Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1365 The Ming Family’s Token

The next day, Mingyue's grandma came to the city lord's mansion in Dugu Yifang alone, holding a token of the Ming family and wearing a dark robe.

On both sides of the gate of the city lord's palace were guards dressed in gold, with sharp eyes and an oppressive atmosphere all over their bodies.

When the guards saw the Ming family's token, their attitude immediately became very respectful, and they quickly guided grandma into the house.

The layout of the mansion is extremely luxurious, with koi swimming in the pond and small bridges and flowing water, it feels like a paradise.

The city lord was sitting alone in the middle of the hall. When he saw Mingyue's grandma, a hint of surprise flashed across his face, and then he quickly turned into a solemn look, stood up, and went to greet her in person.

Elder of the Ming family, you are really welcome to come to my house. What are you doing for me? Dugu Fang said as he motioned to his attendants to prepare a seat and refreshments for his grandma.

The Lord of Dugu City is too praised.

In fact, I came here this time to discuss the marriage between Mingyue and Duguming's families.

Grandma smiled slightly, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

Hearing this, Dugu Fang's face suddenly showed joy, as if the long-awaited treasure finally appeared in front of him.

Haha, this is really a good thing.

By marrying two families, they will definitely be able to advance and retreat together and build a stronger alliance.

Grandma nodded, seemingly satisfied with Dugu Fang's response, but still maintained that amiable smile on her face.

In that case, I will go back and inform Yue'er first to prepare for the wedding.

Then there is the elder of the Lao Ming family.

The two stood up and bowed to each other. It seemed that the marriage between the two families was a foregone conclusion.

After grandma left, Dugu Fang sat back in his seat with a proud smile on his face. .

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The moonlight is like water, dotted in every corner of the capital, adding a bit of silence and mystery to this bustling city.

Murong Fu and Duan Lang walked into a remote inn. The wooden sign Ruyiju on the door looked even more mottled in the moonlight.

That guy Dugu stabbed us in the back. It's really unreasonable! Duanlang muttered and patted his sleeves to show his dissatisfaction.

Murong Fu shook his head and said calmly: This is also the way the Dugu family behaves. They care about gains and losses. Why should they be on the same level as him?

Duan Lang was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly: That's right, instead of wasting time on them, it's better to do something more meaningful.

Murong Fu walked to a long wooden table, opened a map, and pointed to one of the places: Find a courtyard that is quiet and remote. It will be more convenient to do things here in the future.

Duanlang responded and stood up: I understand, I'll do it right away.

Murong Fu nodded and watched Duan Lang leave.

Murong Fu's expression changed slightly after a squeaking sound was heard from behind the door.

Convenient yard.

His eyes sparkled with intelligence, as if he had already sketched out various possibilities in his mind.

Arriving at the mansion area in Nancheng, Duan Lang rode his horse slowly and carefully observed every house and yard.

He stopped occasionally and looked intently at the structure of the fence, the trees in the yard, and the surrounding environment.

Then he reached into his robe, took out a small notebook and pen, and quickly wrote down some key information.

Finally, his eyes settled on a courtyard that seemed ordinary but exuded a simple temperament.

This place is some distance from the main road, and there are no eye-catching buildings around it, which just meets Murong Fu's need to keep a low profile and avoid publicity.

Duanlang got off his horse and walked straight to the gate.

At this time, a middle-aged man who looked about fifty years old and looked haggard came out.

There was a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

Excuse me, is the yard here for sale? Duan Lang asked with a smile.

The middle-aged man's eyes turned around and finally landed on Duan Lang, Yes, do you want to take a look?

Of course, I came to see the yard on behalf of my master.

Duan Lang stepped into the courtyard and carefully inspected every corner.

He noticed the vigorous old trees in the courtyard and a few koi carps swimming in the small pond. Everything seemed so harmonious.

Finally, they reached a beautifully decorated inner hall.

After Duanlang sat down, he asked, What price do you have for this yard?

The middle-aged man pondered for a moment and said, Since the surrounding environment is quiet and the yard is well maintained, I think five hundred taels of gold should be suitable.

Duan Lang smiled slightly, knowing that bargaining was inevitable, Five hundred taels is a bit high for me, how about four hundred taels?

The middle-aged man frowned, Four hundred taels is indeed a bit low.

But considering that the owner you represent seems to be very sincere, how about four hundred and fifty taels?

Duanlang didn't respond immediately. He stood up and walked to the window, as if to examine whether the price was worth it.

After a few seconds, he turned around and nodded, Deal, four hundred and fifty taels.

The middle-aged man smiled and looked very satisfied.

Duanlang took out a heavy money bag and handed it to the middle-aged man, and then they exchanged some documents and contracts.

If there are no other issues, it's a deal.

Duanlang stood up and nodded to the middle-aged man.

Thank you, sir. I wish your master a happy stay.

The middle-aged man also stood up, looking very satisfied.

Duan Lang left the courtyard with a smile, knowing in his heart that the courtyard purchased this time would become an important stronghold for Murong Fu.

at the same time.

the other side.

The dining room of the Ming family mansion is decorated with complicated furniture and tapestries, and gorgeous porcelain and silverware are placed on the long table.

Several servants stood in the corner with their heads bowed, and the atmosphere was slightly depressing.

Grandma was sitting on the main seat with a solemn look on her face.

Her eyes were fixed on Ming Yue across the table.

Mingyue, I have something to tell you.

The Lord of Dugu City and I have reached an agreement that you will marry the young master of the Dugu family.

The spoon in Mingyue's hand suddenly stopped, she shook slightly, and then put the spoon down.

Her face was pale, as if all the blood had been drained from her face.

What's the matter, Mingyue?

You don't look right.

Grandma frowned, and her eyes became sharp, as if she was trying to see through Mingyue's heart.

Mingyue tried hard to stabilize her emotions and replied softly: It's nothing, grandma.

It's just a little unexpected. I didn't expect things to progress so fast.

She actually had mixed feelings in her heart, because she had secretly surrendered to Murong Fu, and this sudden engagement made her feel on edge.

But Mingyue knew that if anything strange was revealed at this time, the consequences would be disastrous.

At this moment, although grandma still felt something was wrong, she did not continue to ask.

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