Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 218 25, Luo Jia's personality traits

The character of each Primarch inherited a personality trait derived from the Emperor himself. Many people believe that the Primarch Lorgar's traits are the strong side of human nature and the pursuit of faith.

But Duker has a different view. In his opinion, the quality inherited by the Great Word Bearer Luo Jia is human narcissism.

It is precisely this narcissism that is completely incompatible with faith that creates Luo Jia's twisted and twisted character.

Thousands of years ago, the Word Bearers worshiped the Emperor as a god, compiled the Book of Holy Words, and spread the belief that the Emperor of Mankind was the main god throughout the galaxy.

He seemed extremely religious, like a true fanatic.

But ultimately, his motivation for doing this was not to truly regard the Emperor as a god, but just to show off to everyone——

Behold, how devout I am, no one loves the Emperor more than I do, no one is more loyal than me, I regard the Emperor as a god! ——

It is precisely because of such a twisted psychology.

When the Emperor declared that he was not a god and slapped him to the ground, forcing him to kneel before Guilliman.

Faced with such a situation, a true fanatic believer will regard it as a test from God and accept it with joy - a true fanatic believer is like a hopeless love brain. No matter what God does or says, it is correct.

But Luo Jia's choice was rage and betrayal.

Perhaps at that moment, Luojia himself realized that his belief was not pure.

Investigating the root cause, devout faith is just a hypocritical appearance that Luojia shows off to the world.

In essence, he loves no one but himself.

He thinks very highly of himself and keeps deceiving himself. If reality does not meet his expectations, he will not think it is his fault.

You will only think that the mistakes are everyone else's.

It was precisely because of this narcissism that when Duker continued to ignore him.

Luo Jia was immediately greatly stimulated, and his rage and resentment gnawed at his sanity like snakes and ants.

Duker really didn't mean to target him.

He really did not predict in advance that Lorgar would appear on the frontal battlefield. If he had known that the Great Word Bearer would come, Dulquer would not have persuaded Guilliman to stay at the headquarters.

After all, apart from Alpharius, Luojia is the only primarch who can improve the regent's record.

This opportunity is very rare.

But now it's too late to regret missing this opportunity.

Right now, the most important thing for Duker is to deal with Mortarion first.

Mortarion's fighting skills were already at the top among the primarchs, and a few years ago he took away part of Nurgle's power of death.

As far as the situation is concerned, Luojia's power is nothing compared to Mortarion.

Dukel ignored the Great Word Bearer beside him and charged towards the Lord of Death. The flames rising around him made his momentum even more astonishing.

Mortarion, who had already been severely wounded, was in severe pain, but he knew he had to react immediately.

Unlike the martial arts competition between brothers thousands of years ago, in the current fight between blood relatives, Duker would never spare his life.

Mortarion flashed his wings and leapt to the top of the wreckage of a tall building. He dodged Duker's charge with difficulty and dodged and jumped to another boulder.

Dukel turned and pounced again.

At this moment, Luo Jia on the side seized the opportunity to turn around, and a psychic fireball that had been secretly stored for a long time came, hitting Duker's landing point accurately.


A violent explosion sounded, and the moment the psychic fireball exploded, violent flames engulfed everything around it.

Seeing that this attack was accurately effective, a proud expression appeared on the face of the Great Word Bearer again.

But Mortarion's expression was completely opposite. When the Lord of Death saw this scene happening, he quietly and quickly retreated dozens of meters.

His body was trembling slightly, and his attention was completely focused on the exploding flame.

The burning fire blocked his sight, making it difficult for him to see what was going on in the fire, but Mortarion knew that Duker would never be defeated so easily.

Even such an attack would hardly leave any scars on the opponent's armor.

He only hoped that this sudden attack would not completely ignite Dukel's anger. This was exactly what Mortarion needed now.

Under normal conditions, he still had the confidence to deal with Dukel, but the furious Lord of Destruction would only use all his strength to destroy the two of them.

If they fail to successfully delay Dukel in this world, the consequences for their plan will be fatal.

Thinking of this, Mortarion looked at Luojia with some anger.

But the time on the battlefield did not allow them to communicate more.

The next moment, the fire suddenly exploded, and the ruins of the city's buildings were blown into the sky by the impact of the flames. The burning and shattered building fragments quickly fell from the sky like fireballs.

