Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1364 To release or not to release

At this time, Murong Fu's god-level selection system suddenly appeared quietly in his consciousness.

Option 1: Take this opportunity to completely deal with Dugu Ming, thereby reducing future troubles.

Option 2: Let Dugu Ming go for the time being and use him as a bargaining chip. He may be of greater use in the future.

Murong Fu did not hesitate and chose the second option.

For him, what is more important now is to stabilize his foundation in this world.

Instead of directly killing Dugu Ming.

After all, a large part of the cause and effect of this stormy world lies with the Dugu family.

If he rashly kills such a key figure, he might get into some trouble.

It even makes it more difficult to find a way to leave.

The system displays: Selection confirmed.

In this way, my drug store plan can be advanced faster.

Murong Fu was secretly happy.

The moon was dark and the wind was high. Murong Fu stood at the top of a pavilion, looking at the starry night sky.

His god-level selection system quietly appeared in his mind.

The choice has been confirmed, and the reward is unlocked: Get a production method of the raw material 'White Jade Qisheng Pill' available in Fengyun World.

The corners of Murong Fu's eyes rose slightly. This reward was exactly what he needed to open a chain of drug stores.

He immediately turned his attention to

Duan Lang, let him go.

Ask him to go back and send a message to the Dugu family, telling them not to provoke us easily.

Murong Fu said coldly, his voice like cold wind penetrating the bone marrow.

Duan Lang frowned slightly, looked at Dugu Ming and said fiercely: Get out!

He put the long knife back into its sheath, with a hint of dissatisfaction and disgust in his eyes.

Dugu Ming was still in shock and ran away in a pee, as if he had just walked away from the gate of hell.

And at the same time.

Murong Fu and Duan Lang were sitting in the luxurious banquet hall of Zuixiang Tower. The table was filled with all kinds of food and wine.

The atmosphere in the banquet hall was not relaxed. Duan Lang bit into a piece of roast lamb, as if he was using his strength to release his disgust for Dugu Fang.

“Dugu’s group of people are full of tricks.

I didn't kill Dugu Ming this time, but one day, I will make them pay the price.

Duan Lang said bitterly, the wine glass in his hand was almost crushed by him.

Murong Fu held the tea bowl in one hand and held his beard in the other, his eyebrows calm.

You hate them, I understand, but remember, we have more important things to do.

Such a small role is not worth wasting too much energy on us.

I know, but every time I think about them, I can't help but feel itchy with hatred.

Duan Lang sighed, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, Dugu Ming escaped from the box in Zuixiang Tower in a state of embarrassment. His clothes were torn and his face was white. He was obviously in extreme panic.

The girls in Zuixiang Tower heard the commotion and all poked their heads out to take a look.

Seeing Dugu Ming's appearance, they were all startled, covering their mouths and dumbfounded.

The usually handsome and majestic Mr. Dugu is now so miserable.

Dugu Ming was not in the mood to care about this. He felt that he had lost all face and was even more afraid of Murong Fu and Duan Lang. He decided to go back and report to Dugu Fang quickly to prevent greater losses.

Dugu Ming walked awkwardly through the alley at the back door of Zuixiang Tower, his torn clothes fluttering in the night wind, as if laughing at his misery at the moment.

He held a short knife tightly in his hand, and his heart was full of disdain and doubt.

In just an instant, he went from being the beloved young master of the Dugu family to a desperate man running for his life.

At the entrance of the alley, the dilapidated wooden signs of the nearby shops creaked in the wind, as if they were mocking him.

After crossing the alley, Dugu Ming couldn't help but stop and take a few deep breaths. The humiliation and fear made him unable to calm down.

At the same time, in Zuixiang Tower, the girls were chattering about Murong Ming's embarrassing state just now.

A girl in a green dress couldn't help but cover her mouth with her hands. She had paired with Dugu Ming many times and was considered a celebrity next to Dugu Ming.

Now that I see him in such a miserable condition, I feel unbelievable.

How is it possible? Is that Mr. Dugu? How could he... A girl in red had surprise in her eyes. She looked at each other and saw the incredulity in the other girls' eyes.

Dugu Ming regained his composure and continued running in the direction of Dugu's home.

He knew that the matter had to be reported to his family as soon as possible before he could decide on his next course of action.

An unknown fire arose in his heart, and Dugu Ming secretly determined to regain the face he had lost this time no matter what.

But he also knows that he cannot solve all this by himself.

The man named Murong Fu was completely different from what he had heard before. Not only was he highly skilled in martial arts, but he was also extremely clever and difficult to guard against.

Dugu Ming secretly thought to himself that he must be fully prepared when he goes back this time, otherwise he will be seeking death.

Running out of the alley, the moonlight shone on his face, reflecting an imperceptible determination.

Dugu Ming stopped looking back, quickened his pace, and disappeared into the night.

at the same time.

the other side.

In the Ming family's mansion, under a bright lantern, Ming Yue sat in front of the exquisite wooden dressing table with a sad face.

Her eyes glanced at the moon outside the window from time to time, as if seeking answers.

The curtains were embroidered with delicate peonies, but she had no intention of admiring them.

Grandma came in, Yue'er, what are you doing sitting here in a daze? Grandma opened the door and came in, holding a steaming bowl of red dates and lotus seed soup in her hand.

I stewed this specially for you. Eat some. It's good for your health.

Grandma said with a smile and put the bowl on the table.

Hearing this, Mingyue forced a smile and said, Thank you, grandma. I'll eat it soon.

Why does this kid look so worried?

What happened? Grandma leaned closer to Mingyue, with a trace of concern in her eyes.

Mingyue pinched the jade bracelet in her hand and pondered for a moment, Actually, it was Dugu Fang who asked me to marry Dugu Ming....

Upon hearing the news, grandma immediately beamed with joy, clasped her hands and said, This is such a happy event. The Dugu family is the best ally of our Ming family.

Yue'er, you should be happy!

After hearing this, Mingyue raised the corners of her mouth slightly, but her smile was like a flower that had not fully bloomed. Grandma, I know this is a good thing for the family, but I always feel...

I feel like I'm being traded.

I don't want to marry Dugu Ming at all.

Ah, kid, you think too much.

In this world, marriage is a common method for family development.

You and Dugu Ming may not be in love at first, but as time goes by, who says you can't be happy?

Grandma patted Mingyue's hand and said with a smile on her face.

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