Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 127 127, subspace souvenirs sent by Crow King

Crow's Feather, wandering in the shadows.

When the expeditionary legion ushered in victory and won precious rest time for themselves; when the mortals were praising the empire and the original body.

In the terrifying and strange dark world, a primarch is entangled alone with the four-god alliance, engaged in an endless battle.

In the dark fortress, the shadows shuttled quickly with the Crow Feathers.

The sound of sirens echoed through the vast steel structure, and raven feathers fell from the desecrated passageways.

Clarks moved forward resolutely in the shadows. Gunshots rang out all around him. As he advanced, these gunshots gradually disappeared. Any abomination that dared to stand in front of him would be eaten by a crowd of crows. .

The body of the demigod provided him with endless power. In front of him, two more fallen space warriors held bolt guns blocking his way.

The Crow Lord didn't even look at them as the shadow passed between the two men.

After he left, the heavy bodies of the two fallen warriors wearing power armor collapsed to the ground.

Clarks is still moving forward. He must leave this world as soon as possible.

As the most adept at lurking and infiltration operations among the original bodies, he actually exposed his whereabouts in this world.

But this was no coincidence. Luojia, the great Word Bearer who betrayed the empire, used forbidden power to create terrible creations with the Four Gods Alliance.

The Daemons became aware of the Primarch's whereabouts and sealed off the world in an attempt to once again slay the Emperor's children.

The bolters roared endlessly, and the betrayer's gunfire lit up a little darkness. Through this looming firelight, you could see countless terrifying and crazy creations rushing towards the Lord of Crows.

The flesh and blood body is inlaid with steel, and the howling soul and bloody body are spliced ​​together to form a blasphemous creation.

The demonic bodies that are stitched together, roaring and struggling, jointly declare their uncleanness to everyone who sees it.

This is a desecration of life and a creation that plays with the soul.

In the long and narrow corridor, Clarks wielded his claw blade and tore apart all the monsters in front of him.

The surrounding monsters were torn to pieces in an instant, with rotten flesh and broken bodies everywhere.

These tortured souls and bodies will be given eternal mercy by the majestic demigod himself.

There were pieces of flesh and limbs everywhere, but these were just puppets being manipulated.

Shadow's pace never stopped for a moment, knowing full well that there were more terrifying enemies yet to appear.

Strange creations came from the depths of the dark world, and a terrifying monster revealed its ferocious appearance.

Huge tentacles rolled toward the Chairman of the Crows, and all the fallen warriors who had no time to dodge were crushed to pieces along the way.

Smelly blood and rotten flesh flowed out from the gaps in the power armor.

The Lord of Dark Crows also broke out of the blockade of the fortress at this moment, and narrowly avoided the huge tentacle. After leaving the fortress, his figure still did not stop, flying towards the sky, about to leave this world.

"I have to take this news back."

This was the only thought in Clarks' mind at the moment.

He didn't care much for his own safety.

He gave up all power and glory, transformed into a raven and plunged into the shadow of subspace, just to patiently monitor his enemies and kill his betrayed blood relatives.

Now that the enemy has returned again, it's time for him to perform his duties, even if it costs him his life.

But just when he was about to leave this world and get rid of the blockade completely.

Sudden changes occur,

The original mighty power of the Supreme Sky suddenly shook at this moment. The extremely huge teleportation array suddenly lit up, and four terrifying figures came out from four different directions.

Before their true appearance has truly arrived, horrific visions have appeared in this dark world - scarlet blood igniting the flames of war in the sky, the earth wailing and rotting into a poisonous swamp, the mountain peaks condensing into crystal crystals, the air But there was a vague and strange fragrance filling the air.

Prince Khorne, the Great Unclean One, the All-Changing Demon Lord, the Great Keeper of Secrets, the great demons of the dark gods, actually reached an agreement at this moment, and came together to this world mired in darkness.

"Kraks, you are alone behind enemy lines, with no cover, no support, and no hope."

The Ever-Changing Demon Lord brewed vicious spells in his hands, shaking the original body's will with his words.

"I have long been accustomed to such fights, and this is not something worth fearing."

As he spoke, the Lord of Dark Crows disappeared from the spot, as if he had completely merged with the darkness, completely disappearing without a trace.

