Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 164 9. Assassination of Dukel

Charles couldn't understand what Duker said, but was shocked.

As a senior law enforcer in the Ministry of Justice, he had never seen such a flexible investigation method.

Even the Inquisition, which has no bottom line, will find a fig leaf when slandering others.

What does it mean not to care who the murderer is? Aren't they here to investigate the case?

Charles was at a loss for words, "His Royal Highness's views are really different."

Macragge's integrity made him unwilling to go against his innermost convictions. In a sense, this is also his greatest advantage, and perhaps Guilliman would appreciate this trait of his.

But in Duker's eyes, this was a sign of rigidity.

The commander of the Imperial Guard, who had been in contact with him for longer, was now gradually able to keep up with his rhythm.

After Waldo was silent for a moment, he faced the original body and said, "Your Highness, the matter of the Paul family is not over yet. We must do a good job in dealing with the aftermath. Among the Imperial people living on Terra, even the poorest wanderer is not Idiot. We need evidence that looks reasonable, and it has to be from Paul's family."

The commanders of the Imperial Guard were among the very few who knew from the very beginning that there was no murderer.

But his loyalty to the Emperor kept him firmly on the side of His Majesty and his Primarch.

Duker glanced at him appreciatively, "Waldo, this fire is fierce, but I believe that with the ability of the Imperial Army, the victims of the Paul family can still be rescued in the fire."

The commander of the Forbidden Army nodded, "Your Highness, the Forbidden Army has surrounded the living area. My brothers have rescued the victims there. Fortunately, although the fire destroyed all the buildings, it happened to avoid them. Everybody, just.”

"Any more questions?" Duker asked.

"I'm just afraid that someone has witnessed how the flames were ignited. If they are transported out, what we have done will soon be exposed in front of all the powerful people. But we cannot execute them all. The power of the Paul family is throughout the world. The intertwined nobles in the galaxy are all one entity. Your Highness, given the current situation, it is difficult for us to deal with them properly."

Waldo reminded tactfully.

The so-called meritorious families are those who made contributions to the empire during the Great Crusade ten thousand years ago and were honored by the emperor himself. For thousands of years, they have been married to each other, doing business with each other, and it is no exaggeration to say that they are connected by blood.

There may be fights between them, and they may not be united. But when they encounter the same powerful enemy, these Terran dignitaries will stage a drama where blood is thicker than water in an instant.

Their chains of interests are intertwined with each other, and tens of thousands of years are enough for them to be indistinguishable from each other. The energy they gather together is so terrifying that almost half of the empire is in their hands.

This is why even Guilliman and Leon have a headache with these powerful people.

Even the commander of the Forbidden Army didn't know how to deal with the aftermath.

Duker was confident about this, "We have a sharp blade in our hands, and no matter how close the connection is, it will be in vain. Even if they are really connected by flesh and blood, they are not inseparable in front of the sharp knife."

When Waldo heard these remarks, not only did he not feel at ease, but he was even more embarrassed, "Your Highness, Terra is different from other worlds in the empire. As a throne world, she has the highest sanctity. The laws of the empire are here. Even if you cross this boundary, you will be forced into passivity by the nobles."

Dukel glanced at the commander of the imperial army strangely, and a smile appeared on his stern face.

"Your Highness, this is not funny. The laws of the empire can also turn into terrifying weapons in the hands of nobles." Waldo reminded kindly.

"But this is not a weapon that only belongs to the nobles." Duker kept smiling, "I can also hold its hilt and wield its blade. It is not difficult at all to use it to deal with the Paul family. "

The Primarch did not care that the Adeptus Custodes commanded more.

He took big steps and soon arrived at the living area of ​​the Paul family. Looking at the nobles gathered together in luxurious clothes, the original body asked loudly,

"The Paul family, nobles who rule thousands of worlds, where is your patriarch?"

"Second son of the Holy Empire, Wiz Paul greets you."

In the inner network, Efilar reminded the original body, "The Grand Inquisitor is his nephew."

When Duker heard this, his eyes widened angrily.

The furious spirit of the demigods frightened the mortals, and the angry words sent chills down their spines.

"Wiz, the evil deeds you have committed cannot be hidden!"


In the anger of the original body, Wiz's mind went blank and his face was full of confusion. Not only him, but all the Paul clan members present looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Haven't you remembered the evil deeds you have done?" Duker's eyes were dangerous, carrying an awe-inspiring killing intent. "I'll give you one last chance to confess. Don't let me read out your evil deeds myself."

