Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1234 Killing Sanskrit Array

The expression of Bodhisattva Miaoyi suddenly changed, and her beautiful little face instantly turned pale.

He looked at everything happening below, and his voice couldn't stop trembling: Yes, it's the [Killing Sanskrit Formation]!

After hearing this, Murong Fu's eyes dimmed instantly, his eyes full of surprise and astonishment.

Although he has never seen this [Killing Sanskrit Formation], he has seen it in the secret book of [Canglan Sword Sect].

The extremely harmful virtue of this formation is caused by absorbing the [vitality] of thousands of people.

And now, these Sanskrit words are injected into the human body in order to extract their [vitality].

Thousands of people's vitality will flow in, and the great cause will be accomplished!

Murong Fu looked at the people below with some worry, his brows furrowed slightly.

He could vaguely see Zhuge Qingyun, Yan Zhuangxing, Gu Yuluo and others in the crowd.

The familiar faces all had their eyes slightly opened at this moment, and not a trace of the whites of their eyes could be seen.

And among these people, there are actually many people wearing [Qizhen Pavilion] costumes, who still have not escaped the control of this formation.

There was a trace of Sanskrit written between their eyebrows at the same time.

The [vitality] in the body is continuously absorbed and flows into the [Killing Sanskrit Array].

Rays of light blue fluorescence spread bit by bit in the air, like countless fireflies flying.

At the same time, the beads in Fang Zisheng's hand became brighter and brighter, and the [Evil Buddha] enshrined on the stage turned red to black.

The smiles on the faces of the two brothers are getting bigger and bigger, and there is a sense of certainty that they will win.

However, just when the two of them were smiling particularly evilly, the beads and the Buddha statue suddenly changed.

But I saw that the Buddha statue continued to grow in size in the process of absorbing everyone's [vital energy].

But in just a blink of an eye, it had become twice as big as before. A pair of eyes opened at some point, staring deeply at everyone.

The string of Buddhist beads was emitting dazzling light at this moment, and red and black auras were intertwined with each other, flying up and down.

When Fang Zisheng saw this, his eyes suddenly darkened: No! There's something strange about this formation!

Impossible! Every step is obviously correct, how could it become like this?

Exactly, which step caused the problem?

Fang Wuchang was horribly white all over, with three thousand white strands hanging down behind him, adding a bit of weirdness to his gloomy face.

The two became visibly panicked, and began to continuously inject their own blood into the beads and Buddha statues.

The bright red color spread little by little, flowing along the entire formation to the feet of everyone outside.

With a Bang! sound, the formation suddenly collapsed, and the powerful air flow knocked everyone present away.

Even Murong Fu and Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva, who were outside [Lingbo Weibu], were almost blown away by this air current.

If Murong Fu hadn't been prepared in advance, I'm afraid the two of them would have been knocked out at this moment.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi frowned tightly, her tone full of worry and resentment: I really didn't expect that these Fang brothers would have such ambitions!

They want to use everyone's [vitality] to feed the [evil Buddha] to worship the string of beads and the Buddha statue.

And looking at that person's appearance, it's obvious that he has been worshiped for a long time, and the whole person has been completely corroded inside and outside...

A glint flashed in Murong Fu's eyes: Then what do they want to do?

I'm afraid that if I want to pursue supreme cultivation, I will step on everyone's lives and climb to a high position step by step!

The desires in people's hearts are endless, and they have reached the point of becoming obsessed!

If no one stops them and allows them to succeed, the consequences will be disastrous!

Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva rarely showed a hint of murderous intent in her eyes at this moment, and she wished she could kill those two people right now.

She honestly didn't expect that some people would be crazy enough to worship the [Evil Buddha] to improve their cultivation and aura.

Moreover, he is willing to sacrifice himself to activate this [Killing Sanskrit Array].

When Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva thought of this, she couldn't help but feel cold all over, and the beads in her hands started to become hot to the touch.

The next moment, Fang Wuchang was heard roaring, and his whole body was as terrifying as if a ghost had reincarnated.

His whole body was covered in white, and he could vaguely see a red thread spreading out from his heart.

He stood opposite the Buddha statue, blood dripping endlessly, but it had no effect at all.

Fang Zisheng's eyebrows moved, and he suddenly thought of something. He threw the Buddhist beads in his hand into the air, nourishing them with spiritual energy and blood.

However, no matter how hard the two of them tried, it was to no avail.

Outside the room, a golden light flashed between everyone's eyebrows, and then black Sanskrit words flew out from it.

It stayed in the air for a long time, and then dissipated like smoke in an instant, leaving streaks of ink splashing down.

At the same time, the [Killing Sanskrit Formation] began to disappear bit by bit after flashing a dazzling light.

Only black and red smoke was left in the air, filling the room.

Fang Wuchang's eyes revealed despair, and his voice was shrill and hoarse: No! Don't!???.biQuPai.

With a slight sound, everything in the room returned to normal, and all the formations and Buddha statues disappeared without a trace, just like before.

When Murong Fu and Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva saw this scene, they breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, with a bit of joy in their eyes.

Fortunately, they didn't succeed.

Fang Wuchang and Fang Zisheng sat slumped on the ground, their faces ashen, both looking desperate and decadent.

It took them ten years to get this opportunity, but it turned out to be what it is now.

Not willing to give in! They are not willing to give in!

Fang Zisheng was leaning against the wall at this time, and the prayer beads in his hand were still shining brightly, seeming to be mocking his failure.

Impossible! How could this happen?

I don't believe it! I don't believe it!

What exactly went wrong?


The two people murmured, trying their best to figure out what the problem was.

At this moment, the female Bodhisattva Miaoyi who had been above suddenly felt something burning her hand, and then there was endless darkness.

Her body seemed to be weightless, flying into the air and wandering.

Murong Fu looked at the unconscious man in his arms, his brows furrowed tightly, not knowing what happened.

The two of them were still talking just now, but in the blink of an eye, Bodhisattva Miaoyi fell into a coma in his arms.

It was as if he had fainted, even his breathing had become extremely light, and you couldn't find it without careful inspection.

He looked at the two people below, then flew away with Miaoyi Bodhisattva.

Behind you, you can still vaguely hear Fang Zisheng's voice: Damn it! I won't give up!

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