Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1069 Big fool and second fool

[Stone-Eating Beast]'s eyes became more and more blurred, and more and more saliva came out.

Murong Fu found the right opportunity and continued to throw colorful stones out of the system space.

Those dazzling stones appeared one after another, almost blinding the eyes of the [Stone-Eating Beast].

Ouch! Woohoo...

Finally, the [Stone-Eating Beast] couldn't resist the temptation and ran to Murong Fu's feet, looking like a good boy.

Haha, it's quite obedient. Murong Fu leaned down and touched the colorful seeds on its head.

In just a moment, a contract was established between one person and one beast. As a ray of light flashed, a pattern appeared in the middle of their foreheads.

It flickered slightly for a few times and then disappeared.

The next moment, the voice of [Stone-Eating Beast] appeared in Murong Fu's mind: Hahaha, my little baby, here I come!

Its two eyes instantly lit up, and it rushed towards the piles of rocks with one swift step, opened its big mouth and started building.

It looked like he had never eaten in hundreds of lifetimes. He was devouring the food and looked extremely ugly while eating.

Um, will it choke to death? Bodhisattva Miaoyi looked at it with some worry, and hesitated for a long time before asking.

Murong Fu was also amazed by the speed. Before he could recover for a moment, the [Stone Swallowing Beast] had already swallowed most of the stone.

I guess not...

Before he finished speaking, the [Stone-eating Beast] who was eating happily suddenly stiffened and all the dark hair on his body stood up.

Then, it kept shaking its head, making a hissing sound in its throat, and its whole face turned red from holding back.

It, it seems to be really choked. Bodhisattva Miaoyi pointed at the [Stone-Eating Beast] with a suspicious look on her face.

Murong Fu felt ashamed for a moment, unwilling to admit that you had collected another two coins and could choke yourself to death even after eating.

He quickly stepped forward and hit it on the back, followed by several more blows.

Puff! With a sound, a stone as big as a fist suddenly spurted out of its mouth.

[Stone-eating Beast]'s face gradually returned to its original appearance, covering its neck with its two front paws, and kept wailing.

Woooooooo, I'm stuck, I... It howled up to the sky and ran towards Murong Fu's direction.

Master, please comfort~

Murong Fu looked at it, as if it were a puppy that had been beaten and then came back to act like a spoiled child.

He turned around and said coldly: Get out!

[Stone-eating Beast] stiffened and stood there in a daze, its eyes widened, as if it didn't want to believe it.

He hurriedly used his claws to pick up the gems and jade on the ground, and quickly put them in his mouth.

He also complained: Master, how could you do this to me?

With a body temperature of thirty-eight degrees, how can you say such cold words?

Am I still your favorite little baby?

You don't love me anymore...

The tears of the [Stone-eating Beast] burst out, like pearls, rolling down one by one. The howl made the listener sad and the listener shed tears.

Murong Fu couldn't help but hold his forehead and silently complained in his heart: Another drama queen, just like the [One-horned Demon Tiger].

As soon as he finished complaining in his mind, the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] appeared majestically, shaking its hair.

Master, master, what do you want me to do?

The [Stone-Swallowing Beast] couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] suddenly appeared, and even forgot to swallow the gems in his mouth.

Who are you? it asked, staring at the big mung bean eyes.

The [One-Horned Devil Tiger] also noticed its existence at this moment, and took a step forward to look at it carefully: I am the [One-Horned Devil Tiger], who are you?

I'm not a thing, I'm the master's new spiritual beast. [Stone-Swallowing Beast] spoke slowly with a clear look of stupidity on his face.

When Murong Fu heard this, he couldn't help but laugh out loud: Pfft, they are really two idiots.

As soon as he finished speaking, the two spiritual beasts in front of him turned back to look at him at the same time: Master, why are you laughing?

Master, who do you think is stupid?

Murong Fu looked at them with eyes and waved his hands casually: It's nothing, you two can play by yourselves.

After he finished speaking, [One-Horned Demonic Tiger] and [Stone-eating Beast] synchronized their movements again, and both nodded.

But in the blink of an eye, they started chatting familiarly: I am the spiritual beast that the master collected first. You can call me big brother from now on.

Hello, big brother! This is my favorite gem, give it to you!

The [One-Horned Demon Tiger] was also rude and said: Only fools eat rocks, but I won't eat them.

Who is the fool? [Stone-eating Beast] blinked and asked in confusion.

It's okay, just keep eating, I didn't tell you anything.

Okay, big brother!

Murong Fu looked at this scene from a distance and listened to the conversation between them, and he couldn't help but have a question in his heart.

Is it right or wrong to accept these two spiritual beasts?

One is a big fool and the other is a second-rate fool, but they can really play together.

Murong Fu turned his head away, not wanting to look at them anymore.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi pointed to a light spot in the distance and said in surprise: Look over there?

Murong Fu looked in the direction she pointed and pointed at a door faintly appearing in the sky, emitting lavender gas.

He squinted his eyes slightly, looked over from a distance, and a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It seems that not only did he obtain the [Colorful Glazed Lotus Heart] easily, but he also found his way out without any effort.

He and the Bodhisattva Miaoyi looked at each other, nodded, and both flew in that direction.

Behind the two of them, [Stone-Eating Beast] and [One-Horned Demon Tiger] followed hurriedly. The two spirit beasts were so busy that they tripped over each other and fell into pieces.

Soon, other people in the [Spiritual God Realm] also saw this door.

Running in that direction from all directions.

After being trapped in the [Spiritual God Realm] for so long, everyone no longer thinks about treasure hunting and experience, as long as they can get out.

When Murong Fu arrived, Tathagata Temple, Ziyun Mansion, Cangyun Sword Sect and others had already gathered together early.

However, there was no joy about going out on their faces, but a kind of seriousness and solemnity on their faces. M..

Murong Fu and Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva couldn't help but be a little confused, their eyes fell on the gate that appeared in mid-air.

Suddenly, a figure flew toward the door, trying to rush out of the [Spirit God Realm].

Just hearing a bang!, the man seemed to have hit something hard, and his body fell to the ground like a kite with its string broken.

Seeing this, the people nearby hurriedly gathered around to check on the man.

Alas, here comes another arrogant guy...

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