Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 176 21. Your day has not yet come, or it is unknown at this moment.

The bizarre and bizarre Supreme Heaven has infinite depth and infinite breadth. According to legend, even today's dark gods are just existences that emerge from the depths of the sea of ​​souls. In those unpredictable shadows, countless lost worlds ruled by cultists are like mold in the darkness. , breeding in the hotbed of depravity.

For these mortal cultists, demons and evil gods are the existences they look up to throughout their lives. Their highest ideal throughout their lives is to enter the realm of the gods and become a member of the demons.

For this reason, they racked their brains to do all kinds of evil deeds, striving to perform outstandingly and win the favor of the Evil God of Chaos.

Through the virtual realm, Dukel spilled countless concepts to the highest sky, to these mortal kingdoms hidden by chaos and ruled by evil gods.

This will be the first experiment of the ultimate weapon of the virtual realm, and it will also be the first attack of the empire’s virtual realm to bombard the subspace——

In the unknowable undercurrent of the Sea of ​​Souls, the dark stars hidden here are places that neither the empire nor the gods have noticed.

A group of Nurgle cultists who were lost in the subspace storm wandered here. These cultists were naturally accepted by the local mortals and successfully established the faith of Nurgle's loving father.

Sig was born in a small town in the dark world. To his parents, his birth was a treasure sent by the gods.

Just because he was born with three congenital diseases, his skin was ulcerated and his eyes were nearly blind. What's even more rare is that he also suffered from congenital heart disease.

His seriously ill body prevented him from running and jumping like normal people. He had to endure severe heart pain and unbearable itching of his skin day and night.

These differences made most people in the town cast envious glances at him. Even the priest of the God of Life sect would caress his forehead with his palms covered with pimples. ,

"You are a blessed child."

The nearly blind eyes could not clearly see the priest's sacred face, but his ears could still hear the envious tone.

Most of the land in the dark world is an unlivable desert. The town where Sig is located lives in a few oases, and the total population of the town is only about 10,000 people.

In this fertile oasis, they are self-sufficient and only need to work seven hours a day to feed and clothe their entire family.

And Sig, who was born with three serious diseases, was allowed by the priest to only do some light physical labor.

Sig is now 13 years old. So far, his life has been carefree. God has given him a happy life.

The overall atmosphere of the town is harmonious and friendly, and it takes great care of his 'blessed' child.

Unity and friendship are the first virtues taught to them by their fathers.

The only flaw he felt was that his body was becoming increasingly frail with age.

But whenever he mentioned this matter, his parents or the church pastor would comfort him in the same tone.

"It doesn't matter, Sig, you are a blessed child. Just wait until the day of your adult ceremony, and you will drink the thick syrup prepared by your loving father. By then, you will have found eternal life in the midst of illness. These gifts Fudu will be your source of strength, and you will be taller and stronger than anyone else in this town."

To be honest, Sig was doubtful about these words.

He had secretly prayed to the benevolent god countless times behind the back of his parents and pastor, praying that the other party would take back his blessings, and perhaps he would suffer from milder illnesses. He didn't want to be a blessed child, he just wanted to be like a normal person. , being able to run and jump is enough.

Unfortunately, maybe his prayers were not pious enough, and the gods never answered him even once.

To this day, Sig secretly prays to the gods as usual.

He no longer had any hope in God's response, only hoping to get some comfort from it.

Prayer can effectively divert his attention and temporarily relieve him from the torture caused by skin ulceration and itching.

Just when he was immersed in the peace that prayer brings.

This time, a strange sound echoed in his consciousness. In a burst of magnificent and sacred symphony, he saw a black star emitting endless golden light rising slowly in his consciousness.

Sigur, who lived in a dark world, had never had the concept of stars in his mind.

But those mixed murmurs hidden in the symphony made up for his lack of knowledge. Many concepts he had never known before were now integrated in his mind.

Even his frail body was filled with a sense of power he had never had before. Sig has never felt so powerful and powerful as at this moment.

Sig lowered his head. He didn't dare to look directly at the black star anymore. The god radiated endless golden light like a ring of burning flames. The energy radiated by its existence itself had already made his soul flood. A burning sting.