The Great Demon of Tzeentch looks like a giant bird standing upright. When the Lord of Crows disappeared, it suddenly became alert and flapped its huge bird wings, trying to get away from the land where it stood.

In fact, its vigilance is perfectly correct.

The color of the ground beneath its feet has become dark and deep from unknown time.

Like boiling asphalt overflowing from a pool, a sticky black shadow seeped out from the ground and entangled its feet, which also resembled those of a bird, and quickly spread towards its waist.

The All-Changing Demon Lord desperately sent out vicious spells towards the black swamp that trapped it. The psychic spells surging with powerful energy disappeared into the black mud without any sound like a mud cow entering the sea. middle.

The demon flapped its wings and quickly raised its figure. But the black shadow ball is also chasing after it like a tarsal maggot, getting bigger and bigger, rising higher and higher, trying to swallow it directly.

The bones and joints of the All-Changing Demon Lord were suddenly broken under the huge force, and a bird-like thigh was twisted into an unbelievable shape.

At this moment, in the hands of this great demon, powerful psychic spells that are incomprehensible to mortals have been accumulated, and extremely terrifying auras spread. These auras seem to have a huge gravity, and even if they are not released, they will shatter the earth.

Just as it was slamming down the psychic spell.

Hua Hua——

The huge shadow ball that once swallowed everything like an abyss was suddenly burst like a balloon. Before the psychic spell could reach him, the huge shadow dispersed on its own, forming a huge crow cloud and disappearing. In front of the All-Changing Demon Lord.

After seeing this, the Great Unclean One and Prince Khorne on the side not only had no intention of stepping forward to help, but even made mocking sounds at the same time.

Even if they form a temporary alliance, it does not mean that they can truly unite.

Only the Great Demon of Slaanesh could not laugh at this moment.

When the huge crow cloud disappeared, the Great Keeper instantly felt that he was swallowed up by a huge shadow.


There was an ear-piercing sound of bone cracking in the shadows. In just a few blinks, when the shadows dispersed, the body of the Great Secret Keeper had been penetrated by the claw blades on the metal gloves.

The demon's spine was dug out, his bones were exposed outside his body, and his internal organs were scattered on the ground along the huge gap. He completely lost his ability to fight.

The Lord of Dark Crows' attack against the Changing Demon Lord was just a feint attack. And his real target is the Great Secret Keeper not far away!

This was a successful battle, but it was not without cost.

When the Crow King's huge body appeared again,

He was also covered in cuts and bruises - the well-made, pitch-black battle armor also had multiple tear marks and traces of being bombarded by psychic spells. Blood flowed out from the demigod's wounds.

But it's worth it.

Under the siege of the Four God Demons, one of them was killed and one injured in an instant, but they only paid the price of minor injuries. This was already an astonishing result.

The Lord of Dark Crows stood on the spot, taking a short rest. He carried a pair of steel flying wings on his back, shaped like the wings of a raven. The upright face is as pale as snow, the eyes are as dark as night, and the long black hair hangs down to the shoulders.

But he didn't get much rest.

After instantly killing the Great Keeper of Secrets, these great demons no longer dared to take it lightly. After seeing his figure clearly, Prince Khorne charged in brutally, with violent power that made the whole world tremble.

The plague of the Great Unclean One also enveloped the area, raising a thick poisonous fog.

In the hands of the All-Changing Demon Lord, he once again used vicious spells.

"The empire has long been shrouded in darkness. The cursed one on the throne is not worthy of your loyalty. Why not surrender to the infinite truth, like your brothers?"

The Daemon's whispers also haunted the Primarch's mind.

So the crows continued to laugh:

"Never again!"

What the gods and demons did not notice in the place covered by the shadows of the crows was that an eyeball burning with flames was inserted into the wound of the Great Keeper of Secrets by the Lord of Dark Crows.

Expeditionary Legion, Holy Cathedral aboard the Heartfire.

A huge statue of the emperor stands in the solemn hall.

Nakluf, the forging brother of the Son of the People, is praying in front of the statue.

An Anglican priest stood in front of him and asked him loudly,

"Nakluf, why are you taking action with your life?"

"Acting for the Emperor's will."

"What is the Emperor's will?"

"Let us devote ourselves to the empire until we die and return our souls to the throne."

"Why die?"

"It's our duty."

