Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1230 Broken Teeth and Swallowing Blood

Murong Fu looked at the reactions of everyone present and smiled with great satisfaction.

His eyes fell on the dumbfounded Mu Yiyang, and he slowly said: Mr. Murong, are you okay?

Mu Yiyang clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were so red that they seemed to bleed, and he gritted his teeth: Murong Fu, you did it on purpose!

Murong Fu clapped his hands and said, Hey, that's right! It doesn't look too stupid!

Poof! There was a sound, and the white jade platform was dripped with blood, which was very eye-catching.

Mu Yiyang couldn't bear the blow, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he fainted.

With this unexpected situation, everyone present was shocked at first, and then they reacted and spoke one by one:

Why did he faint? Was he mad?

It doesn't matter whether he dies or not. What's important is that the few items the Murong family promised to sell are still counted?

Yes, where are the Murong family members! Come out quickly!


The scene reversed once again, and everyone pointed their finger at the Murong family, taunting and shouting one after another.

Murong Huai was sitting in the room, his face was very ugly, and his beard was trembling with anger.

Murong Lan, who was on the side, was so anxious that she almost shed tears. She kept pacing back and forth in the room: Second Elder, please think of a solution quickly!

Alas! What can I do? It's not because of his insistence that we end up in this situation.

I've told you a long time ago not to act rashly here.

Okay now, let me wipe your butt again!.

Murong Huai said something, and then he picked it off completely.

I have completely forgotten that it was my own ignorance that led to this situation.

Murong Lanxin looked at the unconscious Mu Yiyang in the audience and bit her lip: Second Elder, my brother has fainted now, you can't leave him alone!

Seeing that, everyone's words became more and more fierce, and they even began to curse the people of the Murong family.

On the other side, Murong Fu had long been leisurely watching all this, and he did not forget to say: Please ask [Qizhen Pavilion] to deliver these four items to our private room.

Yuan Zhen bowed slightly and smiled: That's right!

Quick, if you don't present the auction item, give Mr. Murong a slap in the face!

As soon as he finished speaking, four lots were placed on the white jade stage at once, and everyone who saw it was red-eyed.

Except for the Buddhist bead, the other three items on the auction block are all attracting the attention of thousands of people.

But now, all of them were captured by Murong Fu alone.

It would be a lie to say that I am not envious, jealous, and hateful.

Under the gaze of everyone, Murong Fu made me look particularly brilliant and accepted all four lots with a wave of his hand.

Thank you!

Immediately, he flew up and returned to the private room.

Originally, he just wanted to take a picture of the beads for Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva, but he didn't expect that there was an unexpected surprise.

Having said that, I would also like to thank the people of the Wan family and the Murong family for their sincere sponsorship.

If it hadn't been for them causing trouble, he wouldn't have had such a great opportunity.

Murong Fu smiled slightly and handed the Buddha bead that glowed with Buddha light in his hand to the Bodhisattva Miaoyi:

Here, this is Fu Lang's full love for you!

Bodhisattva Miaoyi was a little touched, and she had thousands of words in her heart that she wanted to say, but in the end they all turned into one sentence: Thank you.

Murong Fu held her in his arms and whispered in her ear in a low voice: I don't want to hear you say thank you, I want to hear you call me a good husband.

Suddenly, the face of the person being held in his arms turned red. After struggling for a while, he still did not scream.

Finally, he suddenly stepped forward, pressing his warm thin lips against Murong Fu's cheek, making a chirp sound.

Murong Fu laughed out loud, obviously a little surprised by her behavior: Hehehe...

Everything is peaceful here, but everything is in chaos over there.

Murong Huai felt his heart and blood surge, but he had to fly down and bring Mu Yiyang back to the room.

His figure was like a ghost, and he brought people back in the blink of an eye.

Huh? Who?

Second Elder Murong, what do you mean?

Do you, the Murong family, want to default on your debt?

Under the questioning one after another from everyone, Yuan Zhen also spoke very appropriately: Elder Murong, those three lots...

Murong Huai was a little annoyed by being questioned, so he said directly: It's just three treasures, it's not like the Murong family can't afford them!

After saying that, his old face turned red with anger, and he took out three treasures from his private treasure house.

When everyone saw it, their eyes instantly became straight.

I saw that what Murong Huai was holding were three treasures of excellent quality.

A [Glass Beauty Sword], a [Life-Destroying Technique], and a [Time Scroll].

Although that scroll is not as good as the one Murong Fu took, it is still the best among the best.

Elder Murong, you are so generous!

Okay! Great! These three treasures are extremely rare and rare.

It's true that the Murong family is so generous when they make a move!


Everyone started to flatter him one after another, salivating over the three lots.

Yuan Zhen smiled and asked someone to take it, then saluted and said, Let us thank the Murong family for their contribution to this auction.

Applause to them!

Murong Huai snorted coldly and went back into the room, his face looking gloomy.

Mu Yiyang was still unconscious, and Murong Lan was so angry that she didn't dare to say anything, for fear that she would bear Murong Huai's anger.


The glazed teacup was thrown heavily to the ground by Murong Huai, and instantly shattered into pieces.

At the same time, the maid of [Qizhen Pavilion] who was guarding outside heard the sound.

With a smile on his face, he made a note in his notebook: A broken tea cup from the Murong family is worth ten million spiritual stones.

After such a big episode, the auction is back on track.

However, the auction this time is for three treasures contributed by the Murong family.

Ten million!

Fifteen million!

Twenty million!


Murong Huai looked at the endless bidding, and almost spat out a mouthful of blood out of anger.

He gritted his teeth tightly and said, Calling the price! No matter what, we can't let the Murong family lose face!

The guard received the order and quickly joined the bidding process.

In the end, these three lots were taken back by Murong Huai for 48 million, 57 million and 80 million respectively.

It's just that he couldn't bring out so many spirit stones at the moment, so he licked his face and plundered all the spirit stones from everyone in the private room before he could collect them all.

Even the unconscious Mu Yiyang did not escape, and all the 30 million he had on him was taken away by Murong Huai.

Murong Lanxin wanted to say something more, but Murong Huai glared back.

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