Tianlin is full of black lines. They are investigating cases, not dating. What's the use of dazzling me?

Back at the Pokémon Center, Tian Lin gave Joey all the three Pokémon that played today.

At this time, Ya Yi pulled Tianlin's sleeve, "Tianlin, are we really going to check the ghost train tomorrow?"

When it comes to ghosts, it seems that she is still a little scared.

"Don't worry, I'm here. If you're really scared, just stay at the Pokémon Center." Although Tian Lin wanted her to be braver, he didn't insist.

Even if she can't grow to the point where she can stop the war between reality and ideals in the future, she still has herself, and it's good for her to be a carefree little girl forever.

"It's okay, I'm going!" Ya Yi clenched her fists and tried to cheer herself up.

"Okay, then let's work together to find this monster!"

In the early morning of the second day, the two came to the entrance of the subway station as scheduled, and Xiao Ju'er was waiting there early.

Today, her dress is different from before. Instead of a yellow and black striped shirt, she is wearing yellow and blue striped short sleeves, plus a pair of hot pants of the same color.

Not only is the dress cooler than yesterday, but her hair has turned into long black hair.

Of course it was impossible to do this overnight, Tian Lin could tell that she was wearing a wig.

"How about it, are you dazzled by my new look!" Xiao Ju'er laughed.

"It's Miss Xiao Ju'er's second form, I didn't expect to have the chance to see it with my own eyes!" Ya Yi's eyes glowed, revealing the unique look of a groupie.

It seems that Xiao Ju'er's look is not a whim, but one of her regular looks.

"What you saw before was my gym trainer style, and now, it's my style when I go out." Xiao Ju'er explained.

Tianlin doesn't understand the significance of her special design of two styles. Maybe this is the difference between people who are chasing trends.

Then, the three walked into the subway and took the train.

Ghost trains are not always encountered at any time, at least they took two trains successively, and they did not encounter them all the way back and forth.

But they didn't give up until the third time, when they finally saw a train galloping past the track on the side, Tian Lin's eyes were sharp, and he clearly saw that there was an R engraved on it.

"R, isn't this the logo of the Rockets? It turns out that they did it." Tian Lin chuckled and grabbed Xiao Ju'er and Ya Yi respectively, "I will use teleportation to transfer to that train now, please hurry up. I!"

Tianlin spread his mental power and quickly chased towards the train. Soon, he caught up with the speeding train. Then, the next moment, his mind drove his body, and the three of them dodged one by one and came to the carriage of the ghost train.

"Isn't this just an ordinary train? I'm really disappointed. I thought there was something in the legendary ghost train that would make me dazzled. Sure enough, urban legends are not necessarily true." Xiao Ju'er looked around. For a moment, she was the opposite of Yayi, who was a daring artist, but felt too boring because the train was too ordinary.

...... 0

"How is that possible, super powerful brat, why are you here?"

"Boss Tianlin?"

From the control room of the carriage, two people rushed out, it was Musashi and Kojiro.

"Sure enough, it's you, I said, after coming to Hezhong, we haven't seen each other except for the ruins. Are you hiding from me on purpose? Now you have created a ghost train, what are you planning to do? , Miaomiao, why didn't you stay with you?" Tianlin asked several questions in a row, and speaking, the two of them seemed to be much more powerful than before.

I felt this way when I saw the ruins.

"Hey, Boss Tianlin, we are different from before. After the devil training of Team Rocket, we are not afraid even if it is you." Kojiro said firmly.

"That's right, super awesome kid, we originally planned to keep you until after we defeated kid and stole his Pikachu, now that you've delivered it to your door, let's snatch your Pokémon first, and save it. You sabotage our plan!" After Musashi finished speaking, he took out the Poké Ball and pointed it at Tianlin.

The stronger the strength, the higher the courage.

Tian Lin smiled slightly, "You have the courage, okay, then let me teach you how much you have grown after coming to Hezhong!" Jin.

The first thousand one hundred and thirty-four chapters solve the ghost train incident mutual transmission skills

"Go, roll the bat."

"Crying mask, please!"

The new Pokémon of Musashi and Kojiro are a rolling bat and a crying mask. Although they have not evolved, their strength is at the gym level. It seems that the progress of the two is indeed not small.

