Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 128 128, Mortarion’s plan

"Then act according to the battle plan, brother——"

When Dukel said the last word, the fire on the overlapping wheels was extremely bright. In the next moment, like a huge chariot of fire, it rolled out a straight road in the sky of the dark world, heading towards the devil's steel fortress. Crash away.

"Come on, let me see what's in here?!"

The path of flames stretched across the sky, and the chariot fell like a meteorite from the sky, directly bombarding the solid metal structure of the fortress.

boom! ——

The steel was melted, the walls were torn apart, the whole world was trembling, and the ground was broken into countless ravines. It was like a substantial shock wave rolling back red flames, sweeping around, and everything was burning.

"Come and meet my challenger from afar, demons!"

In the ruins of the Demon Fortress, the steel was sublimated by the high temperature into mist. In the thick mist, Dukel laughed at the demons, his voice deafening, resounding throughout the Demon Fortress, which was larger than a city.

The Lord of Dark Crows is still standing where he is at this moment,

Before the sound of his conversation with the other party completely dissipated, the other party had already rushed into the demon fortress.

This briefly stunned him for a few seconds, and then he heard Dukel's laughter, as if he was being moved, and a hot fighting spirit surged in the Raven Lord's chest.

A smile appeared unconsciously on Clarks' gloomy and handsome face, and then disappeared into the shadows at his feet, as if he had never appeared before.

Duker also seemed to have forgotten his existence and was completely immersed in his own battle. From the moment the battle began, his smile had always been there. The huge pupils between his forehead and eyebrows released the power of his mind to shoot at everything he looked at. to everything.

The light beam formed entirely by the power of the soul is like an indestructible laser, destroying as much as it wants.

A demon team of over a hundred people had just emerged from the ruins when they were swept away by the oncoming light beam. When the light beam was transferred, only their mostly melted remains remained on the ground.

"Didi! -"

The piercing and sharp siren screamed, and countless demons crawled out of the ruins in disgrace.

"What happened?"

"Run! If you don't retreat, it will be too late!"

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice to the skull throne!"

The Devil's Fortress, which was ignited by the fire, was in chaos at this moment, like rushing into a vegetable market with a million aunts.

The ravines created by the broken earth tore the interior of the huge fortress into several pieces.

A slender figure like a mummified snake floated in mid-air, wrapped in countless flame wheels. He closed his eyes tightly, but opened a huge single eye between his eyebrows, shooting out a thick beam of light, sweeping away everything related to the devil. of creation.

A Khorne vanguard picked up a battle ax and jumped towards the figure in mid-air. However, before the figure could get closer, the body was held by a skinny hand protruding from the firelight.


The Khorne Vanguard's body was instantly crushed by a huge palm, and blasphemous demonic blood spattered along the gaps between his skinny fingers. The spattered demonic blood spilled onto the ground, causing a heavy rain of blood.

Only then did the demons realize with horror that the figure in mid-air was a huge creature that matched his strength.

What frightened the demon even more was that this huge thing once again hit the ground like a bolide.

"Attack! Attack quickly!"

Many demons screamed, and the roar of guns and shells, accompanied by streams of spiritual energy, blocked the behemoth falling from the sky.


Amidst the wild laughter inside the flame, Duker ignored all the attacks coming towards him and smashed straight to the ground. The churned air flow gathered huge storms. The flames ignited these storms, instantly engulfing thousands of people around him. All demons are purified,

"I was invited by my brother to come all the way, why didn't anyone come out to greet me?"

"Luojia?! Abaddon?! Or maybe he's the favorite of the gods, it doesn't matter who he is!"

"These local demons are so rude!"

Duker's eyes were filled with crazy fighting spirit, and as he fell, the earth trembled endlessly.

The devil's house is collapsing, the solid fortifications are being destroyed, and he is marching straight into the devil's fortress, unstoppable.

Inside the huge demon building, the surging Chaos believers became the capital for Duker's wanton violence.

Under his impact, the demon's front quickly collapsed.

A team of Space Marines from the Chaos Warband fled in the opposite direction to the fire. They hid in the shadow of the huge building, and could not see the red fire behind them.

"Finally, we left that terrible fight."

"There is no shame in retreating, this is not something we can handle."

The fallen space warriors spoke to comfort themselves, just as they were relieved in their hearts and happy that they had escaped death.

They didn't notice, or rather they couldn't notice, that in the shadow of the fire not far away from them, a pale figure was watching them silently.

A cold light shone on the claw blades of the metal gloves.

In the next few seconds, panicked screams resounded here, and the black shadow shattered under the sky red with firelight, turning into countless winged flying blades, swallowing up this chaotic force. Space Marine Squad.

Countless sharp beaks as deadly as blades pecked at the power armor of these Space Marines.

When the crows dispersed, the bodies of the Chaos warriors were in pieces, and their power armor was riddled with holes like shreds of paper.

As the chariot of flames rampaged through the demon fortress, a flock of crows followed them in the shadow of the fire.

Neither of the two original bodies had imagined that their cooperation would be so tacit.

Where the flames burn out, shadows grow. In the intertwining of firelight and shadow, the frightened screams of demons emerged one after another.

