Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 154 154, Dukel beats the Lion King violently

The forest of Caliban is as prosperous as ever, with giant trees rising into the sky, and their trunks are so thick that even six or seven mortal arms cannot wrap around them. The ground under the trees is covered with tangled shrubs, which are extremely tough and twisted, like urchins playing at the feet of giants.

The Lion King was walking in the forest with Dante, but at this moment, the lion's tired heart could not be as prosperous and full of life force as the surrounding dense forest.

The Emperor's second son had been chasing him for months, which had left him physically and mentally exhausted.

With the help of this forest, the Lion can travel through the Warp and appear anywhere in the physical universe at his will. With such power, no existence in the galaxy should be able to catch up with him.

But Dukel did it. He rampaged through the subspace, chasing the lion like a chariot of fire, exhausting the lion physically and mentally.

Fortunately, Ran Dan's secret was eventually buried by the lion.

But the Lion King was not happy about this. He deceived Duke again. The guilt in his heart for betraying his blood relatives was even heavier than the guilt in Dante's heart.

More importantly, he didn't know whether this action was really the right thing to do - the 'king' he saw did not issue a clear decree, and all current actions were based on his own guesses.

He needed a clear answer.

After burying Ran Dan, the lion immediately returned to his hometown to look for the injured king.

This time, he hoped that he could get his wish and see the look of relief in the king's eyes.

Loyalty is the best reward for loyal people,

The lion only hopes to walk on the path expected by the king as he imagined, then everything he does will be worth it.

Finally, he walked through the forest and found the castle again. The castle was neither new and luxurious, nor old and dilapidated. It looked like it had stood here forever.

The lion saw the king again. The king was old, but not as old as he once was.

At this moment, the king is sitting in the boat. His cheeks are sunken, his limbs are thin, his skin is covered with gray spots, and his hair is long and lifeless. On top of that gray head is a crown.

"King, please allow me to ask you again, please give me the answer." The lion said, his voice was strong and low,

"Do what I do conform to your wishes?"

The lion's eyes were fixed on the king in the canoe. He felt a little nervous. The other party's answer would be related to the meaning of his recent actions. Therefore, he could not allow himself to let go of any subtle expression of the king.

He waited quietly, knowing that the king could not speak and could only express his almost invisible emotions through his eyes.

So the Lions didn't push.

After his voice echoed on the water for a long time, the king finally responded. The old king blinked and looked at the lion.

When their eyes met, the lion's heart felt like it had fallen into an ice cellar.

His heart pounded and dropped suddenly. At this moment, he even felt dizzy. The fatigue and powerlessness came over him again, making him almost faint. In the king's eyes, he did not see any approval or expectation.

There is only calmness without any ripples, and despair like a dark abyss.

"Are all the things I have done recently wrong? All of this was not based on your wishes, but was just a foolish act based on my arbitrary guessing?" the lion asked again unwillingly.

He was like a child who didn't want to admit his mistakes and didn't want to accept the result.

He deceived his brother, and he worked hard to bury the secrets of thousands of years ago, even at the cost of being pursued by his blood relatives.

If everything is done out of justice, he has no complaints, but if it is just blind foolishness, then he

Hearing his unwilling inquiry, the king just blinked and looked back at the water, as if the lion did not exist at all.

"No, great king, you cannot do this to me!"

The lion, who was ignored again, asked anxiously. He stepped forward and entered the cold river. However, after just a few steps forward, a huge shadow hidden in the water blocked his path.

The lion was hindered by this darkness and was in a dilemma for a moment. He could only cry out to the old king like an abandoned cub,

"Please, King, please look at me again. I am your eldest son, your fearless knight, and your loyal servant. Please give me clear instructions and do not let me wander in confusion."


The lion's cry overflowed with great sadness, but no matter how he shouted, the king in the canoe remained unmoved and just stared at the seemingly calm water. The blood flowing from the king's wound fell into the river drop by drop.

It was the shadows in the river that took a keen interest in the lion. They even gave up the dripping blood of the king. More and more darkness emerged from the boat and gathered towards the lion.

The lion had not yet noticed the coming darkness, and he was still begging the king.

But at this moment,

"Wow - wow -"

The rough and hoarse crow suddenly sounded. This annoying cry just right woke up the lion king who was standing on the edge of darkness.

