Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1226 Follow others’ opinions

The entire auction process has now been completely disrupted.

The attention of everyone present was on Murong Fu, and they were all waiting to see if this man could produce so many spiritual stones.

But the other party didn't seem to be someone to be trifled with. He actually humiliated her in public without leaving any room for error.

He Bing pondered for a long time, and the scene began to be paced again, with people guessing about Murong Fu's identity.

Some people say that he is an illegitimate son of a certain family, and he is not worthy of publicity, so he deliberately charges high prices to impress the public.

Some say he is an agent of a cult and is here specifically to collect information.

What's more, he even said that he was from [Qizhen Pavilion] and deliberately asked for the treasure to be auctioned at a high price.

In short, there are all kinds of strange gossips, rumors, and scheming traps.

Seeing the scene, He Bing couldn't control himself and raised his head again to ask for help. However, this time he was met with a cold gaze.

She was so frightened that the moment her eyes met with Fang Wuchang's, she felt as if the blood in her body had solidified.

The other party didn't make any movement, but his eyes were as cold as a puddle of stagnant water.

The scene gradually got out of control, and He Bing had to stop him: Everyone, calm down for a moment. Please listen to what I have to say.

If you don't listen, your [Qizhen Pavilion] auction will have the inside story!

Insider! Insider! Insider!

I don’t know where these people came from, but they started shouting slogans spontaneously.

Directly trying to put pressure on [Qizhen Pavilion] in such an unreasonable way.

On the other side, Wan Yiyi and Mu Yiyang looked at each other and smiled, both seeing surprise in each other's eyes.

Haha, let me see what else Murong Fu has to be proud of!

I have already inquired. He is an inner disciple of [Canglan Sword Sect] and has no life experience.???.biQuPai.

He, he went too far this time!

Murong Lanxin smiled particularly brightly, as if she had seen Murong Fu's embarrassment when he was kicked out of [Qizhen Pavilion].

In order to deal with Murong Fu, Murong Lanxin, who had always been domineering, began to treat Wan Yiyi a little more favorably.

The Wan family, the Murong family, and the Xue family all take action. Let me see what this [Qizhen Pavilion] will do!

There was chaos outside, but the hero of it all looked calm and composed.

He picked up the tea cup with great interest, put it on the corner of his lips and took a sip, watching the farce with a smile.

On the other hand, Zhuge Qingyun is now as anxious as an ant on a hot pot: I said, why aren't you in a hurry!

Everyone's reaction made him start to have some doubts: Can you really come up with these 50 million?

If that's not enough, I still have some private rooms here...

Murong Fu turned to look at him, as if looking at a fool: Have you forgotten? I just threw the note to you casually!

Before he could finish speaking, he flicked it off again.

Zhuge Qingyun subconsciously took it and froze on the spot.

A total of 50 million spirit stone notes were held in his hand, making them shine particularly brightly.

He suddenly understood and slapped his forehead: Ah, yes! I'm just telling you, Brother Murong, you never do anything you are not sure of!

Then, he pointed down with some embarrassment: But the current situation...

Murong Fu spread his hands and smiled broadly: Then let's wait and see how this [Qizhen Pavilion] is solved.

It's them who should have the headache, why are you so anxious?

Let's just wait and see the show. I want to see how far this show can go.

As the shouting became louder and louder, Murong Fu never responded.

Others also began to have some doubts, and their eyes looking at the private room on the third floor changed from the envy and shock they had just arrived, to contempt and disdain.

It seems like this guy is just trying to impress people. I thought he was really capable of something!

That's right. I have never heard of such a person. How could he have the strength to challenge the Zhang family?

It turns out that it was just for show!

Suddenly, a deafening drum sound came from the lobby, and everyone's ears were numb.

The sound dissipated little by little, and Yuan Zhen walked up from behind, his eyes passing over the troublemakers one by one.

Then, under everyone's doubtful eyes, he waved his hand.

Soon there were people wearing [Qizhen Pavilion] costumes and roughly pulled them down.

I'm sorry, it's our [Qizhen Pavilion]'s fault that caused people with evil intentions to cause trouble.

Now that I have taken him away, I hope everyone will forgive me!

To show our sincerity, the base prices of all the auction items today are 20% off!

The tone of Yuan Zhen's words, coupled with his status as a manager, made many people wise enough to keep their mouths shut.

He nodded with satisfaction and signaled He Bing to continue hosting.

However, there are always some people who just like to cause trouble.

But Xue Lingqi was covered in black gauze and said in a bad tone: Guanshi Yuan, this fifty million is not a small amount.

Since we all have doubts, why not let the young master pay the money on the spot, which can be regarded as giving us an explanation!

Yuan Zhen's eyes dimmed, and there was some displeasure on his face.

What is the difference between public payment and private transaction? They [Qi Zhen Pavilion] will never allow anyone to disrupt the auction market.

The current situation is tantamount to deliberately causing trouble.

Now he can't wait to open those people's heads and see what's inside!

But Xue Lingqi couldn't care about anything else at the moment, he only wanted to make Murong Fu look bad in public and offend [Qizhen Pavilion].

When the time comes, he won't be able to produce 50 million spiritual stones.

Without her taking action, someone would naturally take care of him.

She absolutely couldn't let go of such a great opportunity.

Murong Fu looked at her figure and couldn't help but complain: Idiot, I don't know what is in her mind.

Zhuge Qingyun couldn't help but echoed: I guess it's daddy!

Bodhisattva Miaoyi also showed a meaningful smile at this time and said softly:

They must have investigated your identity thoroughly, otherwise they wouldn't be so sure. You can't come up with 50 million!

But, I'm afraid those people's little plans will come to nothing this time!

Zhuge Qingyun nodded repeatedly: Yes, but having said that, Brother Murong, where did you get so many spiritual stones?

Murong Fu smiled mysteriously: Buddha said, it cannot be said.

What a joke, if he adds the system, if he completes just a few tasks, the rewarded spiritual stones can pile up into ten mountains.

It's just a small amount of money, a drop in the bucket.

Since those people wanted to play, he didn't mind accompanying them to the end.

It's just that if there is no benefit, you can't afford to be early.

At the same time, Yuan Zhen could not stand the suspicion and suspicion of everyone, and began to send people to discuss with Murong Fu.

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