The arrival of the Imperial Warmaster Dukel greatly inspired the loyal warriors of the entire Vigil Star. Infected by the unique charm of the original body, inexhaustible courage grew in their hearts. The fear and uneasiness of facing the demons not long ago disappeared. .

Facing the ferocious human counterattack, the remaining fleets of the Black Fleet found themselves in an overwhelmingly disadvantageous situation.

More than 70% of the ships in the Chaos Fleet have been destroyed. Those heretics who are still surviving under the wrath of mankind - now they have to consider whether to escape from the battle in despair, or to pull back as much as possible with crazy desire. More enemies were buried with him.

Many heretic fleets chose the latter. They overloaded the subspace engines and rammed into the Imperial warships that were already close to victory, causing them to die in hatred.

The Empire's battle carriers, strike cruisers, and many naval battleships formed an airtight array, surrounding these heretical fleets.

Such a strategy of killing everyone will make the heretical warships that have not escaped from the space battlefield pay an extremely heavy price.

On the surface of the Vigil Star, many mortal worshipers of Abaddon and Mortarion discovered the existence they believed in. When they fled from this battlefield, they finally realized that they had become cannon fodder that could be sacrificed at will.

Although most cultists regard this as a sacred gift, there are still many defectors who try to escape from the siege of loyalist fighters.

Near the core of the warning star, hot lava flows slowly here, and not far from the lava, there is a supreme secret chamber hidden in the sky that mortals absolutely cannot set foot in.

The demon primarch Luojia came here with the Word Bearers. The Great Word Bearers used all the dark knowledge they had learned over thousands of years to perform blasphemous rituals thousands of meters underground in this world.

When the unclean magic circle lights up, the supreme heavenly energy here begins to beat like a dark heart.

The situation underground caused the entire planet to fall into a state of upheaval. While the Imperial Loyalists were still attacking the factories of the Plague Army, the Purifiers used excessive amounts of chemical gas to render the entire battlefield a horrific scene like hell.

However, such a scene, compared with the drastic changes that turned the entire planet upside down from the inside out, these thick clouds of poisonous gas seemed so insignificant.

The terrifying subspace storms gathered together, forming a huge vortex that turned faster and faster. The endless subspace negative energy rubbed against each other, and a series of pale thunder surged out.

Countless cursed souls howled miserably, being swept up in this storm that was comparable to the mainland, and suffered from the evil power of chaos.

Thick smoke with the smell of sulfur and thick pillars of fire burst out from the cracks in the earth, shooting straight into the sky like the flames of the sun.

The continental plates of the entire planet were deconstructed, they fell apart, or suddenly sank, and were rapidly reorganized in a way that was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. Countless people died in this apocalyptic catastrophe.

On the battleships of the Imperial Navy, the Imperial fortune tellers that were originally disturbed by demonic codes were restored after the demonic fleet was destroyed. As soon as they calmed down, they immediately sensed the supernatural energy fluctuations emanating from the core of the planet.

A piercing alarm sounded immediately, and the ship-based servitors who tried to analyze the source of these energy trembled and overloaded and burned.

The machine soul screamed silently, unleashing unprecedented fury. The operators of the fortune teller fell into panic when they looked at the parameters displayed on the screen. They stumbled back unsteadily, wailing in shock and reporting to their superiors the indescribable readings that were increasing rapidly on the screen.

During the reporting process, the operator's skin quickly became red and swollen, and the raised red rashes outlined unclean runes, showing a blasphemous outline. Their minds fell into madness under this blow.

The mighty power of the Supreme Sky swept across the entire warning star.

Feeling the changes in the environment, a proud smile appeared on Luo Jia's golden-skinned face.

The Great Word Bearer finally completed the ritual he had longed for, and the entire Warning Star became his ladder to the path to worship the true God.

He took the first step with determination.

No matter how the loyalists responded next, it was already too late. Tarogar had already won. This was an undisputed fact.

"Dukel has arrived. I hope Mortarion and Horus will not disappoint me."

The great man of words stood on the altar and meditated,

"It's time to meet my brothers. I hope you can be as outstanding as me."

Stopping his thoughts, the golden giant walked down the altar, the proud smile on his face still not dissipating.

When the Vigilant Star encountered drastic changes, Dukel and Mortarion were dueling in this hell on earth.

"Brother, your current appearance makes me a little happy." The Imperial Warmaster looked at the pale face of the Lord of Death. Once upon a time, the other party's body was twisted and abominable under the blessing of Nurgle. Compared with his appearance at that time, He looks much normal now,

"You finally no longer look like you just stink." He said with a smile.

