Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 117 117, we have arrived!

On the deck of the Soul Fire, Duker held high the Eagle of Destiny battle flag.

With the continuous infusion of psychic energy, the golden eagle made of Carlos's specimens bloomed with endless light - easily dispersing the layers of fog in the subspace, tearing apart the shadow shrouded by the Great Devourer, and exposing The Baal Galaxy is blocked in it.

"Go tell Guilliman that I have broken through the shadow shrouded by the insect swarm and opened the door to the real universe."

Dukel held the Sky Eagle flag high and was in high spirits; he spoke to the members of the Heart Network on the Macragge's Glory through the Heart Network.

The body of Fateweaver Carlos, even after being rendered harmless by the original body, still possesses extraordinary characteristics; but this is not important. For Dukel, the most important thing is that he is handsome.

The Destiny Eagle Battle Flag is one of his most proud collections. When he raises this flag high, all blasphemy will be dispelled and all impurity will be cleansed.

All psychic users will clearly sense his arrival, and all living things will be shrouded in the light of loyalty.

As long as this flag remains standing, the Empire's loyal troops will fight to the death.

Dukel had a rare desire to show off. He stood on the bow of the Soul Fire and raised the flag high, which required the combined efforts of more than a dozen mortal sergeants. At this moment, the light emitted from it was like a rising golden sun, radiating around the sea of ​​souls.

Countless chaotic creatures living in the dark land were wailing endlessly under this dazzling golden light.

At this moment, the astropaths were not needed. Even Dante himself felt the presence of the Golden Sky Eagle in the Baal Galaxy. There was a moment of silence on the battlefield where they were fighting each other. Whether it was the Blood Angels or the Hive Mind, their eyes were unconsciously attracted by the light blooming in the supreme sky.

Following Duker's move, the Expeditionary Legion immediately announced their arrival to all enemies of Baal like arrogant warriors.

The huge shadow carried by the will of the swarm regrouped as soon as it was dispersed, trying to counterattack again.

But when Dukel drew out the power sword as dark as the abyss, when the endless malice stemming from human beliefs almost condensed into a solid entity in the subspace - he actually retreated on his own initiative. The estimated dark shadow took the initiative to disappear into the bizarre subspace in a very short period of time.

"Brother, are you just announcing your arrival to everyone openly? The will of the swarm is not an unintelligent beast. They will adjust their tactics in the shortest possible time. Aren't you afraid that you will pay the price for your arrogance?" Magnus, who was lying on his waist, said with a strange smile after seeing this.

"You know nothing but a nerd who only knows how to play with psychic powers."

Duker said something disdainfully to him, and then looked behind him.

The combat troops on the Fire of the Soul had already assembled at this time. They were arranged in a neat queue, and the horizon could not be seen at a glance.

Duker's bright eyes stared at them. At this moment, he saw worship and admiration in the eyes of the Doom Slayers; he saw fanaticism and admiration in the eyes of the nuns; he saw loyalty and faith in the eyes of the mortal soldiers.

At this moment, he knew that he did not need to say anything. The fighting spirit in the hearts of all soldiers was the same as his own. These fighting spirits would burn fiercely on the battlefield, and the roar and anger of mankind would become a lingering haze for the enemy.

"My warriors, fight until the last enemy is torn apart by you!"

"For the Empire!"

Dukel launches his war cry under the banner of Destiny's Skyhawk.

"Must win!!!"

Amid the unyielding roar, arranged in a matrix, the mighty fleet sailed into the reality node leading to the Baal system.

(For larger scenes, I use AI or get some illustrations from the Internet to feel better. Dukel’s perspective, the front deck of the Mind Fire, and the Mind Guards.)

When the expedition fleet sailed towards the node leading to the real universe, a terrifying existence appeared in the Baal system first.

That is the great demon of Khorne, Kabanha, who has been entangled with the Blood Angels for many years!

Although the prophets of the Blood Angels foresaw the arrival of this terrifying existence in advance, they were still unable to prevent him from coming to the mortal world. After experiencing many obstacles, Kabanha's landing position was only deviated and did not fall accurately. Baal Prime,

Instead, he was sent to Bawei.

When Kabanha appeared in the physical universe, the arrival of the Blood God Demon caused the energy of the Supreme Heaven to spread over Bawei like endless flames.

The sky burned as a result, the smell of blood filled the air, and the demons smashed into the already rugged surface like a continuous rain of meteorites.

