When he heard the task assigned to him by Duker, the Forging General actually refused in his heart. He knew very well that there were many difficulties and dangers, and he even fell into a narrow escape situation. But looking at the complete stc template in front of him, the words of rejection were on his lips, but he couldn't open his mouth no matter what.

This is a complete template. Regardless of its actual function, it is worthy of a war within the Mechanicus.

The original body gave me too much.

The mechanical assistant brain kept reporting errors, and every rational plan was completely rejected. The founding general finally could no longer bear the greed in his heart,

"Your Highness Dukel, your will is my path forward." He ignored the frequent error messages in his head and firmly expressed his determination.

"Wise choice," Dukel said with a smile.

"The Mechanicum is the empire's most reliable ally. My brothers and I want to lead the empire to fulfill our shared ideals, and we cannot do without the support of the God of All Machines. If your mission can be successfully completed, in the future blueprint , I will build many projects in the solar system. Doron, I hope you can appear in this wonderful future and participate in these projects as my chief technology priest."

"You value me so much, and I vow to do my best to repay you, my highness." Foundry General Doron bowed and saluted, and with his movements, the huge mechanical body made a trembling buzz. Voice.

"Go and get more help for me." Duker continued, "I am never stingy. If your work is done well enough, I will give you more rewards."

Hearing more rewards, Duolun's heart trembled again.

"Your Highness, I promise you. On the day you officially take over as Supreme War Commander, the entire empire will be driven by your will." Doron's mechanical voice still did not have much emotional ups and downs. But from his eyes, Duker saw a familiar light, which was the courage burning from ambition.

The Forge General dragged his massive mechanical body out of the room.

Duker sat at his desk, picked up the paper document about the Mechanicus, and read through it carefully. Theoretically, the Mechanicum does not belong to the Empire. They are allies of the Empire and enjoy a transcendent status in the Empire, occupying one of the two-headed eagles of the Empire.

If you want to start the second great expedition and build a huge fleet, whether it is the creation of weapons and equipment or the maintenance and repair of battleships, these are all inseparable from the support of the Mechanicus.

How to obtain the support of the Mechanicum has become a problem for him to consider.

Duker was not good at solving problems, but he was good at solving those who asked them.

So he sent Duolun and asked him to bribe those who had no problems first.

He then went to Mars with Guilliman to face the problematic heretics.

Doron left the Primarch's office. On the way out, he had been thinking about how to persuade the great sages of different schools of the Mechanicus to complete the work entrusted to him by Dukel.

During the journey, the anti-gravity suspension platform he was riding on made a buzzing sound, bearing down on his heavy mechanical body.

People along the way saw his arrival and had to temporarily hide on the side road to wait for his companions. The bloated body of the Forged General blocked everyone's passage.

Doron was able to board his aircraft unimpeded, and then returned to his own Mechanical Ark.

The Mechanical Ark is a symbol of the knowledge of the Mechanical Sage. Its body is equivalent to a forging world, and its composition and structure depend on the knowledge and technology possessed by the creator.

Mechanical wise men often apply the technologies they are proud of to their own arks.

The Cult of Mechanicus never pays attention to bloodline. Their position is determined only by their own ability. Doron recalled his past time.

Before he met the Ohm Messiah, he was just an ordinary kid in the industrial world. He was able to stand out during a selection by the Mechanicus.

After decades of study and self-transformation, he was finally certified by the internal school of the Mechanicum and became a true priest.

Doron spent hundreds of years relying on his boundless passion for knowledge and truth. In the process, he became more and more knowledgeable, and eventually became the Forge General of the Forge World.

During this long period of time, he met many colleagues who shared the same ideals and also made many enemies.

Most of the enemies come from within the Cult of Mechanicus - on the road to exploring the truth, dissidents with different ideas are often the most terrifying enemies.

Many people want to kill Duolun, stifle his fallacies, and snatch the STC template in his hands.

But in order to complete the work entrusted by Duker, he must return to Mars again and reach a consensus with those who are dissident.

And this is only the most trivial problem he needs to face. Loyalty and knowledge are the most precious things in the galaxy, other than that, everything is nothing.