"Great existence." Sig knelt down and prayed sincerely, "Can you show some kindness to me, who is insignificant, and satisfy my humble wish?"

The black star did not speak, but Sig could feel that a great will was looking at him. After an unknown period of time, maybe 13 seconds, maybe 130 years, he heard a huge voice ringing in his mind. ,

"Your day has not yet come," He said, as if thinking, "Maybe it is unknown at this moment."

Like the whisper of a god, as His voice fell, more knowledge and more energy poured into Sig's mortal body.

He felt that he could do anything, but before he could feel happy about it,

"Thirteen days."

The dark stars disappeared without a trace in front of him, leaving only these last words echoing in his consciousness.

"Thirteen days? What is this?" Sig could not understand the true meaning of this period, but just kept it in his mind.

Then he found that his whole body was brought to a fantasy space, where he could do whatever he wanted, and his sickly body was no longer a drag on him. He could even use the infinite energy here to do whatever he wanted. matter.

"This must be God's Kingdom of Heaven!" Sig said to himself excitedly.

He roamed freely in this paradise, and in the process, he even encountered many great entities.

Those existences that he could not fathom were naturally identified by him as the Holy Spirit living in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Sig curiously approached these holy spirits, hoping to gain great knowledge from them.


"Go away, heretic!"

"On the throne, I smell a disgusting stench"

"Who put it in for him?"

Sig felt very frustrated. The Holy Spirit in heaven seemed not friendly to mortals.

"Maybe I should leave here." After being cursed by many holy spirits, he thought in frustration.

Everything in front of him was changing, as if he was on a great journey between time and space.

When his consciousness found its anchor again.

"I really hope everything that happened before is really happening and not just a wonderful dream."

When he felt the weight of his body again, a huge sense of disparity emerged in his heart.

"Sig, is that you?"

Outside his door, his mother's voice came, "My child, where have you gone? We have been looking for you all day, and everyone is worried about you."

The sound got closer and closer, and finally stopped at the door of the room.

Hearing this concerned voice, Sig felt a warmth in his heart.

"I'm fine, mother, I'm just." As he spoke, Sig looked at the source of the sound. When his gaze gave him clear feedback, all the words he wanted to say were swallowed in his stomach.

A huge wave of terror surged in his heart, and he was so shocked that he didn't even notice that his eyes, which were nearly blind in the past, now gave him extremely clear images.

Sig saw a rotting corpse covered in ulcers and sores standing at his door. He saw fat maggots feasting on it among the broken carrion. The rotten corpse stared at him with its turbid eyes, and there was still disgusting mucus hanging from the corners.

"No, you are not my mother!" Sig screamed, "Who are you?!"

He remembered his mother as a beautiful and gentle woman.

Many times in the past, he had heard men in the town praise his mother's beauty, both covertly and overtly.

It is definitely not the abominable appearance it is now!

"Child, what's wrong with you?" The zombie opened its mouth, revealing rotten teeth, a strong stench, and the gentle voice of his mother in Sig's memory.

"Have you received more blessings from your loving father?"

The flies in the stench were jumping for joy at this moment, and the zombie stretched out his palm dripping with mucus, as if he wanted to check his body.

"No, you damn monster, get out of here!"

Sig avoided the dirty hands in horror, screamed loudly, and instinctively waved his immature fists.


What Sig didn't expect was that his usually weak body would now display extremely powerful strength.

This punch hit his mother's rotting head firmly, and the zombie's cervical vertebra was instantly severed.

Corrupted blood came out, and the stinking head flew out, hitting the ground and rolling "Gurgling".

"Sig, why are you doing this? This is not what a good boy should do."

The ugly head that rolled to the ground was still teaching him a lesson in his mother's voice.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Sig couldn't take it anymore and ran away from the room screaming.

What made him feel even more desperate was that when he escaped from the room and ran to the town, the oasis they used to rely on for survival now became a stinking quagmire in his eyes.

Poisonous bubbles are churning in the swamp, and the peaceful town residents in the past have now become rotten zombies.

He saw the same rotten priest holding a coming-of-age ceremony for the living children.

