Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 111 111, Luojia and Clarks

Duker witnessed a terrible battle going on above the vast sea of ​​souls. The aftermath of the battle between the stalwart demigods set off a terrifying storm in the supreme sky, in which countless subspace creatures were affected, sending out Neighing and wailing.

"Luojia, it's time to end it. I will end you with my own hands. Brother, no matter what wrong things you have done in the past, you will pay them back here and now."

In the terrifying shadow of subspace, a group of crows flapped their wings, and a tall figure stood among them, skinny and skinny.

The original body, Krax, has been hunting his brother for a long time. He walks in chaos and wanders in the dark land.

After experiencing the Horus Heresy and the Great Purge, the Primarch sought revenge for the battle on Istvan V and the humiliation of the Great Purge.

He threw himself into the sea of ​​souls and embraced his own essence, just to hunt down his blood relatives and brothers who were closely related to each other.

"Does this really make sense?" Luo Jia asked sarcastically.

In his current view, all his brothers who were loyal to the false emperor were pathetic. His brothers were not unintelligent, they were just cursed people who had not yet seen the true face of the false emperor.

He also once admired the glory of the Emperor. When he sensed the presence of his father, he knew that his true god had arrived.

In order to welcome the arrival of the god, he held a six-month celebration ceremony, and all the people willingly prostrate themselves under the glory of the emperor.

The sons of sin gathered into a legion. They carried out God's will and embarked on an expedition.

We don’t need awards or encouragement. They fought with devotion, intent on shrouding the entire galaxy in the glory of the Emperor.

When other brothers are winning and hoping to be rewarded for it - I am sincerely afraid. There is no need to reward for fighting for God. Isn't victory a duty?

Spreading God's gospel on the battlefield and devoting one's life to God amidst artillery fire were the only rewards Luo Jia wanted at that time.

What he did was just to make the world believe in him.

Is this also a sin?

When the fire of heaven falls from the sky, when the perfect city turns to ashes and floats in the atmosphere.

Those books and believers that recorded God, believed in God, and worshiped God were all ruthlessly destroyed.

Although God exists, He does not love me.

Physical harm is incomparable to the pain of the collapse of faith; when God looks at himself with disgust, everything in the world is irreversible, and all turning points begin there.

The Emperor's angels descend upon the Perfect City, not to bathe in glory but to bring destruction.

In the divine punishment of God, in the wrath of God, the rain of destruction that covered the entire sky not only destroyed the physical bodies of tens of billions of devout believers, but also shattered their hearts.

Confusion and pain are spreading everywhere. Why does their god want to punish them?

The perfect city was burning, and the magnificent creation that had been built for hundreds of years was reduced to ashes all over the sky in an instant.

The Son of God knelt on the ruins of the city built for the gods, before the destroyer of the perfect city, humiliatingly accepting God's humiliation.

Luo Jia will never forget that scene, the pain and despair. The only thing he regretted was why he was not destroyed together with the Perfect City on that day.

His lifelong faith and loyalty were all destroyed on that day, his soul was shattered on that day, and all that was left was an empty body.

He went deep into the Eye of Fear, and he saw the dark power that claimed to be God, but this time, he would no longer believe in any existence.

He fell into chaos, but no longer believed in anyone. He did not want to be betrayed again. This time, the only thing he believed in was the 'original truth' itself.

He was completely disappointed. He understood that the so-called gods were actually no different from the emperor.

The false emperor may be just a little special. He is immersed in the pretending game, just like the game of the gods.

Gods will not be like them. Now Luojia only pursues the original truth.

He is not stupid. As the son of the Emperor, his wisdom exceeds the imagination of mortals. He completed the unification of the world before the Emperor came to Colchis.

And during these ten thousand years, he also learned about the origins of gods and emperors from countless books.

Those dark powers who claim to be gods are nothing more than false gods. No matter how mysterious they are, they cannot change their hypocritical nature.

Luojia walks in the land of original truth. If there is a god, he will definitely exist in this field. Over the long years, in addition to avoiding the pursuit of his brothers, he also tried to find the real god here.

When he is found, he will return to lead the Word Bearers, leading those who have been deceived by false gods to worship a true god.

"You betrayed the empire. You led Horus into Chaos. You are a traitor. Countless people have died because of you, and mortals have been ruined for thousands of years because of you. If you die, my oath will be fulfilled, and what I have done will be fulfilled." Everything will have meaning.”

"That was Horus's own choice. He just didn't want to be a tool of the false emperor!"

"You destroyed the hope of mankind! You betrayed your blood relatives! You fooled your brothers who are closely related to you!" Clarks' shadow covered everything around him, and he could no longer suppress the murderous intention in his heart.

"Brother, I have devoted my efforts and dreams in Colchis. I extremely hope that the Lord of Humanity can come and lead us to the future and create a new world."

"I became popular in his name, and I believed in every dream he brought. For hundreds of years, there were tens of billions of believers, but he didn't tell me until the day when he brought down his wrath on the perfect city. My whole life has been a lie and everything I did was a joke!"

"Who was betrayed first?" Luo Jia said sadly. Golden runes were all over his body, making him stand among the shadows like a golden giant.

"Kraks, you will never feel this. Just killing your own heir with your own hands has already made you hate this. You can't accept the Lord of Mankind lowering the fire of destruction above your head and destroying all your most beloved creations. Burn them all to ashes, and then tell you that you are a loser!"

