Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1267 Two people with mouths in their mouths

Ye Haowen stared at the young man seriously.

What, Lao Ye, do you have anything to ask? About your opponents? To be honest, I found a few, but I feel that they are not very good. One of them has outstanding swordsmanship, but has no sword intention at all. I don’t know how to practice.”

Several black lines flashed on Ye Haowen's forehead.

The young man didn't notice anything wrong at all.

After finishing speaking, he drank the bitter tea in one gulp.

What Ye Haowen saw at this time was that his mouth was dry.

Hey, the tea in this restaurant is really delicious. Unfortunately, the Roland Conference is about to start. I can't drink for the time being. I go crazy when I drink. Come on, waiter!

When Ye Haowen saw this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

If nothing else, by this time, the other party should also order him a cup of tea.

Even if it's not tea, a little wine is fine.

Masters, what do you want?

The tea you have here is delicious. Give me another cup. He will pay the bill later. Okay, let's go.

When the young man said something, both Xiao Er and Ye Haowen were stunned at the same time.

But after all, Xiao Er is a person who has been able to survive in Pengcheng until now. He knows very well what to do at this time.

Okay, sir, tea will be here soon!

The waiter turned around and left.

This time, several green veins appeared on Ye Haowen's forehead.

By the way, Lao Ye, what do you want to say?

At this time, the young man suddenly realized that he seemed to be drinking Ye Haowen's tea, and he drank the tea directly.

Well, Lao Ye, it's mainly because you were thirsty most of the day, so I helped you drink. You shouldn't blame me.

Ye Haowen finally couldn't hold himself any longer.

A few blue veins popped out on his face.

He slowly placed one hand on the hilt of his sword.

Calm eyes.

I suddenly felt last night that I had a breakthrough in my swordsmanship...

Oh, your talent is really good. You can achieve a breakthrough by holding your broken sword while falling asleep. I can't do it. No, there are not many people in this lower world who can do it.

The young man seemed not to understand why Ye Haowen said such things.

He himself talked tirelessly.

It's like opening up a conversation box.

What I mean is that the two of us should spar.

Only now did the young man react.

Hey, wait a minute, Lao Ye, that's not the case. What's the relationship between me, Zhang Yuan, and you? They are good brothers. Do you know that I saved your life just now? I was helping. Check to see if there is any poison in the tea in this restaurant. Do you know? You have to understand my good intentions. M.biQUpai.

After Zhang Yuan said this, he found that Ye Haowen didn't seem to make any moves.

It's just that the sword intent on his body is getting more and more solid.

It was also at this time that the waiter came over again.

Master, the tea you asked for.

Hey, that's good!

Zhang Yuan looked at Ye Haowen's expression while talking.

At the same time, he immediately stretched out his palm to take the cup of tea.

He put it on the table first.

But the hand hasn't let go yet.

Saw such a scene.

Ye Haowen also smiled in his heart.

Okay, you can drink this sip of tea.

No, this tea...

Zhang Yuan directly picked up the tea just placed on the table and put it into his mouth.

Well, it's not bad. Let's have another drink. Let's go.

Zhang Yuan dismissed the waiter directly.

The waiter also realized at this moment that this game seemed to be a high-end game. Without saying a word, he just left.

There is always nothing wrong with walking.

Normally such a big shot would not embarrass a little guy like him.

I asked him to have another drink. Do you know that?

Zhang Yuan felt that Ye Haowen seemed to have some murderous intention in his body, and said hurriedly.

However, at this time, Zhang Yuan immediately turned his head and the smile disappeared from his face.

Ye Haowen also seemed to feel something.

Tsk, we are actually being targeted by a guy like this. What should we do, Lao Ye, do you want me to call a few people?

No rush, let's take a look first.

The two of them no longer wanted to play around, and raised their eyes to look at the person coming.

I saw one was a young man and the other was an old man.

The old man's figure was a bit short and weak, but when his aura swept directly over him, it was as if he had disappeared into the sea, with no ripples appearing at all.

This situation is enough to show that the opponent is extremely powerful.

Zhang Yuan raised his eyebrows.

If he were a strong man from the lower realm, he wouldn't feel this way.

The opponent's aura is so gloomy. If nothing unexpected happens, he is probably an evil cultivator who came down from the upper realm.

But how could this evil cultivator come to the lower realm?

Could it be because of the Roland Conference? Or are you going to seek revenge with the Zhengdao people?

Then Zhang Yuan looked at another young man.

Fang Zisheng, the current head of the Fang family.

In terms of strength, that would be called weak, but he must have done something shady secretly. Otherwise, the aura on his body wouldn't be so weird.

But now, well, it should be the disciple of the evil cultivator next to me.

After all, the auras of these two people are almost the same in origin.

The two are nothing more than one being relatively weak and the other being relatively strong.

But the essence of the two is almost the same, which shows.

It seemed like a long time passed, but in fact it was only a moment.

You two guys, do you have any business with us?

When Zhang Yuan opened his mouth, it was as if he had touched honey with his little mouth.

Fang Zisheng and Elder Tiangui were stunned. Neither Fang Zisheng nor Elder Tiangui expected that Zhang Yuan's words seemed to be anything but dirty words.

But there seemed to be some irony in those words.

Ye Haowen on the side was completely used to it.

Ever since the two of them walked together, he had discovered that Zhang Yuan's mouth was getting worse.

The most amazing thing is that I can talk for most of the day without taking a breath.

This ability is considered a relatively powerful ability for Ye Haowen, who usually talks less.

After Elder Tiangui was stunned, he immediately laughed.

He didn't expect that there was such a strange person in the lower realm. Well, no, the other person also had some aura of the upper realm in his body. It was quite mysterious and he didn't know which force he belonged to.

But it doesn’t matter.

Elder Tiangui would not take it lightly.

After all, he was more arrogant when he was in the upper world.

If you come to the lower realm, why bother to restrain yourself?

You! What do you mean?

Fang Zisheng looked angry.

When he was beaten all over the face by Zhuge Qingyun, he was very angry.

But because of the difference in my own strength, I just thought about it and passed it by.

I was still thinking about how to get Murong Fu's double dantian.

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