Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 155 155, Even if I want to kill the emperor, I am loyal! (End of this volume)

Chapter 155 155, Even if I want to kill the emperor, but - I am loyal! (End of this volume)

——"We uphold the enterprising spirit of mankind, expand our territory with courage, and incorporate all the stars in the night into the territory of the empire. Long live His Holy Majesty! Long live the Supreme Warmaster! May our country last forever!"

When Dukel's will was invested in the spiritual world in the leaves of Caliban, he heard the shouts of countless humans. The wills of billions of compatriots gathered into the ocean. The flag of the eagle floated in the light of the stars. Thousands of warships The engines roared and roared at the same time.

That day the greatest fleet in the galaxy set sail.

"Amazing fleet!"

Duker watched the fleet set off and couldn't help but admire it.

The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage.

The reason he admired was not that the fleet was powerful or not, but the courage and belief displayed by the fleet, their yearning for the dark stars, and their ambition. They are far from being comparable to today's empire.

At the forefront of the fleet, Duker saw a cold-looking young man standing there, wearing heavy armor, with bright eyes, his cloak billowing in the wind, and his tall and tall body. That was a figure he was extremely familiar with - the current Dukel, the former second primarch of the Empire.

That is, himself.

"It turns out that I really am the Warmaster."

Even though he had already made assumptions in his mind before, when he witnessed it with his own eyes, he was still unavoidably surprised.

Dukel's will is immersed in this spiritual world, retrieving the missing part of his memory and exploring the truth thousands of years ago.

He saw this great fleet marching forward in a galaxy full of crises, trampling the bright stars under its feet. As the territory of the empire grows larger, the fate of the human race grows stronger.

Until Ran Dan——

"The Warmaster is crazy. He actually declares that the Emperor is the greatest scourge to mankind. This is ridiculous. Maybe I am just crazy? I hope so."

"As a last resort, we had a conflict with the Warmaster. We were defeated, but in this failed war, we did not gain nothing. We captured an alien. Ran Dan's alien. The Warmaster should have been affected by this alien. How can we undo this?”

"The Ran Dan alien may not be worth mentioning, but this time the enemy of the empire's soldiers is the supreme war commander they are sworn to follow to the death!"

The huge human legion was divided, and lines of defense were built by imperial warriors just to resist the charge of the former war master.

Leon appeared at the forefront of the battle line, like an angry lion, his eyes scarlet and bloodshot, "Dukele, this is betrayal!"

The veins on the forehead of Primarch No. 2 jumped. He knocked down the lion during the battle and said firmly, "For the survival of mankind!"

Duker saw that the No. 2 original body in the spiritual realm became increasingly silent after frequent spiritual communications with the Randan alien.

"I never expected that the biggest enemy in the Ran Dan War, which made the empire so fearful, would be the emperor's second son."

The empire's warmaster launched another rebellion. Duker felt it was extremely ironic, but also felt that this was reasonable.

After the defeat of the Lion, more and more Primarchs devoted themselves to the war. Nine Legions, over 300,000 Astartes, and over a million Mechanicus troops.

Each number represented an unimaginable force - not even the Imperial Warmaster, the renowned Second Primarch, could contend with half the Imperial military strength.

In the continuous high-intensity war, the genetic defects in the bodies of the Second Primarch and his descendants were quickly activated. Duker saw the flesh and blood of the Second Primarch proliferate, and thousands of eyes opened all over his body. They became more powerful, but also more inhuman.

They won the war with great difficulty and paid a heavy price, but the result was that the empire they once swore to protect was on the verge of collapse.

The result of the war eventually became history, as recorded in the history books - "In this battle, countless fleets were wiped out without any survivors, many worlds were destroyed, and the empire had to abandon those planets. Dozens of The Titan Legions were completely devastated and the Imperium lost several Legions of Astartes."

But even so, the Second Primarch's gaze remained firm, and he moved forward without any hesitation.

Until on a planet called Taxila, the Emperor came to the battlefield in person, and the Primarch faced him with a knife. This pair of father and son, the strongest among human beings, started a brutal fight.

The spiritual realm within Caliban's leaves gradually collapsed.

