Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 215 22, Doom: My brothers and I are still the same as before.

In the void beyond the planet, the Black Expedition Fleet is in a very disadvantageous position facing the encirclement and suppression of the four founding legion fleets. The Black Expedition Fleet is inevitably heading towards the fate of failure.

But the war did not end with this. Soon the general headquarters transmitted the serious situation about the warning star to the leaders of each battle group.

Looking at those horrific scenes, the sudden changes revealed to everyone that the situation of the warning star had not improved due to the victory of the space battle, but had worsened.

"On your throne, all the evil heretics will witness our glory, our strength, our world, our warning star! We come with anger, swords and endless fire, and we are bound to destroy the delusions of the heretics. Everything. In the end, everything the heretics did was nothing more than an insignificant obstacle to the realization of humanity’s great ideal.”

In the voice channel, Doom's voice sounded loudly.

In his loud shouts, the imperial fleet quickly left the space battlefield and airborne towards the ground of the warning star.

This action of the Empire means that they will delay the control of space orbit. The Demon Fleet allowed the Imperial Fleet to occupy the planetary space and gained a rare respite.

The Daemon Fleet was delighted that its opponent would take such action, and now the Vigil Star has become the Lord of Death's table, a vessel for death that bites all living things to death.

Moreover, the battlefield commanders of Chaos believe that every Imperial warrior landing on the Vigil Star means that Mortarion and Lorgar are one step closer to their true purpose.

Every Imperial lackey on the surface of the Vigilant Planet will inevitably become a victim of complete murder by this planet.

At this moment, the surface of the Warning Star is full of huge rocky rock beds. When all traces of life have been obliterated, bare rock wounds are exposed on the earth. Heavy industrial factories the size of cities make extremely loud noises, and their chimneys are thicker than battleship cannons, emitting chemical waste gases that poison the entire world.

The highly toxic chemical liquids gathered into rivers and flowed in this ever-changing terrain. It has almost become a world of death. This nightmare-like battlefield is full of frightening things. Danger zone.

Even the orcs had an extremely difficult time surviving in such an environment. The evil power surging in the poisonous mist destroyed the orcs' communication equipment and divination instruments. In such an environment, the warlike orcs were completely lost. In view of the enemy, they divided into green waves, wandering in the poisonous fog of the wilderness.

Thick haze storms filled the planet's atmosphere, and the evil light projected from the cracks in the subspace shone on the surface of the poisonous fog, giving off changing colors like oil floating in a smelly ditch.

Although the environment has become so bad.

The imperial fleet still communicated through the virtual realm and accurately found the human fortress on the surface of this troubled planet.

Seeing this situation, the Doom Slayer and other legions couldn't help but feel furious.

But even in their fury, they are still the most disciplined and strategic warriors in the empire.

When the Imperial fleet used artillery fire to successfully open a way out of the Purifier's biochemical mechanical defense platform and the demon fleet blocking the planet's orbit, the captains formulated an attack plan based on the intelligence transmitted from the general headquarters.

Multiple elite troops operating independently were assigned to key areas. They would bypass the attacks of near-ground anti-aircraft weapons and penetrate like a dagger into the heart of the World Purge Army's defense line.

After landing, they will destroy key enemy targets on the surface of the warning star as much as possible, destroy all the energy transmission equipment available to the Purifiers, and paralyze the huge factories that are constantly producing poisonous mist.

In order to reverse the adverse situation of the Vigil Star as quickly as possible, the Dark Angels even activated the forbidden-level ammunition that had been in the Legion's arsenal during the Horus Heresy, and were ready to launch at any time.

When the ground forces successfully destroy the Purifier's anti-aircraft weapons and rescue the Imperial people, the Dark Angels' battleships will deliver the fatal blow.

Although the captains do not fully understand what is hidden in the fog of the Vigil Star, they believe that whatever it is, it will be completely purified in the wrath of the Imperial weapons.

With the battle plan finalized——

Thousands of armed transport planes, spraying out the Imperial Skyhawk livery, rushed into the atmosphere of billowing poisonous smoke and headed straight for the ground of the Vigilance Star.

When they penetrated the clouds filled with highly poisonous miasma, what appeared in front of them was an evil scene of demons dancing wildly - only the dark dead trees with no life left on the surface of the warning star, and the rivers flowing were not colorful liquids full of highly toxic, It's a tar-like, bubbling green slime.

Even the Legion Champions, who have experienced hundreds of battles, were stunned when they saw these blasphemous scenes. They had never witnessed such evil scenes in any world invaded by Chaos in the past.

When the Imperial warriors set foot on this terrifying land, they were immediately greeted by a storm of chemical fire.

The turret filled with rotting corpses turned towards its target and fired rockets and beams at the airborne transport aircraft.

The rotten zombies driven by the Purifiers rushed out of the factory fortress filled with poisonous smoke and fought fiercely with the imperial army.