The lion who had recovered his senses quickly retreated away from the darkness in the river. It was not until he retreated into the forest that he got rid of the entanglement of darkness again.

The lion looked up, and then he saw a raven with a body covered with ink, standing on the branch of a giant tree, watching him calmly,

"When did he stand there?"

The lion had some doubts in his heart. All the changes in the Caliban forest could not escape the lion's keen senses. Only this ink-like raven did not attract his attention at all.

As long as the lion looks away, the raven seems to not exist.

But then, the lion saw the raven's sharp beak opening slightly. Although it looked like a burp, the lion was keenly aware of the wisps of red flames coming from the crossing. It overflowed from the crow's mouth and was fleeting.

"Dante, let's go!"

The male lion quickly called to the Blood Angel beside him and got into the woods without looking back.

The lion moved quickly through the forest, almost as if he was running away in a hurry.

But no matter where he went, when he raised his head and looked at the branches of the forest, he could see inky ravens there.

The lion kept changing his direction, confident that no one knew this lush forest better than he did.

But no matter which direction he went, he found that he could not escape the raven's following.

till the end,

The lion desperately discovered that in this forest of Caliban, there was a raven standing quietly on the branches of almost every tree.

This is immeasurable. Tens of millions of crows, every raven's eyes, are staring at him silently.

The lion cannot avoid it.

"Why, Clarks." The lion looked around the crowd of crows, his tone full of grief and anger, "Why do you even want to stop me? Everything I have done is not to let our common brothers launch a rebellion again. I am protecting our brothers and our empire!”

A group of crows flapped their wings and flew into the sky together. They gathered together and formed a huge dark cloud.

"Rebellion? Where did the rebellion come from?" Clarks' majestic figure appeared in the shadow of the crowd of crows,

"Lion King, you made a mistake. Dukel has never been a betrayer. His loyalty has always been the same."


The lion wanted to argue, but Clarks interrupted him.

"We can't just look at the appearance, lion. I have also had my memory wiped out, and I don't have a clear memory of the past ten thousand years ago. But after I have just confirmed that the king never thought that Dukel was a traitor, after the secret you hold , but also hiding secrets that neither you nor I know, isn’t it?”

"For me, as long as I confirm that Dukel is loyal, that's enough." Clarks looked at the Lion King calmly,

"He has helped me, and now it's my turn to repay him. Dark Crow always repays his enemies and repays his kindness."

The lion was silent, thinking.

Secrets remain secrets, and he does not hold all the truth as he imagined.

"We don't have much time left to talk, Leon. Next, I wish you good luck."

Suddenly, the lion heard the crows speaking, and then the huge crowd of crows dispersed instantly, like dark clouds dispersing, revealing a blazing sun. A huge sphere of flames hung in the sky, like the scorching sun in the sky.

The climate of Caliban Forest, which had not changed for a long time, underwent an astonishing change at this time. The temperature climbed rapidly, and the warm air in the forest quickly became hot in just a few breaths.

When the violent flames returned to calm, the sacred behemoth in the red flames also revealed his true appearance.

Countless huge flame rings overlapped together, occupying almost half of the sky. Millions of pupils on the rings jointly guarded the giant pupil in the center.

The moment the restless breath is revealed, if it were not for the restraint that remains, it can almost instantly ignite this prosperous forest.

Then the giant pupils quickly scanned the entire world with millions of gazes, and finally set their sights on the lion.

"Old lion, you can really run!"

The red fire light made the lion narrow his eyes unconsciously.

"His Royal Highness Dudududu. Dukel."

Dante, who was following the Lion King, was trembling all over.

Duker glanced at him, and courage suddenly grew in the Blood Angel's heart, soothing the fear and uneasiness in his heart.

Then the giant pupil looked at the lion again,

"Should I be happy about our reunion, brother? After all, you betrayed me again and avoided me."

"Dukele, no matter how many times you ask me to explain, I will give you the same answer." The lion's eyes were firm, and he did not shy away from the emperor's second son's gaze. He looked at each other with his head raised.

"I can't sit back and watch you start another rebellion!"

