"Yeah, you and Tianlin must come tomorrow, otherwise I will be very disappointed, and then I won't be able to dazzle people." Xiaojuer knew that Yayi was looking forward to this fashion show, so she gave her two tickets.

The only difference is that the two tickets are slightly different, Tianlin's is red, while Yayi's is green.

"Sister Xiaoju'er, why is my ticket different from Tianlin's?" Yayi asked in confusion.

"That's because you need to come early tomorrow." Xiao Ju'er leaned against Ya Yi's ear mysteriously, not knowing what to say.

Soon, Mei said expectantly and shyly, "Can I do it?"

"Of course, you look so cute!" Xiao Ju'er raised a thumb and cheered for Ya Yi, "Absolutely no problem."

"Well, then I will definitely arrive on time tomorrow." Ya Yi left the gym with Tian Lin in anticipation.

On the way back to the Pokémon Center, Tian Lin kept wanting to know what Xiao Ju’er said in her ear, but Ya Yi didn’t say anything, she just said that she would find out tomorrow, so Tian Lin had no choice but to press his curiosity and give up for the time being. .

The next day, Yayi got up early and went to Xiaoju'er's appointment, while Tianlin had to wait a little later, and waited until the clothing show was about to start before rushing over.

At the same time, at the entrance of the Raiwen gymnasium, Xiao Zhi and his party finally arrived late. They clearly set off together, but they were so many days late. His speed was still as touching.

However, on the way, they also happened to meet Bai Lu, so the group of four rushed over together.

But when they were about to open the door of the gym, they found that the door was closed and a notice was posted on the door.

"Go to the costume show, I'm not currently in the gym!"

"It turns out that there is a fashion show today!" Seeing the notice at the door, Bai Lu hurriedly flipped through the magazine in her hand, "It's nearby, let's go take a look, we happened to meet Miss Xiaoju'er's fashion show, we are really lucky. "

Bai Lu turned around and ran, she was really impatient, and she was also a fan of Miss Xiao Ju'er.

"Then let's go and have a look!" Tiantong greeted Xiaozhi and Alice to keep up. Anyway, they couldn't challenge the gym, so it would be good to watch the costume show.

At the gate of the venue, Tian Lin was about to walk in when suddenly, a familiar and eager voice came from behind, "Get out of the way, get out of the way!!!"

"Stop!" Just like when they first met, Tian Lin stopped Bai Lu with a sudden stop.

This girl, why is it still the same as before, running fast, and she doesn't know how to slow down when she sees people.

"Tianlin, why are you here, are you also watching the fashion show?" asked Xiao Zhi and the others who were following behind.

"Yeah, of course you can't miss the fashion show of Miss Xiao Ju'er, after all, she is the number one shining beauty in the United States!" Tian Lin laughed.

"Really, shouldn't that be the first sister Yayi in your heart?" Bai Lu puffed out her mouth when she saw Tianlin, obviously still dissatisfied with what happened before, "By the way, what about your sister Yayi, why? No, oh! I see, you must have been dumped by her 463, right?"

"Hmph, I'll just say, tell you to dump me first, and you'll be punished now!"

While talking, Bai Lu actually gloated over the misfortune.

"First, Ya Yi didn't leave. She was also on the fashion show today. She was invited by Miss Xiaoju'er. I don't know what to do? Second, Bai Lu, I didn't dump you. Didn't you want to leave before? "Tianlin asked inexplicably, wondering where she got so much anger.

"You! Humph, I'll ignore you anyway!" Bai Lu pouted and walked into the arena, leaving a few people in a mess in the wind.

"Forget it, let's go in too, the costume show is about to start." Tian Lin shook his head helplessly, and followed Xiao Zhi and the others.

Alice walked at the end and said with a smile, "Oh, what a group of children!"

Not long after walking into the venue, the fashion show began.

"Next, the trainer who is a gym trainer of Raiwen gym, but is at the forefront of fashion in Hezhong, is a super model, Miss Xiao Ju'er!"

The stage of the show was very lively. Under the spotlight, Miss Xiao Ju'er was wearing a gorgeous leather dress. Her tall figure and beautiful face showed her infinite charm.

Just like her mantra, she is shining at the moment, which is really dazzling.

