Many Children, More Blessings: Hehuan Patriarch Takes In Another Female Disciple

27. What A Joke! How Dare A Mere Spirit Sea Realm Challenge The Mighty True Essence?

"Brother?" Elder Wuxiang saw that the man was a man. He was wearing the clothes of the Seven Star Sect. He was also affectionately called Brother by a Hehuan demon girl. It was inevitable that people would have doubts. "Joyous Union Sect has always only accepted female disciples. When has there been a male disciple? Why have I never heard of it?" Lin Xiao's appearance just now was extraordinary. Just relying on the sound of the sonic boom that came through the air. It was beyond the reach of ordinary people. This matter already made Wuxiang a little suspicious. Coupled with Ningxiang's words "Brother", Wuxiang took three steps back. Although he had determined that this person was extraordinary. He still pretended to be calm: "I don't know which group of masters came. My Guisha Sect is here. If you have nothing to do with the Joyous Union Sect, please leave quickly." "Don't hurt you by mistake." Lin Xiao turned a deaf ear to it. The first thing he did when he came here was to check on Ningxiang. He saw that the little girl was not injured except for being a little tired. Only then did she feel a little relieved.

Ningxiang jumped over and said, "Brother, you are so amazing! You caught me so quickly!"

How could she know.

When they parted that day.

Although Lin Xiao said it coldly.

He had already secretly used the Seven Star Sect's tracking secret method on her.

After asking the disciples in the Foreign Affairs Office today.

He learned that this trip was dangerous.

He followed the direction of the tracking.

Looking at the bodies of several black-clothed men on the ground.

And saw the two injured Hehuan disciples.

Lin Xiao had guessed what happened here.

So he praised Ningxiang: "You faced a strong enemy alone and saved the lives of your fellow disciples. You did a good job."

Ningxiang said happily: "Hehe, thank you for the compliment, brother!"

Even so.

She also had some doubts in her heart.

Although the two sisters who were traveling with her were injured, they were still conscious and not unconscious.

Brother Lin did not hide anything this time.

Instead, he appeared as a man. How should Joyous Union Sect explain this time?

This is certainly not the time to think about these things.

After all, the Wuxiang elder saw the two people flirting in front of him.

They looked like a couple in love.

He immediately became furious.

He shouted angrily: "You young man! I am talking to you, why don't you answer? Are you tired of living?!"

Lin Xiao barely glanced at him.

Ningxiang said angrily: "You old man, you actually talk to my senior brother like this, you are tired of living! Turtle bastard!"

"Looking for death!" Wuxiang was obviously very angry.

He made his palms into claws, and a strong ominous black air entangled on them.

It seemed that all kinds of life in this world.

As long as they were contaminated by the black air, they would die on the spot.

As soon as his figure moved.

Someone not far away sneered twice.

Elder Wuxiang was startled.

His body suddenly changed, and he took more than ten steps back.

He clearly heard someone laughing just now.

But he didn't know the location of this person.

When his disciples were fighting with the Hehuan disciples before.

Wuxiang had been hiding on the top of a nearby tree and observing secretly.

He was unable to sense the existence of this person all night.

You can imagine that this person's cultivation is far higher than his!

Wuxiang put away his anger.

He looked around.

He bowed to the air and said, "I don't know which senior master is here. I, the junior Wuxiang, have disturbed you. Please forgive me!"

Wuxiang had just finished speaking.

He saw another figure jumping down from the tree where he had just hidden.

This scene frightened him so much that his back went cold.

'It turns out that this person was hiding next to me just now, but I didn't feel his breath at all. '

'If this person wants to harm me, I'm afraid I won't know how I died. '

"Old Wuxiang, long time no see."

After the person jumped down from the tree.

Everyone realized that this was actually a beautiful woman.

She was wearing a black tights.

Her figure was well-proportioned.

Her long hair was tied into a ponytail, which made her look very capable.

But against the black clothes, his skin was as white as snow, and it was faintly glowing in the night.

See this person's appearance clearly.

Wu Xiang felt relieved.

"It turned out to be Master Ye from the Soul Devouring Hall. I'm sorry for what I did just now!"

Master Ye sneered again: "I'm not laughing at them."