Although in his heart, he despised Mortarion's repeated jumping behavior, he did not despise the demon primarch who had seized the power of the dark god.

In this battle, Duker used his martial arts skills at their peak to the extreme and did not give the opponent any chance.

"Dukele, you are always consistent." Mortarion sarcastically said in a complimentary tone.

Ten thousand years ago, Dukel had taken over the responsibility of the warmaster, and then the Emperor erased all information about him. Ten thousand years later, he took over the duties of the empire's warmaster again. What will happen next does not seem so difficult to figure out.

The sharpness of his words is no less than his death sickle. The seemingly understated words just cut the artery that the other party was most reluctant to recall ten thousand years ago.

"Who doesn't have a lot of bad debts?" Dukel smiled indifferently at the sarcasm of the Lord of Death.

Such a move was beyond Mortarion's expectations. He didn't expect that Dukel would be no longer sensitive to things ten thousand years ago.

The two demigods fought each other, rushed across the continent of the alert star, and charged towards each other beside the mine cave covered with poisonous wilderness.

Mortarion rotated the sickle blade like a gorgeous dancer, but under this gorgeous appearance, it was an elusive deep murderous intent. His sickle blade cut towards Dukel's neck, trying to cut off his head.

But the flaming sword parried the attack, and the shock wave generated by the collision of powerful forces burst out, shaking Mortarion back a few steps.

This collision clearly revealed the difference in strength between the two. Such a gap was not beyond Mortarion's expectations. Ten thousand years ago, his brother was famous for his bravery.

But in the battlefield of life and death, strength is not the only factor that determines victory or defeat.

In the process of retreating, Mortarion took the opportunity to dodge through the industrial area in the wilderness and distanced each other.

Seeing this, Duker chased after him. The thick wall blocked his way, but he did not dodge or avoid it, but smashed the wall directly with his body.

Like a rampaging armored vehicle, in the smoke and dust of the collapsed ruins, he jumped and slashed at Mortarion.

Facing this unstoppable attack, Mortarion held the long handle of the sickle tightly with both hands. He supported it with all his strength, but was still knocked out by the violent force.

He took the opportunity to hide in the building again. Although he used his weapon to parry Dukel's attack, the huge force transmitted from the weapon still made his hands tremble uncontrollably and his chest feel unusually dull.

In the process of constantly dodging, he gradually understood his opponent - extraordinary strength, superb martial arts like a god, keen intuition, and endless energy.

As a warrior, Mortarion had to admit that Dukel was impeccable in bravery, but he felt that he seemed to know how to defeat this former brother.

Just as he was thinking this, the platform he was standing on suddenly tilted to the side. Mortarion hurriedly stabilized his body so as not to be embarrassed by the sudden change of environment.

Then he looked over and saw Dukel inserting the sword of mind into the ground, and using his free hands to firmly grasp the steel plate under the floor. After the demigod's hands suddenly exerted force, the building where Mortarion stood was lifted up.

Hundreds of tons of heavy objects were overturned in an instant, and they pressed down on Mortarion.

"This bastard!" The Lord of Death cursed, and at the moment when the whole building overturned, he flapped his wings and fled quickly.

This action allowed him to successfully avoid the oppression of the behemoth, but his cloak behind him was torn into several holes by the flying debris.

Mortarion flapped his wings and rose into the air. The smoke and dust from the collapsed building stirred around him. This scene aroused a very unpleasant familiar feeling in his heart.

But Mortarion had no time to think about those past memories. Dukel was like a thunderbolt that fell from the burning sky, rushing towards him fiercely.

The weapons of the two primarchs collided with each other again, and Mortarion gradually fell into a disadvantage under the opponent's powerful attack.

Dukel's strength and martial arts were one level higher than his, and even if he launched an elusive surprise attack-when the attack was launched, he could be sure that Dukel was unaware of it, but when the attack really came, the opponent seemed to have a fighting instinct, and avoided all these hidden attacks in a way he could not understand.

Dukel's martial arts and fighting instincts, which had been honed to the extreme, played a crucial role at this moment. He hit Mortarion with a series of heavy blows, causing a flaw in the defense of the demon primarch.

This flaw was fleeting, but Dukel seized it firmly.

He took the opportunity to kick Mortarion in the chest, and this powerful blow caused the Lord of Death's armor to explode.

Mortarion was kicked away, and his body weighing several tons instantly crossed hundreds of meters in the air, directly smashing the walls of the ruins of the city.

His body was deeply embedded in the ruins of steel and concrete of the building, but he had no time to check his injuries. As soon as he stabilized his body again, he immediately rolled to the side.

The burning sword that followed missed by a hair's breadth, splitting the ruins into a huge crack.

