Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 116 116, Golden Sky Eagle

According to the route of the star map, the next stop of the Sika world has already entered the radiation range of the Baal galaxy. Now that the tentacles of the Leviathan fleet of the insect swarm have penetrated the edge of Baal, Duker wanted to leave Sika early and rush to the front line of the Leviathan battle - but because of the gene stealers, he had to stay here The galaxy stays for a while.

When the Expeditionary Corps was conducting a cleanup operation in the Sika system, Dukel, as usual, initiated the recruitment of local mortal armies.

After all, although the Sika Star Territory is not large, there are also several imperial worlds in it. Without the assistance of local governments and hundreds of millions of mortal armies, even with the size of the expeditionary legion, it would be difficult to deal with the heretics and aliens in these worlds. Clean carefully.

But what Duker didn't expect was that his orders were actually blocked. The local high-ranking lords obeyed his orders, and for half a day there was no sign of the mortal army setting off.

——This is a situation he has never encountered before. Even putting aside his identity as the emperor's son, what he did was a just act. In the world saved by the Expeditionary Legion, even if Dukel did not give orders, the local mortal army would come to actively cooperate.

What is going on in this world? Are these high-ranking lords desperate for their lives?

Duker was puzzled.

At this time, in the high-level council of the Sika world——

The powerful are still arguing and passing the blame on each other.

"Your Majesty the Governor, fellow congressmen, why did you go against His Highness Duke's will? Do you want to rebel?" A Planetary Guard officer asked with a cold face.

"Colonel, you have crossed the line. It is not your turn to speak here!" the planetary governor angrily yelled, "We are only acting in accordance with the imperial laws. No one's will can override the sacred laws!"

"That's right, we just follow the rules."

"I agree that the current situation does not meet the standards for dispatching the military."

"I believe that His Highness the Primarch will understand our good intentions after knowing this."

In the parliament room, the dignitaries spoke righteously.

But after hearing their high-sounding rhetoric, the Planetary Guard officers were so angry that their lips trembled.

"The flames of war have ignited everything in Sika, and cultists are rampant. Every minute you delay, countless human compatriots will die! You are in charge of the power, and you are in the warmest and most comfortable garden, but you are facing the suffering. Aren't you afraid of being judged if your compatriots are in distress and refuse to save them?"

In the officer's view, what these stupid pigs are doing can only be described as either stupid or bad.

Looking at their shameless faces, the officer's eyes were filled with uncontrollable anger.

"The invasion of aliens and heretics is not our fault. Let me reiterate again. We are only acting in compliance with the laws. No one can judge us."

Faced with the officer's questioning, the planetary governor showed no fear.


The officer glared at the Planetary Governor just as he was about to continue questioning.


A burst of explosive shells shot in.

Under the shocked eyes of the officer, the planetary governor's head exploded like a watermelon in an instant, with all kinds of flesh and blood tissue flying everywhere.

"Excuse me for what? Do you understand you heretics?"

There was a sound coming from outside.

A man who was almost three times taller than a mortal man, wearing heavy power armor and exuding a strong smell of blood walked in.

With his arrival, the power he carried made everyone present feel suffocated for a short time.

"What is going on in this world, and why is a heretic allowed to sit on the bench and talk?"

Dukel asked, pointing to the body of the planetary governor.

His bright eyes looked around, and no one dared to look at him.

The officer followed the original body's guidance and looked at the body of the planetary governor. Only then did he notice that the blood flowing out of the governor was mixed with disgusting green mucus.

He took a few steps forward, rolled up his luxurious cuffs, and found that purple appeared on his bare arms, and the skin was uneven and full of fine particles.

Although Dukel likes to classify all those who disobey his will as heretics, this time, he is really not talking nonsense.

With the Primarch's five senses far superior to those of a mortal, he could see through the planetary governor's disguise with just a glance from a distance.

"I suspect everyone here has been infiltrated by the Genestealing Church."

As Duker's words fell, there was a clicking sound, and the Doomsday Soldiers behind the original body raised their guns.

Duker's eyes showed cold murderous intent.

Compared to the mighty insect swarm, the infiltration of the gene stealers is even more disgusting.

As the tentacles of the insect swarm approached, these disgusting creatures that should have lived in the smelly ditches of the hive city became more and more active.

