Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1070 The arrogant and domineering Guan Zhongjun

Murong Fu also followed the crowd and stepped forward to see the man's condition.

I saw that his body was shaking constantly, and his limbs were faintly black, as if he had been struck by lightning.

It was also at this time that several people from the surrounding sects began to whisper.

It seems that this [Spiritual God Realm] is easy to get in but difficult to get out of!

That's right! After so many days, I finally found a way to get out. Who would have thought that it was still a trap.

That's weird! This door appears here without any problems, but it doesn't let us out. Why on earth is it?


Murong Fu and Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva could not help but frown as they listened to the words around them, their expressions solemn.

Now, we must not act rashly, this door looks a bit weird. Miaoyi Bodhisattva whispered in Murong Fu's ear.

A flash of light flashed in the latter's eyes, he nodded slowly, and his eyes fell on the door in mid-air.

At this moment, the door had changed from lavender to dazzling golden yellow, with some incomprehensible words faintly flashing on it.

Just when everyone was standing still, not daring to go to the sky, a man in green took a big step.

Immediately, he walked in front of everyone and glanced with a pair of eyes, with a bit of disdain: A bunch of cowards, let me try!

Someone in the crowd recognized his identity and said, He is the official of [Cangshan Mansion] and the chief disciple of the old man Wu Xin.

You have already reached the peak of divine transformation at a young age, and you may soon be able to attract thunder from the sky to overcome the catastrophe.

Is he really that powerful?

Shh! Keep your voice down. It is said that although Guan Zhongjun is powerful, he is very small-minded and does not allow others to question him.

I heard……

After listening to what the people around him said, Murong Fu couldn't help but become a little curious about Guan Zhongjun and raised his head to look at him.

I saw that he was dressed in purple clothes, his hair was tied up high with a golden crown, and a jade pendant hung around his waist.

The whole body is covered with the finest silk and satin. He does not look like a disciple of the sect, but rather like a young master who came from a wealthy family.

What caught his attention the most was that one of Guan Zhongjun's eyes did not look like ordinary people's black or brown eyes, but ice blue.

Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva seemed to notice his doubts, and took a step forward and spoke softly:

Guan Zhongjun was born with an eye disease, and his left eye was born without an eyeball.

His eyes were ripped out alive from the ancient monster [Yuji Beast].

I once had a chance encounter with him. This guy is not a good person.

While everyone was talking about it, Guan Zhongjun had already led several disciples towards the direction of Kinmen.

A disciple in [Xuan Zong Sect] kindly said: Guan Zhongjun, there is something weird in that sect, you must not take it lightly...

But before the man could finish his words, Guan Zhongjun slapped him with a palm, and it was his killing move.

You dare to question me?

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that he would suddenly take action. They all froze in place and didn't recover for a long time.

And the disciple of [Xuanzong Sect] was standing there blankly at this moment, with his eyes wide open and a look of horror on his face.

Although he and Guan Zhongjun were both in the state of becoming gods, their abilities were completely different, and he couldn't avoid this move at all.

Guan Zhongjun didn't even give him a chance.

Seeing that the palm was about to be struck, everyone held their breath, and some even closed their eyes, not daring to look.

At this moment, a shadow flashed across the crowd and stood in front of the Xuan Sect disciple.

Just hearing the sound of Bang!, a hurricane blew up all around, carrying a huge spiritual energy.

Everyone subconsciously looked forward and saw a figure standing in front of the disciple, facing Guan Zhongjun.

Look! Who is that?

Someone actually dares to confront Guan Zhongjun. You must be tired of living!

I pray for him...

Guan Zhongjun looked at the sudden appearance of the person, his face twisted involuntarily, and his teeth made a squeaking sound.

He stared at Murong Fu closely and said word by word: Who are you?

Murong Fu faced his palms and slowly smiled: It doesn't matter who I am, but it's not the behavior of a gentleman to attack others for no reason like this.

Haha? Gentleman? You are the first person who dares to speak like this in front of me. Then I will send you to see the King of Hell first.

Guan Zhongjun sneered and pulled out a soft sword from his waist, with an evil smile on his face. The sword struck straight out with a buzzing sound.

Murong Fu was naturally unafraid and went straight to meet him. Yun Danfeng said softly: Why is such a good person always shouting about beating and killing? It's so rude!

As he spoke, he exchanged blows with Guan Zhongjun. In just the blink of an eye, the two figures were intertwined.

The people around them couldn't help but be dazzled when they saw it, and couldn't see clearly the specific moves of the two people.

If I'm not mistaken, that person seems to be Murong Fu from [Canglan Sword Sect].

It turned out to be him! He was the one who led us to escape the pursuit of the Void Spirit Tribe. He is quite a figure.

I think that although this official is very powerful, he may not be Murong Fu's opponent.


The disciples of the sect reacted, looked at the two figures fighting, and began to whisper to each other.

When Guan Zhongjun heard these words, his face turned purple with anger, and the moves on his hands were even more powerful, and they could kill people.

However, on the other hand, Murong Fu did not panic at all, and kept saying, Tell me about you. I am just kindly reminding you that you want people's lives.

How presumptuous you are! Not polite at all!

I advise you, you must not be petty, otherwise you will not live long.

Murong Fu started to mock, since he looked down on Guan Zhongjun from the bottom of his heart.

He is not a nosy person, but Guan Zhongjun behaves in such an arrogant and domineering manner, and because of a kind reminder from others, he backhandedly threatened his life.

He, Murong Fu, would never sit idly by and ignore this kind of person and this kind of thing.

Murong Fu's words fell into Guan Zhongjun's ears and almost made him breathless and angry.

You are so presumptuous! Guan Zhongjun roared angrily, and the spiritual energy around him instantly condensed on his hands, slowly forming a huge fireball.

His ice-blue eyes slowly turned red, and he said word by word: I! Want! You! Die!

In an instant, the surrounding air rose several degrees, and a scorching sensation hit their faces. Everyone below was also affected by the fireball, feeling uneasy for a while.

My benefactor! Be careful! The rescued disciple ran behind Murong Fu and shouted loudly.

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