Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 214 21, The Regent King's absence from the battlefield is very important to the War Mar

When the Death Guard began to call the man's name, they were sure that for a moment, the whole world had withered. The whole world shook with someone's will, and then darkened.

The poisonous mist engulfed everything around, and Hughes stood alone in the murdered mirror of this world.

The whole world was black and broken, and several places on the surface were exposed, like the wounds of the murdered, and the broken stones lay there helplessly. The fog of death rose between the cracks of the earth. In the silence of death, the swarms of insects in the bodies of the Death Guard seemed to have died, and no longer made any noisy and annoying sounds.

The air swirled around him, filled with the stench of poison and sad dead. Hughes looked up and saw the bodies of the pale stars that were killed, hanging crookedly in the equally dead sky, their light like the faint light of a dying person.

"You are full of shackles, my former son." Someone whispered behind him.

Hughes turned around suddenly, and through the pale poisonous fog of death, he saw a giant who was almost three times his height, standing ten steps away from him, with his arms spread out and looking up at the sky.

The poisonous fog flowing on the surface of the man's body was like a veil of death, hiding his features. The giant's weapon matched his body size, and the sickle representing death danced in his palm.

"Life is not equal, child." The giant's low voice sounded in this dead and silent world, becoming the only lively thing.

But the voice soon dissipated, just like the life that will eventually die, it was fleeting.

As the voice died, the giant also disappeared, disappearing in the swirling dust.

"You shame us!" Hughes roared.

The answer to him was the dead silence from all directions, and the long silence was filled with unfathomable anger-he will bring death to everything, sooner or later.

The fog dispersed, revealing a black corridor and the shocking scene behind it.

The spires on both sides of the corridor disappeared, leaving only the bare base.

"Hughes?" Someone called him, "Hughes!"

A hand touched his shoulder, and Hughes turned around with a start.

The world was gradually reconstructed in his rotten eyeballs.

"What did you see?" asked the Death Guard brother.

"It's him. Maybe not him, I'm not sure, the changes are too big." Hughes muttered to himself, "Anyway, it's not a good thing."

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his eyes, Hughes screamed, and his whole body was tortured by pain. His muscles bulged, and he could clearly feel that a rotten life shackle in his body was breaking.

His eyes seemed to be dead, and the parasitic worms fell out of them, and he could not see anything.

Hughes moved around in the dark, and the pain seemed to bring him superhuman strength. With a clear breaking sound, the rotten and wet shackles were completely broken by him.

"It shouldn't be like this." He turned his head blindly around, but he never saw his brothers again.

This was the only thing he was sure of now. He slowly raised his hand to touch his eyes, but he only touched two empty holes. His breathing quickened, and he understood what he had encountered.

His eyes were taken away.

"I give you the truth, see the infinite truth." The command came from Hughes's consciousness, carrying the cloud of death.

"I don't." His words were interrupted by the vomit, and he leaned over and vomited a large ball of filth.

There was an indescribable stench in it, which was like dirty meat mixed with rotten dreams.

"See for yourself, my son!"

The voice came again, and the poisonous death mist boiled and exploded in Hughes' eye sockets.

Seven layers of poisonous smoke engulfed everything around him, and his vision suddenly returned like a wound in the dark. He saw a new world, as if observing through a purifying multi-faceted prism.

Looking down, he saw a mass of green, maggot-covered organs, and the bodies of his brothers fell on the ground in a mess, lying at his feet.

Seeing this scene, he did not feel any grief in his heart, but instead a little bit of joy surged.

Just when Hughes had no time to taste where this emotion came from.

The giant walked past him. This great being unreservedly leaned over and picked up the green, dead organs on the ground. His voice echoed in this world he created.

"Once upon a time, I was sad because of the withering of life and proud of the endurance of life, but in death, I smelled the humanity exuding from it - that is true freedom."

"No more tyrants and slaves, no more oppression and inequality brought by life. When everything is silent, the gospel will naturally resound."