This means that all the information in it has been absorbed by Duker.

The surrounding illusions shattered like bubbles, leaving only a world of nothingness.

Dukel stood alone in this world, frowning slightly, lowering his head in thought,

"I already know the truth of that year, but there is one thing that I still can't explain." He murmured to himself.

"What's wrong?" At this time, a voice asked him back. In this world of nothingness, another person, the second primarch of the empire, stepped out.

Dukel was not surprised by his arrival;

"Why in my memory, most of the memories from ten thousand years ago have been deleted, except for the scene of wielding a sword at the emperor? The battle of Randan nearly caused the empire to collapse. Why does the emperor believe that we are loyal?"

He kept asking questions of his own.

"Because this is correct and what His Majesty wishes. Following the Emperor's will is naturally not betrayal!" the second Primarch replied without hesitation.

"The Emperor wants us to kill him? Does he have any special hobbies? Wait, it's really possible."

——"Stubborn diseases need to be removed with a quick knife"

This was the decree given to him by the Emperor himself.

As an old Riddler, the Emperor's every sentence is like layers of layer upon layer of layer cake. At that time, Duker only thought that it was acquiescing to him to blood-wash those worms that had been corrupted by power.

But now that I think about it, who is the biggest patient in the empire?

Even if the corrupt nobles do all the evil things they can think of, it will be nothing more than scabies to the huge empire.

And the Holy Emperor paralyzed on the golden throne, the darkness in His Majesty's body that could blow up all mankind at any time, is the real stubborn disease.

A butcher's knife and a scalpel have the same effect when wielded, the same skin and flesh are torn open, the same bones are broken and tendons are broken.

But the final result was completely different.

"What about the Chaos Daemons? What role do the Daemons play in this mystery?"

"Chaos Demon?" the Second Primarch asked disdainfully, "What kind of trash is that?"

He carries the inherent pride of mankind thousands of years ago.

"You have never seen the devil." Duker thought, "In other words, the devil has not had direct contact with you, and you have never been bewitched by the devil?"

After he woke up from Ophelia No. 7, he got the clue that the No. 2 Primarch was out of control and was bewitched by demons.

In the subsequent war, he obtained multiple clues that supported this view.

Until now, he had deliberately avoided this point of view. The cursed and blessed son of the World Purifying Plague Army was brutally killed by Duker just by mentioning it.

The Second Primarch was bewitched by demons and rebelled out of control, a topic he had never wanted to mention.

"So who instilled this view in you in the first place?" the second primarch asked.

Who first brought up this idea?

Dukel looks back on his memory,

Of course it is——

"My master can make you lose control the first time, and he can do the same thing the second time!"

Along with Dukel's memories, a demon with a body as strong as a hill, a face like an ape, and angry bat wings behind him appeared in this nihilistic spiritual world, laughing wantonly.

——The Great Daemon of Khorne, Ka'banhar

"In the original destiny trajectory, it was supposed to be the Blue Flame Tyrant of Tzeentch who besieged Ophelia No. 7." Duker looked at the big demon in front of him and analyzed it step by step.

"But when I woke up, the demon army besieging this world was Kahn and Kabanha. This is abnormal."

If it were the Blue Flame Tyrant of Tzeentch who proposed this point of view, Dukel would not believe a word of it.

But if the Daemon of Khorne said it when he was provoking him, it would undoubtedly appear more credible.

The Daemon of Khorne has no brains, and this is something that is known throughout the Warp.

After the battle to defend Ophelia 7, Duker still did not fully believe this point of view.

But as the expedition progressed, he obtained more and more clues to support this view.

——This is what convinced Durkor that the Second Primarch was being tricked by the demons when he drew his sword on the Emperor, and it was a completely wrong and foolish act.

Now that I think about it, all these opinions and clues come from the mouths of the Chaos Demons, and are the demons' one-sided words.

"This is Tzeentch's trick!" Duker whispered to himself, with anger in his eyes.

"Tzeentch wants you to deviate from the right track." The second primarch said firmly.

