Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 112 112, Abaddon and the Primarch

After Duker briefly communicated with the Crow King in the Sea of ​​Souls, although the Crow Lord left in a hurry, he also left him a raven feather.

This black feather is an insignificant bit of the Raven Lord's essence. Although it cannot bring any enhancement to the primarch, it is enough to serve as a medium for communication between the two.

Dukel's mind's eye can see through the layers of fog on the sea of ​​souls, and has an almost infinite range of vision.

He could clearly see the direction in which Luojia was leaving, but that was all. With the protection of countless demons, it was impossible for him to shine his sight directly into Abaddon's legion.

But now, the Lord of Dark Crows acts as his eyes, conveying to him the detailed situation within the Chaos Demon Alliance through this raven feather.

Dukel never imagined that after he thwarted the trap of the dark gods, the person who should be most grateful to him was not the people of the empire, but the victorious warmaster - Abaddon.

In the images sent by the Lord of Darkness, in the mysterious mist of chaos, some terrifying howls echoed in the raging storm, gradually taking on the form of crazy entities.

This is subspace, where all laws are lies.

In this dark world cursed for eternity, an unprecedented terrifying force is gathering.

In the territory of some demon worlds, in the huge foundry workshops, countless Mechanicus priests who have fallen into darkness drag their rusty steel prosthetics back and forth through the complex pipelines of the huge workshops.

They maintain the daily operations of these horrific factories and deliver terrifying war machinery for the eternal war. In the core area of ​​the factory, there is lava and steel everywhere.

The demon blacksmiths with ferocious faces and muscular bodies are here. They hammer the steel in their hands day after day, creating one piece after another of machinery that exists only for war.

These machines only pursue maximum lethality on the battlefield, and are equipped with extremely sharp monomolecular blades, chain saws that can easily chop up enemies, and tentacles connected to spears.

These things will become nightmares for countless creatures in the physical universe.

The dark wizard with a rotting body chanted blasphemous incantations and wrote evil prayers that spread pollution. Some captured humans were sent to the altar to become ritual sacrifices.

Some lesser demons were attracted by the painful screams of humans and emerged from the hidden sea of ​​souls. However, what awaited them was not the gluttonous feast they expected, but instead, they were stuffed into ferocious war machines and became different creatures. Demonic engine.

Dark wizards bound these demon souls with runes and tortured them with the help of fallen warriors until the demons were forced to sign an ancient pact that ensured their eternal servitude to the machines.

The demon who originally planned to enjoy the soul of the sacrifice was forced to bear a contract that could never be repaid, and was stuffed into the demon machine, using killing to fulfill the impossible contract.

Being deceived, restrained, and enslaved, the resentment and anger generated by these demons ensured that they would become a qualified war weapon.

Whenever these war weapons appear in the real universe, it often represents the beginning of a terrible massacre.

There are countless such workshops, and they work day and night, just to create equipment that can support the dark expedition.

After Durkor foiled the gods' conspiracy, the legions of the gods once again gathered, and their scale was unprecedentedly large.

The Chaos Demon controlled the lesser demons, restraining the desire to attack like a real army. This was something that had never happened before.

While all this was going on in full swing, Abaddon looked at the largest and most powerful legion that had ever been seen in the galaxy, and almost infinite pride surged in his heart.

In the vast sea of ​​​​stars and the endless world, nothing can stop this army.

When this demon army is assembled, it will unleash an unprecedented cleansing of the entire real universe.

This ever-victorious Warmaster should indeed be grateful to the Primarch.

If it hadn't been for the return of the Primarchs and their successive attempts to thwart the plans of the gods, I'm afraid he wouldn't have had the chance to command such a large legion until the day he died.

Countless terrifying demons are roaring, and no one is willing to be restrained, but no one in the chaos will take care of the demon's emotions.

The big demon will directly attack those restless demons to ensure the stability of the entire demon army and allow the demons to follow the will of war.

The only area that was more harmonious was the area where the demons of Nurgle were. They all sang songs in praise of their loving father, although the sound was very unpleasant.

One after another, ancient ships were found by the demons from hidden corners. The hull of each ship was covered with ferocious horns and dense skulls, and was engraved with blasphemous runes.

What surprised Abaddon the most was that his legion actually welcomed a distinguished guest, Lorgar the Word Bearer. The joining of a demonic primarch immediately attracted his attention - even though the other party's His condition didn't look very good, he was bleeding and bruised all over.

But he still received the other party warmly.

But what surprised him even more was that just a moment later, this dark world welcomed another uninvited guest.

The shadow of the huge subspace was shrouded, and countless ravens attacked the demonic shield of this world. In just a moment, Abaddon recognized the identity of the opponent - the Lord of Dark Crows, Krax.

The arrival of the Primarchs one after another aroused an inexplicable emotion in Abaddon's heart.

Under the protection of the demon shield, he was full of energy, "Kraks, the great Lord of the Crows, why are you flapping your wings so hard? No matter how you revive your wings, you still can't fly to the height you once were!"

"The era of the Primarch is over, you are just a tragic forgotten by time!"

Hearing his sarcastic voice, Clarks emerged from the shadows. Most of his body was shrouded in shadows. His hair was like ink, his skin was like snow. God chooses


The Lord of Dark Crows' voice was cold and low, and he cherished his words like gold, and then returned to the shadows.

The images Durkor received through Ravenfeather ended here.

"Brother, the power of chaos is gathering, so be careful in everything you do."

Finally, a reminder came from Clarks.

"Oh, the era of the Primarch is over?"

Duker recalled the towering braids of the victorious commander, who looked indeed quite arrogant.

"Okay" he muttered.

He remembered the Raven Lord's reminder in his heart.

At the same time, Duker was also a little worried about Clarks' safety.

——After all, his poor brother was wandering alone in the subspace, alone and weak, and there was no guarantee that he would not encounter those terrible demons.

The age of the Primarchs is over. This is very worrying.

In the following days, the expedition fleet's speed suddenly accelerated.

Guilliman's legion is a bit too large. For such a huge legion, even though Dukel has sent hundreds of thousands of Heart Network members to establish a huge psychic matrix to ensure that they can sail smoothly in the subspace, it is feasible. It’s still hard to get faster.

It was easy to say before that Duker was immersed in the laboratory and didn't care much about the speed of travel, as long as he could reach Baal on time - but now, the leader of the expeditionary legion was restless, and their speed naturally followed. It keeps accelerating.

They left the fleet of the Prince Regent's Legion far behind and took the initiative to assume the responsibility of opening the way.

The expedition fleet constantly shuttles to nodes in the real world, cleaning worlds occupied by heretics and aliens one after another.

As the insect swarm's tentacles approach, the closer they get to the Baal system, the more chaotic the human world here becomes. The gene stealers set off a rebellion, and the cultists took the opportunity to spread blasphemy.

These chaotic worlds along the way also need to be saved.

Aliens and heretics are equally disgusting. Which one should be eliminated first is a question that Duker has been thinking about recently.

And this problem continued to bother him until the next world - only then did he understand that heretics and aliens could also be eliminated at the same time.

When the expedition fleet came to a hive world called "Sika".

Dukel was not rescued by this world. He originally planned to go to this planet for supplies and recruit a group of fleet workers from the hive.

But what he didn't expect was that when the collision angle of the Soul Fire had just penetrated the barrier of subspace,

The Fire of the Heart detected that a terrible war was going on here.

A Khorne fleet painted with blood red and brass paint was fighting fiercely with the Zerg hive ship in the outer orbit of the world of Sika.

When Dukel learned this, his face showed full of surprise.

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