Dukel, who was floating in mid-air, nodded slightly after seeing this - it seemed that these rude local demons were destined to pay a heavy price for their evil deeds.

But the next second——

A roar like a giant dragon resounded, deafening.

The huge body tore apart a huge building, exposing an extremely terrifying creation.

"This is..." Clarks' expression changed in the shadow.

"Dukele, this is a forbidden creation, a demonic engine that has never appeared before, a terrifying war machine!"

It's like an octopus-like monster, each of its tentacles is more than a hundred meters long. Its body of steel and flesh is taller than the mountain peak, and it vents its angry roars all the time!

Under the ravages of the original body, this blasphemous and twisted existence finally completely tore apart the cage that the demons had kept it in, unleashing its power unscrupulously.

"It is indeed a terrifying war machine." Duker's expression gradually became calm.

Just looking at the opponent's huge size, the original body could already imagine how terrible trauma it would cause to the imperial army once the devil released such a monster on the battlefield.

Under normal circumstances, if a demon wants to come to the physical universe, it requires a lot of energy, and even then it can only obtain a temporary entity.

But if they are connected to the Demonic Engine, they can exist almost permanently in the physical universe.

Once such a terrifying forbidden creation appears in the real universe, it will be a disaster for countless worlds.

Without any hesitation, Dukel rushed towards the forbidden object, wrapped in countless flame wheels.

boom! boom! boom!

The forbidden object was equipped with a large number of heavy firepower weapons, like a giant mobile arsenal, releasing ammunition towards Dukel who was charging towards him.

Its huge octopus-like tentacles swept forward like a sweeping whip, crushing everything within a hundred meters.

Carrying a strong wind that could blow away a mortal, it beat towards Dukel.

Duker did not dodge this, the fire light became brighter, and he rushed straight away.

The huge octopus tentacles were instantly smashed.

Dukel laughed when he saw this, and the mummy snake waved its arms, fighting the forbidden thing at close range.

Their battle shook the earth, and every violent collision caused the mountains to shake, and the earth shattered into countless cracks.

Some of the Chaos Apostles who had not yet left were directly involved in the storm of the battle between the two. Even the physically powerful demons of Khorne were crushed into pulp in an instant.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!" The demons' exclamations echoed, "This is no longer a place for us to fight, retreat quickly!"

"A terrifying creation." After seeing the fighting ability unleashed by this monster, the Lord of Dark Crows looked gloomy. He had been besieged by the gods and demons before, and at this moment he was seriously injured and could not get close to the fight. center.

But he still saw with his own eyes that this forbidden thing swept across the building of the Demon Fortress with only one tentacle.

Not only was the building originally used for demon defense completely destroyed, but even the ground was crushed into huge ravines.

Not to mention fighting such a monster, the Astartes may be accidentally injured and die even if they get close to it.

Terrible weapons of war

The Lord of Crows stalks in the shadows. He is not good at dealing with such a huge target. He can only look for the opponent's weaknesses and deliver a fatal blow.

"I don't know how Duker will deal with this taboo thing."

Clarks thought in his heart. He was not worried about Dukel's safety. After all, the other party's current state was just an avatar summoned by a blood sacrifice.

Just as he was thinking about how to deal with the forbidden object, he saw this monster as huge as a mountain rising up from the ground - Dukel grabbed one of its tentacles and flew fiercely into the distance. Smash it everywhere!

In the huge roar, the body of the forbidden object was thrown directly on the mountain in the distance, smashing the mountain directly!

The vibrations of the mountains can be clearly felt even by the Lord of Dark Crows who is far away here.

Then the flame chariot drove through the air, dragging a red trail.

In the blink of an eye, Dukel was in front of the forbidden object again, dragged the opponent's tentacles, and threw it around hard.

That posture was like that of an angry child throwing a stuffed toy in his hand.

But the deep pits one after another on the ground, and the constant vibrations coming from the ground, fully demonstrated that this was not a soft and cute plush toy at all, but a cruel and bloody fight!

"Quick! Save it, this great creation cannot be damaged here!" A group of priests from the Dark Mechanicus rushed out. They brought more strange-shaped steel creations. Just as they were about to rush to the battlefield, they were stopped by Dukel. All the behemoths thrown were crushed into minced meat and evenly spread on the ground of the dark world.

The forbidden object was extremely weak at this moment, lying helplessly on the ground. After being repeatedly crushed by the brute force of the original body, the steel on its surface was shattered on a large scale, exposing lines flashing with electric sparks. At the same time, The flames were still burning its body, causing it extreme pain.

Dukel descended from mid-air, tearing at its armor and flesh, and the crows fell beside him, revealing the figure of Krax.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"I'm looking for the core of the forbidden thing." Duker looked serious, with a rare hint of worry.

"This thing is too powerful and too dangerous to the empire. I must destroy it completely!"

Clarks looked at his brother, who was tearing apart the monster's armor and flesh with both hands. He fell into a brief silence, and then nodded in approval.

"You are right, this forbidden creation is indeed too dangerous. I probably know where its core is." As he spoke, the Lord of Dark Crows waved the claw blade on the metal gauntlet.