Doron's bloated body swayed with the vibration of the aircraft, and he finally reached his destination.

In the port of his Mechanical Ark, a large number of transport ships came and went. Huge tractor machinery dragged these heavy armor or weapons containers over, and then used mechanical arms to place them in the transport boat.

When the servitors and priests saw Duolun, they gave him their lofty greetings.

Duolun just glanced at them and then walked straight through the steel jungle composed of countless pipelines.

Then he came to a room on the bottom floor of the Ark, where a great mechanical sage had been waiting.

"Dear Ms. Mina, I feel honored that you can accept my invitation." From the moment he saw the great sage, Doron spared no effort to compliment him.

"Your arrival has coated my ark with a layer of glorious paint. Please listen carefully, even the machine soul is admiring your brilliance."

"Give up your rhetoric, Doron." Great Sage Mina sneered, "I'm not here to believe your lies, but to see how many more tricks you can come up with."

Both are great sages, but Mina's image is far more pleasing to the eye than Doron. Her body is tall and well-proportioned, and the crimson robes of the Adeptus Mechanicus still cannot conceal her charm.

"What you said really breaks my heart."

"Do you still have a heart? Could it be that you are referring to the black scrap wrapped in scrap iron?" Mina's attitude was still bad.

Hear the woman's disgusted words.

Duolun was not angry, but looked at the other party with a complicated expression.

Before he joined the Adeptus Mechanicus, Mina was his neighbor sister and the first member of the Adeptus Mechanicus that he came into contact with.

Mina, then a novitiate, was responsible for the daily maintenance of machinery in his community.

Duolun's young heart once jumped for joy because of Mina, and they also had a wonderful time. At that time, they both looked forward to seeing each other.

Unfortunately, when they became official Mechanicus Priests, the subjects they studied caused them to belong to different schools.

Maybe they still appreciate each other to this day,

But they love the truth more, which is doomed to them drifting apart.

"I'm just here to tell you, Duolun." Mina spoke again, "I will never be seduced by your sweet words again, let alone who you work for now, I."

"A complete stc template with a complete database."

"What did you say?" Mina was not angry because her words were interrupted, but asked in disbelief.

"22 space apes, part of the knowledge about biological genes. Part of the database of the Necron and the Endless."

Duolun didn't stop talking, and the words he kept saying made Mina feel strange.

What was strange to her was not the meaning of these words, but the man in front of her.

Is this still the miser Doron he once was? She knows Duolun very well, Duolun is a typical person - it's OK to take my life, but not my treasures.

Let alone death, even if his soul is annihilated, he will generate a greedy entity in the subspace, holding his treasure and refusing to let go.

The most indispensable thing in the Mechanicus is the miser. For various knowledge, samples, or STC templates, there have been many wars within the Mechanicus, with bloody heads and heavy casualties. But even among such a group, Duolun is somewhat famous for his stinginess.

Now Duolun wants to transfer these treasures to her, and it would be a lie to say that he is not interested.

But it was really unbecoming of a great sage to abandon her school of thought and join the Primarch's team.

"Duolun, how ridiculous, do you think you can bribe me with this alone?" She sneered, "Which great sage can't withstand such temptation?"

"This alone makes me want to turn my back on my colleagues and students. They are my fellow travelers on the path of truth. We are family members."

Duolun looked at the great sage in front of him silently.

If someone else had said that, he might have believed it. But the woman in front of me

To be honest, the reason why he found the other party in the first place was not the decisive factor in his past relationship, but more because he understood the other party.

"The Lord of the Second Legion has promised that you can join his core scientific research team. Caul and Gris are both members of this team." Doron continued.

"You're right, dear." Mina's words changed almost without any pause.

"Swearing loyalty to the Primarchs is not a betrayal. His Holy Majesty is the incarnation of the God of All Machines. Compared with ordinary priests of the school, the Emperor's own children can better represent the will of the Ohm Messiah. This is an obvious question. ”

The Emperor is the incarnation of the God of All Machines walking on earth. The Primarchs are the sons of the Emperor. They are loyal to the Son of God. How can this be considered betrayal?

