Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 122 The Power of the Shadow Guard

Yagyu Tajima watched the sudden change and felt puzzled: What's going on? Where did the people and horses come from?

Haha, I'm sorry, they are my family's soldiers from the Murong clan!

Murong Fu showed a confident smile, as if he had everything in the world under his control!

How is that possible! How did you get them up here?

Yagyu Tajima Mamoru couldn't believe it, for tonight's action.

He has blocked all the docks on the island. It is impossible and should not be possible for anyone to come up.

The key is, even if someone comes up, he should get the news!

Still couldn't help but ask: How did you do it?

You don't need to know how to do it, as long as you understand that you failed. Murong Fu said calmly.

The secret guards' methods can definitely be called endless.

In order not to let the Japanese soldiers find out, they would rather swim five miles away.

Yagyu Taimashou raised his head and glanced in the direction of Chu Liuxiang, shook his head and said: I'm not defeated, I have more men and horses than you!

As he spoke, he shouted loudly, raised the sword in his hand and struck it hard at his feet.

Suddenly a huge hole was made in the auction table, and then the whole person got into it and ran away?

Wood escape?

Earth Escape?

Murong Fu didn't figure it out for a while.

However, this does not delay him from taking action!

The true energy flows from the hands and pours into the Tianji Rod.

He hit it hard in the direction where Yagyu Tajima Mamoru was escaping.

The force of a thousand catties fell on the ground, making a bang sound.

The land ahead instantly sunk in.

Immediately, a scream from Yagyu Tajima Mamoru was heard!


Murong Fu put away the secret stick and looked back at the Japanese soldiers and shadow guards who were already fighting together, with no intention of going up to help.

Instead, he glanced at the four ghosts in western Hunan. The skills of these four people were extremely weird.

Can ignore most infuriating damage.

It can be regarded as a rare and unique skill.

When they saw Murong Fu coming over, they stood up struggling with each other: Master Murong, please help me save Master Wan Sanqian!

Thirty thousand?

When Murong Fu heard the other party's name, his heart couldn't help but become active.

The world's richest man, if the other party owes him a favor, that would be a good thing.

Haha, easy to say! Murong Fu nodded and walked towards Wan Sanqian.

The man who controlled Wan San Qian was so frightened that his legs became weak when he saw Murong Fu approaching.

He knelt on the ground and kept begging for mercy: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my hero, please spare my life!

Haha, spare your life. Remember to give birth to a good child in the next life! Murong Fu raised his hand and clapped his hands. The man begging for mercy fell to the ground bleeding with blood from seven holes and died!

Are you kidding? We are not from the same country.

Spare you to go back and take revenge on me?

Wan Sanqian was stunned, and secretly said to Nan Murong, who was decisive in killing, Thank you very much, Mr. Murong Fu for saving me.

Haha, brother Wan, there's no need to be polite, just do it casually. Murong Fu said politely.

Wan Sanqian nodded. Jianghu people value righteousness and don't have to talk about kindness. He glanced at the Shadow Guard with his peripheral vision and couldn't help but trembled all over.

Murong Fu's family troops are all powerful and decisive in killing, and they coordinate perfectly with each other, like tigers emerging from the cage.

The momentum alone is comparable to the Shenshu Camp of the Ming Dynasty. He admired: Brother Murong Fu's family army is so strong.

Haha, I made Brother Wan laugh. Murong Fu looked at the Shadow Guards and was overjoyed. This was the first time he saw them take action.

The Shadow Guards are all powerful people who lick blood with their swords. They fight with all their might, but they are very calm and their swords hit the vital points. .

Despite the large number of people in Japan, it is a pity that there are still a few capable people, most of them are trash, and killing them all is just a waste of time.

Brother Wan, why don't we go over and sit down? Murong Fu asked, pointing to Hua Jing Yinmeng.

Okay, okay, Brother Murong is so elegant, so Wan can't refuse. Wan Sanqian said boldly, but in fact, he wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

When Manager Sui and Xiao Rong saw Murong Fu coming over, they quickly gave up their seats and almost knelt down in excitement: Master Fu, you are really amazing!

Haha, my name is Murong Fu, not Mr. Fu. Murong Fu said bluntly.

Yes, yes, see my reaction, I forgot your real name. Manager Sui patted his mouth and said.

Li Hongxiu snorted coldly: I knew it was you!

Hey, you guessed it? When Murong Fu sat down, he hugged Hua Jingyin Meng into his arms. Seeing that his face was unusually rosy, he asked in a low voice, Did you drink the wrong wine?

No, it's not all your fault! Hua Jing rolled his eyes at Murong Fu angrily due to Meng, and reminded in a low voice: Take your little snake back, it keeps sniffing around my place.

Murong Fu was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed loudly after realizing it: Easy to say, easy to say!

Knocked a few times and retreated.

Even Wan Sanqian made an awkward apology, Murong Fu had special hobbies.

Su Rongrong said angrily: I didn't expect that the dignified Master Murong Fu likes to raise snakes!

Haha, of course, girl, do you have any objections? Although Su Rongrong was very beautiful, she was just average to Murong Fu, so there was no need to deliberately try to please her.

Song Tian'er said anxiously: Mr. Murong, please save Brother Chu!

After hearing this, Murong Fu remembered that Chu Liuxiang and Hu Tiehua were dealing with Monk Wuhua.

This old guy is also from Japan, and he has great ambitions. He is probably the one who directed today's drama.

Looking up at the battlefield of three people, it was obvious that Wuhua's strength had reached the peak of a master.

He is several levels stronger than Yagyu Tajima Mamoru, and his sword skills are extremely mysterious.

However, Chu Liuxiang and Hu Tiehua are not bad either.

Especially the former, even if he is poisoned, his strength will not be reduced at all.

You will definitely not lose in a short time!

On the other hand, when Wuhua saw that the Japanese soldiers were defeated, he already wanted to retreat.

If he moves here, he will leave without hesitation, and it will be in vain. He shook his head and said: Don't worry, Wuhua has lost his fighting spirit, your brother Chu will be fine.

But... Song Tian'er was still about to beg for a few words, but was stopped by Su Rongrong: They say Murong Fu is impatient and righteous, but I didn't expect him to be a man who would not save anyone even if he saw death.

Hmph, I will save Mr. Murong if he likes me. If I don't like him, I won't. Don't blame him! Ever since Hua Jingyin Meng was conquered by Murong Fu, he was filled with admiration for him and could not tolerate slander from outsiders.

Seeing that the two girls were about to start a quarrel, Wuhua and Chu Liuxiang also stopped fighting.

Chu Liuxiang, it's your luck that I couldn't capture you alive today. However, don't worry, there is no antidote for the Tianyi Divine Water in your body. I'm afraid your time is running out.

Wuhua snorted coldly and turned around and ran away without even taking a moment to remember!

He never expected that Murong Fu would suddenly come out of today's perfect trap!

I couldn't help but feel resentment in my heart, and wanted to look back and remember Murong Fu's face.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned his head, he felt a sharp gaze staring at him, which scared him so much that he disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

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