The energy carried by these meteorites was instantly detonated after they fell. They fell into the swarm of insects like a tide, causing ripples of destruction in circles.

Kabanha was also hit by the insect tide. The moment the demons arrived, they were surrounded by countless insects.

A huge insect nest tyrant, under the cover of countless flying beasts, rushed towards Kabanha.

The Hive Mind has rich experience in fighting Chaos Demons. It knows very well that for these believers of the Blood God, long-range attacks are not very effective, so it uses powerful melee units in an attempt to execute this unexpected arrival at once. This great devil.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god, head sacrifice to the skull throne! I-I don't care what you are, humble bugs!"

Facing the surging powerful Zerg, Kabanha roared in response, anger filled his heart. At this moment, the only thing he wanted was blood and fighting! .

Baal is the shield of Baal Prime and an important strategic point to contain the insect swarm troops. At this moment, the intensity of the battle on this satellite is even far more intense than that of Baal Prime.

The main forces stationed on this satellite are the two most brutal and radical war groups among the Blood Angels - the Flesh Tearers and the Blood Knights.

In front of the defense line they built, successive swarms of insects fell on the barren plains of Bawei.

The roar of the artillery never stopped for a moment. The dense artillery array and the back shock caused by the firing of the cannon barrel made the earth of this satellite tremble endlessly.

The blood and soil on the surface of the castle fell with tremors, but even so, they still could not stop the insect swarm's offensive.

Under the unity of the will of the swarm, they had no fear at all. In order to break down the Blood Angels' defense line, they withstood almost crazy artillery attacks.

Tyran built towering biological towers at the rear of the battlefield. They were made of black chitin and connected like thick pipes to the biological hive ships suspended in orbit in the outer atmosphere.

These pipelines will extract everything that the insect swarm can swallow. When they win, all the biomass on the planet will be eaten away, leaving only bare rocks on the surface.

The wave of insect swarms extends from the Blood Angels' defense line to the horizon. As far as the eye can see, the color of the earth and sky is covered.

A team of blood knights suddenly roared like beasts during the battle. Although they were fighting against the swarm of insects, the roars in their mouths were not there.

"Father!" "I will drink your blood as a traitor!" "Unforgivable!".

They jumped out of the protection of the defense line while roaring, and actually rushed towards the swarm of insects. It was as if the insects in front of them had the hatred of killing their father, which made them completely lose their minds.

In the endless killing, they embraced the Black Rage.

The chaotic illusions blocked their perceptions, and the memories from their genes made them think they were in the siege of Terra thousands of years ago.

Yoel, the Lord of the Blood Knights, as the leader of the Chapter, witnessed this scene with his own eyes. A trace of sadness emerged in his eyes, but then he was filled with endless anger.

He was also under the influence of black anger, but a stronger will supported his heart.

Witnessing each brother going crazy in the killing and rushing into the insect swarm, Joel had no choice but to pray that they could return to the embrace of Sanguinius.

May I live up to the blood of Sanguinius!

"I hope my father won't be disappointed for us when he sees us."

Joel had little sense left, and at this moment he couldn't help but think that the Blood Knights, like the other Blood Angels, had been tortured by the two shortcomings of blood thirst and black rage.

They once launched a galactic expedition to eliminate the enemies of the Empire, but because they committed too many atrocities during the expedition, they were declared traitors to the Empire by the Supreme Lord at the beginning of the 41st Millennium.

They have always been loyal, but they are easily influenced by the Black Rage, immersed in the vision that makes all Blood Angels sad.

Although the Blood Knights never acknowledged this verdict, they still had to keep a distance from their allies to protect their friendly forces from being accidentally injured by them.

Being rejected by the Empire, they can only perform the sacred duties entrusted to them by the blood of Sanguinius in their rejection. They will intervene on the battlefield in times of crisis, and then quietly leave after victory.

Although they were notorious among the Space Marines, when Baal was in danger, under the call of the Blood of Sanguinius, they came here resolutely to protect the remains of the Gene Father.

And stationed in the most difficult battlefield, Ba Weiyi.

In the sky, a new round of sporangia from the Tyranid swarm descended again, covering the sky like thick dark clouds without gaps, covering everything in the sky.

The empire's defenses were on the verge of collapse.

What was even worse was that Yoel, the Lord of the Blood Knights, saw flaming meteors falling in the sky covered by swarms of insects.

The sky was set on fire, and blasphemous warp energy poured out.