Wiz stared at the original body in front of him in stunned silence. His mind was running at a speed he had never seen before in his life. He looked at the fire that was still burning. The blood-like red flame only burned within a fixed range and showed no sign of spreading. , but it just happens to block the view of the outside world. This precise strike struck a meritorious family on Holy Terra.

Feeling the killing intent that almost suffocated him, his face quickly turned pale.

He's so stupid, really. He actually thought that this original body was really just here to investigate the case.

The original bodies returned one after another, and the conflicts with the powerful were almost irreconcilable. As a member of the Paul family, Wiz thought that there might be bloody battles in the future.

But I never thought that this day would come so quickly.

During the first hour of the Primarch's landing on Terra.

He was left alone.

"Plop", any second of Wiz's hesitation at this moment would be disrespectful to the lives of the whole family. He knelt down directly in front of the primarch, crying bitterly.

"Your Highness, I am guilty! Over the years, Paul has forgotten the glory of his meritorious family and has tarnished the honor bestowed by His Majesty. I reported it with my real name. I have evidence in my hands that the Grand Inquisitor colluded with the Paul family to suppress the planetary governor and transfer benefits to each other!"

Captain Charles looked at this scene incomprehensibly.

Really guilty? Does this admit it?

Yes, as a member of Terra's powerful group, the Paul family surrendered.

It wasn't that Wiz, as the patriarch, had too weak bones, but that everything happened too fast. Before anyone had time to react, the Paul family was already in an embarrassing situation of being isolated and helpless.

If they don't surrender at this time, do they expect someone to vindicate them at their family's funeral?

Wiz showed his extraordinary ability as the patriarch of a meritorious family.

"Your Highness, I will go to the Ministry of Justice to surrender now. I will confess all my crimes. I hope you can forgive us. The Paul family really has nothing to do with the assassination of His Majesty."

The matter of colluding with the Grand Inquisitor can be admitted, and the matter of thousands of planets not paying taxes to the Empire can also be admitted, but the assassination of the Emperor really cannot be involved.

There is a difference between crime and rebellion.

"Very good." Dukel nodded, "Wiz, your wisdom has brought life to the entire family, but this is not enough."

Wiz's heart lifted again, and he heard the original body continue to ask,

"So the Grand Inquisitor committed suicide because he colluded with you?"

Wiz gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, Your Highness. My nephew has committed many evil deeds. He was afraid of the punishment he would suffer next, so he committed suicide out of fear of crime."

The original body looked at Charles, "Does this testimony comply with the procedures of the Ministry of Justice?"

Charles was silent. He thought for more than ten seconds before answering, "Patriarch Paul surrendered and was able to produce evidence, which is completely in line with the procedures of the Ministry of Justice."

Wiz said quickly, "I am willing to testify and hand over all the evidence to the Ministry of Justice. I only hope that we can prove that the Paul family has nothing to do with the assassination of His Majesty."

"What caused the fire today?" Duker asked again.

"I released it myself. As the patriarch of the Paul family, I was worried that the evil things I had done would be made public, so I destroyed the evidence of the crime in advance."

Waldo, the commander of the Forbidden Army, listened to the conversation between the two, and his scalp was numb with shock.

When did the powerful become so weak and easy to bully?

Why do you feel that after His Highness Dukel arrived in Terra, the entire Throne World became incomprehensible to him?

Is this the ancient Terran proverb - evil people will be punished by evil people?

But no matter what he thought, the conversation between the two continued.

Duker: "The Paul family collected a large amount of stolen money to avoid the empire's taxes. Where did these resources go?"

Wiz: "We live a luxurious life, spend extravagantly, and are willing to accept the severe punishment of the laws of the Empire."

"No." Duker shook his head.

"You should say that these resources have been donated to the Grand Master of the Inquisition."

Wiz was startled, and his heart, which had been in his throat, almost vomited out at this moment.

Charles and the others also had a blank mind.

Only Duker's tone remained calm, full of patience and meticulousness, "The Paul family relies on the Grand Inquisitor, and the Grand Inquisitor relies on the Grand Master of the Inquisition. The Paul family may have nothing to do with the emperor's assassination, but the Grand Inquisitor has nothing to do with the Grand Inquisitor." Tutor, I don’t think so.”