Chapter [*]: Bai Lu's Father Arrives to Bring Bai Lu Home

On the stage, Miss Xiaojuer kept changing her image, either lively, elegant, or royal.

With just her face, she can easily control all kinds of images, which is really unreasonable appearance.

"Wow, she's so beautiful!" The two girls, Alice and Bai Lu, gleamed with longing on their faces.

Becoming a woman like Xiaojuer is almost every girl's wish.

"Is that person the gym trainer?" Xiaozhi was full of fighting spirit, but he always felt that in such an atmosphere, there seemed to be something wrong with his focus.

"Strange, where is Yayi?" Tianlin looked around for Yayi. She came to help Xiaoju'er, but she couldn't see anyone now.

At this moment, the host suddenly said, "The one who appears next is today's new model, a pure and lovely girl, sister Yayi!"

As the curtain opened, Ya Yi came on stage. She didn't change her clothes, but just painted a little eyeliner and lipstick, which made her look more charming. From Xiao Ju'er's point of view, Ya Yi's original dress was pure and charming. , is the one that can highlight her charm the most, so there is no need to do any other dressing.

"Wow, what a cute little sister!"

"Cute, why do I see sexy?"

"It's really drunk. Twenty years of old age have developed. This mature body is not as charming as a teenage girl."

There is a lot of discussion below. Everyone sees Yayi from a different angle, and the evaluations vary by thousands of miles, but almost all of them are positive.

Mei looked a little shy. After all, so many people were staring at her, but the happiness on her face couldn't be faked, and she seemed to like this kind of high-profile feeling.

"Don't be nervous, you are the best today, look, Tian Lin is watching you too!" Following Xiao Ju'er's gaze, Ya Yi found Tian Lin in the crowd and waved to him.

Tian Lin also smiled and waved in response. In his opinion, today's Ya Yi is indeed exceptionally beautiful.

Seeing this scene, Bai Lu said unhappily, "Hmph, this girl is indeed very beautiful, no wonder she is so fascinated by someone~' ."

"Pikapi!" Pikachu on Ash's shoulder called out in approval.

Unexpectedly, its voice caught Xiao Ju'er's attention, "Wow, it's really dazzling."

She actually jumped off the stage and came to Xiao Zhi, "It's Pikachuye, this is the first time I've seen it with my own eyes, it's really shining!"

"Hello, Miss Ju'er, this is my Pikachu." Xiao Zhi took the opportunity to say, "I am the challenger who came to Raven's gym, please accept my request for battle."

This guy, no matter when he only thinks about the battle, if Xiaogang is here, I am afraid he would have gone crazy.

"Hey, look at others, this is the mentality of becoming a Pokémon master. It's not like you, you are easily attracted to beautiful girls." Bai Lu secretly came to Tianlin and said.

"What is the mentality of a Pokémon master, a straight man is a straight man." Tian Lin complained silently.

"Challenger, of course there is no problem, but you have to wait a moment, someone has already made an appointment before you." Xiaojuer is usually very busy, unless it happens to be when she has time, the challenge requires an appointment .

"That person is me. Please give me more advice later, Miss Xiaoju'er." Bai Lu ran between the two.

"So, are you Miss Bai Lu?" Xiao Ju'er asked.

"Yes, please let me challenge the Gym Tournament." Bai Lu looked at Xiao Ju'er and blushed a little, which was the tension between fans and idols.

"Yes, but before that, someone was waiting for you at my gym. Anyway, the fashion show is over now, so you can come together." Xiao Ju'er took the lead to go back to the gym.

Afterwards, a group of people followed, and it was the roller coaster, which everyone who came to challenge had to go through.

At the end of the roller coaster, Xiao Ju'er had already changed her clothes and stood there, with one hand on her hip, she was slim and graceful.

"Miss Xiaoju'er, I'm here, may I ask who you said you want to see me?" Bai Lu stepped forward and asked.

"He's there." Xiao Ju'er looked at a door, and as the door opened, a middle-aged man in a suit with a pot belly walked out.

"Hey, Bai Lu, how have you been recently?" He greeted Bai Lu with a smile. With that beer belly, he looked a little silly and should get along well.

"Dad?" Bai Lu exclaimed, it turned out that this uncle was Bai Lu's father.

"Dad, why are you in Raven's gym?" Bai Lu didn't seem very happy when she saw her father, except for her doubts.

