Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1233 The mysterious Fang brothers

Murong Fu and Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva lowered their bodies and slowly looked down from the top of the roof.

In the room, the two of them were still sitting across from each other and talking, but their faces looked a little solemn.

Fang Wuchang's voice was hoarse, and he slowly stood up and walked to a Buddha statue.

He first bowed three times, and then waved to Fang Zisheng: Sheng'er, I have supported this Buddha statue for ten years, when did it come to help us!

The latter smiled, stood up from his seat, and walked slowly half a step behind Fang Wuchang, his smile particularly gloomy and evil.

His eyes fell on the Buddha statue, and his tone was as cold as water: Brother, leave everything to me!

After speaking, he stood with his hands clasped in front of his chest, and rays of Buddha's light spread from his body and penetrated into the brow of the Buddha statue little by little.

At this moment, Murong Fu looked at them with some confusion, his eyes full of doubts.

What are they doing?

I didn't expect that the person behind [Qizhen Pavilion] would be Fang Zisheng.

That man is his brother!

However, the expression of the female Bodhisattva Miaoyi beside him suddenly changed, and her eyes widened slightly.

She could clearly feel that the mysterious Buddha light below was extremely different from what she usually practiced.

But there was something familiar about it that made her panic, and she always felt that something bad was going to happen.

Fulang, I always feel...

Before she could finish her words, a roar suddenly came from below, like the struggle of a trapped animal, sharp and harsh.

The two of them were distracted and looked down hurriedly.

But at this moment, Fang Wuchang's whole body was black and broken, and the Buddha statue was continuously inputting energy into his body.

Ah! Fang Wuchang's face was distorted. The two figures seemed to be in great pain, and their limbs were spasming uncontrollably.

What surprised Murong Fu was that his naked skin was not like that of ordinary people, but rather frighteningly white.

Even his hair was slowly turning from black to white, and soon the black hair turned into white snow, scattered behind him.

As the light of the Buddha statue became brighter and brighter, Fang Wuchang's body was also changing, and the color of his clothes became paler, completely unlike what a living person should look like.

His whole body was trembling continuously, a miserable howl came out of his mouth, and the blood in his body was drained out bit by bit.

In mid-air, a long blood streak formed, moving towards the Buddha statue bit by bit.

Behind him, Fang Zisheng seemed not to be surprised by such a scene. He calmly moved the prayer beads in his hand and recited something silently with his eyes closed.

At this time, Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva suddenly saw the black string of beads in his hand and panicked.

With trembling lips, she slowly approached Murong Fu and whispered: There's something wrong with that string of beads!

That is the [Evil Buddha's Killing Bead]. It was made from the killings caused by the [Evil Buddha] when he came to the world.

The ones on it are not Buddhist beads at all, but the hearts and bones of ninety-nine and eighty-one people.

It's full of evil spirits caused by the resentment of those people after their death...

After hearing this, Murong Fu couldn't help but frown.

He really didn't expect that these two people would be connected with the [Evil Buddha].

Besides, they stunned everyone in [Qizhen Pavilion] to the ground. What was their purpose?

The next moment, with several cracking sounds, the Buddha statue began to crack.

The black evil energy inside instantly surged out, sweeping the two people in the room, and a sinister wind blew through them.

The whole room was soon filled with dark evil aura.

Murong Fu and Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva felt dizzy and dizzy for a while, and they tried to keep their senses for the last time to prevent themselves from being affected by the evil spirit.

Soon, there was another rumbling sound from below, and half of the evil spirit in the house disappeared in an instant.

Murong Fu looked at Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva with some worry and said softly: Are you in serious trouble?

The latter felt the surging Qi and blood in his body and recited the Buddhist sutra silently several times before he stabilized and gently shook his head: It doesn't matter!

The two of them looked down and saw that there was still an evil aura in the room at this moment, but it was much less than before.

They could also see through the evil aura and vaguely see the scene below.

You won’t know if you don’t look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

The two people were so shocked by what they saw in front of them that their eyes widened, and something strange arose in their hearts.

I saw that the place where the Fang brothers were standing was no longer the same as before.

The carpet, which was originally printed with strange patterns, had changed its appearance at this time, and turned into countless grotesque incorporeal bodies.

A huge formation instantly spread out from the inside of the house, carrying a powerful aura.

But in just the blink of an eye, it had already spread throughout the [Qizhen Pavilion].

The guards and maids who were standing around suddenly fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

The formation had a weird shape, with incomprehensible Sanskrit characters, and began to rotate continuously.

Fang Wuchang was standing in the center of the formation at this time, with a sharp blade inserted in his chest, and blood dripping into the formation bit by bit.

With a loud Boom!, the formation was completely opened, and countless Sanskrit words wandered in the air, emitting black smoke one after another.

At the same time, Murong Fu hurriedly formed a protective shield around him, firmly protecting the two of them within it, thus avoiding the threat of this formation.

The two looked at each other, both seeing disbelief in each other's eyes.

Below, Fang Zisheng stood aside, still muttering something in his mouth, his expression becoming distorted little by little.

In an instant, the entire [Qizhen Pavilion] was plunged into black smoke, and the people who had been unconscious after drinking [Kowloon Soup] actually stood up one after another. BIqupai.

They still half-closed their eyes, as if they had been guided by something, they staggered towards the fourth floor.

Everyone was like a walking zombie. As soon as they reached the surroundings of this room, they stopped and did not dare to take another step forward.

Like, there's something scary in the room.

Seeing this, Fang Wuchang and Fang Zisheng looked at each other and smiled. They both cut their fingers and dripped blood into the Sanskrit words.

The next moment, those black Sanskrit characters suddenly turned into blood red, shining brightly in the air.

They spun in the air bit by bit, and finally rushed out of the room and flew towards the people outside.

In an instant, those Sanskrit words disappeared directly into everyone's eyebrows, and a blood-black light and shadow faintly emerged.

Fang Zisheng and Fang Wuchang curled their lips and smiled, with an extremely weird smile on their faces.

Brother, it's done! Fang Zisheng said with excitement as he watched the beads in his hand turn red little by little.

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