Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 108 108, Pest Control

The insect's compound eyes can no longer suppress its appetite, and there is a huge wound on its abdomen, which was the wound left by the previous battle with the blood knights. Now it is very weak and urgently needs energy replenishment.

But just when it is ready to enjoy the human in front of it.


The roar of the bolter sounded in this long and narrow passage, and a series of blasting bullets hit its body, cracking its thick armor-like carapace.

The gene stealers who were still performing some kind of ritual suddenly stopped and looked angrily at the direction where the gunfire sounded. Although they didn't understand how these people came here quietly, any Anyone who dares to disrupt this sacred ceremony will be hated by them.

They firmly believe that under the watchful eyes of the 'angels', they will defeat all enemies.

But what they didn't notice was.

Their 'angels' flinched when the giant who was almost three times their height appeared.

The ugly and huge head quietly shrank toward the dark entrance of the cave.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The sound of bolters continued to sound, and the genestealers waved their claws and charged in fearlessly.

Although most of the firepower was directed at the 'angel', their bodies were still shattered in the dense firepower net.

The purple-skinned patriarch wielded a bone staff. He seemed to want to use some special ability, but he was instantly hit in the head by a bomb, and his brain was mixed with dirty alien blood and spattered everywhere.

What was done here had already made the Imperial warriors furious, and the Doom Slayers charged together with Dukel.

The alien, who looked like a five or six-year-old girl, stretched out six arms to protect their angel.

But her height of only about one meter was too small. Like a real bug, she was trampled into a pulp by the running Space Marines.

"Want to run?"

Duker's voice was filled with murderous intent.

Facts have proved that searching the underground mines of this world is correct. Just a little bit, these ugly aliens will get a chance to continue to survive under their noses.

Combining the information previously learned from the Blood Knight, the original body has roughly understood the current situation - the Blood Knight was entangled by a small group of insects during the evacuation, and they fell into this world together.

The Blood Knights united with the Planetary Guards of this world to fight against the insect swarm. At the same time, the gene stealers who sensed the arrival of the insect swarm also crawled out of the sewers and launched rebellions under various names.

In the end, the humans won the war with difficulty after paying a heavy price, but the insect swarm was not completely wiped out.

After these bugs judged that they could not devour the world at present, they immediately lurked. Once they are given a chance to come back, not only will the entire world's creatures be destroyed, but they may even attract the main fleet of bugs.

The original body was awestruck. These bugs were smarter than he thought. They had a rigorous and efficient invasion strategy.

It's not as stupid as most people think.

The one that was seriously injured and was being sacrificed by the gene stealers should be a high-level node creature such as the swarm lord.


When he saw the original body running towards him like an angry bull, the alien hidden in the cave suddenly let out an insect-like roar.

Amidst the sharp screams, bulges bulged in the miner's tunnel, and then the soil and rocks were broken open, and smaller but equally ugly insects emerged one after another.

Like an endless spring, countless insects poured out from these broken holes, and in just a moment, they filled the miners' passage like a tide.

These bugs look weird and different, some are like huge worms with spiral mouthparts; some stand upright, even holding sharp bone blades in their hands.

These summoned swarms of insects swarmed towards the original body, using their mouthparts and bone claws to continuously attack Duker's armor.

But an insect tide of this magnitude alone was not enough to cause trouble to the original body.

The crimson flames burst into flames, and Dukel crashed all the way, crushing him like a dump truck.

The bodies of these low-level bugs, which are entirely made of flesh and blood, are so fragile in the face of steel armor, and the power contained in the majestic body of the original body is even more impossible for them to stop.

This is true mantis trying to trick the car.

The moment these bugs came into contact with the original body, they were either crushed to pieces by the unstoppable brute force, or engulfed in flames.

Almost without any hindrance, Dukel broke through the blockade of the insect tide and jumped into the hole where the Node Zerg retreated.

His form, burning with crimson fire, moved so quickly that even the Doom Slayers barely caught sight of his trajectory - only seconds after the Primarch leaped into the dark hole.


Huge power was vented deep in the earth, and the entire underground space was shaking violently.

If it weren't for the fact that the mining technology of the Human Empire was mature enough, considering that it also had to withstand the huge kinetic energy impact when exploding the mine, such a solid underground structure would have been possible. Otherwise, just this one time, this mining area located several kilometers deep underground will collapse directly.

