Not long ago.

A hundred miles away from Joyous Union Sect.

In the Drunken Flower Forest.

Ningxiang and two Qingxin Sect sisters tracked a "fragrant corpse monster" for several days.

Finally, they destroyed it.

To prevent this fragrant corpse from causing chaos everywhere.

To squeeze the blood of mortals.

After this matter was completed.

The three sisters had planned to return to the sect to report.

Unexpectedly, on the way back,

they were attacked by seven or eight masked men in black.

Ningxiang and others consumed a lot of energy to eliminate the monster.

In addition, the attackers were quite powerful.

After a day of hard fighting.

The two sisters were injured.

Ningxiang was also a little tired.

With her current strength, she could have just left.

But she stayed to deal with it just to save her sister's life.

"I didn't expect this girl to be so young, but her strength has reached the Aperture Opening Realm. It's really rare."

"Brother, after you capture this girl alive, can you let me have a taste of her?"

"Fuck you, you're dreaming!"

"These Hehuan witches love to use men like you and me as furnaces. After I capture her, I'll make them suffer!"

Hearing these dirty words.

Ningxiang was not afraid at all, but just sneered.

The leading black-clad man saw this and cursed again: "Little girl, you can still laugh when you are about to die?"

Ningxiang snorted: "Hehe, can you guys catch me?"

After a day of fighting.

Ningxiang has a clear understanding of the opponent's strength.

These people have just entered the Aperture Opening Realm not long ago, and they are definitely not her opponents in a single fight.

It's just that the opponent has a slightly larger number of people.

That's why they are slightly at a disadvantage.

By observing the skills used by the other party, and seeing that each of them held a broad sword, I have a little idea of ​​the identity of these people. "Hey! You rats from the Ghost Demon Sect, why are you so cautious when dealing with me, your great-aunt?" "Are you afraid of me?" These men in black rarely suffered losses when fighting with Ningxiang, and they also knew that the girl in front of them was not easy to deal with. They no longer dared to attack and rush as fiercely as before. They just fought like wolves. At this time, Ningxiang deliberately provoked them. It was inevitable that some hot-blooded people would be fooled. One of them cursed: "Will the Ghost Demon Sect be afraid of a stinky girl like you? What a joke!" He immediately jumped up. The long sword in his hand slashed out three or four crescent-shaped rays of light. "You better watch!" The man shouted. I didn't think that this powerful attack could really hurt this girl. But she should suffer a little. Who would have thought that the next second. His swords were very domineering and fierce. Only a few sturdy old trees were felled.

The woman in front of him had long disappeared.

The other men in black did not see how the female cultivator of the Joyous Union Sect disappeared.

They just thought something bad had happened.

They shouted, "Brother, retreat!"

The man hurriedly retreated.

But he suddenly felt a chill on his back.

He heard a series of silver bell-like laughter: "Hehe, so stupid!"

"It's too late!"

The man in black only saw a bright red blade on his chest.

It turned out that a sharp sword pierced his back.

It went through his heart.

The other men in black saw this and cursed again.

"What a despicable girl, she actually used words to provoke people!"

"The Hehuan technique used by this woman is full of sophistry and her body is unpredictable!"

"Everyone, please be careful, don't be fooled by this witch again!"

"Fellow brothers, why don't we use the Liuren Qianji formation to trap the second girl in it! No matter how capable she is, she can't escape from here!"

After hearing this, the black-clothed men all felt that this method was feasible.

They all used their body skills,

One person occupied a position and surrounded Ningxiang.

Even if she attacked from any side.

The rest of the people could suddenly attack from behind.

Whenever the Guisha Sect used this formation to fight the enemy, they could sometimes even kill opponents who were stronger than themselves.

They were always successful.

The seven people thought that the demon girl in the formation knew how powerful she was.

She would surrender on her own initiative.

Unexpectedly, the girl's silver bell-like laughter came again.

In normal times, such laughter is indeed moving and lovely.

But at this moment.

It just makes people shudder.

The crowd couldn't tell the source of the ghostly sound.

They were looking around and suddenly realized that there was something strange behind them.

"How is it possible?!"

Look at the formation again.

Where is there anyone else?

"Hehe, have you been fooled by me again?"

"No! This is the illusion of Hehuan!"

As soon as the words fell.

Another man in black was stabbed in the back.

After a day of fighting.

Ningxiang had already known the details of her opponent so clearly.

Naturally, she had a much better grasp of dealing with him.

The black-clad men wanted to regroup.

Two of the junior brothers suddenly went crazy and attacked the other four.

The leader was furious:

"Joyous Union Sect witch! You really used despicable means. You first killed my brothers and sisters with witchcraft, and now you are confusing my junior brothers with bewitching magic!"

"Fuck you, you won't be happy if you fall into my hands!"

He cursed fiercely, but he became more and more scared.

The girl's laughter shuttled through the forest like a ghost.

It seemed that she was everywhere in the forest.

"Hehe, are you angry now?"

The leading black-clad man was sweating profusely at this moment.

He had to deal with two insane fellow disciples.

He also had to be on guard against the witch who might attack from behind at any time.

He didn't know what to do.

But someone on the treetop shouted angrily:

"A bunch of trash!"

"Using the Liuren formation of my Guisha Sect, you can't even deal with a little girl."

"How can you still call yourself a member of my Guisha Sect in the future?"

The leader was scolded by the voice for a while.

But his expression became happy.

"Master, you are here!"

"How dare you call me Master?" A thin figure suddenly jumped down from the treetop.

This person was not tall, and his hands were as thin as dry bones.

His eyes were sharp.

After landing, he nodded several times and flew to the south.

He landed next to an ancient tree and suddenly reached out to grab at an uninhabited place.

Ningxiang, who was hiding here, quickly dodged.

He thought to himself: 'This person's power may have entered the Spirit Sea, and my stealth technique has no effect on him! '

Look at the ancient tree where I just hid.

It seems that all the vitality has been drained.

In an instant, the leaves turned yellow and fell one after another, and the whole tree withered.

"The Soul-Destroying Hand of the Ghost Demon Sect, is the senior Elder Wuxiang?" Ningxiang groaned. The black-clothed man who led the group earlier was proud: "The little girl is very knowledgeable. Since you know that the elder of the Ghost Demon Sect is here, why don't you surrender?" Wuxiang said gloomily: "Shut up! Quickly capture this girl, we have other important things to do!" Ningxiang's heart sank. If it weren't for the sudden appearance of an elder from the Spirit Sea Realm. With her just now maneuvering. Maybe she could have repelled a few black-clothed men. But now something strange has happened, and she doesn't know what to do. Just when she was anxious. Suddenly, a series of air-breaking sounds came from the sky. A ray of green light came from the sky like a meteor. When it landed. It had turned into a handsome figure. Ningxiang saw that the person who appeared was clearly Senior Brother Lin, whom she had been thinking about day and night. She was very happy. She called out tenderly: "Senior Brother!"

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