, a waiter with a tray came in and said politely: Master, there is an invitation.

Xiong Ba stretched out a hand and took the gorgeous invitation.

He carefully observed the texture and materials of the invitation, and secretly evaluated the other party's taste and heritage.

Finally, he slowly unfolded the invitation.

Murong Fu? An imperceptible light flashed through Xiong Ba's eyes, but the smile at the corner of his mouth never changed.

He handed the invitation to the waiter: Keep it, I'll reply later.

The waiter took the invitation respectfully and left.

Xiongba's eyes returned to the tea cup, but the teaspoon in his hand slowed down.

He began to recall the brief contact with Murong Fu and Bu Jingyun's description of this man.

Murong Fu is indeed worthy of attention.

he thought to himself.

However, he also realized that Murong Fu was by no means a simple character.

This is a person with multiple identities and complex backgrounds, and every action may affect the situation in the stormy world.

What is the purpose of this Murong Fu? Xiong Ba's eyes became sharper.

He touched the sword on the table and felt the cold air coming from the hilt.

This reminded him of the old saying: The situation is like this sword, sharp and cold, and once it is unsheathed, it must see blood.

He gently put down the teaspoon, stood up, and walked to the window.

Looking at the busy streets and the endless flow of people outside the window, Xiong Ba thought to himself: Murong Fu, how many people's fates are you going to affect?

Then, he turned around and walked back to his seat, continuing to sip his tea as if he had everything under control.

the other side.

In the meeting hall of Iron Heart Island, strange runes were carved on the stone wall, and the burning torch made a crackling sound, bringing weak light to the three people in the hall.

Huai Kong and Huai Mie were sitting on both sides of the long table, their faces serious.

Now that the cultivation resources on the island are gradually dwindling, we must consider the next step.

Huai Kong spoke slowly, his eyes moving back and forth between Huai Mie and the map on the table.

Huai Mie was about to respond when the door was gently pushed open and Bai Ling walked in holding a golden tray.

There was an exquisite invitation on the tray.

Senior brother, junior brother, someone sent an invitation.

Bai Ling said calmly, walked to the table and put down the tray.

Huai Kong reached out to pick up the invitation and glanced at it quickly.

Murong Fu?

I've heard of this name. He seems to be a newly emerging figure.

Huai Mie frowned slightly, Murong Fu's name has become quite popular recently. I heard that he will have some connections with the world.

But the specific identity is unknown.

Bai Ling picked up the invitation and looked at it carefully.

The material and handwriting of this invitation are quite exquisite. It seems that he is not an ordinary person.

Moreover, he seems to have used a special kind of ink on this invitation, which has a faint fragrance.

Huai Kong put down the tea cup in his hand, Since he dares to send the invitation at such a time, he must have his purpose.

Bai Ling, please reply and tell us that Tiexin Island declines this invitation.

Senior brother, do we really have to decline this invitation? Bai Ling turned around, with a hint of confusion in her eyes.

Huai Kong and Huai Mie exchanged a look, and both could see the thinking in the other's eyes.

Do you have any questions? Huai Kong asked.

Huai Mie nodded, feeling that the situation was a bit complicated.

Murong Fu was able to establish contact with many forces in such a short period of time, which is definitely not an ordinary person.

We should pay close attention to his movements.

Since Murong Fu dared to send the invitation so blatantly, does it mean that he has no ill intentions towards us?

And maybe a trip would allow us to get to know him better.

Bai Ling explained.

Huai Mie frowned, and then said slowly: Bai Ling's words make sense.

This invitation is hardly an opportunity. We can take this opportunity to understand what kind of person Murong Fu is.

Huai Kong was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Well, in that case, let's go.

But be careful, this Murong Fu may not be as simple as he appears on the surface.

Then it's settled.

Huai Mie finally made a decision.

Bai Ling smiled softly and picked up the invitation, Understood. I will reply to Murong Fu to express that our Tiexin Island is willing to accept his invitation.

at the same time.

In the dark hall of Wushenjue Palace, a group of disciples wearing black robes and iron masks stood together, and everyone's eyes revealed a hint of curiosity and vigilance that was not easy to detect.

Kishara Thirty-seven, you just said that you have something to discuss with everyone? A voice under the mask asked coldly.

Ghostsara Thirty-seven walked to the center, holding an exquisite invitation in his hand, and placed it on the stone table in the center of the hall.

This is an invitation from Murong Fu.

For a moment, an oppressive silence filled the hall.

Murong Fu? Guishaluo Shiyi whispered, I seem to have heard this name somewhere.

Well, he's a recent up-and-coming guy who is said to have magical powers.

Ghostsara twenty-four added.

If he invites us, does it mean he wants to establish some kind of connection with us? Guishara Fifty-Five asked a question.

Possibly, but more likely he had other motives.

Kisara Thirty-three said, the eyes under the mask seemed sharper.

Are we going? Guishaluo Thirty-Seven looked around and asked tentatively.


Kisaraichi suddenly spoke, his voice full of unquestionable authority, But not all of them, only a few people are sent to investigate and observe.

We need more information about this Murong Fu.

I suggest that we go via Ghostsara Thirty-Seven and Ghostsara Twenty-Four.

Ghostsara Twelve said, Both of them have their own strengths and should be able to deal with various emergencies.

Ghostsara Thirty-Seven and Ghostsara Twenty-four nodded, expressing their willingness to perform this task.

Then it's settled. Get ready and set off tomorrow.

Guishara said with an order.

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