Emperor Xiu's ideal is to defeat Adek, and he thinks now, as a rookie trainer, this is too arrogant, and today Touko will let him feel the truth.

At the beginning, Tianlin defeated Emperor Xiu with tactics, which was not enough to make Emperor Xiu feel the absolute difference. Today, Tou Zi is going to crush him with absolute strength, so that he can recognize the reality.

"Tou Zi, are you also thinking about the future of Hezhong?" Tou Ye wrapped his arms around him, and he could roughly guess what Tou Zi was thinking.

"I don't care what others think of me. As long as I can become the strongest region in the future, this is my ideal!" Tou Zi said silently in his heart.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

"Okay, Xiudi, send your Pokémon, let's fight quickly!"

"Okay, let's go, iron-boned native!" Emperor Xiu suppressed the fear in his heart and sent the second ace in his team, second only to Qingteng Snake.

"Iron-boned natives, use fitness!" Knowing the difference in strength, Emperor Xiu immediately chose to strengthen and shorten the strength gap.

Tou Zi watched him finish strengthening without saying a word, neither attacking nor any other countermeasures.

This behavior completely angered Emperor Xiu, "Damn, are you underestimating me, iron-boned native, use your arm hammer!"

The Emperor Xiu directly attacked regardless of the difference in strength.

"Only strengthen it once, you are the one who underestimates people!" Tou Zi said lightly.

However, when King Yanwu didn't move, he used his body to resist the arm hammer. His body didn't shake at all. Instead, he was an iron-boned native who was shocked by the reaction force and retreated again and again.


"Hey, Touya didn't even teach you the most basic judgment of the strength gap, continue to strengthen it." Tou Zi provoked.

"Damn, then, iron-boned natives, bodybuilding, bodybuilding, and continuous fitness!" Emperor Xiu roared.

After Tou Zi's intentional release of water, the iron-boned native completed five consecutive bodybuilding sessions, and his attack and defense finally reached his limit.

"That's not bad, call me!" Tou Zi finally showed a little war intent.

"Don't regret it, Iron Bone Earthman, True Qi Fist!" With a strength that was several times greater than just now, coupled with the even more powerful True Qi Fist, the Iron Bone Earthman delivered the strongest blow in his life.

"Next!" At this moment, Tuozi gave an order, and King Yanwu raised his arm and opened his palm.

It is actually ready to block the strongest blow of the iron-boned natives with only one hand.

'Boom! '

The fists and palms collided, and at that moment, an astonishing storm rolled up in the venue, which was caused by the spread of the power of both sides.

"How is it possible, actually caught it!" Xiudi couldn't believe it, its iron-boned natives had been strengthened to the limit, but they didn't even have the ability to shake King Yanwu one step.

"This is the absolute difference in power, Emperor Xiu, your ideals are good, but unfortunately the real situation tells you that you are too ambitious." Tou Zi taught her a lesson, and she no longer intends to continue playing, "King Yanwu, arm hammer! "

King Yanwu smashed the iron-boned native to the ground with a backhand hammer, and the outcome was already divided.

Chapter [*] Tianlin's knife against Yayiju's knife

"Well, this King Yanwu is at least ten times stronger than my fried pig!" Bai Lu was stunned, she had never seen such a powerful Pokémon.

"Bai Lu, you missed a zero. The penetrating Yanwu King is more than 100 times stronger than your current fried pig. Even if all the six Pokémon on me go together, it is not his opponent!" Tian Lin retorted Dao, of course, he silently added in his heart that it is not a Suijun, after all, the divine beast is already out of specification.

In order to make Emperor Xiu grow up, Tou Zi used such a ruthless hand, should he deserve to be a person from the Hezhong area, he really values ​​the battle too much.

The first day of the competition was all over, and after everyone disbanded, Tian Lin and Xiao Zhi saw Tou Ye and Xiu Di who were about to leave at the Pokémon Center.

"Is this going?" Tian Lin and Xiao Zhi greeted each other.

Emperor Xiu retrieved the iron-bone native's Poké Ball, the expression of "four five-three" was not as arrogant as before, but instead said to the two with a bit of unwillingness, "I have already lost, the iron-bone native's physical strength has also recovered, and then again There's no point in staying here, watching other people's battles won't make my Pokémon stronger, it's just a waste of time."

What he said was actually true, after all, there would be no games for him after that.

Tactically abused by Tianlin's blood, and Pokémon's strength was crushed by Touzi, he now needs a lot of time to reflect on how to go in the future.