Dukel, whose whole body was covered in red flames, was expressing his anger to the surroundings through the high temperature of the flames. The earth began to melt, and the hot lava gathered into streams.

Even though it was Mortarion, his own breathing rhythm stopped for a moment when faced with such rage.

He then reacted hastily to Duker's onslaught, parrying his death scythe between himself and Duker.

But this time the angle of the weapon's blocking was not ideal, and the impact of the fire shook him back repeatedly.

The huge force coming from the weapon's grip made his arms lose consciousness.

Then he was slashed away by Dukel's sword, and felt his body being carried backwards by the huge force. Mortarion knew that it would be difficult for him to avoid the opponent's next attack.

In such an unfavorable situation, the Lord of Death mobilized his subspace essence. On this planet closely linked to the spiritual realm, the primordial power of chaos was continuously infused.

When Mortarion stood up again, he happened to see Dukel's burning sword stabbing at him. He was powerless to block this sword, and he could not avoid it.

At this critical moment, the ground under the feet of the three primarchs suddenly cracked, and the Lord of Death fell into the poisonous valley under the drag of gravity.

"Want to run?" Dukel snorted, not giving the opponent a chance to leave the battle, and chased him into the bottomless rift.

The impact of the flames gathered into a tornado, stirring the deep rift and making it restless.

From beginning to end, he did not look at Lorgar.

Lorca: "."

The golden skin on the face of the Great Speaker reflected the light of the flames. He looked into the depths along the gap of the rift, which had become a hell of flames and poisonous gas.

The completely supernatural disaster driven by the power of the demigod was churning, and the roar of the dragon was faintly heard. Such a terrifying scene made the Great Speaker hesitate for a moment.

But thinking of the vision of the next plan and Dukel's contempt for him, after hesitating for a few seconds, he finally slid along the slope of the rift into the deep valley filled with poisonous gas.

And in the factory in Dotoria.

The war between the Imperial Warriors and the World Purifiers and many dark allies is coming to an end.

Doom cleared the Purifiers at the core of the factory and climbed to the top of the tower where the Ultramarines fought with the Lord of Death.

Here, he met Dante, who also came to support the Ultramarines, and the Holy Blood Guard led by him.

They mourned for the Ultramarines. In the battle with the Lord of Death, only Commander Calgar and ten Honor Guards survived.

Calgar gradually regained consciousness, but his injuries were too severe. The Lord of Death's scythe was too heavy for the Space Marines, and he could only walk with the help of his battle brothers.

After the battle, his azure armor was covered with dents.

Among the surviving Honor Guards, one was in a similar situation to Calgar, and more people were in a state of complete shock.

Seeing such a scene, thinking of the painful price that the Ultramarines had borne on their behalf, sadness emerged in Doom's eyes.

And Dante, the Holy Blood Commander who witnessed the tragic sacrifice of the warriors, was already on the verge of black rage.

Sanguinius was not here, and he could only rely on willpower to forcibly suppress the anger in his heart.

Doom opened his mouth, he wanted to say something to express his gratitude or comfort to Calgar.

But the Doom Slayer usually only regards words as weapons for war, so that at this moment, he found that he was so bad at speaking.

The scene of blood flowing in front of him made everything seem so empty and powerless.

The legion priests of the Blood Angels helped the Ultramarines to retrieve some gene seeds from the dead and gathered the holy objects and weapons and equipment worth recycling.

The battle flag of the Ultramarines Honor Guard had been completely dyed black and red by the coagulated blood of the warriors. Doom took the battle flag in his own hands and raised it high solemnly.

Calgar, supported by his brothers, looked at the flag that was raised again, with tears in his tiger eyes.

Then Azriel also came with the Dark Angels, and the four legion commanders held a temporary war meeting on the top of the industrial tower.

They gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

The aftermath of the battle between the demigods was sweeping the entire planet.

The violently surging sky occasionally emitted bursts of roars, and the earth was constantly shaking. The noise caused by the battle was becoming more and more piercing, and the red fire pillars surged up to the sky along the gap in the earth.

The whole world seemed to have entered a terrifying doomsday. Faced with this natural disaster-like scene, the people headed by the Dark Angel Commander advocated revenge on the heretics.

But Doom and Calgar, after thinking for a few seconds, both made clear their opposition.