Even with the protection of the psychic force field, imperial gunships were shot down in the air from time to time, turning into rolling fireballs and hitting the ground.

Fortunately, the soldiers who participated in this assault were all elite soldiers of the Empire. Even if the aircraft crashed, the soldiers were only slightly injured and not seriously injured.

The fighters of the Second Legion separated from the formation of the transport aircraft and faced the steel dragons and other demon flying machines that were taking off on the demon's decaying apron.

The fierce battle between the two sides gave life to this dying world. Lines of laser beams swept through the air, and fighters circled between the chimneys of the heavy factory, full of murderous intent to shoot down the opponent from the air.

In the hot storm of war, the Doom Warriors fell from the sky. They attacked head-on and carved out a foothold in the area occupied by the enemy.

At this attack point marked by the fleet command, the Blood Angel's airborne pod hit the enemy group, causing a violent impact.

The earth was shaking for this, and the ruins of the entire city clanged.

The sound of gunfire and the high-pitched war cry that resounded through the sky gathered together, colliding head-on with the howling of the enemy and the roar of the evil machinery.

The combat teams of the Doom Slayers and the Blood Angels gathered together, and the blood-red and black-green heavy armors ran wildly on the battlefield. They worked together to clear this attack point so that the Empire could successfully deploy a larger strike force here.

Then these proud warriors gathered beside Doom, the leader of the Doom Slayers, and fought their way to the core of the Purifier Factory.

On the other side, the same scene was happening at many attack points marked by the Empire as "Toxic Factory" and "Disaster Battery".

One after another, the Imperial fighters sped along the treacherous and changeable terrain at low altitude, and the pilots of the fighters made all kinds of thrilling moves to indiscriminately strafe the ground.

The Rust tanks and the Extreme Warriors in azure power armor rushed through the complex terrain of the city ruins, pressing the blown-up gaps and rushing and attacking wildly, destroying the defense line used to block the Imperial fighters along the way.

In the southern area of ​​the planet, gunfire rang out in the factory surrounded by poisonous fog, and the Dark Angel Terminator troops used a large-scale teleportation raid to directly smash the core of a Purifier factory.

Doom and the Slayers, as always, undertook the most dangerous and most suitable frontal assault.

Their target, "Dottoria", is the place where the evil power of Vigilance is the strongest.

The Purifiers once occupied here, and huge factories and towering fortresses like heavy industrial towns can be seen everywhere. Above these buildings, there are rows of biochemical mechanical towers.

What makes Doom most uneasy is the black stone building surrounded by these towers, which is like a huge crown-shaped building that goes straight to the sky.

Abnormal subspace signals are constantly sent from this place. The technical sergeant of the Second Legion said that it was these black stone buildings that reversed the magnetic poles of Vigilance.

Doom and his brothers speculated that these black stone magic crowns may be the real purpose of the demon coalition's invasion of Vigilance.

If their guess is correct, these creations built of black stone will be the most valuable attack targets on this planet.

Accompanied by several heroes of the Chapter, Doom led a force of more than half of the total force of the Slayers to charge the Blackstone Crown.

This army of Slayers marked this place as an attack point, and this result was quickly fed back to the planetary map of the Empire's network through the virtual system.

A large number of soldiers responded and landed here one after another.

Even the commanders of other legions were alarmed. Azriel, Dante, and Calgar arrived here one after another and rushed down the transport plane with their guards.

The Space Marine assault forces of the Ultramarines, Blood Angels, and Dark Angels also launched a diversionary operation in other locations in Dortoria.

Facing the Empire's large-scale attack, a large number of defenders rushed out of every channel in Dortoria. The Word Bearers chanting scriptures and the twisting mechanical monsters appeared first, followed by a large number of armed slaves.

The members of the Cult of the Dead and the Space Marines of the Purifiers followed closely behind. They used the bunkers of Dortoria to block the advance of the Empire's soldiers.

The roar of the bolter sounded between the chimneys that spewed poisonous smoke.

Plasma balls roared out of the barrels, and the huge explosions sounded like the roar of a dragon.

This was an extremely chaotic war. Only warriors like the Primaris Space Marines, who were strong in both body and mind, could maintain their rationality in such a crazy battlefield.

With firm determination, Doom led his battle brothers to advance eastward from the north of Dortoria, and no one could stop him along the way.

Inside the helmets of many warriors, the sensory systems of the power armor were interfered by the demonic waste code and the warp ghosts, but even so, the fierce offensive of the Doom Slayer did not slow down.

Every warrior knew his role in this battle, and they used the reinforced loud voices and combat signs to effectively maintain combat efficiency.

This was not difficult for them. As early as the mortal world, when they were still serving in the Krieg Legion, they were already familiar with charging in such a high-intensity battlefield.

They were efficient and rigorous. While raiding, they did not miss any opponents. With their own bravery, they opened the way forward.

