Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 123 Thanks to Murong Fu

Humph, coward! Hu Tiehua wanted to stop the other party, but Chu Liuxiang stopped her: Forget it, we can't catch him.

The dead monk ran away, how can I get rid of the poison on your body? Hu Tiehua asked anxiously.

Haha, didn't he say that he didn't have an antidote? Chu Liuxiang smiled and looked indifferent.

You...he said he didn't have it, so he didn't have it? Hu Tiehua was so angry that he wanted to educate him.

Chu Liuxiang shook his head and grabbed Hu Tiehua: Okay, stop talking and let's go back first.

Hu Tiehua was angry and refused to argue, but she had no choice but to follow Chu Liuxiang back reluctantly.

Brother Chu, you... Seeing Chu Liuxiang coming, Song Tian'er ran up worriedly and asked, How is your health?

It's okay! Chu Liuxiang touched Song Tian'er's head and saluted Murong Fu: Today, Chu has taken advantage of Brother Fu.

Brother Chu, you're welcome. Murong Fu replied with a smile.

Hu Tiehua also saluted Murong Fu.

He is not stupid and has a clear conscience, knowing that he can survive intact today.

It was because Murong Fu ruined Wu Hua's plan.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be difficult for them today...

Brother Fu, you don't know, he is Nan Murong who is in the sky right now. Song Tian'er said angrily.

Chu Liuxiang and Hu Tiehua were shocked at the same time, and saluted again: It turns out that Brother Fu is the famous Murong Fu! Disrespect, disrespect!

No wonder, Lao Hu, I like you. I didn't expect that you destroyed Yuan Ren's arrogance and killed Murong Fu, the 14th Lang of Tianfeng, with your own strength.

Haha, no matter what happens in a while, Lao Hu will have a good time drinking with you!

When Song Tian'er heard the two praising Murong Fu so much, she retorted: Huh, he didn't even go to help Brother Chu just now, and the thief monk ran away!

Go, little girl, what do you know? When the monk Wuhua saw the accident, he decided to retreat. Even if Brother Murong goes, he can't stop him. Hu Tiehua waved his hand with disgust, stopping Song Tian'er's words. .

Chu Liuxiang smiled and said: Brother Murong, this little girl is ignorant, don't be as knowledgeable as her.

Haha, I won't. Murong Fu shook his head and didn't take it to heart at all.

As the saying goes, don't reason with a woman but conquer her with actions.

Brother Murong, are these brave and capable soldiers yours? Hu Tiehua looked at the battlefield with a hint of admiration.

Murong Fu nodded and looked at the battlefield.

The backbone of the Japanese soldiers had been knocked to death by themselves, their morale was low, and the battle should be over in half an hour.

It would be great if the Murong family's soldiers could be as powerful as the Shadow Guards.

Sure enough, as he expected, Jiang Zian came to report less than half an hour later: Master, Sanxian Island has been completely controlled, and 1,500 Japanese soldiers have been captured alive. What should we do with them?

Kill! Murong Fu didn't even think about it. He didn't need to make any compromises when dealing with beasts.

Yes! Jiang Zian accepted the order and retreated.

The expressions of everyone present suddenly changed.

Wan Sanqian spoke first and said: Brother Murong, Wan is a few years older than you. I want to tell the two armies that it is better to stay on the front line during the war.

Yes, since the other party has surrendered, let's let them live! Hu Tiehua agreed.

Hua Jingyinmeng also reminded quietly: Japanese people are very vengeful. If you kill them all, I'm afraid they will make trouble for you all the time and they will never stop.

When Murong Fu heard this, he couldn't help but burst into laughter: Haha, fight to the death? I'm afraid you don't understand them. To deal with them, the only way to deal with them is to kill them. Only then will they be afraid of you.

When they are afraid of you, even if you let them get into your crotch, they will happily call you grandpa!

Several people were stunned when they saw this. They could clearly feel the hatred in Murong Fu's tone.

So they stopped speaking and allowed the other party to do whatever they wanted.

An hour later, Jiang Zian appeared in front of everyone again, with an evil aura that chilled people's hearts: Master, it's over!

Well, very good, let the brothers rest for one night and leave the island tomorrow! Murong Fu said.

Yes! Jiang Zian nodded and replied.

Hua Jing was surprised by the dream: Are you leaving tomorrow?

Well, if Wuhua leaves, he will definitely tell the Japanese people about this. I'm worried that I might be in trouble if I leave late. Murong Fu said truthfully.

Although he likes to enjoy the sense of superiority when everyone is in the spotlight, he is not a fool who would risk his life to find trouble.

Wan Sanqian and others also looked at each other, nodded, and said goodbye: If tomorrow is going to be great, I will prepare now.

Well, everyone, please. Murong Fu did not stop and allowed everyone to leave.

At this time, before Wan Sanqian, Chu Liuxiang and others could leave, another group of people came running up.

Which one is Murong Fu?

Yes, who is Murong Fu!

Tell him to come out to us!

Wan Sanqian and the others frowned and asked, Everyone, what do you want from Brother Murong?

We have a big deal with him. The descendant of the previous Iron Hat King jumped out and said loudly.

Murong Fu raised his brows and said, I am Murong Fu. Everyone, what's the matter?

Are you Murong Fu? The fourth generation Iron Hat looked Murong Fu up and down, and then nodded: Well, you are indeed a talented person, and you are worthy of being the hero who saved us. Please accept me.

Others who were with him also saluted Murong Fu.

The original 3,000-odd people were speechless. This way of thanking them was also weird, as if they were going to war.

As long as you feel comfortable, you're welcome.

Murong Fu smiled, the adoration in everyone's eyes made him very satisfied.

No, you saved me, Jier Liangliang, and I must thank you. In this way, this is my brand. In the future, whenever you need it, 30,000 people with blue flags will be at your command at any time! Jier Liangliang clapped his hands. said Breast.

I am Mobei Lao Liu. If Hero Murong goes to Mobei in the future, please tell me at any time that as long as there is anything in the desert, Lao Liu will find it for you. Mobei Lao Liu said loudly.

Seeing this, everyone else also reported their names.

Hua Jingyin Mengze whispered in Murong Fu's ear, introducing each other's strength and background one by one.

As a result, there were fans of Murong Fu all over the world.

Murong Fu raised his hands and saluted: Everyone, why do we practice kung fu and learn martial arts? It is certainly our duty to act chivalrously and help people in distress, so there is no need to be polite!

We admire Mr. Murong for his righteousness.

Yes, Mr. Murong, please accept my courtesy again.

Everyone stood cleverly, leaving their own space, and bowed in unison.

Murong Fu really deserves it! Murong Fu laughed loudly and bowed in return.

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