Wiz's legs trembled, "Your Highness, the Paul family's class is not worthy of being associated with the Grand Master of the Inquisition."

Dukel shook his head, "Wrong answer, Wiz, I thought you were a smart man. Whether you can be related to the Grand Master is not important. What is important is who I need you to be related to."

Wiz gritted his teeth, "But Your Highness, if I do this, the Inquisition will not let the Paul family go."

Duker patted his shoulder, and endless courage was instantly ignited in Wiz's chest. All fear and anxiety disappeared. He heard the voice of the original body continue to sound,

"As long as you, as a witness, are the first to report the Grand Master of the Inquisition, you will be guilty and meritorious. No matter what the final result is, Terra may no longer have a place for your family, but I guarantee that whether it is Macragge or Ophelia No. 7, the innocent people in your family who have not been stained with sin will have a place to survive there. "

Courage grew in Wiz's heart, which allowed him to think better. Then he raised his head and looked directly into the eyes of the original body,

"Your Highness, I hope everything you said is true."

Wiz agreed.

The main reason is that he has no choice but to agree. The original body seems to be giving him a chance to consider it, but in fact he has no choice.

"I will produce evidence of collusion between the Grand Inquisitor and the Grand Master of the Inquisition."

Duker nodded with satisfaction, "The Paul family continues to exist because of you. Waldo, send a team of forbidden troops to personally escort our witnesses."

The commander of the Forbidden Army called out to the Forbidden Army on the voice channel in a daze.

At first, the Primarch was skeptical when he said he could cure the ills of the Imperium.

During the ten thousand years that the Emperor ascended the Golden Throne, these four departments, the Ministry of Justice, the Inquisition, the Supreme Council, and the Ministry of War, held the supreme power of the Empire. The Forbidden Army hid in the palace and paid no attention to the world. Although they looked down upon these power-playing nobles, they also knew how difficult these powerful nobles were.

He thought that the arrogance of the powerful had reached its limit, but the emergence of the original body set the upper limit again.

Duker saw the absentmindedness of the commander of the imperial army and said disdainfully, "It's just acting within the rules of mortals, it's not that difficult. During the Great Crusade, I even took over the power of a new world with only three recruits. . This is why Fulgrim had the illusion that he could do it too.”

The commander of the Imperial Guard nodded silently.

"Your Highness Dukel, I think I should remind you. With the power of the nobles, the Ministry of Justice is also under their control. After Wiz arrives at the Ministry of Justice, he is likely to overturn his previous testimony, and is even more likely to commit suicide in the cell. . So even if he is willing to surrender now, it will be difficult for him to go through the process of the legal department." Captain Charles suddenly said this after thinking for a long time.

These words attracted the attention of everyone present.

Even Duker looked at the arcane captain in a new light at this time.

He is worthy of being a top student from Macragge. Like Guilliman, he has thick eyebrows and big eyes. In essence, he is also a living king of hell.

He nodded, "This is to be expected. All law enforcement agencies in Terra are under the control of the nobles. Of course, the Paul family is sure to deal with them, but I don't care."

Wiz's body lying on the ground trembled again.

"The scene where you just testified against the Grand Master of the Inquisition has been recorded. For me, this is enough. I only need an excuse. As for your future fate and whether you will overturn your confession, it doesn't matter to me. Difference. After all, I am not targeting your Paul family."

Dukel patted him on the shoulder again, "If you want to survive in the future, it will all depend on your own efforts. Don't worry, my previous promise is still valid."

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness."

Dukel accepted his gratitude as a matter of course, "I destroyed your home, killed your people, and made it difficult for your family to survive in the empire. But you really should thank me. Maybe you don't understand now, But one day you will understand. Wiz, the Second Legion is the most reasonable."

This is a rare true statement from him.

He is the chariot swimming against the current in this dark age.

Courage and strength are indispensable.

Perhaps everyone cannot understand his actions, but this does not prevent him from moving forward until he reaches the other side of light.

"Come on, let's go meet the next murderer."

The Paul family's mission has been completed, the testimony is in hand, and the case has made considerable progress. Duker once again led the investigation team and rushed to the next target location.

Upon seeing this, Waldo asked cautiously, "Your Highness, you don't really want to investigate the Grand Master of the Tribunal, do you?"