The holy liquid that Sig once longed for could only be tasted during adult ceremonies. Now, what he saw in his eyes were just bowls of thick soup that exuded a foul smell.

He saw those living children being poured into thick soup, and under the influence of the soup, they were also transformed into ugly appearances.

The flames of destruction rose up from Sig's body.

"It turns out that all the good things he experienced in the past were just hateful lies in dreams." He said to himself.

At this moment, he had seen through the rotten truth beneath the harmonious appearance of the small town.

All the love I had for this place in the past has now turned into the power of revenge and destruction.

His once sickly body now burst out with inexhaustible energy.

Sig destroyed the entire town in just one night.

He used the bones, blood and carrion of the town's residents to build 22 huge signs in the swamp.

——That is the beacon of the virtual realm.

"Thirteen days." Sig muttered to himself.

Standing in the ruins of the town, he once again recalled the deadline that the dark star had said.


The first experiment of the ultimate weapon in the virtual world is in progress, but at this moment Duker has no time to check its progress.

At this time the Primarch was making preparations for his journey to Mars.

Through the power of the Supreme Council, and under the introduction of Gris, the original body met with a forging general of the Mechanicus. This general was in charge of a forging world called "Titan Iron Star" and had a strong influence in the Mechanicus. Very high status.

Looking at this guy who needs to cooperate with the heavy crane to move and whose body looks like a mechanical tank, Duker's purpose of summoning him is very simple. He needs the other party to work for him, using all kinds of knowledge and treasures in his hands to dismantle the internal forces of the Mechanicus.

The Mechanicum within Mars is divided into many schools, and they fight fiercely among themselves for STC templates, technical knowledge, and various doctrines.

For example, Gris and Caul were two great sages from different schools, so they would quarrel as soon as they met. If the original body was not present, they might even fight.

This is a breakthrough for Dukel. The so-called politics is to win over a group of people and suppress a group of people. The Primarchs do not need the entire Mechanicum to support them, they only need to get more than half of the support.

"Sir, I may not be able to complete your commission." The casting general's voice sounded from the equipment in his abdomen.

"Like Gris, I am better at casting the glory of the God of All Machines, but not good at communicating with my colleagues."

Although General Forge's voice didn't have too many ups and downs, anyone could hear the embarrassment in his words.

He has a good relationship with Gris and has helped Duker in the past to build a naval fleet or weapons and equipment.

But this also led to his relationship with the scholars on Mars never being very good. If possible, he would never even want to set foot on the soil of Mars again in this life.

"You can do it." Duker said firmly.

While talking, he asked the servitor to bring over an STC template.

Thanks to the selfless sacrifice of Trazyn the Infinite, Dukel is now extremely wealthy.

Moreover, most of the Endless One's collections are similar to 'toasters', which are very rare and precious gadgets, but do not have much practical value.

Duker happens to be a pragmatist.

Creations that cannot be used in war, no matter how valuable they are, are looked down upon in his eyes.

But the Foundry General obviously didn't think so. He carefully scanned the template with his mechanical eyes, and then he saw greed and selfishness visible to the naked eye.

An extremely precious STC template was placed in front of him.

If it weren't for the majesty of the original body, he would almost want to take it for himself immediately.

"My lord, is this your reward?" the foundry general asked in a voice.

No matter what he was thinking, his body, which had undergone 90% mechanical transformation, was not enough to support him in expressing his emotions.

Seeing his appearance, Duker thought that the reward was not enough to satisfy the foundry general.

In fact, in his original plan, he did not intend to just use a useless STC template to bribe a foundry general to work for him.

Just when Dukel opened his mouth, he was about to say that this was just a deposit.

The voice of the founding general sounded again,

"Sir, if it's just these rewards." The voice continued to come from his abdomen,

"I can only work for you for a hundred years."

Dukel: "."

At this moment, the original body suddenly discovered that the Mechanicus was most likely the best group to deal with in the empire.

If you want to stop suffering and suffer endlessly,

Fully acquired by the Adeptus Mechanicus?

Of course, this idea only flashed through his mind. Even if the Mechanicum wanted to sell, he might not want to buy it.

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