Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1105 Surprise or not?

Gao Qiqiang felt a blockage in his heart, with indescribable grievance and jealousy.

The eight people seemed to have noticed his gaze and turned their heads to look at him.

A big smile appeared on Guan Ju's lips, a stream of spiritual energy flew out of his hand, and he said loudly:

Hey! Sure enough, this spiritual energy is abundant and makes people feel comfortable!

Guan Zhi also looked like he was watching a good show and echoed: Yes, Brother Ma has been promoted two levels in a row!

Hey, it's just a sprinkle of water!

Brother Yu is the one who truly breaks through the bottleneck, and his cultivation will surely be rapid in the future.


Same joy, same joy~

A group of people talked to each other in a tacit understanding, but every sentence was like a knife stabbing Gao Qiqiang's heart.

Sure enough, the man outside the formation had red eyes, as if he could bleed, and his whole body was shaking with anger.

Why! He roared angrily, and a ray of spiritual energy burst out of his body, hitting the barrier of the formation hard.

What everyone didn't expect was that the barrier, which was originally as hard as iron, actually made a clear click! sound.

The next moment, the barrier instantly dissipated.

The only obstacle standing in front of Gao Qiqiang disappeared at this moment.

He showed a smile and a flash of light flashed in his eyes: Sure enough, God is still on my side.

As he spoke, he planned to walk into the formation.

The expressions of the other eight people changed slightly. The scene in front of them was not what they wanted to see.

I'll go! He really got a big deal!

I don't accept it. We obviously fought back with our lives, so why should he let him go to waste with nothing?

I'm not convinced either...

However, they were aggrieved, and the entire formation changed once again.

As soon as Gao Qiqiang stepped onto the edge of the formation, the black and white chess pieces changed instantly.

It was still spinning rapidly, but now it slowly stopped and stood in front of Gao Qiqiang.

As a biting cold wind blew by, the traces of light in the formation were disappearing little by little.

Gao Qiqiang originally thought that he could use these to increase his strength by several levels.

But who would have thought that something that was within easy reach would disappear right before his eyes.

Soon he disappeared without a trace, not even the slightest hint of aura could be detected.

Hahaha! Let me just say, this person still needs to be self-aware.

It's not yours, so it's best not to get it easily.

Otherwise, you will be looking at it eagerly like this, you can see it but you can't touch it.

Are you surprised? Are you surprised?

This scene made the other eight people laugh so hard that they all looked up to see his joke.

Gao Qiqiang clenched his fists tightly, his teeth clenched, and his eyes revealed a fierce light.

He tried to calm down, pretending to be calm and calm: Oh, it's just a little spiritual energy, and it's worthy of the joy of weaklings like you.

In my opinion, it's not a big deal. As he spoke, he turned his head away and walked in the other direction.

Behind him, Zhang Yu was smiling even more, pulling his neck and shouting: Hey, let me see what kind of villain he is. He can't eat grapes and says they are sour!

Just as everyone was laughing, Ma Sanpao seemed to have discovered something and quickly pointed at Gao Qiqiang and shouted: Don't move!

Gao Qiqiang stopped and looked back at him, with a bit of ferocity and hostility: What else do you want to do?

Everyone was also shocked by this sound and couldn't help but ask: What's going on?

Ma Sanpao wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and it took him a long time to speak: He, his feet seemed to have touched a mechanism.

Gao Qiqiang, you must not move, don't move at all.

That mechanism is located at the door of death...

When everyone heard this, their hearts lifted up in their throats again, and their faces showed a look of shock.

Although none of the traps just looked dangerous, they all consumed everyone's energy.

No one can imagine what different and dangerous mechanisms will be waiting for them later, and they are still at the door of death.

Everyone looked at Gao Qiqiang's feet and saw that at some point, a green grassland appeared there.

When Gao Qiqiang saw this scene, he couldn't help but be slightly startled: What's going on? Obviously it wasn't there just now...

But as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a weak wind behind him, as if something was approaching him again.

His heart was frightened. He actually forgot Ma Sanpao's instructions and subconsciously flew up.

No! As Ma Sanpao exclaimed, the entire formation suddenly began to spin.

Everyone was like duckweed, floating in the air, swaying up and down and left and right following the formation.

Among them, some people tried to use spiritual energy to stabilize their bodies, but it had no effect at all.

Not good! All the mechanisms in the formation have been activated.

Everyone, be careful, don't get scattered!


However, at this moment, they were in deep trouble, and even their bodies were out of control, let alone other things.

But in just the blink of an eye, the nine people seemed to have become chess pieces on the chessboard, rolling back and forth following the many black and white chess pieces.

Guan Ju and Guan Zhi were still holding hands tightly at first, but later they were separated by a mysterious force.

The formation is activated little by little, and the chess game is slowly decided. Who loses and who wins, in a matter of seconds...

The sky changes dramatically and everything grows.

I don't know how long the entire formation shook before the bodies of the nine people slowly fell to the ground, their heads feeling dizzy.

When everyone came to their senses again, they were surrounded by huge flags, and they couldn't see the color of the sky when they looked up.

Beside them, chess pieces as tall as two people were arranged, like an insurmountable barrier.

They were almost completely surrounded. There was no gap between the wives, and there was no passage around them.

Guan Ju tried to raise his spiritual energy and flew up, but he only felt like his feet were filled with lead.

Her almond-shaped eyes were slightly surprised: What's going on? I can't fly.

Upon hearing this, others started to try it one after another, and the results were without exception.

Ma Sanpao observed everything around him carefully, and then said slowly: Don't waste your efforts. It should be the barrier set by senior brother to prevent us from flying over these chess pieces.

If you want to get out from here, I'm afraid you'll have to find another way. He sighed softly and began to search for the mechanism privately.

Gao Qiqiang suddenly spoke at this time, with a cool tone: Tsk, I thought you could be so capable, but it turns out it's just that.

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