Charles also didn't understand, "Your Highness, although these nobles do deserve to die, I don't understand why you insist on targeting the Tribunal. Aren't we here to investigate the case? The Secret Magic Team has already confirmed that it is impossible for the Tribunal to fight against the Emperor." It is related to the assassination of the emperor.”

Duker told the truth, "It's not me who is targeting the Inquisition, it's your regent who doesn't like them."

He had almost no contact with the Inquisition before. Even if he wanted to purge the powerful people on Terra, there was no need to focus on the scourge of the Inquisition.

But in both Lion King's and Guilliman's lists, the Inquisition is at the top of the list.

On the contrary, the Paul family and the Grand Inquisitor were not included in the list. Based on their status, they were not worthy of the attention of the two primarchs. Neither the Lion King nor Guilliman took them seriously.

But the facts proved that his cleaning was not wrong. If you kill all the powerful people on Terra, you might implicate innocent people, but if you kill half of them, something will slip through the net.

After dealing with the Paul family, Duker once again set his sights on the list his brothers gave him.

"We need to rush to the Tribunal as soon as possible. I guess the actions of the Paul family have alerted the real murderer hiding in the dark. We must move faster, otherwise the Grand Master of the Tribunal will probably destroy the evidence!"

Waldo: "."

If he had not known who thrust the sword into the Emperor's chest, he might have believed the Second Primarch's story.

There is no evidence, how else can the Grand Master destroy it?

Captain Charles also reminded,

"Your Highness, the Tribunal will probably not cooperate with our investigation. Wiz's words alone are not enough as evidence. Now the whole of Terra is watching your every move. If you attack the Grand Master of the Tribunal without any reason , will inevitably make all power agencies be wary. The Ministry of Military Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, and even the Supreme Council will not allow such a thing to happen."

Charles hesitated and whispered, "Even the Speaker of the Supreme Council may personally come forward to stop you. These four institutions have controlled the supreme power of the empire for thousands of years. They may fight among themselves, but they will never sit back and watch you. Knock one of them down."

Duker nodded. From the words of the arcane captain, he grasped the key point - there was not enough reason.

"It's really troublesome to act within the rules of mortals. What if I have enough reasons to go investigate?"

"That's impossible. Nearly one-third of the Inquisition's members are fighting among themselves. Even the Grand Master of the Inquisition is no exception. They don't have the energy to participate in the assassination of the Emperor. Maybe they have done many evil deeds in other aspects, but they are absolutely clean in this case."

Charles said seriously, "If you can't produce solid evidence, the Inquisition is likely to resist with force. Maybe you don't care about their power, but the chaotic situation at that time is definitely not what you expect to see."


Duker silently drew out the Sword of Mind.

A golden flame instantly ignited on its blade.

Looking at the bright flame, Charles was silent.

Even the Emperor's Sword was taken out, what else can be said?

The armed resistance of the Inquisition alone really can't cause any chaos.

"Can't find a reason to investigate the Inquisition? Simple, then find a suitable reason to attack the Inquisition."

"That's probably hard to do." The captain of the arcane team's face almost turned green, "The Inquisition holds almost unlimited power. What kind of reason can we justify attacking them? And the Inquisitors seem to act recklessly, but in fact they are all smart people. They know very well what they can and cannot do."

"That's because they haven't met me yet." Duker walked in the front and said without looking back.

"The evidence will be obtained soon."

Duker's voice had not yet dissipated, and a cold light suddenly lit up in the dark shadows in front. The murderous intent as cold as the cold wind instantly swept the entire investigation team.

The biting murderous aura even made mortals unable to move.

As the commander of the Imperial Guards, Valdo reacted immediately. He waved the spear in his hand and uttered a war cry, "Protect the Primarch!"

The Imperial Guards in the rear also reacted quickly. They instantly formed a military formation to resist the assassin's attack.

They acted quickly and responded quickly.

The only pity is that it didn't work.

Because the assassin was a Primarch.

In just a moment, the guards were wounded, but they were all lightly injured.

Dukel charged.

The assassin's target was also Dukel.

The two fought together, and their movements were so fast that even the guards couldn't see how they moved.

At first, Dukel was able to barely parry, but then it became more and more difficult. After repelling the assassin with a sword, he staggered back, his arms hanging down as if he had lost strength.

"In this throne world, there is actually a warrior as powerful as you."

Dukel's bright eyes looked at the other party unyieldingly, with the determination to fight to the death,

"The real murderer who assassinated the emperor, even if I die here today, I swear to tear your disguise apart!"