After the loud roar, the previously orderly insect swarm suddenly became chaotic.

They no longer had a clear goal, but ran around like headless flies, and even started biting each other.

This should be one of the few shortcomings of the insect nest network. Once the node insects in the upper layer of the network are killed, the insects in the lower layer that have lost their targets will be controlled by biological instincts and fall into chaos. middle.

The Doom Slayer and the Psychic Guard worked together to clean up these swarms of insects that had lost their targets.

Over the next few days, Duker sought out the world's Imperial officials and took over the world completely.

He must conduct a comprehensive cleansing to completely eliminate the bugs that are deliberately hiding. Once even one egg is left, the bugs will reappear in a short period of time, and even call for swarms of bugs roaming in space. Tentacles.

Dukel mobilized the remaining mortal armies such as the Planetary Guards and the Astra Militarum, and even sent down the auxiliary troops on the battleships.

With the assistance of spiritual energy, this careful cleaning and investigation lasted for twenty-two days.

This was the primarch's last effort for the humanity of this world.

If this cannot clean out the bugs in this world, then the only option is to use the Extermination Order to purify everything in this world.

Dukel hated the Zerg with deep hatred, and became extremely cruel, adopting a strategy of preferring to kill the wrong ones rather than let them go.

Any person or building suspected of being infected by the 'Church of Genestealers' will be mercilessly destroyed.

The corpses of the insect swarms were gathered together and incinerated, and the stench emitted even spread into space.

Human gathering places where gene stealers were suspected to be active were all vaporized under heavy firepower.

After twenty-two days of purging, Duker issued an order to conduct a final inspection.

On this day, the orbital weapons on the battleship were fully charged and ready to go, and even the cyclone torpedoes were loaded into the barrels. If traces of Zerg activities could still be found in this last inspection, Du Kerr will issue an extermination order without mercy.

A few cyclone torpedoes will completely wipe out all life in this world, leaving only a ruin of death.

On this day, countless civilians looked up at the sky helplessly, mothers hugged their young sons tightly, factories were shut down, schools were on holiday, and even busy planetary government officials had a rare holiday.

For the people of the Empire in the Dark Ages, holidays were a rare luxury, but during this rare holiday, everyone was immersed in great sadness.

They looked dullly at the sky, and occasionally saw that majestic, god-like figure on the aircraft suspended in the sky. At this moment, everything about them was waiting for the judgment of that one.

There can be no soft-heartedness in the war against the Swarm.

The empire will even exterminate all human worlds in front of the insect swarm in advance when the insect swarm is about to arrive, just to prevent the insect swarm from replenishing the loss of biomass.

These imperial people also understand this. Even if they are not clear about it, they should have become clear during these twenty-two days of purges.

Therefore, they did not hate Dukel. At least the son of the God Emperor did not abuse the Extermination Order. He could directly destroy everything. This would not only save time and effort, but also be more efficient.

But he didn't. Everything he did during this period was trying to save them, or trying to save more Imperial people.

They are just mourning their fate.

"Praise to the Emperor, Praise to Mankind"

Countless human beings pray silently in their hearts.

On Duker's side, with the assistance of various instruments, the force field generated by the mind matrix is ​​also expanding over a large area, jointly inspecting every corner of the planet.

Perhaps it was prayer that played a role, or maybe it was the result of these twenty-two days of cleaning. Even though every corner of the world had been checked, not even a single suspicious location was found.

Although he had expected it, after actually seeing this result, Duker felt relieved. Every habitable planet is the wealth of mankind, and every human being is the currency of the empire. Who would want to do this if it is not necessary? To destroy them?

When the battleship of the original body roared, broke through the barrier of reality, and returned to the coordinate point of the expedition fleet.

All humans in this world are immersed in great joy - finally, once again, they have gained the right to survive.

Even to commemorate the efforts of Dukel for their survival and to remember those of their fallen compatriots.

A festival called "Pest Control Day" was born on this planet.

On this day, all Imperial people will burn various insect creatures under the huge statue of the Primarch to express their loyalty to the Empire, believing that through this act, the benevolent demigod Primarch will bless them.

And when the battleship returned,

In his laboratory, Duker tried more than a thousand ways to torture the living Zerg samples he captured.


Under his torture, these insects, which had no consciousness, no pain, no compassion, and no sense of reason, all made sharp and painful sounds.

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