Given the size of the empire, the existence of gene stealers is unavoidable. Just like in your 800-square-meter villa, it is normal to have a few cockroaches in the dark corners.

But they cannot appear in the open. If one cockroach appears in the living room, it often means that there are tens of millions of them in dark corners.

But now, these disgusting things are no longer as simple as appearing on the surface. Even the planetary governor has been infected by the Gene Stealing Church.

No wonder there was such a serious turmoil. If the Khorne fleet hadn't intervened, the swarms might have swallowed these imperial worlds intact.

The Genestealers are invisible sores in the dark corners of the Imperium of Man, pervading every seemingly loyal Imperial world and seeping into the blood of the Imperium.

The dignitaries in the parliament looked horrified. No one wanted to be associated with the gene-stealing sect. It would be a dead end.

"He too!"

The Doom Slayer suddenly pointed at a congressman and shouted, without giving the other party any chance to defend himself. With a loud explosion, the explosive bullet shattered the other party's head.

The congressman's head was blown off, and scarlet blood flowed out.

The blood of infected people is laced with disgusting green mucus, while the blood of uninfected people is scarlet.

Obviously, this was a manslaughter, but no one would plead guilty for him. The empire's attitude towards this kind of thing has always been that it would rather kill the wrong person than let him go.

"Count the number of infected people and exterminate all their families." Duker gave the order coldly, "Arrest all the dignitaries in the Sika galaxy, and conduct a purge and investigation of the high-ranking members of the original army. Let Gris remove the members of the Mechanicus. The equipment is transported down and inspected in the nest."

Gene stealers will continue to reproduce with humans and completely contaminate human genes.

If the infected are screened one by one, the empire will waste a lot of manpower and material resources. If one is let go, a large number of infected people will soon be infected.

This is what's scary about them. When a planet is heavily infected, the empire will directly issue an extermination order.

As Duker's words fell, the people of the empire who were still immersed in the joy of victory were all driven back home.

Ecclesiarchs gathered the Emperor's followers and asked them if they had any contact with the Hidden Church.

In particular, have you heard of any imperial beliefs such as the Four-Armed God Emperor?

And encourage people to report it.

A vast purge work has officially begun. All powerful families are forced to undergo testing. If one person is found to have problems, the whole family will suffer.

The largest number of people at the middle and lower levels are brainwashed by the state church priests and encouraged to expose those secret organizations.

"The devil disguises himself as the emperor and takes on the name of the emperor. This is irredeemable blasphemy. Only by executing the blasphemer can we ask for the emperor's forgiveness."

Groups of Anglican priests were walking in the streets and alleys, preaching with all their strength.

A large number of preaching robots flew from high in the sky, encouraging people to report heretics.

The scale of the entire purge was extremely large, and often everyone in a block was wiped out with blood.

A large number of Imperial people were pushed and pushed to the high platform. Duker saw with his own eyes that those wailing and crying people were executed and incinerated in batches. Only in this way can the source of genetic pollution be eliminated.

"Your Highness, is this too cruel? Those children are so pitiful and still have a bright future. Can't we let them go?" someone asked Dukel while crying.

In response, Duker just looked at the man with a cold expression, "Sometimes kindness will only kill more innocent people. When one day, the empire has to issue an extermination order to the world, I hope your kindness can help The world pays.”

This purge caused the Sika galaxy to flow with blood.

It was not finished until it was determined that there were no hidden dangers.

They once again won the victory, not only defeating the Khorne fleet and the swarm tentacles, but also suppressing the rebellion and conducting a deep cleansing of the Sika system.

But no one celebrated for this, but it only added more anger to the hearts of the imperial soldiers.

In the battle against aliens and heretics, no matter whether they win or not, those who are trampled on and suffer hardship are always the territory and people of the empire.

"It's time to go."

Following Duker's instructions, the expedition fleet set off again.

Target - Baal! .

With the invasion of the Leviathan swarm fleet, the entire Baal system was dragged into the flames of war.

Another wave of attacks on the outer defense line of the Castle of Angels was repelled.

Burning war machines and broken Zerg corpses were everywhere on the battlefield. Artillery fire roared day and night, and the sky was ignited by the flames of war.

Sustained by the blood of Sanguinius, nearly 30,000 Blood Angels gathered in this galaxy to jointly protect their genetic father.