The first thing to do is to throw away the arrogance that shouldn't be there. What does a rookie trainer want, it's enough to retain the necessary confidence.

"Then what about you, Tou, you don't plan to watch the next game between me and Tou Zi, we may meet in the future." Tian Lin turned to look at Tou and asked.

Tou also shook his head, "I'm here only to take Emperor Xiu to experience. I know the strengths of you and Tou Zi in my heart. I don't need to watch such a small game, goodbye."

After speaking, the two of them were about to leave, and when they passed by Tian Lin, Tou Ye suddenly remembered something and warned Tian Lin, "By the way, you guy, stay away from sister Yayi, she has a simple mind. , if you dare to deceive her, I won't let you go!"

"This is really wronging me, I don't have any bad thoughts about Yayi!" Tian Lin said firmly, with a firm tone, because he did not lie, he is not Xiaogang, and if he sees a beautiful one, he will chase after him. Down.

If you really think so, with his appearance, status and strength, the family can open a crystal palace long ago, and there are at least [*] or [*] concubines.

"Hmph, this is the best!" Tou Ye nodded with satisfaction, and left the Pokémon Center with Emperor Xiu.

Tou Zi didn't come to see them off. After all, she beat Emperor Xiu so badly. It seemed a bit sarcastic when she appeared at this time.

Apart from Emperor Xiu, most of the other trainers who lost the battle yesterday did not choose to leave, such as Tong Ellis in the open air and others, all of them still want to cheer for Tianlin Xiaozhi.

Cabernet Sauvignon, on the other hand, is constantly shattering, cursing everyone to lose.

In the evening, everyone enjoyed a good meal. In order to keep each trainer in the best condition, the Pokémon Center and the Battle Club jointly provided an unlimited buffet to keep the trainers and Pokémon full of energy at all times. .

"It's finally time to start the second day of East George's match." Because the first day of the game was very exciting, the second day the venue became more lively than yesterday, East George announced, "Then, I will announce the first day for everyone now. Let’s have a pairing combination for the second round.”

After a random number shuffle on the big screen, the second round of groupings quickly emerged.

The first one was Lan Grey vs Xiao Zhi, the second one was Tian Lin vs Ya Yi, and the first one was a civil war between two acquaintances.

In the first game, the Pokémon that Langley used was a small soldier, and Xiao Zhi took out Pikachu. Now Pikachu's strength has recovered to the level of a gym-level high-level. Easy win.

The Dragon Destroyer is still no match for the Fierce General.

This is also expected by Tian Lin, Xiao Zhi has already lost to Emperor Xiu once, and if he loses to Lan Ge Lei again, then there is really no need to mess with him. Fortunately, he still maintains his dignity.

In the second game, Tianlin and Yayi slowly walked onto the stage.

Ya Yi looked a little nervous, because she had learned from Tou Zi how strong Tian Lin was. She knew that this game would definitely not be able to win by luck like before.

"Yi, it's okay, just use your full strength and just treat it like your usual training!" Tian Lin saw Ya Yi's uneasiness and smiled comfortingly.

"Okay, then, please, Cold Water Monkey!" Mei sent a new Pokémon, Cold Water Monkey. In addition to the regular Yu Sanjia, she once unexpectedly got a chance to choose three monkeys.  … ....

Because she had chosen the grass-type vine snake before, in order to deal with the fire-type Pokémon that restrained the grass-type, she chose the water-type Cold Water Monkey.

"Judao soldier, let's go!" Tian Lin was using the same horse blade soldier as Lan Grey, but his opponent was not Pikachu, and the odds of winning were good.

"Judao soldier, use the seal!" Tianlin preemptively attacked, but did not attack.

The normal characteristics of the three monkeys are greedy eaters, so many trainers will bring tree fruits as props for them. Seizure is a move that can block the use of props, which is equivalent to abolishing the characteristics of cold water monkeys.

"Cold water monkey, water cannon!"

Unexpectedly, not only was this cute girl unmoved, but the counterattack was extremely fierce. The first time she came up, it was a water-based big move like water cannon.

The Cold Water Monkey cannot learn this trick by leveling up. There is only one way, inheritance. It seems that the parent of the Cold Water Monkey is a superior Pokémon with a relatively high level, so its aptitude potential will never be too low.

"Little Soldiers, Spiritual Blades!"

The genetic trick is also available on Tianlin's side. With a higher attack power, the little soldier of the Judao used his mental sharp blade to cut the water cannon, avoiding being attacked directly.