"No." Duker's anger subsided and he retorted calmly,

"We cannot assume Tzeentch's purpose. He himself doesn't know what he is going to do. Guessing his purpose will undoubtedly make us passive and fall deeper into the trap."

"Then what do you plan to do next?"

"Easy, just ask the emperor directly."

"Between two points, the line segment is the shortest. It's really your style."

"No, this is our style." Duker stopped thinking. He looked at the man who once dared to draw a sword against the emperor.

The spiritual world within Caliban's leaves is rapidly collapsing.


In the forest of Caliban, the lion regained some strength and his strong body stood up from the ground. There was a sound of flapping wings behind him, and the inky raven landed and stepped on the lion's thick shoulder armor.

"You and Dukel have become more powerful, Clarks." The lion looked at the raven on the shoulder armor and couldn't help but sigh.

The Raven Lord's thin presence makes him the best stealth master in the galaxy. To this day, even if the lion is focused on listening to the breath of Caliban's forest, he cannot detect the arrival of the raven.

"The same is true for you, Leon. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and our common ideals have been riddled with holes. The only thing to be thankful for is that we did not completely waste our years." Raven's tone was low, and his eyes were melancholy.

"Clarks, I'm a little tired." The lion's resolute face showed a tired look, "Just ask your question directly."

"How did you know I had something to ask?" The raven looked at the lion.

"I have to thank my brothers for this. Every time they come to me, it is to explore the secrets and the truth. It has always been like this." The Lion King said with some self-deprecation.

The raven ignored the lion's mood and asked directly,

"I do wonder about one thing. Why do you stubbornly believe that Dukel has betrayed the empire?"

Among the Primarchs, Krax returned later and did not personally participate in Randan's campaign.

What he saw was that even though the Second Legion had been completely eliminated, the statue had also been completely demolished. But both the Emperor and the other Primarchs believed that the Second Primarch was loyal.

"You have not experienced that war." The lion seemed to be recalling a scene he did not want to recall, and continued with some pain,

"If you had witnessed Dukel swinging his sword at the Emperor, you would have thought the same thing I did."

During the final battle between the Emperor and the Second Primarch, he and Mortarion were the only Primarchs to witness this bloody fight.

Mortarion's thoughts are unknown.

But the shock in the heart of the lion has not weakened in the slightest.

The raven was silent. Just knowing the truth of these words made him inexplicably horrified.

After a long time, he continued to speak,

"Behind this secret, there must be a secret that neither you nor I know." Clarks continued,

"Sorry, Leon. It's not that I doubt you, I just can't imagine what it will be like when courage betrays humanity."

The lion opened his mouth, he wanted to say something more.

But at this moment,

boom! ——

Red flames soared into the sky, and scorching air waves swept through the lush forest.

Dukel wakes up.

The lion and raven stopped talking and turned to look at their brother. Their eyes were nervously watching each other's every move.

But Duker's footsteps did not stop for a moment because of their nervous gazes.

The stalwart body took action and strode forward.

He crossed the forest of Caliban and came to the seemingly calm river.

Without any hesitation, he stepped into the river with his giant steel feet.

"Wait, Dukel!"

"Be careful of the darkness in the river!"

Upon seeing this, the lion and raven quickly reminded him. They shouted loudly, and their bodies moved at the same time, blocking Dukel in front of him, trying to pull their brother back to the safe river bank.

However, with two "bang bangs" and less than a breath, the two demigods blocking each other's path were knocked away.

They were thrown to the river bank along the strange traces. Clarks wanted to step forward again, but was grabbed by the lion.

"Forget it, just like ten thousand years ago, once Dukel's will has a direction, it cannot be stopped by one or two original bodies."


The raven's eyes showed anxiety, and his keen eyes could clearly see that thousands of dark shadows were quickly approaching in the seemingly calm river.

Duker also saw these darknesses,

But that doesn't mean he will stop.

He walked straight in the river wrapped in flames, his steps were like shooting stars, and thousands of dark shadows were instantly trampled under his feet.

Countless dark beings made cries and howls, and there were whispers on the quiet river. The darkness surrounding the canoe also discovered this scene that broke the silence.

Layers of darkness spread beneath the water.