They broke through the siege, knocked down the high walls of the Purifier factory, cut through their protective nets, and left thousands of enemy corpses in their wake.

After fighting for half an hour in the ruins of the city filled with poisonous gas, Doom and his comrades finally arrived at the heart of the chemical factory.

But what they didn't expect was that in this place covered by thick sticky fog, in the steel structure scattered with terrifying chemical weapons, they encountered an unexpected and terrible monster.

The soldiers of the World Purification Army built a seven-story spire with the bodies of the dead, and they sang in unison to heal the death of the galaxy.

Life is a plague that poisons the galaxy, and death is the only good medicine for liberation.

They offered sacrifices for this, and this is exactly the source of the energy of the Supreme Heaven that the Doom Slayer is looking for.

Seven crowns made of black stone are clustered here, continuously amplifying the energy of the Supreme Heaven on the altar, and the silent breath of death is rolling. Compared with what is happening on the altar, these black stone magic crowns have become less important targets of attack at this moment.

Doom took a deep breath, but before he ordered the attack, the ceremony on the altar had ended.

In the darkness that engulfed everything, the shadows of death entangled with each other and gathered into a terrifying huge figure.

——The Lord of Death, Mortarion, appeared.

Doom saw the demon primarch fly into the air and dive down towards their location.

The Doom Soldier recognized him. In Nurgle's heaven, they witnessed with their own eyes the rebellious son using the scythe of death to cut a horrifying scar in the fertile garden.

But their will was not shaken by the strong enemy.

This is natural. Their father is the embodiment of human courage. They have never known what fear is since they set foot on the galactic journey from the planet called Krieg.

Even when facing the extremely terrifying demon primarch, the Doom Soldier took the initiative to charge.

Doom saw his brothers passing by him one after another.

Facing a primarch, it was obviously inappropriate for the Space Marines to take the initiative to charge.

Doom hurriedly took out the military whistle that had not been blown for a long time from the corner of his backpack,

"Retreat, everyone retreat, don't charge!"


When the whistle sounded,

Doom recalled his mortal days as a political commissar in the Krieg Corps.

The bravery inherited from the second Primarch made this whistle not blown for too long, so that sometimes Doom would forget that he and his brothers had never changed because of the change of identity.

They would still charge towards destruction, no matter what kind of enemy they faced or who was destroyed.

The Doom Slayer's unnatural behavior made them achieve unexpected results.

The Purifiers took it for granted that they would retreat in a hurry when facing the demon Primarch, so they made a pursuit gesture.

But they didn't expect that as soon as the order to pursue was issued, they collided head-on with the Doom Slayer.

The Doom Slayer's will combined together to form an unstoppable torrent of steel, when they collided with the unprepared Purifiers.

This scene was like a hard iron block hitting an egg.

The Purifiers were instantly shattered by the impact. The Fallen Space Marines who had not undergone Primaris were not qualified to fight against the Slayers, and soon the ground was littered with corpses.

The Purifiers' commanders fell silent when they saw the warriors who were attacking them head-on.

"This bunch of lunatics!" After more than ten seconds, he gritted his teeth and cursed.

The fierce charge forced the Purifiers to retreat along the corpses all over the ground.

In order to delay the Slayers' offensive, the most powerful think tank of the Purifiers carried out a rearguard action with no chance of survival.

The main force of the Purifiers retreated to a Gothic building in Dotoria.

They suffered heavy casualties. Many Purifiers and think tanks were killed in the battle. Even their commander was seriously injured during the retreat - he was pierced by Doom's sword of mind, and the red flames were gnawing at the wound. He was already in danger.

There was a strong and lingering resentment in their eyes, and incomparable hatred rose in their hearts.

Looking out from a broken arched window, I saw a torrent of Doom Slayers rushing in.

Joy welled up in the eyes of the Purifier Commander - the Doom Slayer's unexpected charge, although it broke up their formation, also made these Imperial warriors deeply surrounded.

Mortarion is coming, and death will be the only end for these warriors.

This time, the situation did not exceed his expectations again.

Just as the Doom Slayer was about to go deeper, they saw the Demon Primarch walk out of the fog in front.

A giant who was twice their height, holding an equally huge long-handled sickle blade in his hand - the Lord of Death was walking towards them, about to reap their lives with the sickle in his hand, and his behavior was like a farmer walking towards a wheat field, relaxed, comfortable, and full of expectations.

There was no fear of death in the eyes of Doom and the Doom Slayer.

When Doom was a mortal, the best record of his Krieg Corps was to use the lives of more than a thousand brothers to exchange for a Chaos Demon.

Thank the Lord of Destruction for his gift.

Now, perhaps they would only need less casualties to exchange for the demon primarch in front of them.

Doom stared at the giant with an indifferent expression, and this indifference was more sinister than death.

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