This move draws on the saber qi training method of the Lizard King, and because the mental sharp blade is a long-range attack trick that can be swung out, so the small soldier does not need to spend more energy to stabilize the saber qi, and only needs 4.0 to continuously strengthen the strength.

Its sword will definitely be sharper than the Lizard King of the same level in the future, but its attack speed is not as fast as that of the Lizard King.

"The water cannon has been cut, how is that possible?" Ya Yi was a little flustered, her cold water monkey's strongest trick was so easily cracked, "The attack power of this little soldier is too high, to crack it's incomparable attack. Edge, you must first reduce its attack power."

"Lenghui Monkey, try to live in harmony!"

Living in harmony is a basic trick that all three monkeys have built in. The effect is to reduce the opponent's attack power. Originally, this tactic was correct, but now its opponent is a small soldier.

"No, Yayi, you can't do this!" Tou Zi reminded loudly, but unfortunately she said it too late, the cold water monkey has already followed the trainer's instructions to make a trick! .

Chapter [*] The Debut of the Regional Morphology Dharma Baboon

The cold water monkey smiled and ran to the side of its opponent, Xiaobing, with goodwill.

This is to live in harmony. The so-called stretch out your hand without hitting the smiling face. The simple Kudao soldier accepted its goodwill, and his attack power began to decline.

"Success!" Ya Yi said happily.

But before she could finish her happiness, she saw Judao Xiaobing slapped off his hand on his shoulder, and looked at Lenghui Monkey again with full fighting intent, his attack power even increased, more than ever before. and.

"If you want to live in harmony with my Kudao soldiers, of course you can, but after the game." Tian Lin said with a smile, his Kudao soldiers are pure and simple, but they are children who can distinguish the occasion very well. Fighting, this is the essence of the feature of not admit defeat.

"It's over, Judao soldier, sneak attack!"

The judao soldier swung the blade and slashed the cold water monkey's abdomen with one stroke, knocking it out far away.

"The cold water monkey loses its ability to fight, and the judao soldier wins!" The referee quickly made a decision, and Tianlin won the second victory.

After the game, Tianlin immediately went to Yayi, "Yi, are you okay, did I just take it too seriously?"

It seems that this is the first time that he cares so much about his loser. 08 is mainly worried that it will hurt Mei's confidence.

Xiudi, who has already left, said, why didn't you think about it so much when you abused me? Is it sexist?

Mei shook her head, "It's okay, it's a fair fight. I lost because of my lack of strength, and I'm not very keen on fighting. Speaking of which, I still don't know what my goal is?"

It turns out that Yayi is still in confusion. She doesn't seem to know whether she should take the trainer path. Because she was born in Hezhong, everyone persuaded her to become the strongest trainer, but she was interested in fighting. It doesn't seem to be that big.

"It turns out that you haven't found your target yet. Anyway, you don't have to hurry when you just traveled. After that, you can search while traveling. In fact, I..." Tian Lin just wanted to say something, and Tou Zi quickly walked. He ran over and pulled Mei behind him.

"Hey, you guy, what are you doing here after you've already won Sister Yayi, are you trying to bully her or deceive her!"

Well, after Tou Ye and N, Emotion Tou Zi is also a sister control.

"Tuozi, why are you so hostile to me, I'm not a bad person!" Tian Lin helplessly raised his forehead, didn't he just care a little bit more about Ya Yi's 'Yi', as for being so vigilant?

With Touzi around, even if Tianlin wanted to say something, he probably couldn't say anything, so he had to leave temporarily, and Yayi explained, "Sister Touzi, you misunderstood him, he just came to encourage me."

"I know he's not a bad person, but you're too cute, who knows if it will cause good people to commit crimes?" Touzi said with a very serious face, as a sister, she has to protect this sister well.

Tian Lin, who returned to the spectator seat, found Xiao Zhi and others, the next game has already started, and the trainer playing at this moment is Luke.

And the Pokémon he used was actually a burning insect.

This is an incredible Pokémon. The evolution of the burning worm is the Vulcan Moth, the incarnation of the sun, representing the sun. At the same time, there are black spots on the outside of the wings and abdomen, representing the sunspot.

Tianlin had seen the terrifying Vulcan Moth in the underground ruins before, strong enough to confront himself and Sakagi.

I didn't expect this director's luck to be so good. Looking at the three Pokémon in his hands, Zoroa, Burning Worm, and even the clay doll who usually carries the camera, they are all quite rare Pokémon.

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