"Lord of the Second Legion?"

The assassin's cold voice echoed in the air.

"You have crossed the border. Fear comes from the truth. Rest in peace. You will die here today."

The powerful momentum spread instantly, and countless afterimages surrounded the investigation team. This distinctive attack method also instantly allowed everyone to recognize his identity.

"Murderous Ghost!"

"It is indeed the murderer who assassinated His Majesty!"

"Damn it, hold on, His Highness Dukel!"

"You are the one who deserves to die!" Just when everyone was worried about Dukel, his roar suddenly came from the shadows.

The sword burning with golden flames was waving in his hand, and the endless flames instantly ignited most of the sky.

Seeing this sword and the Emperor's Fire that burst out from the sword, the 'Murderous Ghost' screamed and turned into a black shadow and disappeared in mid-air.

Perhaps it was because of the burns of the Emperor's Fire.

Everyone found that his speed had slowed down significantly.

Dukel put away his sword and turned his head to ask, "Are you all right?"

"No problem."

"Thank you for your concern, Your Highness."

"Why did the murderer ghost suddenly assassinate Your Highness?"

Dukel guessed, "Maybe it's because we found the real murderer, so they can no longer suppress their evil hearts and can't wait to kill us."

Charles paid close attention to the direction of the 'murderer ghost''s escape. When he saw that direction was exactly where the court of inquiry was, the corner of his mouth twitched suddenly, and he finally reacted.

"Your Highness Dukel, you..."

But the Primarch interrupted his question first, and his angry roar spread throughout Terra in the power of the demigod,

"Assassinate His Majesty, assassinate the Primarch! Terra has really given me enough surprises now! Is there anything else you dare not do? The evil people cannot escape my judgment, no matter how much it costs, I swear to catch you all in one fell swoop!"

After speaking, Dukel turned into a flame and chased after the shadow.

"The murderous ghost was injured by the Emperor's fire, he can't run far!"

Charles: "."

It's hard to describe his inner thoughts at this moment.

He almost saw the truth, and therefore, the integrity he had maintained for decades showed signs of breaking at this moment.

If the murderous ghost was really cooperating with Duker to act, then the case of the Emperor's assassination would be a bit terrifying.

No, it's impossible!

He didn't even dare to continue thinking.

Charles believed that at this time, the high-level dignitaries of Terra should have been alarmed.

In fact, it was true.

The murderous ghost now most suspected of assassinating the Emperor came to assassinate the Second Primarch. Such a horrific incident has never happened in the empire for thousands of years.

"Is it really a murderous ghost?"

"I just went to check. It is indeed him. Too many witnesses have seen his actions recently, and he can fight against the original body. It is impossible for anyone to impersonate him."

"How could the murderous ghost's assassination of the second primarch Duker proceed so quickly?"

"From the intelligence point of view, his operational efficiency in the galaxy has always been very high, but this is too high."

"The real culprit behind the assassination of the Emperor was also ruthless. If he sensed anything amiss, he would dare to attack the original body directly."

"Assassinate the Emperor, when did the assassination of the Primarch happen? There is such power hidden in the darkness of the Empire. The murderous ghost was burned by the Emperor's fire, and it is likely to fall into the hands of Dukel. I want to see for myself. This The true face of the murderer."

Many people can't sit still at this moment.

The assassination of the Emperor was already shocking.

Unexpectedly, even the original body who investigated this matter almost suffered a murderous attack.

Knowing that there really is such a force hidden in the darkness of Terra,

At this moment, many nobles dropped what they were doing, and the whole of Terra felt like it was facing an enemy.

And underground in Terra, in a dark conference room, some real dark beings were also confused and confused, "Is the murderous ghost one of yours? You sent him to assassinate the emperor and also assassinate Duke." you?"

The shadow opposite was also confused, "Didn't you do it?"

"Why should I do this? My plan has not been interfered with. Why should I assassinate the mummy on the throne?"

"Who did it?"

"I just confirmed that this murderous ghost does have enough power to fight against the body."

"His current escape route is the Tribunal?"

"The murderous ghost is a member of the Tribunal?"

"What exactly did Duker find? The Forbidden Army was guarding it tightly, and we couldn't find out the details at all."

The whole of Terra was confused.

No one doubts that Duker directed and acted.

Many people are speculating on what the truth that Duker has tracked down is.

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