Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 163 8, Terra’s sleepless night

The Grand Inquisitor of the Inquisition rode on a chariot carried by dozens of slave laborers. He could have traveled on a technological creation, but as a means of transportation, he enjoyed the feeling of being a superior person more than speed.

He was born into a meritorious family called "Paul" and was born to be superior to all living beings.

At this moment, he was hinting to his subordinates to go to various places in Terra and spread some rumors about the Second Primarch.

As a violent institution, the Inquisition does not need evidence to enforce the law, but only needs some rumors.

Of course, the Grand Inquisitor knew that he could not do anything to a Primarch with just these.

But this was only the first step of his action.

In the subsequent actions, he would ensure that the Second Primarch would lose face and suppress the pride of these so-called demigods.

Terra is Terra belonging to the meritorious nobles.

As for the Primarchs? They are only suitable to appear in historical documents.

Thinking of this, he smiled smugly.

But what he did not notice was that not far behind him, several nuns covered in a strange force field were watching his every move.


On the other side.

Dukeer was brought to a spacious office hall by the commander of the Imperial Guards, Waldo. In this hall, a captain of the secret law from the Ministry of Justice had been waiting for a long time.

The Ministry of Justice is one of the violent institutions of the Empire. As the spokesperson of the harsh laws of the Empire, they are feared throughout the galaxy for their loyalty to duty and their iron-faced and selfless style.

Captain of the secret law, Charles, has the usual old-fashioned and serious look of the Ministry of Justice on his face. Even when facing the Primarch, there is no relaxation on his tense expression.

"Your Highness Dukeer, the Ministry of Justice has launched a full investigation into the assassination of the Emperor. We have found a lot of useful things. This is the file we have compiled. Please take a look."

"The Dark Angels are also paying close attention to this case and are actively following the progress of the case. It is the common hope of every loyal imperial man to lock down the real murderer who assassinated His Majesty as soon as possible. Your Highness, this is the list of suspects submitted by the Dark Angels."

Charles handed over two thick stacks of paper documents.

After Duker took it, he threw the paper documents on the table without even looking at them.

"Charles, I am more concerned about another question. I want to know, are you from Macragge?"

Thanks to the decrees left by Guilliman, even in the dark ten thousand years, the cultural and educational level of Macragge, the capital of the Five Hundred Worlds, is still at the top level of the Empire. It is very common for a middle- and high-level official from Macragge to appear on Terra.

More importantly, the stereotyped temperament of this arcane captain is almost the same as Guilliman, which gives Duker a very familiar feeling.

Charles was silent for a long time after hearing this question, and then replied in a serious manner, "Your Highness Duker, no matter which world I was born in, I am a loyal servant of the Emperor, contributing my insignificant strength to the glory of the Empire."

Duker nodded.

"So you were promoted to captain of the arcane in recent years?" As if he was afraid that the other party didn't understand, he asked again, "I mean the past few years since the regent woke up."

Charles's old-fashioned expression loosened a little, and he defended himself a little anxiously, "Your Highness, I can become the captain of the arcane after going through a rigorous selection of life and death, and the accumulation of experience, and I have never relied on my background."

"That's it."

Duke ignored Charles' words directly and grasped the key points accurately.

What hard work, talent and the like are like jokes to the huge human empire.

What the empire lacks the least is hard-working geniuses.

A civilian in the empire, even if he is a rare genius, the upper limit of his life's struggle is probably to become a glorious recruit of the Astra Militarum in the envious eyes of his neighbors, and then experience the battlefield life of the Astra Militarum for an average of fifteen minutes.

The resurrection of the Primarch not only represents the appearance of a demigod, but also represents the awakening of the extremely huge political monster behind the Primarch.

Maybe Guilliman never paid attention to Charles, and maybe the top leaders of Macragge didn't pay attention to him either.

But the return of the Regent, like the sun rising from the darkness, will inevitably radiate a lot of energy, allowing the political life of every Macragge person to thrive.