"You should really try, try to gather all your dear Ravens, and then tell your children in front of the Emperor that the Legion's faith is bullshit, tell your children that you are all losers. !”

"When you do that, tell me, who is the traitor?"

Luo Jia roared angrily. In his opinion, he had never betrayed anyone. He was the one who was betrayed first.

"When he first came to Colchis to carry me to the stars, the great Lord of Men did not deny that he was a god."

You were also present at that time, and you witnessed it with your own eyes. He acquiesced in everything we did during the celebration.

"But tell me, why didn't he bring down the fire of anger until the perfect city a hundred years later? Why did he want to personally destroy those devout believers who came from all over the starry sky, those warriors who spread the devout faith, and those who I thought Beautiful everything!”

But when Luojia roared loudly, the original body of the Raven Guard, Clarks, rushed forward.

"Brother, when are you going to give up those stupid beliefs and repent for the crimes you have committed? You cowardly loser!"

Clarks had murderous intent, and Luojia had turned everything they protected into a mess, and now in front of him, she was crying like a wronged child, thinking that she was the victim.

This shameless act made the Crow Lord extremely angry.

"You said faith is stupid, so what does the empire rely on now? When we left, our father was worshiped by all mankind!"

Luojia, the Great Word Bearer, also burst out with his own power. He once became a demon prince through sacrifice.

The drama of brothers killing each other has continued from thousands of years ago to this day.

Luojia's armor exuded golden runic energy, and the unfettered power in his heart was released at this moment. The tide of the sea of ​​souls expanded in all directions, his power extended infinitely, and the original power was continuously poured into his body.

He stood in the midst of infinite power, surrounded by red fireballs. In the monstrous storm set off by the sea of ​​souls, he shouted his brother's name loudly.

The shadow of Krax engulfed the flames, and countless ravens launched deadly attacks like sharp blades.

Luo Jia's scepter collided with the shadow, but was defeated steadily.

Yes, he is not a warrior. He has never had any advantage since the hand-to-hand combat between the two sides.

Although Luojia improved his power through demon promotion, Clarks also found his own essence in the subspace.

In the confrontation between fire and shadow, even the Astartes could not see what kind of battle was taking place.

When the power of the demigods rages in the subspace, even the hidden dark lord will divert his sight.

Countless chaotic creatures in the Sea of ​​Souls howled. They were affected by the aftermath of the battle, and the majestic power tore their bodies apart.

But there is a being who has been paying close attention to this battle.

"Well done!"

Dukel clapped his hands and applauded. At this moment, his eyebrows were wide open and his eyes were piercing through the fog. Even though they were infinitely far apart, he could still see the battle clearly.

Time and space in the Sea of ​​Souls were extremely chaotic. If it weren't for this, he would even want to directly participate in this war.

In his sight, after just a brief confrontation, the two men reappeared.

The Great Word Bearer's body was covered in bloodstains, and his arm was almost broken. But the Lord of Dark Crows only suffered some minor injuries, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"What I did was the right thing. One day I will find the true God in the original land. One day, all existence will be guided by the true God."

Luo Jia was trembling with severe pain, and he felt that his bones were bleeding.

The Lord of Dark Crows was too powerful. He knew that he was no match. If not for this, he would not have been hiding in his palace for so long.

"You have no future, my brother."

Krax knocked Luojia down again. This would be the last time and the last time he would call him brother.

In the long years, he was escaped by the opponent several times because of small mistakes.

This time, he no longer had any hesitation and wanted to kill the opponent completely here.

He pierced the Great Word Bearer's neck with one blow, and the sharp blade penetrated his brother's bones, flashing with cold light on the other end.

But such an attack alone could not completely kill the opponent. He raised his other hand equipped with sharp claws to chop off the opponent's head.

But at this time, Luo Jia smiled, and the scepter in his hand suddenly hit the ground. Huge spiritual energy exploded, and everything was torn to pieces.

The bizarre subspace storm, carrying waves of strange whispers, instantly separated the two figures.

Clarks had never seen such a scene, but he understood that Lorca had escaped from his hands again.

In the dark shadows, countless ravens flapped their wings. The terrifying subspace storm was not enough to hurt the majestic demigod, but the failure of hunting again made him very angry.

And what was different this time was that he completely lost the trace of Lorca.

The murderer he was chasing would once again be at large.

All this was unacceptable to him.

But just as he was secretly angry, the red flames suddenly ignited around him, burning everything around him red.

This familiar flame almost made Clarks think that Lorca had returned, but in it, he felt a completely different fluctuation.

A huge single eye condensed in the flames, conveying to him the information he was eager to know,

"Brother, Lorgar ran to Abaddon, I saw it with my own eyes."

"Are you. Dukel?" Clarks quickly recognized the origin of the eyeball. He had been in the subspace all the time. He also noticed the previous battle between the Primarchs and naturally knew the return of the second Primarch.

"There is no time to express my sincere gratitude to you, brother. I swear to kill that traitor with my own hands!"

Countless ravens flapped their wings, and the huge shadow of the subspace spread out, starting the next round of pursuit.

The burning red flame also quietly extinguished, and the sea of ​​souls seemed to have returned to its former calm.

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