The further Dukel moved forward, the firmer his will became. Carrying an unstoppable momentum, even the elusive shadows were directly knocked away by him.

Red flames ignited the calm river.

"I am the eternal flame of the Holy Empire."

"The Eternal Walker of the Land of Original Truth."

"The wheel of eternity!"

Facing the huge shadows coming in layers, the rich darkness is enough to scare the most fearless brave. But there was no fear in Dukel's eyes, and his fighting spirit became increasingly high in his bright eyes.

He strode forward with his head held high, without any hesitation.

His gaze seemed to span time and space. At the end of his gaze, he saw the Second Primarch from ten thousand years ago raising his arms and shouting,

"Let's move forward! In this spiritual realm, there is nothing that can stop our will to move forward!"

Just twenty-two steps.

boom! ——

Dukel's forward movement made an indescribable loud noise in the void, and the path he left behind ignited a path of red flames in the river.

The unstoppable will trampled all the shadows in the river.

Duker crossed the seemingly impossible river and came to be only one body away from the canoe.

He pulled out his sword and pointed the cold edge at the king in the canoe without hesitation.

"Tell me, King! Do you expect the same!"

The figure of the Second Primarch waving his sword at the Emperor thousands of years ago perfectly overlaps with the figure of Dukur and the King drawing their swords at each other now.

This moment is just like that moment.

At this moment, huge waves arose on the surface of the calm river.

The waves carrying strong will collided with the king's canoe, causing the black moldy dust on the surface of the ship to fall off.

Like an eternal lone boat, it was trembling violently at this time.

The king, whose canoe had not changed for tens of thousands of years, was trembling slightly in the wind and waves.

The king turned his head, his empty eyes reflecting the light of the flames. There was an emotion of approval in his eyes, and a smile appeared on his pale, mummy-like face.

Seeing the stiff smile on the king's face, the lion suddenly showed a mixture of envy and jealousy.

"Why?" the lion asked puzzledly, "why did Dukel get the king's approval easily for his act of collision?"

The raven stood there in a daze. He was also digesting the incomprehensible scene in front of him. After hearing the lion's voice, he came back to his senses.

"I can't understand it either."

Clarks was shocked by what he saw in front of him when he was praised for drawing his weapon against the Emperor.

After hearing what he said, the Lion King took a deep breath, "But I can be sure that something big will happen when Dukel returns to Terra this time. I also want to return as soon as possible. I hope everything will not go bad. one side."

"Kraks, come back with us. Brothers, go to the palace of Terra to meet our common father. Today's empire needs our strength."

The Lion King looked at the raven with extremely sincere eyes. In today's day when the empire is declining, the power of every original body is so important.

"Allow me to refuse. I have voluntarily thrown myself into the shadows. I only do what I should do." The raven shook his head slowly, flapped his wings and flew away, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

A crow feather fell in mid-air and lay across the lion's hand.

"The crows have nowhere to go."


Duker returned to the river bank, not caring about the chaos he had stirred in the calm water.

"It is indeed time to return to Terra."

He muttered to himself and looked ahead.

When he came to this world, his path was destined to be filled with blood.

He saw the blood and flesh paving the red carpet, the bones stacked together to build the foundation, the stars igniting the flames of war, and the empire in turmoil.

That was his way back to Terra.

This time, he will become the sharp knife of salvation and personally cut off the decay and decay within the empire.

Until he struck the Emperor with a sword that he had never struck thousands of years ago.

The empire will not collapse because of this.

The Emperor will not die because of this.

They will only get rid of their stubborn illnesses and become strong again.

Duker looked at the end of the road, where the second primarch from ten thousand years ago was standing there quietly as well.

When he, a lonely soul from a foreign country, embarked on this road destined to be bloody, when he raised his fists to fight against all the darkness. He could always see at the end of the bloody red carpet, the second primarch from thousands of years ago also pulled out the sword. They stared at each other and smiled.

Of course, that's not me.

But isn't that me?

The Emperor of Mankind is eternal with his endless desire supplemented by the bravery of all peoples. What name this desire has is negligible.

——End of this volume

The next volume will be released tomorrow: "I, Return to Terra!" 》

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