Maybe in Charles's perception, he did go through an extremely difficult selection, and maybe no one has ever helped him.

But when the news of Guilliman's awakening reached Terra, and Charles, a Macragge person, competed for the position of the captain of the arcane, it was basically impossible for this captain to have other candidates.

Charles is Guilliman's man, not to mention the Dark Angels.

Dukel looked at the two piles of documents in front of him. Even though they hadn't met yet, he understood what his brothers meant.

The Lion King and Guilliman were worried that his actions on Terra were too radical. After all, this was the power center of the Empire, and it was easy to move the whole body with a single hair, so they sorted out a list of victims for him in advance.

Even if Dukel didn't take action, they would clear the names on this thick list one by one according to the list.

"My brothers are still too conservative."

But Duker felt that these people alone were far from enough.

The original body and the political system on Terra have inherent irreconcilable contradictions.

There is an old saying in ancient Terra, how can a man live in the world between heaven and earth and live in depression for a long time?

During these ten thousand years, mortals have had almost unlimited rights.

To those mortals in power, the Primarch's return was like an airborne leadership.

Originally, as the leaders of the empire, if they stamped their feet on Terra, the entire galaxy would tremble.

But now, they have a living ancestor above their heads.

Behind these ancestors, there is also a large number of supporters who can take their place at any time.

Mortals seek to deprive the Primarch of his power, and the Primarch must reclaim power.

In the original trajectory, the supreme lords even wanted the regent to hand over his military power and disband his legions.

Guilliman, an honest man, was so worried that he directly asked the blue sons and grandsons to praise the Supreme Council. The scene was extremely ugly.

Of course Duker wouldn't do it so ugly.

The second son of the empire disdains being involved in treacherous political struggles. He comes here upholding justice and only wants to track down the real culprit who assassinated His Majesty.

The pursuit of the real murderer and the violent death of the powerful sounds so satisfying.

In order to clarify the clues of the case.

Duker ignored the case files on the desk from the Legal Department and directly picked up the list sent by the Lion King.

On the first page of the list, there are clearly relevant personnel of the Tribunal.

Duker put down the list, believing that a list would be better than no list at all. He decided to investigate the specific situation of the Inquisition first.

"Efilar, do you have any information about the Tribunal?" He asked the saint beside him.

Efilar: "Your Highness, according to the investigation of the intelligence agency, a great inquisitor of the Paul family is spreading rumors about you in the dark."

"Bold!" Duker slapped the table angrily, righteously, "Today he dared to spread rumors about the original body, and yesterday he dared to assassinate His Majesty. I don't dare to think about what he will do tomorrow! I have reason to doubt, The person behind this Grand Inquisitor is the real murderer of the Emperor!"

The sudden and furious behavior of the original body made everyone present stunned for a few seconds.

Then Captain Charles reported to him, "Your Highness, you should first take a look at the files compiled by our Legal Department. According to our investigation, the Inquisition has nothing to do with the assassination of the Emperor."

Duker looked at Charles silently, with a bit of speechlessness in his eyes.

This silly boy needs training.

He only learned integrity from Guilliman, but not the political aspect at all.

Efilar also has the same integrity. As a saint, all the noble qualities of human beings can be clearly seen in her.

But the saint was trained well. Seeing that Duker fell into silence, she quickly answered, "Your Highness, intelligence shows that the great inquisitor of the Paul family has close contacts with the Supreme Council."

"Supreme Council?" Duker's eyes narrowed slightly, "Then it's no wonder he dared to participate in the assassination of the emperor."

It was about the Emperor, and no one in the room dared to answer the question.

Duker assumed that they had acquiesced, "In that case, let's first check whether the Paul family has any clues about assassinating His Majesty. There are often more unknown darkness hidden in the long-standing meritorious families."

Hearing what he said, the others' eyes once again showed astonishment.