With the joint efforts of the two, a strange roaring body was finally dragged out from the core of the forbidden object. It looked human, but its skin was covered with sickly pink spots. After the connection to the demonic engine was severed, twisted and exposed bones were exposed.

Nodules and bone spurs sprouted from its joints, a set of large curved horns grew from its forehead, and fangs grew from its mouth. The black teeth were as sharp as flint.

"Is it this thing? Is this weak guy driving this war weapon?" Duker said in disbelief after seeing the other party's true appearance.

"It should be." Clarks continued, "He seems to have been stunned in the previous battle. This may be a weakness of the forbidden thing. I did not detect other centers from this monster. It is fast. Wake up."

With the voice of the Lord of Crows falling,

"No!" The humanoid demon creature on the ground screamed, "This body is mine! This power is also mine! Let me go back, no one can make me give up my power!"

The moment it woke up, it let out a sharp howl and cursed viciously at the two original bodies,

"Curse you, sons of the abomination!" it screamed, "you miserable outcasts! The great Warmaster is rising! Poor chessmen, you will eventually vomit with the mummy on the throne - —”

Before it finished speaking, it was lightly kicked by Duker.

Because he was worried about kicking it to death, the original body didn't even use flames. Then he stepped on its abdomen and asked,

“Answer my question and I will grant you eternal rest.”

The original power gathered in Duker's body, allowing similar creatures to find reason in fear.

"Son of Arrogance, you threaten me with your original power, so why should I tell you anything." It sneered disdainfully.

"Giving you peace is the greatest kindness to you. Answer my questions, otherwise you will be torn into twenty-two pieces. Believe me, that is never what you want to face."

When the primarch said these words, the humanoid demonic creature seemed to feel real terror for a moment, and black tears flowed from its grotesque face.

"Ask, son of the abominable, and your questions will be answered."

"What is Abaddon's purpose in creating you?"

"I don't know everything, I only know part of the Warmaster's plan." The face of the demonic creature showed a bit of cunning. "The Warmaster is planning to launch a fierce attack on the ruins of the Cadian Gate. Mortarion and the Warmaster have concluded an agreement. covenant"

Said the demonic creature, and when he had finished,

"Will the Lord of Death form an alliance with Abaddon? He is not the desperate bastard like Luojia!"

Clarks sneered.

The demonic creature opened its mouth, revealing its sharp fangs, but before it could speak, Dukel's voice rang out.

"It's still possible." Duker analyzed. "No matter what Mortarion does, he does it only for himself, no matter who he cooperates with. This is not collaborative cooperation, it should be just Mortarion's whim. , he won’t care about Abaddon, but he has his own plans.”

"What do you think he's planning?" Clarks asked.

"It doesn't matter what the plan is, it's all stupid things that he thinks are right." Duker said disdainfully.

"Mortarion has always thought that he was following his so-called indomitable will, but in fact, he is a softie. No matter what he is planning, he will give up at the most critical moment anyway."

After hearing his words, Clarks lowered his head and thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"I also know some plans about Mortarion, don't you want to hear it? As long as you can let me live a little longer." At this time, the demonic creature lying on the ground suddenly said.

"Why, are you anxious when talking about Mortarion? Do you want me to target him, or the one behind him? But I'm sorry, I don't care about my brother."

Dukel smiled oddly.

He really didn't care what Mortarion wanted to do. Anyway, he had already left a back-up on Guilliman's armor. When the Garden of Nurgle was burned, he would jump out and give him a hard blow. .

"Brother, there is no need to ask anymore." The Lord of Dark Crows looked at the other party at this moment, "And I don't think it can really grasp any information."

"It was never what I asked. Don't you think it knows too much?"

Duker pointed to his eyes, "I have so many eyes, they must not be decorations."

As he spoke, the flame wheels turned, and millions of eyes stared at the same position.

"Are you right?"

Duker looked at the demonic creature on the ground.

Without waiting for the other party to reply, he pierced the other party's body with his palm and pulled out a crystal clear crystal ball from the broken flesh and blood.


The sphere made of crystal was directly crushed by him, and the rich subspace negative energy overflowed, and bursts of weird laughter came from it.

"This is..." The Lord of Dark Crows showed a shocked expression. This is an existence in the sea of ​​souls that cannot even be mentioned by name.

"Another damn plan," Dukel sneered.

Then he looked at Clarks, "Brother, do you want to return to the real universe with me and reorganize your legion?"

"I can exert greater value here." The Lord of Dark Crows shook his head.

"Okay, whatever you want." Duker looked down at his body. His body was turning into sand at an alarming speed.

"You've worked hard like me, it's time to prepare for the next war."

Dukel smiled and waved goodbye to the Raven Lord.

Then the flames died out and the world turned dark again.

"Sorry, man. I'm an escapist coward."

The Crow Lord's sigh echoed in the empty dark world.

Thousands of years ago, he experienced too much grief in the real universe, betrayed all the ideals he once pursued, and killed his own heirs.

He left his legion, completely gave up on his ideals, and sneaking into the subspace alone was not an escape.

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