Narrow schools of thought have locked the truth within a narrow circle, completely forgetting the will of God.

Mina was very grateful to herself for being able to detect this mistake in time and save herself.

She seemed to speak without pause, but in fact she performed nearly ten thousand calculations in an instant. In her logic module, she evaluated and calculated the possible consequences and value of each action.

Without exception, surrendering to the original body is the choice that maximizes benefits. As for the school? She's really unfamiliar. If nothing else, Duolun promises real benefits.

Her school of thought was far less generous.

The original body gave too much, and in Mina's calculations - even the rewards given by the school, coupled with her conscience and reputation, could not be sold for such a price.

Moreover, the reason why she once hated the original body was mainly because she hated that Caul and Gris always relied on the support of the original body to unscrupulously trample on various prohibitions of the Martian Cult.

To be more precise, he hated them for not taking her with them when they violated the ban.

Now that the other party is willing to let her become a member and share the results, what reason does she have to refuse?

She can also join the core team of the original body, where infinite knowledge and infinite truth will be revealed to her.

"Mina, your colleagues and students should really thank you. You sold them at a good price." Doron said with a smile.

"I will be nice to them." Mina also smiled.


A few days later, with the support of Dukel, Duolun quickly gained the support of many great sages with his wealth offensive.

Meanwhile, Guilliman found Dulquer.

Now there is only less than half a month left before the celebration.

Guilliman brought him the reaction from all walks of life in the Empire to Dulquer taking over as Warmaster, as well as the attitude of the entire Empire towards the Second Great Crusade of Mankind.

"Brother, the actions you took when you arrived on Terra have now shown results." Guilliman continued, holding a stack of paper documents.

"No matter what they think secretly, on the surface, today's empire is united as never before. Many dignitaries came from all over the galaxy, and they brought massive supplies as gifts. The list of these gifts filled even ten houses."

The regent's tone was high, and there was obvious joy on his marble-carved face.

The Second Great Expedition cannot be organized by shouting a few slogans.

The various expenditures involved were astronomical figures that would make the entire empire's administrative department dizzy.

But with the support of these nobles who came from all over the galaxy, the vacancies needed for the expedition were greatly filled.

With sufficient logistical supplies, this great fleet can carry out expeditions in the dark galaxy without any worries.

Dukel nodded.

This gift and the attitude of the dignitaries were not beyond his expectations.

His bloody cleanup on Terra had obviously frightened the courage of many powerful people.

To put it nicely, this is a congratulatory gift for him to take over as supreme war commander.

To put it bluntly, this is the protection fee they need to pay.

Duker may not remember who has given him a gift, but he will certainly remember who has not.

In his view, only heretics who betrayed the empire would refuse to offer this loyalty.

If he didn't want his whole family to surrender to Chaos, which dignitary in the empire would offend the now-famous Supreme Warmaster?

Suddenly, Duker seemed to have thought of something and asked,

"What about the Adeptus Mechanicus on Mars? How do they express their stance?"

"They." Guilliman paused before continuing, "The Mechanicus has said that it will fully support you."

Duker was unmoved, "How to support it specifically?"

Guilliman blinked, "They expressed their willingness to issue a series of measures to increase the Empire's confidence in the Great Crusade."

Everyone present was still waiting for the regent to continue speaking.

But he didn't wait for Guilliman's next words.

Efilar couldn't help but ask, "Lord Regent, what happens next?"

Guilliman: "No more, this is all they have to say."

Efilar: "."

Dukel stood up and said: "On Mars, heretics are rampant, the Mechanicus, and chaos are everywhere. People with wolf-hearted and dog-like behavior are in power. Those who have abandoned the truth are sitting in the high hall! This has caused the ruins of the empire and the ruin of all the people!"

After listing their crimes, Dukel concluded everything, "Guilliman, give me a list and let me see how many heresies are hidden in the Mechanicus of Mars!"

He looked at Dukel who was looking murderous because he didn't receive the congratulatory gift.

Guilliman's eyes twitched sharply.

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