Charles reminded carefully, "His Royal Highness Dukel, even if you want to investigate the Grand Inquisitor, you should investigate him himself. Why... investigate the Paul family?"

Even Waldo, the commander of the Forbidden Army, was puzzled by Dukel's actions at this moment.

"Whether there is any evidence, you have to look for it to find out."

"According to the judgment of the Ministry of Justice, it is impossible to have evidence in the Grand Inquisitor's family. If there is really a problem, investigating him himself is enough." Charles continued,

"Your Highness, please give me an hour, and the secret team will give you an accurate answer."

Dukel shook his head.

If Macragge was all such fools, it's no wonder Guilliman would make things so ugly.

Duker was too lazy to pay attention to him at this time, but continued to ask Efilar, "My nun, tell me the size of Paul's family."

Efilar quickly provided information from the intelligence agency, "According to intelligence, the Grand Inquisitor never abused his power during his tenure. In order to avoid suspicion, he even cut off contact with the Paul family.

However, after the Paul family cut off contact with the Grand Inquisitor, the trade among the stars became smoother. Until now, thousands of rich worlds have been included in the management of the Paul family. Some planetary governors who refuse to accept the Paul family will always be executed by the Inquisition due to various problems. "

The Saint paused and continued, "Although it seems a bit coincidental, all this is in compliance with the laws of the empire, so this Grand Inquisitor can really withstand investigation."

Dukel smiled, "During the galactic expedition, I have seen too many nobles with ugly looks. The Grand Inquisitor has such great power, but he is still willing to cover up his evil deeds. I even think that his looks are... Somewhat elegant, indeed the powerful people of Terra are somewhat different after all.”

Then he looked at Charles, "Does the Legal Department have any information about the Paul family?"

"Yes, please wait."

Charles was still capable of doing things, and he quickly obtained detailed information about the Paul family.

Duker briefly browsed through it. This is a very typical family that has experienced rigorous selection and narrow escapes, experienced years of precipitation, and made contributions to the empire. The reason why we are able to control so many worlds and hold the resources of thousands of living planets is all due to the diligent efforts of the Paul family from generation to generation.

Anyone in the empire who sees the content of the message will sincerely praise the nobility and honor of the Paul family.

Even Dukel nodded happily.

"Efilar, if my guess is correct, the Grand Inquisitor has already committed suicide out of fear of guilt, right?"

"Ah?" The secret magic captain and the commander of the forbidden army were stunned again.

They couldn't understand. Just now they were looking for evidence that the Grand Inquisitor was involved in the case. How come they were so fast forward to committing suicide out of fear of guilt?

Did they just experience subspace turbulence, causing time to be disrupted?

Only Efilar could keep up with the rhythm of the original body. She nodded and reported seriously, "Your Highness, your guess is correct. The Grand Inquisitor was shot twenty-two times and just committed suicide in the hive city. in the alley.”

"Let's get this news out."

Duker nodded with satisfaction. The nuns were worthy of being the girls who had followed him to conquer the galaxy for several years. They were indeed considerate little cotton-padded jackets.

Look at the commander of the Imperial Guard and the captain of the law enforcement. The rigid minds of these Terrans are as uncarved as rotten wood.

"Waldo, mobilize a team of forbidden troops, and we will go to the Paul family to investigate the case."

"Follow your will, Lord of the Second Legion." Upon hearing this, Waldo immediately replied respectfully.

The Custodian Lord Commander might not be able to keep up with Dukel's rhythm, but he was by no means a fool. At this time, he already understood the Primarch's thoughts.

So his scalp was numb.

A Grand Inquisitor of the Inquisition disappeared within a few words and committed suicide in a deserted alley - shot twenty-two times!

Anyway, Dukel was chosen by His Majesty, and His Majesty's wishes were fulfilled.

Waldo said to himself in his heart.

The commander of the Forbidden Army decided that tonight he would blindfold his eyes and cover his ears, obey Duker's command in everything, and become a machine without emotions.

