Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1229 Deliberate teasing

The interior of [Qizhen Pavilion] is filled with brilliance.

Everyone was stunned, watching what happened in front of them.

But inside the whole house, mountains of spiritual stones were piled up out of thin air, exuding a strong aura.

For a moment, everyone present widened their eyes and looked at everything in disbelief.

Quick, pinch me quickly, is this true?

Oh my God! I have never seen so many spiritual stones. It's almost blinding me.

Could it be that he is the legendary invisible rich man? Please accept my respects, little brother!


The scene was a bit chaotic for a while, and voices of exclamation came from one after another. Everyone's eyes were fixed on those hills.

Even Yuan Zhen, who had always been well-informed, felt a little elated at this moment.

He was the closest to here, and the impact he received was stronger. The shock in his heart was beyond words.

Murong Fu's face did not change at all, and he reminded softly: Manager Yuan, there are 200 million spiritual stones here, please send someone over quickly to count them.

He deliberately piled these spiritual stones here just to embarrass these people in [Qizhen Pavilion].

He seems easy to talk to, but do you really think that Murong Fu is a vegetarian?

These people must be taught a lesson!

Yuan Zhen just woke up from a dream, casually beckoned dozens of people, and ordered: Hurry up and make a clear count.


Following the order, the people in [Qizhen Pavilion] began to work hard, counting the number of spirit stones one by one, without daring to show any signs of neglect.

Next to them, there are boxes dedicated to the [Qizhen Pavilion], neatly placed one by one.

However, time passed little by little, and so many people worked together to count, but the number of spiritual stones did not decrease at all.

Everyone was also very interested, watching the excitement around them, and everyone's face was filled with envy and excitement.

On the other hand, Mu Yiyang stood there blankly as if he had been struck by lightning, his face extremely ugly.

He kept shaking his head and began to murmur: Impossible! How is this possible?

You are just a mere inner disciple with no power behind you.

These spiritual stones are all fake! Fake!

Mu Yiyang shouted loudly, showing no trace of the reserve or nobility of an ordinary young master from an aristocratic family. He looked like a lunatic with disheveled hair.

Yuan Zhen had always complained about what the Murong family had done.

When she saw him going crazy like this, she said without any politeness: Mr. Murong, are you questioning our [Qizhen Pavilion]?

It seems that I, [Qizhen Pavilion], have gradually retreated from the world in recent years, which is why you guys despise me so much!

Mr. Murong, I advise you to be careful what you say, otherwise...

There was a hint of threat in his eyes, which made Mu Yiyang tremble.

Upstairs, Murong Huai and Murong Lan were a little flustered and angry when they saw that the situation was not good.

Murong Lan looked down worriedly and asked: Second Elder, what should we do now?

Murong Huai stroked his beard, his hands trembling a little: What else can we do? Do we really want to go against [Qizhen Pavilion]?

Come here, please quickly send someone to deliver a message to the Murong family and explain today's events to the head of the family in detail.

There are also those three treasures for the head of the house and his wife to decide...

One of them took the order and left in a hurry.

There was only a room full of people left, looking at this uncontrollable scene with pale faces.

Soon, an hour passed.

[Qizhen Pavilion] sent out hundreds of people one after another before they could be counted clearly.

On the white jade platform in the lobby, there are hundreds of large boxes neatly placed, and the light inside is shining.

He Bing held a pen in his hand and came forward with a notebook: Reporting to the steward, the number of spiritual stones here is one hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.

After hearing this, Mu Yiyang burst out laughing: Hahaha, if it's not 200 million, you lose, Murong Fu!

Zhuge Qingyun was watching from above and couldn't help but complain: Isn't this eldest son of the Murong family a fool?

The Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva, who has always been pure-hearted and celibate, rarely nodded in agreement: I think they look very similar!

Mu Yiyang was still chattering, with a look of madness in his eyes: Murong Fu, the spiritual stones here are not enough, let me see how long you can be proud of! M.biQUpai.

Your life is mine.

Today, I will let you bury your bones here...

Hearing what he said, Murong Fu couldn't help laughing, with a bit of contempt and ridicule in his eyes.

He was very convinced just now that what he took out was two hundred million spiritual stones.

Now, the number found does not match.

There is only one possibility...

He did it on purpose.

I saw an anxious look on Murong Fu's face, and he was still rummaging around on his body: Isn't it possible? How could it become such a spiritual stone?

No! There's only one missing! There's only one missing...

No! You can't!

Murong Fu became addicted to acting, and everyone present was stunned. Even Yuan Zhen was deceived.

Soon, the onlookers began to talk: What is going on? A big reversal?

Impossible! How come there is only one spirit stone missing?

This young master doesn't seem to be such an uncertain person?

If he can't get it out, I'm afraid Mu Yiyang won't let him go.


Everyone lamented, some sympathizing with Murong Fu's experience.

He was only one spiritual stone away from ruining his life, which no one would have thought possible.

Some people have even started to say: I've got this spiritual stone!

Everyone heard the sound and looked over, only to see Mrs. Zhang standing by the window, looking down.

However, before she could continue to speak, Mu Yiyang took the lead and said, No! This is a bet between me and him, and no one is allowed to interfere.

Then, his eyes became more and more sinister: Murong Fu, you are dead this time!

Murong Fu didn't show any panic on his face and looked at Mrs. Zhang with a smile: Thank you, but I don't think I need it.

I can get 199,999 spiritual stones, why can't I get the remaining one?

Mr. Murong, I'm afraid I'm a little too happy.

As soon as he finished speaking, Murong Fu touched around in his arms and took out a stack of spiritual stone notes.

There are hundreds, thousands, tens of millions...

Such a thick pile was placed on Murong Fu's hand casually and he began to count it carefully.

In an instant, everyone was once again shocked, with their eyes fixed on Murong Fu's hand.

I'll go! He still has so many spiritual stones in his hand...

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