Motarion stretched out his hand and invited Hughes.

"Go, my son." His voice echoed in the consciousness of the Death Guard, "Join me and perform our sacraments."

"Yes, father." Hughes held the other's iron palm.

They left together, walked to the edge of the death fog, and stepped into the real world.

"I'm coming, Dukel." When the body of the Lord of Death disappeared in the fog, he left a whisper in this world.

On the seventh day, seven hours and seven minutes after the Purifiers held a grand ceremony, with the rusty green ancient bell ringing seven times, Mortarion's footsteps officially stepped on the dust of Vigilant Star.

The addition of a demon primarch made the Purifiers, which were already doomed to fail, unstoppable again.

The Purifiers blew the horn of counterattack. Under the leadership of Mortarion, they cleared out the many warbands that besieged them in a short time.

The poisonous fog of death expanded, and both the orcs and demons on the Vigilant Star were swallowed by the poisonous fog and approached the human fortress.

Bishop Jason led the mortal star army to station in the fortress. Looking at the cultists who died tragically in the poisonous fog, he had no sympathy for the death of these traitors.

No matter what purpose these people had, it was unforgivable to surrender to Chaos.

They pledged allegiance to Chaos, and now they should die tragically in the internal strife of Chaos.

Jason was not aware of the arrival of a demon primarch, but witnessing the approaching poisonous fog, he still had an ominous omen in his heart.

"Bishop, those orcs have all fled and are currently heading towards the direction of the Great North City. Should we stop them?"

The report of the reconnaissance team came from the communication channel.

Jason looked at the route of the orcs marked on the fluorescent screen.

"No need to stop them. Orcs are good tools. They crave war, so give them war. Send a team as bait to lead them to the cities controlled by heretics."

"The rest of you all retreat to the fortress. For the throne, hold our defense line." Jason gave the order on the voice channel.

But after the order was issued, the uneasiness in his heart did not subside at all, but became more and more vigorous.

His eyes were fixed on the still expanding poisonous fog, wondering what kind of monster would emerge from it.

At this time, not only him, but the expanding thick fog aroused everyone's vigilance.

Even in the headquarters light years away from the battlefield, countless people were closely watching what happened.

The hall of the headquarters was full of people, and officials of all sizes were busy at the moment. They carefully studied the parameters of the fog and transmitted messages to the front line in real time through the virtual communication system.

In the conference room upstairs in the hall, Dukel and Guilliman were also staring at the scene in front of them.

No one else was present at this time. Apart from the two Primarchs, the room was completely empty. Although all the seats and chairs were there, the huge conference hall seemed crowded just to accommodate the two Primarchs.

The glass of the arch reflected the stars, and they outlined their majestic figures against the backdrop of the sea of ​​stars.

The holographic projection in front of them depicted a world, opening everything in that world to them in real time, and the two Primarchs were concentrating on it.

When he saw the expanding fog in the projection, Guilliman's face changed first.

"Duke, this is..." Anger appeared on his face. Obviously, this ominous sign reminded him of a hateful enemy.

"Motarion." Duke said the name of the hateful man, but his emotions were completely opposite. There was no anger, but disappointment.

"I didn't expect that he was the only one. I thought Perturabo would come too."

As he spoke, he stood up, and his majestic body once again lowered the light inside the room, and the blood-red cloak behind him rubbed against the floor of the conference room.

Dukel was going to the battlefield to deal with the brothers who had brought trouble to the empire.

He moved his body, the black and gold decks of the power armor scraped against each other, and the roar of a giant dragon could be heard from inside from time to time.

His high fighting spirit was rising with his every move, and a great war was about to come.

He took a step and walked out of the conference room. Through the virtual passage, it would only take him a few dozen minutes to step onto the battlefield of the Vigilant Star.

Guilliman saw this and immediately stood up, and the armor of fate made a humming sound.

Dukel, who was walking in front, seemed to have sensed something, and he suddenly stopped, "Wait, Guilliman, what are you going to do?"

