Tian Lin was in no hurry, and by virtue of his rounding to strengthen his defense and Guo Zi's recovery of a lot of physical strength, he completely blocked the attack of the Cauliflower Monkey.

"No, my tastingtime has been cracked, there is no other way, continue to perform acrobatics!"

The cauliflower monkey continued to attack, but this time, it was blocked by the centipede.

The alternating use of rounding and holding allowed Tianlin to successfully delay the two attacks of the poison. Finally, the cauliflower monkey couldn't hold it any longer and was dragged to death by the poison.

"The cauliflower monkey lost its ability to fight, and the centipede won. The winner of this game is Tianlin!" the referee announced.

Tian Lin defeated Tian Tong and successfully advanced to the second round.

(Do Li's)

"I can't help it. I admit that in terms of tactics, I am quite good at the level of my A-level sommelier, but it is still far worse than yours." Tian Tong was convinced that he would admit defeat.

"What, this is a loss, I still want to defeat him personally, and, obviously losing, but still such a proud appearance, it's really annoying to see!" Cabernet Sauvignon was still there. .

This guy is really contradictory. Tiantong won't be happy when she wins, and she's not happy when she loses. The girl's heart is really incomprehensible.

The game is still going on, and the next few games are passers-by battles. Tian Lin has no desire to watch it. It wasn't until the seventh game, when Ya Yi played against Alice, that it aroused his interest.

As for Ya Yi, Tian Lin felt that she may be the key to resolving the battle between the ideals and reality of the United States, while Alice is the future champion of the United States.

For the two of them, Tian Lin was very curious about what kind of game they would play, so he must observe carefully.

The first thousand one hundred and seventeen chapters, Mei and Alice, who is the heroine

In the seventh round, Alice and Mei stood on the ring respectively.

For this game, the attention is much higher than before, but not because of her strength, but because of her looks. Although Alice's skin is a little darker, her face is still quite cute, and her personality is bright and wild. , can also attract some people, such as Touya who is watching the game at the moment.

This guy, instead of looking at Mei Yi, who he regards as his own sister, looked at Alice with a burning gaze, and he might be playing some tricks.

"Alice? Is she Alice? The teacher said that the aptitude and potential are no less than that of me and Touzi. In the future, she will become a strong contender on the road to the championship!"

Touya's master is Adek, the champion of the Commonwealth, and Adek and Shaka are good friends. After hearing about Alice from Shaka, she knew that she must be his beloved disciple's rival in the future.

And then another, compared to Alice, who can only attract some audiences, Mei Yi is a girl with a completely full charm value. She is cute and sexy, attracting a large number of LSPs to cheer her on.

Yayi is a rookie trainer. It was her first time to participate in such a conference, and she seemed a little nervous. Tou Zi and N came to her side and comforted, "Don't be afraid, just go to the competition with 453 with all your strength."

"That's right, although I don't like Pokémon battles, but you can rest assured, Mei, even if your Pokémon is injured, I will help heal them all."

"Yeah!" With the encouragement of the two, Mei gradually raised her courage.

"Sister Yayi, you must cheer, I absolutely support you!" At this moment, a surprising voice came, and Tianlin actually leaned on the railing closest to Yayi to cheer for her.

"That, thank you!" Ya Yi was a little embarrassed and thanked shyly.

"Hey, Tianlin, what do you mean, we are friends, so why are you cheering for others!" Alice was suddenly upset, Tianlin's betrayal was clearly Chi Guoguo's betrayal, to put it rudely, it was simply See color.

Tianlin waved his hand, "Oh, Alice, don't care about these details, then I'll cheer for you by the way!"

By the way?

Hearing this word, Alice said that her trigeminal neuralgia is painful, you might as well concentrate on cheering for the girl opposite.

"This guy has bad intentions!" N Yutou also suddenly looked at Tianlin with a bad face.

The two who were originally battling each other, but now they are at the same enemy. Tianlin, this guy, in their view, is clearly attacking their sister Yayi's idea.

Why do you look at me like this?

Tianlin said that he was very confused. He just noticed that Yayi would be the key to resolving the war in the future, so he paid more attention to her, but he did not know that he had engraved the label of SP in the hearts of the two teenagers.

On the battlefield, the battle has already begun, and both sides have sent their own Pokémon at the same time, Alice is the conductive flying squirrel, and Mei is the ivy snake.

Yayi has the same Pokémon as Tianlin, but unfortunately, hers is only a green vine snake with ordinary characteristics. Even if it evolves into a monarch snake in the future, its combat power is quite limited.

"Conductive Momonga, use the Swallow Return!" Ellie made a move without hesitation, and it was a flying skill with an attribute advantage and a must-win.

"Qingteng Snake, make a twist!" Ya Yi knew that Yan Hui couldn't dodge, so she made defensive preparations to resist.

The ivy snake immediately curled up into a ball. This unique trick of curling can increase the attack power, defense power and hit rate of Pokémon, which is a pretty good enhancement skill.

Yan Hui hit the Ivy Snake's body, but because of the increase in defense, the Ivy Snake didn't have any serious problems.

"Ivy Snake, use the blade!" After defending, Mei quickly launched a counterattack, and the timing was quite good.

