Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1080 Absorbing the Glazed Orb

Chifeng's voice became weaker and weaker, and his body slowly disappeared, leaving only one sentence in the end: I can only do this, the rest is up to you!

Murong Fu's eyes darkened, he lowered his head to look at an ancient book in his hand, and said in a deep voice: Master Chi, don't worry, this junior will definitely live up to his trust.

However, what responded to him was deathly silence.

Chifeng's figure disappeared completely and was nowhere to be seen.

Murong Fu collected the two [glazed orbs] hanging in mid-air in the palm of his hand, and instantly felt an influx of electricity.

He couldn't help but tremble, and his whole body suddenly became hot, and the [Glass Orb] slowly integrated into his body.

In just the blink of an eye, the two beads had been absorbed, and Murong Fu could clearly feel the two forces spreading within his body.

He suddenly remembered that Bodhisattva Miaoyi once mentioned that this [Glazed Bead] is the most pure and yang thing in the world.

Those who obtain this orb will have a pair of eyes that can see through everything in the world, and any disguise and charm will reveal their true colors!

Murong Fu was so happy that he never expected such unexpected joy.

He quickly circulated his spiritual energy and refined all the [Glaze Orbs] for his own use.

Soon, its eyes felt slightly warm, and two streams of warmth surged up.

At the same time, he suddenly opened his eyes, which were clear and bright as never before.

Looking from afar, one can actually see dewdrops on the grass and trees a hundred meters away.

He breathed a long sigh of relief and slowly walked out of the cave, feeling as if he was in another world.

This retreat lasted for more than ten days.

He looked up at the sky, feeling relaxed and happy, as if his pores were opening, and weak spiritual energy surged through his body.

The two dantians unexpectedly coexisted in harmony, rotating up and down, moving left and right, and surrounded by streams of spiritual energy.

Murong Fu slowly smiled and was about to walk out.

Suddenly, he saw a figure leaning against the tree at the entrance of the cave, as if he was already asleep.

He walked over with some curiosity, and what he saw was a cool and beautiful sleeping face, with locks of hair hanging on both sides of the face, adding a bit of tenderness.

Murong Fu looked down and wanted to tuck those strands of hair behind her ears.

As soon as the cold fingers touched the soft face, a pair of eyes suddenly opened and stared at Murong Fu with watery eyes.

Fu Lang, you are out of seclusion! Fang Qian turned to smile and raised her hand to wrap around Murong Fu's neck.

Murong Fu used his strength to pick him up, patted her back gently, and said softly:

Why are you sleeping here? Did that Li Xiaofeng bully you again?

Fang Qian shook her head, leaned against the strong chest, and smelled the familiar scent carefully, with a bit of obsession and intoxication on her face.

No, since you beat him to a pulp last time, he is no longer that frivolous person. He looks like a prodigal son turning back.

I just heard that you were back, so I wanted to come over and see you.

Who would have known that I would encounter you practicing in seclusion and not coming out for several days in a row.

So, I just want to wait for you here so that you can see me when you come out.

As Fang Qian spoke, she raised her head and smiled brightly, which made Murong Fu's heart flutter.

A sweet smile is the best medicine to heal people's hearts, sweeping away physical fatigue.

Murong Fu raised her chin, his voice was hoarse and tender: Madam, are you... missing me?

Fang Qian was a little embarrassed and hurriedly lowered her head without saying a word, but her cheeks were rosy and very happy.

Oh, it turns out that I am too sentimental. If you don't miss me, then I can leave. After saying that, Murong Fu pretended to put it down.

When Fang Qian heard this, she immediately became anxious and said quickly: No, no, I...

I miss you! She said steadily, her eyes full of love and nostalgia.

Murong Fu deliberately teased her, laughed heartily, and carried her back to the cave: Hahaha! Then let me see, how much do you want me to do?

The gauze curtains are lingering, the ground is in mess, the clothes are all faded, and the eyes are charming.

The two slowly brought their heads together, trying to find that touch of deep affection. They clasped their hands and slowly embraced each other.

Fulang~ Fang Qian's voice was slightly trembling, but full of charm.

Murong Fu brushed against her ears little by little, and his warm breath lingered together, tickling her ears, causing Fang Qian to shiver again.

Relax, don't be afraid. Murong Fu spoke gently little by little, until the water and the milk melted together, and everything came naturally.

Both of them were having a great time, and the fine beads of sweat rolled over and over on their bodies, and finally fell on the bed.

A night of sweet dreams, but a short spring night.

It wasn't until the next day that the two of them woke up from a dream and walked out of the cave, both looking good.

Looking from a distance, a careless figure is approaching.

Taking a closer look, it was Zhuge Qingyun.

As soon as he saw the two of them, he instantly showed a meaningful smile: Hahaha, brother, I understand everything!

Fang Qian felt shy and hurriedly left Murong Fu behind and ran away, the blush on her face not yet fading.

How could Murong Fu not know his bad taste? He sighed: Okay, she scared you away!

Zhuge Qingyun innocently spread his hands and said, What's wrong? I didn't say anything!

Quick, quick, quick, let me show you the unique secret book passed down to me by the great elder! He hurriedly performed the technique, and a purple flame emerged from the palm of his hand.

This is the [Nameless Fire] that can burn everything in the world and can also temper the most precious iron tools in the world!

I will practice hard in the future and create a unique sword blade for you!

Zhuge Qingyun and his brother put their hands on Murong Fu's shoulders and said with a smile.

Murong Fu said angrily: Come on, I'm afraid the day lily will be cold by the time you make it.

Hey, brother, you are wrong, you have to believe me!

Do not believe!

Murong Fu didn't want to pay attention to his appearance, and turned to ask: Okay, why are you here with me this time?

Zhuge Qingyun straightened his expression and said seriously: Don't say it, you really don't say it, I really have something to ask you this time.

The sect recruited a group of new disciples a few days ago. The elders were very busy, so they asked me to test them.

If there are any good seedlings, we can also bring them under my sect. What do you think?

Murong Fu calmed down and waved his hands casually: Forget it, you know that I don't like to get involved in such trivial matters, so go ahead by yourself.

Zhuge Qingyun grabbed him and said, Hey, don't be so disappointed. It's a bit fun to play tricks on these boys.

Besides, if you meet someone who meets your eye, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a little apprentice for fun.

let's go!

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