Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 107 107, Blood Knights

When they came to the location where the sound came from, it was also a battlefield strewn with corpses.

In this lush jungle, Duker discovered a crashed Blood Angel battleship.

With the dense scratches and corrosion marks on it, it is not difficult to see that this battleship has also experienced an extremely terrible battle.

What surprised Duker was that among the corpses scattered on the ground, he actually saw traces of beast bites.

The original body carefully examined the wound. This bite mark was completely different from the mouthparts of the Zerg, but it did not look like any known beast - instead, it looked more like a bite from a human with sharp fangs.

And near these corpses, huge footprints left by the Space Marines when they moved were indeed found.

A guess appeared in his mind.

He searched along the footprints, and soon found the owner of the footprints - a space warrior wearing blood-red armor, gnawing at the corpses on the ground like a wild beast, and the sound of sharp fangs tearing flesh was like a sharp knife. over leather.

The warrior's eyes were scarlet, clearly going crazy.

In the fierce war, the genetic defects hidden in the blood angels were triggered, and the noble angels became flesh-eating ghouls.


After seeing the original body, the blood angel who fell into madness roared like a beast and rushed towards Dukel.

But before he could get close, he was knocked down by Doom and his uniform was pinned to the ground.

"Shall we show mercy to this warrior?"

Dukel did not answer, but pointed his finger at the Blood Angel's brow, which is said to be the place where the soul resides. He was trying to see if he could still bring back the warrior's rationality.

With the infusion of spiritual energy, the Blood Angel's eyes gradually became clearer. He instinctively licked the blood at the corner of his mouth. After seeing the person in front of him clearly, his face showed shock.

"Are you the great Primarch? Sorry, Your Highness, we failed. The tentacles of the swarm grabbed us."

From his words, Duker roughly understood what happened.

The battleship that the Blood Angel was on, when heading to Baal, passed by a world that was invaded by the swarm of insects, and planned to clean it.

The original plan was to throw a cyclone torpedo millions of kilometers away and retreat quickly, but I didn't expect the insect swarm to react quickly. During the retreat, the warship was damaged and fell into this world.

"May I have your name?"

"Keon, belongs to the second company of the Blood Knights Chapter."

After hearing that he was from the Blood Knights Chapter, Dukel understood why the other party had such serious genetic defects.

The Blood Knights are different from other Blood Angel sub-groups. They indulge their genetic defects and maintain their thirst for blood. They are notorious among interstellar war groups.

"Keon, you did a good job."

After saying the name of the chapter, the Blood Knight was still worried about arousing the disgust of the original body. After hearing these words, he felt relieved.

"May I live up to the blood of Sanguinius!"

Keon maintained his last sense of reason and spoke almost word for word.

After saying this, his sanity disappeared again and he became a mindless ghoul again.

"Take him back and send him to my research room when you get back."

Dukel gave instructions to the medical team that arrived later.

"Your Highness, are you still searching?"

Efilar asked.

"So, if my observation is correct, there is a big guy hiding in this world." Duker's face showed murderous intent.

"On the way here, I saw the corpses of many gene stealers. It's definitely not just what I see that can make these disgusting bastards crawl out of the stinking ditch."

"However, the battleship did not find any more traces of the insect swarm."

Efilar asked with some confusion.

"Insects?" Duker pointed to the ground.

"It's normal to hide underground."

Although the insect swarm did not have the habit of diving underground most of the time, Dukel still believed in his own judgment.


This world is a huge mineral world, with countless mines extending downward, like a huge ant nest.

A gene stealer was walking down the mine with a group of his kind.

He has four arms and purple skin. There are layers of folds on his skin all over his body. There is a black line carved on the raised growth on his forehead.

At this moment, he was holding a bone scepter, the color was solemn and solemn, as if he was doing something great.

The gene stealers following him carried living human civilians on their shoulders.

They also had solemn faces, and called the alien holding the bone scepter "patriarch."

Although these people are of the same type, their appearance is very different. Among them, you can even see the same purple skin, but their appearance is similar to that of a five or six-year-old girl.

They gathered in front of a huge cave entrance, which was cold and damp, covered with suspicious mucus, and the sour smell emanating from it was disgusting.

But the faces of these gene stealers showed incomparable piety and fanaticism. They looked at the patriarch eagerly.

"Chief, are the Emperor's angels here?"

The clan leader looked at the bottomless pit. After a moment of silence, he nodded solemnly.

"Yes, such a sacred place is where angels live."

"With the blessing of the God-Emperor, we overthrew the tyrant and sent the holy and noble angels. In response, we should also offer him blood food and pray that the God-Emperor can still love us. "

The clan leader waved, and several human males were carried over.

"Sacrifice these animals and offer our loyalty to the God-Emperor."

Several humans were placed in front of the cave entrance,

"Dirty alien, are you the only one worthy of mentioning His Majesty?!"

"Disgusting stuff!"

"The throne is on top!"

Human screams echoed in the turbid air around them.

But they turned a deaf ear to these curses.

The patriarch tapped the bone staff, emitting a unique frequency, and he also muttered words in his mouth, which was similar to the hissing of insects.

The sound became louder and louder, and the sound of the bone staff tapping became heavier and heavier. All the gene stealers spontaneously formed a circle, leaping together with their clan leader, stepping barefoot on the ground, with pious and solemn expressions on their faces.

The neighing sounds of varying lengths in their mouths finally came with a response.

A low chirping sound sounded from the pit, and the turbid air seemed even more gloomy and cold at this moment.

Something was rubbing against the ground and walls in the hole, and it was crawling forward.

Huge in body and fast in speed.

Countless eyes poked out of the hole.


The sharp mouthparts even have a metallic texture on the surface.

An ugly head protruded from the hole, and its body was covered with carapace, like thick armor.

Its body did not walk out of the cave directly, but it used its compound eyes to directly observe the group of people who were performing the sacrificial ceremony.

The compound eyes flickered with a faint light, as if he was thinking about whether to eat them too.

The patriarchs felt the gaze, and could even clearly feel the "angel's" appetite. They danced harder, showing off their bodies to their heart's content,

The gene stealer who looked like a little girl opened his six arms and showed his body to the 'angel'.

The patriarch's eyes were pious and warm. He looked at the giant creature in front of him and said humbly,

"Such a sacred majesty must have come from the emperor's angel in person. I wonder what your instructions are. These are the blood food we offer. Please don't despise them."

As he spoke, the patriarch pushed the humans and the little girl who looked like a human to the entrance of the cave.

The little girl with six arms was pushed and staggered. She knelt down in front of the angel, full of expectation.

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