Questions and answers were repeated over and over again, but none of them showed any impatience, and their voices remained firm and powerful.

Be loyal to the emperor, be loyal to the empire, until the electronic screen on the church lights up, indicating the end of this day's prayers.

As a subject of the empire, it is everyone's sacred duty to come to the church to pray to the emperor's statue.

Nakluf's identity at this time was that of a mortal servant of the Fire of the Heart Machinery Workshop, so he was naturally not exempt from the vulgarity.

Duker was also in the church at this time. He came here not to pray, but to observe the stability of Nakluf's faith.

In order to drive out the orc gods from the imperial network,

Also to save his brother Vulkan.

Duker planned to draw Nakluf into the heart network to establish a solid link with Vulkan.

Before this, he had not planned to pull any of the original bodies into the heart network.

The main concern is that the addition of secondary gods will affect the purity of the heart network.

But this time the situation is too special. On the one hand, with Vulkan's nature, it is unlikely that he would cause trouble in the heart network; on the other hand, in order to regain the empire network and repel the orc gods who occupied it, he It had to be done.

Rely on the teleportation ability of the Heart Network.

Dukel can completely transform Vulcan into a being similar to Dugo, and gradually grow in the empire network to the point where he can fight against the Orc God Chamber.

Moreover, without the help of the Heart Network to share the extreme emotions of the orc believers, Vulkan's essence will sooner or later be corrupted by the network, and eventually become an existence similar to the orc god.

Duker came here to observe Nakluf's faith, just to see if it met the criteria for invitation from the Heart Network.

Unfortunately, although the other party's faith is solid, it still lacks a little.

Although Nakruf is a mortal body at this time, the characteristics of demigod still exist, and Duker can't force him into the heart net.

——Then we can only wait.

Just as Duker was thinking, the raven feather that he had been carrying with him suddenly floated up and hovered in front of him.

After seeing this scene, the corner of the Primarch's mouth showed a smile.

Since exchanging part of the essence with the Lord of the Dark Raven in the subspace, the two awakened Primarchs have been communicating frequently.

Clarks occasionally sent him some images about the Four Gods Alliance, or important messages.

For Duker, this is a more interesting experience.

It even reminded him of a small game he played in his previous life - the Traveling Frog.

In that game, the frogs that travel around will occasionally send back some messages or images to the players, and occasionally mail back local specialties.

Of course, this metaphor is not appropriate. After all, the Lord of the Dark Raven has never mailed Duker any specialties from the Warp.

And this 40k Travel Raven is much more hardcore than the mini-games in the previous life.

"I wonder what it will be this time?"

Duker looked at the feather in front of him and thought silently in his heart, but after waiting for a few seconds, he did not see any images or messages coming out.

And in his sight, this crow feather was gradually wet, and the color was quickly turning scarlet, like blood.


A drop of blood emitting blasphemous ominous blood flowed out from the tip of the crow feather and fell on the floor of the Holy Church.

"This is... blood sacrifice!" Duker's expression became serious.

The Lord of the Dark Raven used the psychic spell of blood sacrifice to summon Duker, which also meant that the other party was likely in danger.

"Is this a special product of the Warp?"

Duker suddenly had an inexplicable idea at this moment, but his actions did not stop at all.

He immediately checked the blood sacrifice offerings. Just like using the blood sacrifice array to summon demons, the quality of the offerings will directly affect the strength he can exert.

"Let me see what local specialties are."

Dukel's consciousness followed the guidance of the blood sacrifice array and finally saw the entity of the offering, which was a twisted and abominable heretic body

"Good fellow, Slaanesh Great Demon?!"


In the dark world hidden deep in the warp, the battle between the Lord of the Dark Raven and the Four Great Demons is nearing its end.

"Krax, I will mourn for you. Another Primarch will die today. This will be your burial place."

The whispers of the Great Demon were so noisy that Clarks dodged their attacks in the shadows without saying a word.

He had many more wounds on his body at this time, cut by knives and axes, and eroded by plague, but these did not shake him.

Correspondingly, the Prince of Khorne and the Great Keeper of Secrets fell on the ground, whose life and death were unknown.

The Great Unclean One and the Lord of Change were still able to fight at this moment, but they were also seriously injured.

The fierce battle caused serious injuries to both sides.