Although the two of them were extremely eager to take revenge on the heretics at this time and tear every enemy on this planet into pieces.

But even so, they still did not advocate an immediate cleansing operation.

The madness of the Doom Soldier gradually subsided after their Primarch appeared.

They were no longer soldiers of Krieg who only knew how to charge. As soldiers of the Second Legion, they had more responsibilities to bear.

The sacrifice of the Ultramarines was the best proof of this view. The arrival of Primarch Dukel was a good medicine for healing their souls.

No longer falling into the madness of wanting to destroy together with the enemy, Doom's rationality became clear.

Before he went to Vigil, he had a long talk in Duker's office. With the reminder from the Primarch, he knew that the situation on Vigil was just a prelude to the real war.

The tragic situation on Vigil could not change the outcome of the deeper game.

This was a war that mortals could not control even if they tried their best.

Compared to killing those insignificant heretics, what they needed to do now was to lead the imperial people of Vigil to retreat and avoid more sacrifices.

Fortunately, the demon army also became disordered after Abaddon escaped. They did not have as many choices as the Empire, but were destroyed in the final madness.

The raging storm descending from the warp was frantically destroying everything on the surface. In this extremely chaotic and unclean land, the destruction of the heretics was doomed. It was obviously not a rational choice to risk killing them just to vent anger.

Doom told this analysis to the commanders of various legions.

But unexpectedly, Azrael still insisted on the action of exterminating the heretics.

Doom looked at him deeply. In the brief cooperation with the other party on the Spirit of Vengeance before, he knew the other party's character and the loyalty and agility of the First Legion.

In such a situation, the other party still insisted on taking seemingly irrational actions-it is very likely that the First Legion will use the disguise of action to deal with some "little secrets".

Maybe it's about the fallen angels, or something else.

Doom was not too curious about the little secrets of the First Legion.

After a brief consideration, he tacitly changed his suggestions for subsequent actions.

All the commanders present were experienced legion commanders. As Dum changed his words, Dante and Calgar gradually understood why the First Legion was so determined.

Although they had no private communication, they quickly reached a tacit understanding in this temporary meeting.

The three commanders handed over the task of the final stage of the extermination of heretics to Grand Master Azrael and his First Legion.

The other three legions were fully committed to the work of evacuating the survivors of Vigilant Star.

This temporary meeting lasted for a short time. It took less than five minutes to finalize the subsequent action plan.

Because there was not much time left for the commanders, with the fighting between the primarchs and the evil rituals, the environment of the entire planet was changing wildly.

The sky was full of the impact of unclean energy. In such a turbulent environment, the feedback from the space orbital battleship showed that in the readings of the orbital divination instrument, there were only 22 relatively stable areas on the entire land of Vigilant Star.

Each area was only a few kilometers in range, and these areas were evenly distributed on the surface of the planet.

At present, these 22 locations are the last places on Vigilant Star where the people of the Empire can evacuate.

Dum knew that such a number was not a coincidence. Recalling the look the Primarch had given him not long ago, a heavy sense of responsibility weighed on his heart.

Then, a series of combat orders were passed down through the busy communication system.

The ground troops who were fighting bloody battles responded quickly.

The soldiers closest to the target points were ordered to occupy and hold these areas with the assistance of fighters and mechas.

The Blood Angels and Ultramarines who were farther away were required to reach the evacuation site as soon as possible.

Then the gunboats and transport planes would take the survivors into the air, and difficultly pass through the violently surging atmosphere and the space battlefield where fierce fighting was still going on, and return to the battleships of the Imperial Navy.

Fortunately, the Empire brought a large enough fleet, so it was not forced to abandon some of the people of the Empire.

When this tactical order was orderly issued to all levels of the army, all legions acted quickly.

The rising energy level in the void of the Vigilant Star clearly indicated that a catastrophe was approaching.

Acting quickly to gain time is now the top priority.

As he began to move, Doom raised his head again and looked at the sticky poisonous fog wrapped in flames.

His Gene Father was fighting there, and the endless flames were the expression of the existence of the original body.

Doom firmly believed that Dukel would win the final victory. No one knew better than him what kind of power his Gene Father had.

If it weren't for buying time for the innocent to retreat, Dukel might have won the battle long ago.

"I won't let you down again, father." Doom's eyes were firm, and his whisper to himself echoed inside the helmet.

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