Chaotic energy roared in the planet's atmosphere, and the battle in space continued. Ships from various battle groups were still struggling to resist the swarm fleet.

Dense spore clouds fell from the sky, and Zerg continued to gather together on the ground, launching an attack on the human defense line.

The Hive Mind screamed and attacked Baal's defense line almost regardless of losses.

The commander-in-chief of the Blood Angels, Dante, also came to the battlefield. He was fighting in the battlefield, surrounded by broken biological limbs.

After a difficult battle, the insect swarm temporarily retreated, but all the warriors knew that they would attack again soon.

In the battle to attack Baal, Leviathan uncharacteristically no longer counted the losses in the battle. No matter how many times it was repulsed, it would come back. From the behavior of the Hive Mind, one can even feel a determination that will never give up until Baal is captured.

Now the retreat is just for a better breakthrough.

But no matter what, the Blood Angels now have a rare rest time.

The battlefield was littered with corpses of the swarms, some of which were huge, like hills; others were small, only as big as an adult's head.

They are of various types and can adapt to any battle situation. The Tyranids will continue to learn from failures and come up with new tactics. It is for this reason that humans have been repeatedly frustrated by Tyranids' attacks.

Humans do not have such a terrifying learning ability as the Tyranids. Some laborers and mechanical priests walked out of the defense line. They wanted to dispose of those corpses as soon as possible to prevent the next wave of Zerg from using those corpses to cross the human defense line.

Further away on the battlefield, billowing smoke rose, and some huge starship fragments passed through the atmosphere, fell on the wasteland and exploded, forming thick black smoke.

The roar of artillery fire almost never stopped for a moment.

In the successive wars, the Tyranids suffered heavy casualties, but humans also paid a heavy price.

But even if the battle situation is like this,

To be honest, it was much better than Dante expected.

The reason why such a victory was achieved was because of the orc army led by Bonecrusher that appeared on the outskirts of the Baal system.

Dante thought of this, and a complex look appeared on his face.

The appearance of these orcs disrupted his original plan to bomb the imperial world and create an artificial isolation zone.

In his original plan, the human worlds that the Leviathan swarm fleet passed through were destined to perish.

In order to prevent the flesh and blood of the empire's humans from becoming food for the expansion of the insect swarm, the Blood Angels originally planned to use the Extermination Order to destroy these human worlds.

But the appearance of the Bonecrusher and its huge scale of orcs made them afraid to approach easily.

But correspondingly, when the Hive Fleet passed by, these Orcs fiercely grabbed the tentacles of the insect swarm, blocking most of the main force of the insect swarm.

Now, only a small part of the insect swarm can actually reach Baal.

Dante also saw the hope of victory in this war.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly a message came from the voice channel,

"Lord Dante, the situation in the subspace has changed. It seems that an imperial army is entering the Baal system."

"who are they?"

Dante asked hurriedly.

Soon, a reply came from the voice communication again,

"I don't know. The shadow of the insect swarm covers the subspace. The interference is too strong to see clearly."

"What's the size of the reinforcements?" Dante asked the most critical question.

When fighting against swarms of insects, if only one or two battle groups come, it will be impossible to turn the entire battle situation around.

"Lord Dante, under the shadow of subspace, I can't be sure whether what I saw is an illusion. The scale of this legion is unprecedented. I am not sure whether I still have rationality now. How is it possible for the current empire to assemble such a terrifying fleet?"

Dante frowned slightly. Just as he was about to continue asking something, he suddenly heard an excited voice coming from the voice.

"Lord Dante, I saw it. It is the golden Imperial Sky Eagle, which is on the flagship of this fleet. The golden Sky Eagle flag bloomed with light, penetrating the shadow of the subspace and breaking through the blockade of the insect swarm. This A fleet of ships appeared soon, wait, that doesn’t seem to be the Eagle Flag!”

There was a scream from the voice channel,

"This is Carlos! How can this be Carlos! I must be crazy! Your Majesty!!!!"

Listening to the legion's voice, a series of screams.

Dante's frown deepened. He was not sure whether it was the astropath's mental problem or some other condition.

"Which sentence is true?"

Dante analyzes the confusing messages spoken by the Astropath.

Sorry bosses, I've been a little busy recently and the update time is not stable. It will be fine in a few days. I'm sorry.

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