The train is still moving fast. In a place like the carriage, it is not suitable to use Pokémon that are too large, let alone use large-scale tricks. The opponent's two small Pokémon are obviously more suitable for such a battlefield.

"Roll the bat and use the air slash."

"Crying mask, shadow ball."

Musashi and Kojiro took the lead, intending to make a quick decision. Seeing this, Tianlin immediately prepared to meet the enemy.

At this moment, a white light flashed, and the rolling bat and the crying mask didn't even have time to make a trick, and they were knocked out by the white light.

"Go, Mama, "[*]" Xiaoyu, keep hitting!" Through the conversation just now, although Xiaojuer didn't know the identity of Musashi Kojiro, at least one thing was confirmed, they wanted to take away others The villain of Pokémon.

As a gym trainer, since she knew about it, she couldn't assume that nothing happened.

Speaking of small size, Ma Ma Xiaoyu ranks among the top few, and this narrow carriage can make its ability to the extreme.

I saw Ma Ma Xiaoyu bounced back and forth like a spring-loaded cannonball, hitting the two Pokémon on the opposite side and flying all over the sky, and there was no mobile phone at all.

Although Musashi Kojiro was much stronger than before, he was still a little short of fighting gym trainers.

"Kojiro, can you use the catch net to limit the movement of that little thing?" Seeing that the Pokémon was not the opponent's opponent, the two were ready to do their jobs.

"No way, Musashi, this mama fish is moving too fast, my eyes can't keep up with its movements." Kojiro said in distress.

Tian Lin's eyes kept changing with Ma Ma Xiaoyu's movements. Compared with Musashi and Kojiro, he was more interested in another thing now.

Or maybe he had this idea yesterday. The speed and strength of this little fish is so amazing that it has exceeded its racial limit.

This is not something that can be done by nurturing alone, but a special training method.

The explosive force gathers all the energy in the body and releases it in one breath. It is with this that Ma Ma Xiaoyu can exert such amazing power in a short period of time.

Of course, there are also weaknesses, that is, the inability to fight for a long time. After hitting it for a while, Ma Ma Xiaoyu became out of breath.

"Haha, that little fish is dead, prepare to fight back!" Musashi said with great joy.

Unfortunately, she seemed to have forgotten that there were two on their side, but three on Tianlin's side.

"Little Soldiers, attacking the key points!"

"Cold water monkey, water pistol."

The judao soldier slashed the crying mask with a knife, and the rolling bat was also washed away by the cold water monkey with a water gun. They had already been hit by the mama little fish, and Tianlin and Yayi had no problem receiving them.

"Damn, no, we are not the opponents of Boss Tianlin, let's give up the plan this time." Kojiro said, took out a remote control and pressed it.

In the front of the carriage, a big explosion suddenly occurred, and Musashi and Kojiro flew out of the smoke from the explosion. At some point, the two of them had their aircraft strapped to their bodies.

"Hmph, super awesome kid, I'll let you go this time, see you next time!"

"Goodbye, Boss Tianlin."

Musashi and Kojiro said a cruel word, and soon, the two disappeared into the sky.

"I don't have that disgusting feeling, it sounds unaccustomed." Tian Lin is very dissatisfied, you can escape, you can't leave the form less, and they must make up for it next time.

"Who are they?" Xiaoju'er and Yayi asked.

"The two self-proclaimed villains are funny, but they seem to have grown up recently, but I think they will change back soon. After all, the nature of Jiangshan is difficult to change." Tian Lin smiled, "The direction of this train is traveling. It should have been Jinlun Town. Although I don't know all their plans yet, I can guess that this train must be used for the retreat after the plan is completed. The ghost train in the recent period is exactly what they were in. Identify the best route to travel."

"Well, it is indeed very possible." Xiao Ju'er speculated, "But no matter what, now that the ghost train has been destroyed by us, their plans are useless. As a trainer of the Raven City Gym, I would like to thank you. your assistance."

"It's nothing, it's just what you can do. By the way, Miss Xiaoju'er, your Ma Ma Xiaoyu's explosive power is really outstanding. I have a ruthless request, can you teach this method of power generation to my Kudao soldiers? ?"

Tianlin squatted down and touched the head of the little soldier, "This child was born not long ago. The way I train it is a combination of strength and speed, but even if it evolves into a commander of chop and slash in the future, its speed race will not be the same. Not too good, the upper limit is there 0  …”

"But if you add your explosive training method, you can break through the limit."