He asked the regent.

"Of course I'm going with you, brother." Guilliman's anger was obvious in his voice.

A few years ago, Mortarion brought him extremely bad memories, and even now, when he recalled them, the memory was still fresh.

He could no longer bear the anger in his heart, and he wanted to execute the betrayed brother immediately.

But when Dukor heard this, he was silent, and his eyes twitched unconsciously.

——How come Old Thirteen didn't learn his lesson after being beaten once?

Unlike Lorgar, Mortarion took away some of his father's authority, and now he is indeed different from the past.

Even Dukor couldn't be sure to what extent his power would expand.

Now the Emperor is fighting with the Dark Gods, and there is no way to bring down the power to Guilliman again.

Dukor still remembered that the previous battle with Fulgrim was just a few rounds in a flash, and Guilliman was pierced in the neck by the poisoned dagger, and even he didn't react.

Now Mortarion should be much more powerful than Fulgrim after he ascended to the demon.

He was naturally not afraid to face Mortarion alone, but it was different to bring Guilliman with him.

Guilliman certainly didn't think he was weaker than Mortarion.

The Regent had a bad temper, and he might rush up at once. Dukor was really not sure if he could take good care of him.

Don't leave in good condition and end up in the emergency room when you return, that would be a lot of fun.

Looking at Guilliman's angry eyes, Ducker thought about his words.

——How to tactfully let Guilliman stay at the headquarters without hurting his self-esteem is a problem that the Warmaster urgently needs to solve before setting off for the expedition.

"You can't go, you have to stay here." He said slowly.

"Why?" Guilliman asked in confusion as the anger in his heart stagnated.

"Because we need you here, my brother." Duker's eyes shifted and looked at the busy headquarters hall.

"Look there, Guilliman. If you leave here too, who will be the judge of this war?"

Guilliman followed his gaze and understood what he meant.

There are too many wars in the galaxy that require the Ministry of Military Affairs to make decisions, and not everything can be decided by mortals.

He knew that what Duker said was true, and there was some hesitation on his face.

But after a short period of contemplation, the Prince Regent, as the original body and possessing an amazingly intelligent brain, came up with a solution to this problem.

"Brother, you stay here, and I will cut off the head of your traitorous brother on your behalf!" Guilliman said confidently.

"You" Duker was silent. He was so confused that he couldn't find a reason to refute this best-of-both-worlds solution.

Just as he was thinking quickly,

"Brother, leave it to me, and I will throw the heads of the traitorous brothers before your throne." Guilliman issued a military order,

"Don't you believe me?" he said again.

"I let you stay here because I believe in you."

Duker paused and continued, "Wars in the galaxy are complex and ever-changing. Guilliman, who among us besides you can be the fastest and make the perfect response to every war? "

"I" looked at Dukel's extremely sincere eyes, and Guilliman opened his mouth.

Before he could say anything, Dukel said again,

"Don't doubt your abilities, my brother, who else is better than you at the Grand Legion battle?"

Duker looked at him sincerely, and then looked at the biological computers who were thinking deeply, "Being able to handle changing and complex battlefield situations in a short period of time, and properly mobilize countless legions - I can't do it. Such a thing."

"Dukele, you think so highly of me." In the Warmaster's sincere voice, the Regent murmured.

Among the Primarchs, only a few could make him feel inferior, and Duker happened to be one of them.

Guilliman never thought that his tall and brave brother would think so highly of him.

"You are so good, my brother." Duker said sincerely, and the hypocrisy of the second primarch was revealed at this moment.

Of course, this may not be completely hypocritical.

Guilliman is indeed better at handling the changing situations of large battles, and only he can focus on information from dozens of battlefields at the same time.

Of course, this is not too important to Duker now.

It is important to the Warmaster that the Regent does not appear on the battlefield.

"I will live up to your trust." Guilliman was completely moved by Dukel's sincerity, and he made his promise extremely seriously.

Duker breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

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