Wu Xiang asked: "Is it me, Master, that you are laughing at?"

"You are from the Spirit Sea Realm, but you dare to challenge a great man from the True Origin Realm. Isn't that ridiculous?"

"What do you mean?" Wu Xiang was shocked.

He knew.

The Master Ye from the Soul Devouring Hall in front of him was born with a cold body.

Although this body cannot be contaminated with any yang energy, it is not afraid of fire.

And it is very suitable for practicing the evil skills of the Soul Devouring Hall.

Not only has she entered the True Origin Realm.

She is also one of the best masters in the Soul Devouring Hall.

With the Phantom Steps and the Soul Chasing Dart.

Countless masters have died under her hidden weapons.

Everyone in the Martial Dao is terrified.

Not only is she regarded as the number one hidden weapon master of the Demon Dao, but she is also nicknamed the Soul Chasing Yaksha.

Elder Wuxiang thought that Uncle Master Ye meant to harm him.

But he was quite self-aware.

If he had a disagreement with Uncle Master Ye, he would not survive a round of fighting.

He had to force himself to say: "Uncle Master, do you mean to attack me?"

Uncle Master Ye turned his back.

His pair of extremely beautiful phoenix eyes stared at Lin Xiao.

"I am not interested in your life. But you dare to mess with this kid... hehe..."

Elder Wuxiang saw this.

He was a little scared in his heart.

Could the young man Uncle Master Ye was looking at be the True Origin Realm master she mentioned?

He said again: "Uncle Master Ye, are you saying that this person's strength has reached the True Origin Realm?"

"This boy looks too immature, he must be just an adult, how could he be a True Origin Realm master?"

What Wuxiang didn't know was.

Although the Uncle Master Ye he mentioned could see that Lin Xiao was extraordinary.

But because the Soul Chaser Yaksha himself was only in the early stage of the True Origin Realm.

Based on Lin Xiao's powerful aura.

She only thought that this person was much stronger than herself, and mistakenly thought that the other party was also a True Origin Realm.

It was just a True Origin Realm Late Stage.

But she didn't know that the boy she was talking about was much stronger than her.

Seeing Wuxiang didn't believe it, the Soul Chaser Yaksha was a little impatient:

"There are so many strange people and things in this world, and when are there few proud children of heaven?"

"I kindly reminded you not to seek death, but you doubt me?"

Wuxiang saw that she was unhappy.

He didn't dare not believe it.

When he looked at Lin Xiao again, his expression had become extremely complicated.

His dry and thin face was covered with a bit of paleness.

Elder Wuxiang was quick-witted.

He poured all his life's cultivation into his legs and immediately urged his body skills.

In the blink of an eye, the skills had retreated a hundred steps.

What a fast escape speed!

When his figure disappeared into the forest, he shouted from afar: "It is not suitable to stay here for long, retreat quickly!" The black-clothed disciples who stayed in place were still confused. But they saw that their master had disappeared. Lin Xiao sneered: "The despicable fellow actually abandoned his disciples as bait and escaped alone." "Looking for death." He just opened his lips lightly. The word "looking for death" he uttered had a shocking power. It was exactly the same as when he killed Elder Wuyou on the observatory that day. Elder Wuxiang barely moved a hundred meters away. But he heard a "crackling" sound behind him. Looking back, he was shocked! The originally towering forest was now opened up by a powerful force to create a wide space. The leaves and branches were turned into dust. He ran for his life. He shouted like crazy: "Who are you? How can you use the magic sound skill? Did you kill the old devil?"

"Uncle Ye, save me!!"

This soul-chasing Yaksha ignored him.

She just relied on her good cultivation to show up and watch the fun.

At this time, Lin Xiao made a move.

She suddenly realized that this person was very powerful.

It was far from being as simple as she had imagined before.

At this moment, she was also looking for an opportunity to leave, so she naturally would not pay attention to Wuxiang's ridiculous request.

It only took a few breaths.

Wuxiang was caught up by this momentum as soon as he finished speaking.

He exploded into a ball of blood mist in the air.

The few black-clothed disciples who stayed in place were also scared out of their wits by this scene.

A powerful Spirit Sea Realm elder.

In front of this man, he was killed instantly with just two words?

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