Charles also understood, but he did not have the understanding of the commander of the Imperial Army because he was a young man. "Your Highness Duke, please allow the secret team to investigate the Paul family. I promise you that I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer within a week." Reply. With all due respect, this is unfair.”

Dukel smiled, "True fairness does not lie in dogma, but in people's hearts. Study hard, Captain Arcana. If you can learn a little bit from me today, you will become second only to me, Terra." First Detective, countless people in the empire will be grateful to you in the future."

Charles: "."

He soon saw the value of Dukel, the galaxy's number one detective.

A few minutes later, they left the office, and what came out faster than them was the news that the Grand Inquisitor had committed suicide out of fear of guilt.

Driven by caring people, this news spread in a very short period of time.

"The Second Primarch has just started investigating the case, and the Grand Inquisitor of the Inquisition commits suicide out of fear of crime? What crime is he afraid of?"

"Is the Inquisition really involved in the Emperor's assassination?"

"Could it be that the Second Primarch killed him?"

"Impossible. It's been less than an hour since the Second Primarch landed on Terra. How could anyone kill anyone as soon as they land?"

"Are they still going to investigate the Paul family?"

"Just wait for the results of the investigation. If you meet Dukel, stay away. Don't get involved."

After receiving this news, there was a lot of turmoil among Terra's powerful people. Everyone had their own thoughts and they were still adapting to and evaluating the Second Primarch's style of behavior.

And Duker didn't keep them waiting too long.

In less than half an hour,

——In the territory of the Paul family, red flames like blood rose.

In the red flames, Dukel's angry voice was like the roar of a god on earth, and its sound spread like thunder until it spread throughout Terra.

"The darkness in the galaxy is like a scourge, and even Terra has fallen to this level. Anyone I find on anyone will commit suicide in fear of crime. Wherever I go to investigate, there will be a fire!

Hidden murderer, no matter how much resistance I encounter, you will never escape judgment. I, Dukel, the Lord of the Second Legion, the eternal flame of the Holy Empire, I swear to track down the real murderer and fight for justice! My heart of hunting evil is also the ordeal of your last period of life! You will no longer have the opportunity to do evil! "

The majestic demigod's declaration of justice caused countless people in the empire to spontaneously applaud, and they were moved by the primarch's righteous heart.

The dignitaries who were secretly following the progress of the case were once again at a loss.

"The Paul family had a fire?"

"Someone must have set the fire deliberately. The flames couldn't even be extinguished!"

"Is His Majesty's assassination really related to the Paul family?"

"Are they crazy?!"

"This fire looks like murder and silence."

"There must be someone behind it who dares to assassinate the Holy Emperor. The consequences behind this are really unfathomable."

"Is it possible that Dukel started the fire?"

In the sound of discussion, someone whispered his guess.

This low voice was as violent as thunder at the moment, causing all the powerful people in Terra to lose their voices. Then they all overturned this speculation.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Dukele hasn't even figured out the situation on Terra. He has been on the ground for an hour and can't even identify who is the enemy and who is the friend. Did he start killing people and setting fires?"

"The original body has never had contact with the Paul family and has no reason to target them. What if the Paul family is his friend?"

"The think tank of the Imperial Fists will come to personally examine the origin of the fire. If it is really the fire set by the original body, he will be very passive when the results come out. He has no reason to leave such an obvious loophole."

"We should investigate the Paul family and find out what's weird behind them!"

For all the nobles of Terra, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

"Charles, do you understand now how to investigate the case?"

Charles looked confused, "Your Highness, I don't understand, what does our current actions have to do with the emperor's assassination?"

Duker taught him patiently, "False detectives will look for clues and find the truth. But real detectives don't need to know where the murderer is, who the murderer is, and they don't need to know the truth. We just need to know , whoever is guilty deserves to die! Come on, let’s find the next murderer!”

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