"For this, I am willing to exchange any methods I have mastered, such as the rainbow technique, the return fist shield, the sword qi training method, etc." Tian Lin sincerely pleaded.

"Rainbow skill, you're talking about the famous rainbow skill in the gorgeous competition!" Xiao Ju'er's eyes suddenly lit up, "That trick is so shiny, I'm dazzled every time I see it, I agree. , change it immediately!"

"Among the skills in my hands, the rainbow skill is the least practical. Are you sure you want to learn this?" Tian Lin confirmed again and again that apart from being beautiful, the rainbow skill is useless in battle, and can only be used in gorgeous competitions.

Tianlin can't figure out why a gym trainer can learn this?

"Yes, yes, I want this. Rainbow's trick is so dazzling, I wanted to try it for a long time." Xiao Ju'er didn't hesitate at all, Tian Lin ignored one point, she is not only a gymnasium The trainer is also a fashionista. The pursuit of beauty and fashion is beyond 4.0's understanding by ordinary people.

Since the last time Xiaoguang won the championship of Shenao's large-scale celebration with the rainbow skill, this skill has already swept the world. As a popular and cutting-edge figure, how could Xiaojuer not want it.

Feeling Xiao Ju'er's enthusiasm, Tian Lin had to agree, "Okay, but I feel like I'm taking advantage of you in this way, I'll teach you the Return Fist Shield as well, whether this move is in battle or with the rainbow technique. It works wonders when used.”

"Thank you so much!" Xiao Ju'er said with a smile.

After the three returned to Raven City, Xiaojuer went to the subway transportation headquarters first, and informed the subway chief controller Bei Shang and Nanxia brothers about the Rockets, and informed that the ghost train incident had been resolved.

Then he brought Tianlin and Yayi back to Raiwen Gym and taught each other their skills.

The first thousand one hundred and thirty-five chapters of the training of the little soldiers of the judao go to participate in the fashion show

"Little Soldier, use a secret attack!"

On the battlefield at the Raiwen Gym, Tianlin's Colt Saber was training against the Fang Lu Shark. Originally, the Colt Saber's attack was almost like a tickling to the Fang Lu Shark, but after a few days of special Training, now the fangtooth land shark has to pay attention.

When I saw the little soldier of the judao stomping on his feet, his whole body rushed out like a cannonball, and its blade became sharper and sharper.

The fangtooth land shark quickly raised its arms. The dragon fins have always been its shield. Before, it relied on these two dragon fins to block many opponents' attacks.

But today, even if it held up, the figure was retreating again and again.

You must know that it is a Pokémon in the realm of the quasi-king realm, and it was actually repelled so far by an elite only, which shows the horror of the explosive force of the Kudao soldiers at this time.

"Very good, Judao soldier, with your current attack power, you can completely cross the border to confront the enemy." Tian Lin said with satisfaction.

"It's not bad. I didn't expect such an outstanding performance in just a few days, but Tianlin, you have to pay attention. Although this method of exerting force is powerful, it consumes a lot more than usual, you see." Xiao Ju'er pointed to Colt knife soldier.

The small soldier of the Kudao who only attacked once was already out of breath. It seems that a lot of practice is needed to fully integrate this explosive tactics.

However, Tianlin was very satisfied with the current situation of the Judao Xiaobing, and said gratefully, "Thank you for your advice these days, Miss Xiaoju'er, by the way, how are your rainbow skills and anti-fist shields? "

"The anti-fist shield is very simple. The Thunder and Lightning Zebras have practiced it in one day. It is the rainbow skill. It is really difficult to master. It is too difficult to adjust the proportion of the ultimate move." Xiaojuer waved her hand. Fist shield, but she didn't see her happy at all. Instead, she was entangled with the useless thing. I really couldn't figure out whether she was the gym owner or the coordinator trainer.

In addition to the two of them, Yayi has also been learning how to use the anti-fist shield with Xiaojuer these days. The results are good, and she and Xiaojuer have become good sisters.

"Come on, Ya Yi, this is a present for you." Xiao Ju'er took out two tickets from her pocket and handed them to Ya Yi.

After taking it, Mei said happily, "Ah, isn't this the ticket to your fashion show, Miss Xiaoju'er?"

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