Therefore, although the demons who had an absolute advantage at the moment did not dare to launch a general attack rashly, they were constantly reducing the power of the Lord of the Dark Raven and shaking his will with words.

"Give up, Clarks, the era of the original body has ended, and your fall is like the declining human empire, which is irreversible."

Clarks did not respond, but waited for an opportunity in the shadows, looking for a slight chance of victory.


But at this moment, a sarcastic chuckle sounded.

This abrupt sound aroused the vigilance of the two demons.

I saw that the strange body of the Great Secret Keeper was burning with raging fire at this moment, and the plump flesh and blood quickly shriveled down, like a thin and long mummy, with countless dry cracks on the surface, all spewing hot flames.

From a distance, it looked like a flaming mummy snake.

With a "crackling" sound, the joints of the mummy twisted into a weird posture, and it stood up straight from the ground.

The original power of the Supreme Heaven continuously infused the mummy with strength. The eyes of the Great Keeper of Secrets were still closed, but a huge single eye suddenly opened between his eyebrows.

Circles of rings surrounded the mummy like overlapping wheels of flames, with more than a million eyeballs on them.

"Duke, is that you?"

The two great demons were shocked by this unexpected scene, and the Lord of the Dark Crow, who knew about it, asked.

"It's me."

The answer came from the flames.

While responding to the Lord of the Dark Crow's question, Duke stretched his body.

Under the scorching flames, the soul and body of the Great Keeper of Secrets were melting, and the body was rapidly weathering like a vessel made of sand.

"It seems I don't have much time." Duker spoke in the flames. As he spoke, the red wildfire spread recklessly in this dark world. The flames shot up into the sky, and in a moment, the whole world was burned red. The earth was melting, the lava gathered into rivers, the sky was covered with flames, and all unclean things were wailing. In an instant, this dark world was like the end of the world, and everything was being destroyed.

Duker floated into the air wrapped in countless wheels. The huge single eye between his eyebrows radiated the light of the soul. The negative energy of the subspace was quickly dissipated under these lights.

The magic spell condensed by the All-Changing Demon King was destroyed.

The raven flew out of the shadow of the fire, snatching its life away in an instant.

The Great Unclean One, who had already suffered severe injuries, wanted to escape from this world the moment this horrific scene occurred.

Unfortunately, its movement is too slow.

Just as it opened the teleportation array, the overlapping wheels of flames carried Duker's mummified body across the sky, smashing straight towards the Great Unclean One like a blazing fireball.

The big demon's body, as plump as a hill, was crushed by countless wheels of flames. After a short stalemate, the thick skin was torn apart, the greasy fat was melted, and then the flesh and blood were crushed together with the skeleton.

After crushing the Great Unclean One, the flames burning in this world became more intense, and the mummy of the Great Keeper of Secrets was repaired and became more complete.

The great demon of the gods died, but the battle in this world did not end.

"What's there?"

Duker looked towards the Demon Fortress not far away, where he felt an extremely blasphemous presence.

"A terrifying war machine," the Raven Lord replied. "Abaddon's army is always gathering strength, and I suspect this is just one of them."

"Dukele, what are you going to do next?"

He asked for the other person's opinion.

Although in his mind, the memory of fighting side by side with the opponent has been erased.

But at this moment, he also felt a long-lost sense of joy.

And in his memory, Duker was the one who was good at contemplation among the original bodies. Maybe the other party also thought of a perfect battle plan in a short period of time.

"I have a perfect battle plan, man," Dukel said with a smile.


The other party really thought up a battle plan in a short period of time, and it was perfect!

The Lord of Dark Crows also smiled at this moment and listened attentively.

Just listen to Duker continue, "My battle plan is like this."

"First, I stormed the fortress from the front."

"Then you follow me and rush into the fortress from the darkness on the front."

"In this case, this battle will be won!"

Duker's voice was sonorous and powerful, with unparalleled confidence. After speaking, he asked the Lord of Dark Crows,

"Clarks, what do you think of this plan?"


The Raven Lord was silent.

He felt that this was not a battle plan.

But for some reason, he seemed happy to follow Dukel's orders.

Although this plan sounded a bit unreliable, he had also seen even more unreliable ones - at least the other party did not command the Dark Crows who were good at lurking like Horus to engage in frontal combat.

Thinking of this, Clarks smiled again,

"I think this is a good plan, man."

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