"Rebellion? Have I ever betrayed the empire? Who gave me a verdict? Is it you or the old man who is fishing?" Duker asked.

"Then tell me! Everything that happened ten thousand years ago was not betrayal, so why?!" The lion raised his head and roared.

"That's why I need to know the truth that happened thousands of years ago!" Duker's voice rolled across the sky like thunder, and it also contained anger.

"It's useless to talk more, proud lion. It seems that you will be honest only if I beat you first. I hope that these ten thousand years of slumber have not caused your martial arts to be lost in your sleep!"

As he spoke, Dukel's figure emerged in the flames. His body was taller and more muscular than the lion.

Wearing heavy armor, clenching his fists, his scarlet cloak made a roaring sound, churning like a sea of ​​blood.

His handsome face was cold and cold, his bright eyes full of anger, and his long black hair danced wildly in the firelight.

"Wait for me."

The lion wanted to say something else, but he had just uttered a few syllables when he saw a figure burning with red flames, rushing straight towards him like an unstoppable flaming chariot.

Faced with this majestic collision, the Lion King had no choice but to swallow his words, quickly raised the Emperor's Shield and took a stance.

Ding Ding stood aside numbly, witnessing the fight between the two gods on earth. Even a Primaris Space Marine veteran like him couldn't see clearly what happened next.

The fire storm set off by Dukel's charge caused chaos in everything in the forest. At the same time, the figure of the Lion King continued to shuttle through the space, using the sword and shield in his hands to rise and fall like a butterfly in the flames. Flying.

The omen of extreme danger made Dante retreat unconsciously, but before he could recover, he was knocked to the ground by the huge sound wave that swept over him.

Blood Angel felt tremendous pain all over his body. The power of the two Primarchs was beyond his imagination during his thousand years of fighting, and it overturned his cognition.

In the whirlpool formed by the gathering flames, the two men's weapons collided with each other, and the aftermath of the clash caused a large area of ​​forest to be razed to the ground.

After a brief confrontation,

boom! ——

A huge sound suddenly exploded, the earth shook, and a huge pillar of fire rose into the sky. The land of this illusory forest began to disintegrate, like large ripples on calm water.

Dante watched this scene happen with guilt. At this moment, he blamed himself extremely. If he could be wiser, he might be able to avoid this fight between demigods' blood relatives.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the two original bodies reappeared in the center of the crater.

Dante saw the sword and shield belonging to the Lion King, lying far away from the two original bodies. The Lion King was also lying on the ground with a bruised nose and face.

Duker stood aside and gasped. Although there was no obvious damage to his body, it could still be seen that his victory was far from as easy as it seemed.

But judging from his eyes, the anger in his eyes was completely gone. After beating the lion violently, his anger was gone.

"Tell me the truth about Ran Dan, or I won't mind beating you up again, brother."

Although Duker said this on the surface, he was constantly thinking in his heart. He knew that it would be difficult to get the truth out of this old lion's mouth by using force alone. The Lion King was by no means the kind of person who would succumb to force. people.


"Here you go." The next second, he saw the Lion King lying on the ground, raising his right arm tremblingly, and lying in the huge metal glove was a Caliban leaf.

"You handed me the truth so easily?" Duker, who was still thinking, suddenly said in shock,

"Isn't it supposed to be that I beat you and you refuse to obey? Then I beat you and you continue to hold on to your will. Until I find the loopholes in your psychology and break through the defenses of your will, will you be handed over to me? ?”

"I wanted to give it to you a long time ago, but you rushed up without saying anything. Dukel, how many more times do you want to beat me? I'm your brother!" The Lion King roared angrily, and then lay down on the ground again, He said weakly,

"I have thought clearly before that the king cannot be unaware of the big noise we are making here. But he has no intention of stopping it. Does this mean that he acquiesces to your and Clarks' actions?"

While speaking, the Lion King raised his head and looked across the devastated forest to the lonely boat.

This time, he saw the king fishing in a lone boat and gave him an encouraging look.

"It seems that this time, I finally guessed it right."

He lay down relaxedly,

"Holy Majesty, why don't you give me more straightforward revelations, so that I live with a guilty heart and am forced to fight with my own brothers."

The boulder that had been hanging in his heart finally fell, making him feel the relief he had not seen for a long time.

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