The uncle walked in front of everyone and said, "I'm here to pick you up, and I did promise you before that you can travel by yourself, but I think you're still too young, so I regret it a bit, it's better to wait until you grow up! "

What she promised she regretted, Bai Lu's father was just as self-willed as her, and as expected, if there is a father, there must be a daughter.

After listening to him, Bai Lu immediately refused, "'" I don't want to go back, because my goal is to play in the United League! "

The uncle continued, "I didn't tell you not to participate, it's just that you are too young, it's better to participate in the next session when you grow up..."

"I will never go back!" The uncle was interrupted by Bai Luyan in the middle of his words, and his attitude was very firm, "I still want to continue traveling and participate in gym competitions. Dad, didn't you travel like this when you were young? ?"

"It is because I have experienced it that I am worried. Although traveling is fun, it is also very easy to encounter danger." It turns out that this uncle is a daughter-in-law, and he is reluctant to expose himself to adventure.

This is human nature. If Tianlin has a daughter in the future, he will definitely be spoiled as a princess. As for his son, even if he goes to the crater to find Groudon, he is too lazy to care. (Is Wang good).

Seeing that the father and daughter were about to quarrel, Xiao Ju'er suddenly suggested, "Why don't you do this, Miss Bai Lu, let your father see how much you have grown when you traveled out of the gym competition with me? , just right, don't waste your appointment opportunity."

This is a good idea. The battle is the best way to show strength, especially when the opponent is a master like a gym trainer.

The uncle agreed, "If that's the case, let's take the outcome of this game as a condition. If you win Miss Xiaoju'er, I will allow you to continue traveling, but if you lose, then you will come home with me."

If she can defeat Xiao Ju'er, it will prove that Bai Lu's strength has come to an end, so even if she is allowed to continue traveling, as a father, she can feel at ease.

"I see!" Bai Lu took out the consciousness of a trainer and summoned the courage to face it. This is related to her future, and she will do her best.

Chapter [*]: Bai Lu's Gym War on Xiaojuer's Journey

Raven Gym was facing the battlefield, and Bai Lu was facing Xiao Ju'er.

To be honest, Tian Lin is not optimistic about Bai Lu. She knows how much she has. Even the original Xiao Ju’er can’t compare, let alone the current Xiao Ju’er who has been training with Tian Lin for so many days and her strength has improved. .

"Then now, the Gym Tournament at Raven's Gym is about to begin. There are only three Pokémon available to both sides. When one of the Pokémon loses the ability to fight, the battle is over. During the game, there are only challenges. Only those who have the right to change Pokémon."

"Thunder Zebra, stand under the spotlight." As soon as the referee finished speaking, Xiao Ju'er, as a gym trainer, took the lead in throwing out the Poke Ball. Just like when dealing with Tianlin, the first starter was Thunder Zebra.

"Go on, little mouth snail!"

Bailu sent out a snail-shaped Insect-type Pokémon. It was covered with a layer of carapace and looked a bit like a knight's helmet.

It seems that this is a newly captured Pokémon after Bai Lu left Tianlin. The level is not high. It will be very difficult to deal with Miss Xiaoju'er's powerful thunder and lightning zebra.

But there is no way. Bai 463 Lu is a rookie trainer. The only Pokemon she can come up with are the few. If she can use the Dharma Baboon, there may be some hope, but she conquered the Dharma Baboon. It's a bit of a coincidence, and now the Dharma baboon has not completely listened to her.

Therefore, no matter how unfavorable it is, Bai Lu can only bite the bullet.

Fortunately, her character is inherently reckless. Even if the strength gap is large, she is not even half moved, and her will to fight is still very strong.

"Little mouth snail, come on, use the solution!"

Dissolving liquid is not a powerful skill, but it is a relatively effective attack method for the current small mouth snails.

Unfortunately, its attack speed is too slow. With the speed of the lightning zebra, coupled with the explosive training method that Miss Xiaojuer is good at, the lightning zebra easily dodged the attack of the small mouth snail.

"How about it, the speed of the thunder and lightning zebra is very dazzling!" Xiao Ju'er was very calm, and she could of course see that there was a big gap between Bai Lu and her in strength.

What she really wanted Bai Lu to show was not her strength. After all, how much strength a rookie trainer can have, not everyone is called Tianlin.

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