Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1225 Provoking Disputes

Wan Yiyi looked at several people in confusion.

She just mentioned Murong Fu and why they had such a big reaction.

Especially Mu Yiyang's eyes were like an evil ghost, bursting with intense hatred.

You guys, what's going on?

She hesitated again and again and finally asked.

Yiyi, you don't know something, this Murong Fu...

Mu Yiyang and Murong Lanxin, with every word you said to each other, they made it clear all the grudges they had with Murong Fu.

Even Murong Huai changed his expression and criticized Murong Fu.

After hearing this, Wan Yiyi couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly.

This is really true, even God is helping her!

According to what they said, Murong Fu had nothing to do with the Murong family, and even had a grudge.

This was very good, the enemy of her enemy was her friend, and she could just take advantage of this to deal with Murong Fu.

Wan Yiyi thought for a moment, and a light flashed in her eyes.

She and a few people were in the private room, and after thinking about it for a long time, she finally showed a strange smile.

On the fourth floor, Yuan Zhen and the man in white were also discussing Murong Fu.

A trace of amusement flashed in Yuan Zhen's eyes: Master, do you think he can come up with 50 million?

Yes! The man opposite him said firmly without any hesitation.

He has been guarding this [Qizhen Pavilion] for ten years, and the passers-by have allowed him to develop a keen eye for recognizing people.

Fang Wuchang, dressed in white, suppressed the sweetness in his throat, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked straight at Murong Fu's window.

He spoke slowly, with a low and hoarse tone: He spent thousands of dollars just for a Buddhist bead. He doesn't seem to be a smart man!

Haha, I specially added this Buddhist bead just to test his true and false nature. Unexpectedly, I actually found out. Yuan Zhen behind him smiled deeply.

Then, he sighed heavily: It seems that he is not the person we are looking for. His purpose is not based on that skill.

Fang Wuchang shook his head: Then who can say for sure? I have a hunch that this person...

Ding ding ding!

On the white jade stage, He Bing walked up again and said with a smile: Everyone, the auction continues.

The young man in private room No. 5 on the third floor bids 50 million. Is there anyone who wants to increase the price?

She looked extremely excited, and her fingers couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Everyone present was silent, no one said a word, all waiting for He Bing's hammer to fall on the stage.

First time in fifty million!

Fifty million for the second time!

Fifty million for the third time!

The deal is done. Congratulations to this young man for taking the second item today.

Our staff will hand over to you later, please wait...

He Bing was getting excited when he suddenly heard a discordant voice from the crowd: The rules of [Qizhen Pavilion] are to pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other.

I don't know if the young man on the third floor can afford such a high price. Xinbiquge

Maybe, he's just a clown who comes from nowhere and comes here to randomly bid and cause trouble!

For a moment, the air became somewhat solemn.

Everyone looked towards the direction where the sound came from, with different expressions for a moment.

Soon, someone else in the crowd echoed:

It makes sense! That person bid so casually, and his identity is even more hidden.

It really looks like it's here to cause trouble!

Why don't we all watch him take out fifty million spiritual stones. If he can't come up with it...

On the stage, He Bing's face was a little stiff, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

She looked towards the fourth floor with pleading eyes, then nodded slightly and said, Since everyone has this objection, let's ask this young master to hand over the situation on the spot.

First, let everyone witness the noble temperament of the young master.

Secondly, it can also stop these people from talking.

I wonder, Master, what do you think?

At this moment, Murong Fu was sitting lazily on a chair, secretly having some fun with the Bodhisattva Miaoyi.

Suddenly interrupted, his brows wrinkled unconsciously, and his eyes swept over the people who had spoken first.

A sarcastic smile flashed across the corner of his mouth.

Those people were near the Zhang family on the second floor. On the surface, they were from the Zhang family, but in fact...

Murong Fu knew in his heart that they just wanted to put the blame on others and played these unflattering tricks.

It is naturally not difficult to guess the person behind the scenes.

Murong Fu thought of this, his eyes were extremely cold, and he said coldly: I don't know when this [Qizhen Pavilion] became a theater troupe?

What's your level? If you want to ask me to sing for you, you don't care how much you weigh.


These words were no less than a slap in the face of the entire [Qizhen Pavilion] in public.

He Bing did not expect to get such a reply, and he began to panic unconsciously.

Just when she didn't know how to resolve the deadlock, someone spoke again: I think this person is not really here to cause trouble, right?

Deliberately calling out the high price of 50 million yuan, but in fact, my pocket is cleaner than my face.

People like this should be beaten out!

Soon, more and more people began to question Murong Fu's identity.

Some bystanders began to unconsciously be instigated by people with ulterior motives, and each of them became suspicious.

This young master, according to the rules of [Qizhen Pavilion], you pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other. You will not be responsible for the money or goods of two thousand.

You handed over these 50 million in public to open our eyes, so why are you so aggressive?


Seeing that something was wrong with the situation, Zhuge Qingyun was so angry that his face turned red.

Holy crap, do they have no brains?

It's obvious that someone is secretly fanning the flames and deliberately targeting us.

Surprisingly, someone actually agreed!


Zhuge Qingyun started swearing, wishing to pull out all eight generations of their ancestors to offer condolences.

At this time, Murong Fu smiled instead of being angry. He slowly stood up and walked to the window: Well said!

But why should I show it to you in public?

I remember [Qizhen Pavilion] doesn't have such rules, right?

As soon as these words came out, the originally noisy scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked in the direction of Murong Fu.

But soon, someone who was not afraid of death continued to stir up trouble: Who knows, do you have so many spiritual stones?

With your repeated refusals, could it be that you really can't get it?

If this is the case, [Qizhen Pavilion] will not let you go!

Murong Fu looked at the speaker, smiled, and looked at He Bing on the stage: You [Qizhen Pavilion] think so too?

He Bing moved his lips, but couldn't say a word, and his face became particularly ugly.

This situation was something she had not expected.

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