Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1106 I am very satisfied with myself

Zhang Yu was indignant and said without any politeness: You are great, you are the most powerful. As soon as you come in, you activate all the mechanisms.

I see you as a depressed person.

Unlucky! Too unlucky!

As he spoke, his eyes showed disgust, as if Gao Qiqiang was really something unlucky.

Listening to his words, Gao Qiqiang narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a hint of warning: Zhang Yu, I advise you to be polite to me!

Guan Zhi looked at him coldly and said slowly: Polite? I think he was polite enough.

If you ask me, people like you should die early and quickly, so as not to cause trouble here.

I second the motion!

For a moment, the eight people present spoke one after another.

No matter how shameless Gao Qiqiang was, they would still make him blush.

Shut up! He was extremely angry and attacked one of them directly.

However, before he could get close, Yu Xiaohu had already blocked the person in front of him with his quick eyesight and quick hands.

He faced Gao Qiqiang directly, with no trace of fear on his face.

Originally, although his strength was slightly inferior to Gao Qiqiang's, his recent promotion broke the bottleneck he had experienced for many years.

His whole person suddenly made a qualitative leap, and he was not afraid of facing Gao Qiqiang.

Gao Qiqiang really didn't expect it. He was shocked at first, and then laughed contemptuously: Haha, you dare to take action against me?

Yu Xiaohu's eyes became more determined, and he shot out the spiritual energy in his body as if it were inexhaustible.

Bang! The two spiritual energies collided in mid-air, making a huge roar.

Gao Qiqiang couldn't help but take two steps back, his eyes widened: You! How could you be my opponent?

Yu Xiaohu didn't get any advantage, but he was very satisfied with his current strength.

Um! I am very satisfied with myself!

He was surprised and happy, and slowly said: You are nothing more than that.

Guan Ju clapped his hands and applauded, then stepped forward and stood next to him: Hahaha, Brother Yu is really powerful, even against Gao Qiqiang he won't lose at all!

Yeah, it seems that some people can't be called number one, they are number one who are easily surpassed.

Is that number one? That's a joke, hahaha...

I have to say that it is really not a family that does not come into the same house.

Although these people come from all over the world, they all have one thing in common, they have a poisonous tongue!

Too poisonous!

Since Gao Qiqiang met them, he was almost so angry that his orifices bled and smoke erupted.

In just a few hours, he seemed to have heard all the bad words in the world, and he was more angry than he had been in the past twenty years combined.

Bad words hurt people. June is cold.

He can really realize this now.

Poof! A large mouthful of blood spurted out from Gao Qiqiang's mouth.

It draws an arc in mid-air, and the brilliant colors are really beautiful.

Okay! Gao Qiqiang, our number one in strength, even performed a vomiting of three liters of blood for us in front of everyone.

Everyone applauds and encourages!

Quack, quack, quack, quack...

Gao Qiqiang suppressed the surging energy and blood in his body and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Although he said that his strength had recovered a lot, the injury still existed, causing him constant pain.

In addition, the venomous tongues of so many people really made him spit out blood.

Gao Qiqiang gritted his teeth and pointed at the others one by one: Just wait, I will remember you two.

After saying that, he turned around and left without looking back.

Ma Sanpao seemed to have noticed something again and wanted to speak: Hey! Wait...

But before he could finish speaking, a huge and crisp bang! came from the front.

Gao Qiqiang immediately noticed the pain on his forehead, and there seemed to be some warm and viscous liquid slowly flowing down his face.

What I want to say is that there is a big black chess piece behind you. Be careful and kill it. Ma Sanpao suppressed his laughter and continued to hit him.

In fact, it’s not anyone else’s fault.

The only reason to blame is that Gao Qiqiang has such a strong spirit that he can use such great strength when he turns around.

Everyone looked at him with regret, as if they were looking at a fool.

It can be said that Gao Qiqiang may be the worst sinister villain.

After going through many vicissitudes of life, in the end, I didn’t get any advantage at all. Instead, I got myself injured all over.

Yu Xiaohu waved his hand and whispered to the others: Okay, everyone doesn't need to worry about him anymore. It's more important to crack the chess game.

The happy time passed, and everyone once again showed their tangle and annoyance.

In the end, everyone looked at Ma Sanpao in unison, their eyes sparkling: Brother, it's up to you.

We will work hard, but you will use your wits! Zhang Yuzai tried for a long time and finally gave in.

As the saying goes, there is a priority in learning the Tao, and there is a specialization in the art.

Against everyone's hopes, Ma Sanpao began to study the black and white chess pieces in a square place.

Now, the position they are in is surrounded by two black and two white chess pieces.

Black and white alternate, and the huge chess pieces are like mountains, standing all around.

At first, some people tried to use spiritual energy to push the chess pieces away, but they all ended in failure.

It's not that they are not strong enough, but that the chess piece seems to have taken root.

Even if everyone's spiritual realms were added together, there would be no way to shake it at all.

Gao Qiqiang, who was isolated on the side, also worked hard for a long time and was panting from exhaustion to no avail.

Finally, he once again turned his gaze to the side, looking at Ma Sanpao and Yu Xiaohu who were looking left and right, wanting to repeat the same trick.

However, how could the rest of the people give him a chance? They blocked the front one by one, leaving no gaps for him.

You want a way to break it?

Then you can find it yourself?

Aren't you ashamed that you just sit and wait for the fruits of other people's work?

Gao Qiqiang finally gave up and began to crack the problem alone.

Time passed little by little, and the nine people were trapped in this place. They looked around the four chess pieces for a long time, but no one found anything.

Outside, Zhuge Qingyun looked a little anxious and couldn't help but say: What's the solution to this chess game of yours?

He shook his head and continued: Why don't you just let it go? I don't think these people can be found even if they are exhausted.

Murong Fu showed an enigmatic smile and whispered slowly: Just watch, the fun is yet to come.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ma Sanpao's voice came over: Come here quickly, I found it!

After saying that, everyone rushed over there in a swarm, and they were immediately surrounded by water.

Gao Qiqiang also wanted to take a peek, but he could only see the big, furry heads that were blocked from the outside.

He spat: Bah! Just treat it as a surprise!

Over there, Ma Sanpao whispered: I found it. It's actually very simple. First like this, then like that...

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