When the Great Daemon of Khorne appeared in the swarm, he let out a roar that almost shattered everyone's eardrums.

Joel also roared, and what little sanity he had left was almost shattered instantly.

Kabanha displayed his power wantonly on the insect swarm battlefield. The ground trembled, the rock formations cracked, and the earth broke into cracks like spider webs.

The demons were also fighting excitedly, and they didn't care even if it was a swarm of insects.

The Blood God needs killing and war, even if the opponent is an insect, it doesn't matter.

As long as the war is fierce enough and the fighting is crazy enough, it is the best sacrifice to the Blood God.

The flaming meteorites were still falling, and swarms of demons descended on the battlefield. They began to kill the Zerg around them indiscriminately, and the bloody massacre began.

When Kabanha cheered for the killing, the deafening roar resounded throughout the world.

The sons of Sanguinius in this world have fallen into collective black rage.

They also wanted to suppress this endless anger, but the continuous killings had brought their rationality to the verge of collapse.

The appearance of Kabanha was the last straw that overwhelmed their will.

No Blood Angel can remain rational when facing Kabanha. They have had a ten thousand-year entanglement and hatred with this great demon of Khorne.

Thousands of years ago, it was this great demon of Khorne that broke Sanguinius's legs and killed at least five hundred Blood Angels in an instant.

It wasn't until the fiercest moment of the battle that the demon activated the demonic device "Fire of Fury" - it was this device that awakened the dormant genetic defect in the Blood Angel's body, blood thirst!

It can be said that Kabanha is the lingering nightmare of the Blood Angels and the culprit who has tortured them for thousands of years.

To this day, the great demon of Khorne is still entangled with the Blood Angels.

At this moment, the eyes of countless Blood Angels are already red, they roar like beasts, and sharp fangs grow from their mouths; they are no longer noble angels, but are degenerating into ghouls at an extremely fast speed. .

Illusions in the genes are constantly emerging, endless anger is ignited, and in the battle cry of Kabanha, the sanity of the Blood Angels is crumbling at an extremely fast speed.

Even Yoel, the leader of the Blood Knights, is the same at this moment.

Just when they took the final step of their fall.

The dazzling golden light in the supreme sky pierced the barrier of the real universe.

The bright golden light burned through the illusion in front of the Blood Angels, and the bright and brilliant golden Eagle flag accurately appeared in the consciousness of every Blood Angel.

This golden aquila banner is so sacred that it lingers in the minds of all Blood Angels.

Glory, loyalty, courage. All kinds of noble beliefs are constantly surging in the hearts of every soldier.

This is obviously not a bad thing for the Blood Angels. The illusion in front of them was shattered by the Aquila flag, and the uncontrollable rage in their hearts was wrapped in courage.

Just when they were about to embrace the Black Rage and step onto the verge of losing control, the dazzling Sky Eagle battle flag helped them find their way as they gradually lost their way.

Joel woke up and recalled the situation just now, and he couldn't help but feel a little scared. No one wants to turn into an out-of-control beast, and the same goes for him.

He looked around confusedly and found that the same was true for his brothers. They looked at each other, the golden eagle still existed in their consciousness, and the blood thirst and black rage were temporarily suppressed by it. This phenomenon beyond imagination made them unable to understand.


"This must be the power of the Holy Father!"

The bloody angel shouted fervently, and his emotions inspired all the brothers around him.

"The Holy Father is watching us!"

"May I live up to the blood of Sanguinius!"

Yoel followed the Blood Angels in roaring war cries.

Their fighting will was rising crazily, and the miraculous sight made all the angels go crazy.

Correspondingly, the insect swarm was in chaos at the moment.

The Hive Mind seemed to have sensed an unprecedented opponent, and began to scramble and disorganize itself.

Its tactics were no longer precise, its actions were no longer efficient, and it even panicked and issued a series of contradictory instructions, causing the entire insect swarm to become chaotic.

Under the ebb and flow of one another, the surging insect tide was defeated step by step under the almost crazy impact of the Blood Angels.

Such a scene not only happened on Baal Moon, but also on Baal Prime, Baal Moon, and every battlefield in the Baal System.

The demons also sensed the dazzling light coming from the Sea of ​​Souls.

Kabanha's arrogant arrogance suddenly stagnated, and then more turbulent rage burst out from his body.

"Carlos! - What are you doing again?!!"

The big demon roared angrily, and when a big demon can recognize the existence of the Fate Weaver, it can only mean one thing -

It was played by the Fateweaver.

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