Zhuge Qingyun said, about to push Murong Fu outside: Let's go, don't you want to accept a young disciple?

Murong Fu shook his head, his expression unchanged: I don't really want to.

After he finished speaking, he pulled Zhuge Qingyun's hand away and continued: You can go and play by yourself. I have to practice in seclusion for a while.


Zhuge Qingyun looked at him with some doubts, then his face changed drastically, and he exclaimed: I'm going! I haven't seen you in just a few days, but the spiritual energy in your body feels more abundant!

He raised his eyebrows: Tell me the truth, where are you now?

Murong Fu smiled at him and patted his shoulder: It's no different from before.

What he said is absolutely correct. After so many days of cultivation and retreat, his actual state has not changed at all.

It's just...

Now, he has double dantian, which means he has two spiritual veins and can practice at the same time.

This is far more practical than those spiritual energy cultivation practices!

Zhuge Qingyun's eyes widened and he stared at him, as if he wanted to poke a hole in his body.

After a while, his head shook like a rattle, and he muttered: I don't believe it, you are definitely lying to me.

We're both in trouble

You have a secret behind my back!

Seeing him acting like a rogue, Murong Fu felt really tired and didn't want to tangle with him anymore, so he hit the cave with a burst of spiritual energy.

With a sound of Boom!, several cracks appeared in the stone wall instantly.

Murong Fu didn't take it to heart at all and said casually: Look, it's still in the stage of becoming a god. I'm not lying to you. It hasn't changed at all.

At this moment, Zhuge Qingyun's heart was spinning a thousand times, and he looked at Murong Fu as if he was looking at a freak.

You said you didn't lie to me. This stone wall is made of ancient [Huan Ling Rock]. Even the Great Elder and the others are strong enough to shake it.

You! You broke a crack so easily, you are going to defy the heavens!

Tell me, what secret technique are you practicing behind my back?

When Murong Fu heard this, he couldn't help but look at the wall of [Huan Ling Rock], and silently sighed in his heart: It's over, you were careless!

He didn't know how to talk about [Broken Sword Technique], and looked at Zhuge Qingyun's eyes with great anticipation.

Suddenly he had an idea and said softly: By the way, the orientation meeting is about to begin. Aren't you going to join in the fun?

Zhuge Qingyun suddenly slapped his forehead and exclaimed: Look at my memory, I almost forgot, let's go, let's go together!

After that, the two of them walked towards the [Biyun Mountain Range] together.

Murong Fu looked at the brothers beside him and wondered for a moment whether it was good or bad to have a brother with a simple mind and well-developed limbs.

At this time, many disciples had gathered at the [Biyun Mountain Range] with different expressions on their faces.

Looking at the person who has been through many vicissitudes of life and has a tired look on his face, he looks like an old disciple who has been around for many years.

And those people looking around, wearing uniform white shirts, with clear and stupid eyes, are the newly elected disciples of the [Canglan Sword Sect] this year.

As the bronze bell rang, everyone looked in one direction.

I saw the Great Elder and the Fifth Elder both appearing, looking around, and finally stood on the high platform.

See the Great Elder, see the Fifth Elder! Everyone shouted in unison and saluted.

The Great Elder Xiang Mole's eyes suddenly lit up and his gaze fell on Murong Fu with a somewhat inexplicable smile.

Ever since Murong Fu came out of the [Spirit God Realm] with the [Colorful Glazed Lotus Heart], the First Elder has been extremely interested in Murong Fu.

He particularly wanted to know what was so special about a person who could lead everyone out of the [Spirit God Realm] safely.

Moreover, after he got more information from Zhuge Qingyun, he admired and appreciated Murong Fu even more.

The fifth elder was still chattering away, not noticing the first elder's eyes at all.

However, Murong Fu and Zhuge Qingyun could clearly sense it, and couldn't help but get goosebumps from looking at it.

Zhuge Qingyun shook his body and whispered: Brother, why does the Great Elder look at you like this?

Murong Fu was even more confused and shook his head: I don't know either.

Tell me, will he fall in love with you...

On the other side, the fifth elder has already begun to instruct the new disciples: Everyone who comes to this [Canglan Sword Sect] must pass this entrance test.

Only those who pass the trial can be qualified to become a disciple of [Canglan Sword Sect].

I don't know, everyone, are you ready?

The new disciples were all new-born calves who were not afraid of tigers, and shouted boldly: Ready!

Come on, we will definitely pass the test!

That's right, just a trial, what can it do to me!


Soon, everyone was in a frenzy of discussion, with a flash of light in their eyes and impassioned emotions.

The First Elder and the Fifth Elder looked at each other, then took a step forward and waved their hands.

In an instant, a spiritual energy swept through everyone, bringing with it waves of light breeze.

I saw a tag appearing on everyone's waist, with transparent jade on it, faintly flashing red light. M..

The fifth elder's eyes changed, his smile was mysterious, and he continued: This year, our [Canglan Sword Sect]'s entry trial will be different from the past.

You all need to enter this [Biyun Mountain Range] and gain points by hunting the spiritual beasts in it.

Each of you has a scoreboard around your waist. Every time you kill a spiritual beast, you will get points.

Killing a low-level spiritual beast will score one point; killing a mid-level spiritual beast will score three points; killing a high-level spiritual beast will score ten points.

The time is three hours. The top fifty people with the highest points will be deemed to have passed the selection and can become the new disciples of [Canglan Sword Sect]!

If someone is seen by the elders or senior brothers, he or she may be accepted as an inner disciple and directly become a disciple to practice.

The second elder explained the rules of the trial clearly to everyone, and finally added:

Everyone must note that this scoreboard is anonymous. If it is accidentally lost or snatched away by others, then...

He didn't finish what he said, but everyone already understood what he meant.

You can compete with each other for points!

There were a hundred new disciples present, but only fifty were selected in the end. The competition was quite fierce.

However, none of these could stop everyone's determination. They were all high-spirited, with pride and confidence on their faces.

At this time, the great elder continued: But, in order to make the selection more interesting, I specially invited ten inner disciples.

They will wander in the [Biyun Mountains] and have certain authority to increase or decrease the points on your scoreboard.

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