Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1266 This city lord is quite interesting

Just when Murong Fu was complaining, another figure appeared near Murong Fu.

The crazy smile on this man's face made Murong Fu feel that his scalp was numb.

It's not that the other party is strong.

Mainly because the other person didn't feel like a normal person at all, like a person who had escaped from a mental hospital.

I felt a terrifying aura just now, was it you? Do you want to spar? I just came out. My old man imprisoned me for more than a hundred years. This time I finally escaped! Hahahaha! Ga!

Seeing that this young man looked completely crazy, Murong Fu frowned. Xinbiquge

What should I say about this person?

After careful inspection, combined with these words, it is not difficult to guess that the other party has probably been locked up all along.

It's just that I always wanted to come out, and I ran out secretly.

He doesn't have any evil aura about him, so he probably hasn't done anything shameful.

Besides the aura, there is also something strange about it.

The breath just now is not me, the center of the breath just now is there.

Murong Fu immediately pointed to the location where the Fang family was.

Fortunately, Fang Zisheng didn't know what was going on.

It doesn't hurt to let such a lunatic take a look.

That place? Well, it's a bit far. Forget it, how about the two of us discuss it? The main reason is that I have been holding it in for more than a hundred years at home. I have figured it out a long time ago. Along the way, I heard about Lanlan being held here. General Assembly?

Roland Conference.

Murong Fu looked at the other party, as if he was not very smart, and couldn't help but mention something.

The other party's face was stunned.

Then he laughed.

Hahaha, ah, it's the Roland Conference. Oops, I just came out and found several people, but no one was willing to compete with me. Some were quite weak, and some I liked at first sight, so I didn't like them. Deal with it. You are different. As soon as I saw you, I felt that you and I were destined.

Murong Fu had black hair.

If this were placed on Blue Star.

Someone like the other person should be in a mental hospital at the moment.

But this does have some meaning.

There is no need to spar. It's late at night and I still want to rest. Wait for the Roland Conference later. As long as you participate, there will definitely be many people who will spar with you.

Murong Fu planned to deal with it casually.

Hey, okay then, by the way, how about making a friend...

When Murong Fu heard this, his movements that he was about to turn around suddenly froze.

Because he could hear some temptation and desire from this sentence.

Then Murong Fu raised his eyes and looked up.

I saw this man dressed in black, with extremely bright eyes. The difference was that the smile on his face, which originally represented happiness, seemed to be a little bit sad.

A familiar smell came from the other party's body.

That smell is called a name.

Murongfu, my name.

Okay, from tonight you are my friend Xie Wenxin. If you go to Xitianyuan in the upper world, remember to look for me. My family is over there. Well, you can definitely find it. Our family is the only one in this place.”

The smile on Xie Wenxin's face suddenly grew wider.

Murong Fu also felt at this moment that the other person's aura was truly happy at this moment.

The smile on the face before was always a facial muscle movement.

Xi Tianyuan in the upper realm? Why did you come to the lower realm?

Hey, no one in the family will let me come out at all. I have been in the family for more than a hundred years. I have been in the family since I was a child. Later I heard that there is such a place as the lower world. I thought, they They definitely wouldn’t come looking for me, so I ran out.”

Xie Wenxin said directly, without any concealment in his words.

Murong Fu nodded.

Well, I see. You should also find a place to rest. We'll meet again tomorrow.

After Murong Fu finished speaking, he turned around and left, disappearing from the spot.

Xie Wenxin looked at Murong Fu's disappearing figure and once again felt lonely.

Immediately afterwards, the feeling of loneliness in his body was swept away again.

Okay! See you tomorrow.

The word destiny was immediately thrown to the back of his mind.

If they are destined, they must be destined.

He really wanted to make a few friends along the way, but on the way to the lower world, someone either lied to him.

Or someone is taking advantage of him.

Although those people were killed by him casually in the end.

But the longing in his heart for a friend was extremely great.

Xie Wenxin turned around and looked in the direction of the Fang family.

Although he was a little bit curious, in the end, he still felt as if there were roots under his feet. Not really wanting to keep moving.

Forget it, if you don't take it with you, just meditate here all night. Although this is the lower world and the spiritual energy is dry, at least there is something here, not an empty secret room.

Early the next morning.

On the street, many people gathered around again.

These people are all looking at the same arena.

This arena is also relatively large, and there is a notice posted next to it.

A black-armored soldier from the city lord's palace stood next to the notice with a serious look on his face.

No killing or fighting is allowed in the city these days. If there are any grievances, they will be settled either on the stage or outside the city. Otherwise, the City Lord's Mansion will definitely not let them go.

The aura of the black-armored soldier was completely agitated.

He found that those geniuses with cultivation secretly did not do anything because of this.

I felt relieved immediately.

As a small soldier, he couldn't defeat these geniuses.

All we can do is use the City Lord's Mansion to suppress these people.

Fortunately, these geniuses still have rules to follow, unlike those two people yesterday...

Above a restaurant.

This restaurant happens to have a view of the arena.

Hey, Lao Ye, if nothing else, you, the city lord, are quite interesting. Not only were we looking for someone to spar with yesterday, but there were also other people who had already signed up. I heard that it would knock the dog's brains out. But it turned out that the city lord’s daughter, Shu Mengman, went to stop it.”

Look, it's only the second day, and they have already set up an arena in the city. On the one hand, it is to solve the security problem in the city. On the other hand, they also plan to consume those who are more energetic. Genius. After all, this Roland Conference is held by the upper world and has an immortal connection.

Ye Haowen did not respond in a hurry, but looked at the young man sitting opposite him seriously.

The young man held a cup of bitter tea in his hand.

Well, there's nothing wrong with that.

The problem is, the waiter served two cups of bitter tea in total.

The two cups of bitter tea all went into the young man's stomach.

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