Mortarion pulled away again, and he jumped down from the building and took a defensive posture.

Dukel dived towards Mortarion from the roof of the ruins.

This time, the Lord of Death was fully prepared. He bent his knees slightly and tilted the long handle of the sickle. The essence of the subspace projected the original power, and the thick death mist spread.

After he withstood Dukel's attack like a falling star, the condensed death power exploded.

Looking at the mist shaking around him, the corners of the Lord of Death's mouth curled up into a smile.

Everything he had done before was to facilitate this attack. If he were to face Guilliman again, this attack alone would be enough to completely incapacitate Guilliman.

But he was facing Duker at this time, and he knew that the other party was not that fragile.

This attack did not disappoint him. Duker was shaken unsteadily by the repercussions of the mist detonation. He was forced back for the first time in this battle, and his huge body crashed into the ruins of the city.

But what made Mortarion strange was that in the dust blocked by the ruins of the city, he vaguely heard the roar of the dragon from Dukel.

He originally planned to take this opportunity to get a chance to breathe in the fierce battle, but he was disappointed. In just a few seconds, Dukel rushed out again.

Durkor hurled the remains of the ruined city towards Mortarion.

The Lord of Death once again saw this unreasonable building, which weighed hundreds of tons and was rushing towards him with a black mass, and immediately dodged aside.

However, he was unable to avoid another building thrown by Dukel in time.

A fortress of about three floors rolled towards Mortarion.

The Lord of Death was instantly driven into the wall of a Gothic ruins, and the huge force caused the wall, which was tens of meters high, to collapse.

Mortarion was buried under layers of ruins. Duker walked over slowly, holding the sword in his hand.

His blade was wrapped in flames, accumulating a power capable of killing gods.

The ominous omen of ultimate destruction loomed in Mortarion's mind.

Mortarion, who was pressed under layers of ruins, was in severe pain, and the ominous omen in his mind urged him to react immediately.

He pushed away the stone slab that was pressing on him, and then immediately used his sickle to cut a passage in the ruins and escaped.

Forced by the ultimate destruction, he did all this in just a few seconds. When he successfully escaped, a red pillar of fire suddenly detonated in the building.

The pillar of fire soared into the sky, and the burning steel structure collapsed into the sky, melting into molten iron before it hit the ground.

The flames came fiercely and dissipated in the blink of an eye. When everything dissipated, there was only a big molten pit left.

Mortarion took a few steps back tremblingly. He could foresee that if he moved any slower, he would be destroyed together with those abandoned buildings.

"Brother, do you know what surprised me the most?"

Dukel walked out of the dissipated flames. His armor was still smooth and the flames on the blade were still strong. It seemed that the fierce battle before had not caused any damage to him.

His calm look was in sharp contrast to Mortarion's embarrassment.

"Mortarion, I thought you would call for help. I have been waiting for them." Duker continued,

"But you have disappointed me. Until now, no one has come to help you. My stupid brother, do you really think that you alone are enough to face me?"

Mortarion stood there, his armor was broken in large areas, his cloak was in tatters, and even the fog around him was no longer stable. He screamed as if he was injured, and cracked gravel rolled down the surface of the damaged armor.

He looked extremely embarrassed now.

Dukel's voice reached his ears, causing his entire body to tremble uncontrollably.

This trembling came from the overwhelming physical condition, the anger of being scorned, and a touch of fear in his heart that even he himself was unwilling to admit.

He opened his mouth, but before he could reply, a voice suddenly penetrated into the battlefield among demigods,

"And I."

A voice suddenly sounded, and what came with the voice was the dazzling light of the teleportation circle, which suddenly lit up beside Mortarion.

A golden giant with inscriptions carved on his skin stepped out.

The Word Bearer walked out slowly, with a smug smile on his face.

Dukel and Mortarion were attracted by him at the same time. This feeling of being noticed made Luojia feel a little happy.

The three Primarchs gathered here, a rare event in the galaxy.

But before he could enjoy the pleasure, the two original bodies' eyes shifted away from him.

"Mortarion, do you really think that you alone are enough to face me?" Duker asked with a frown.

Mortarion: "."

He did think so and did so, and his idea never wavered until the beginning of the battle.

Mortarion had yet to answer.

Luo Jia's face turned red instantly.

What do you mean, is he not a human being?

"Dukele, you will pay the price for your arrogance." Luojia gritted his teeth, "My brother, you will soon understand that I am completely different!"

But he still didn't get a response from Dukel.

The Lord of Destruction still looks directly at the Lord of Death,

"Mortarion, if you alone dare to resist me, then today will be the day of your complete destruction!"

Luo Jia: "Ahhhhhhh!!!"

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