Yan Hui is a melee attack. At this time, the distance between the two Pokémon is quite close, and the flaws in the conductive Momonga's body are exposed in front of the Ivy Snake.

The Ivy Snake's eyes sharply grabbed the vital abdomen of the conductive Momonga, and its tail turned into a sharp blade to stab it.

Blade leaf is a skill that is easy to hit the key point. It seems that Mei has had this training on the ivy snake (aiea), and its eyesight is very powerful.

Hit the key to offset the property resistance of the conductive flying squirrel, coupled with the increased attack power of the coil, this blow gave the conductive flying squirrel considerable damage.

"It's amazing, although this ivy snake doesn't have Mengte, it can't become a more powerful fort like mine, but it also has its own unique advantage, that is, extraordinary eyesight, if you focus on training in this area in the future , to turn this ivy snake into a key assassin, and it will definitely do something!" Tian Lin sighed.

Tianlin remembered that a person once said in a previous life what the green caterpillar could do, but as a result, his Lie Kongzai was killed by the green caterpillar with a power grid.

The weakness of Pokémon is relative. There is no absolutely weak Pokémon, only completely useless trainers. As long as you find out, you will definitely find the bright spot of each Pokémon.

Tian Lin looked at Ya Yi with admiration on his face. Isn't this girl with the discerning eye to find bright spots.

"This guy, he's peeking at Ya Yi again, he really deserves a beating." Tou Ye looked at Tian Lin and wanted to swallow him.

Although he has no male or female affection for Ya Yi, he has feelings like a righteous brother and sister. In short, he is a sister-in-law.

"How many calls are there from the Dark Trio? Go back and check!" N on the other side was the same, he was even more angry and almost wanted to strangle Tianlin in the cradle.

Tian Lin didn't know the hatred of the two sisters behind him. He was watching the game with concern. At this time, the two sides were evenly matched, but Alice had a bigger chance of winning, not only in attributes, but also in her strength.

Mei Yi's only chance of winning is her and Qingteng Snake's unyielding fighting spirit.

"Ivy Snake, use the Flying Leaf Storm!"

Qingteng Snake took out the biggest trick in one breath. It was so bold that it scared the conductive flying squirrel. Alice's conductive flying squirrel was a little timid. Start gathering lightning.

"Wait, you can't use this trick, Conductive Momonga!" Alice stopped anxiously and loudly.

Unfortunately, it was too late. The lightning of the conductive flying squirrel collided with the flying leaf storm of the ivy snake. Although the power was slightly weaker, the conductive flying squirrel, with its stronger strength, was barely able to fight with the ivy snake. .

After this blow, Ivy Snake's special attack dropped rapidly.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that its biggest trick is useless, and the side effects are also triggered. I am afraid that Yayi has no chance of winning.

But at this moment, the conductive flying squirrel turned around and flew back to Alice, and at the same time, the dragon-headed gopher left the pokeball and ran to the arena.

It turns out that the trick that the conductive flying squirrel just used was volt replacement, but this game is one-on-one, that is to say, Alice who sent the second Pokémon to play violated the rules, and in the end, she was given by the referee like this. Sentenced.

Alice's head is full of black lines, obviously it is a good situation, but she lost so inexplicably.

Figure: http://img.faloo.com/NovelNode/0x0/1/1875/

. Gif

The first thousand one hundred and eighteen chapters Tou Zi shot and crushed it with absolute strength

"Me, is this a win?" Ya Yi stared blankly at the arena, she hadn't recovered yet, after all, she was already prepared to lose, but she didn't expect such a dramatic win.

More unacceptable than her, of course, is Alice. At this moment, she is chasing the conductive flying squirrel.

"You guy, how many times have I said it, you can't use volts to replace it in one-on-one situations. Today I have to teach you a good lesson!"

There's no way, it's too unfair to lose, Alice said that she really can't accept it.

"Although winning is a bit weird, but winning is winning, congratulations, Yayi!" Tian-Lin stepped forward.

"Well, thank you!" Although Yayi didn't know why Tianlin cared so much about her, she could feel that Tianlin had no ill will towards her, let alone lust, and was simply caring for her.

This is the ability she has had since she was a child. She can clearly perceive the thoughts of others. Whether it is an idealist or a realist, she cannot escape her eyes.

But it is her. Others don't have this ability. Even Tiantong Xiaozhi and others subconsciously think that Tianlin is interested in Yayi.

Bai Lu pouted to express dissatisfaction, Tou Ye and N looked bad, Tou Zi hurriedly pulled Ya Yi back to her side, guarding Tian Lin like a thief.

Back at his friends, Xiao Zhi suddenly whispered in Tian Lin's ear and asked, "Tian Lin, has Xiaogang sent you any emails recently?"

"No!" Tianlin replied angrily. Obviously, this guy thought he was badly taught by Xiaogang. You must know that Xiaogang didn't even give him the address of the girl town that he said at the beginning. Where can he learn it? bad?

"Hmph, I'm thinking about sex, and I care less about friends!" Who else is there other than Alice who is still thinking about it.

Anyway, now Tianlin jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it out.

The game is still going on, and in the eighth round, Xiao Zhi finally played. His opponent is Cabernet Sauvignon who has been talking about replacing Xiao Zhi Pokémon.

Xiao Zhi's performance in this game was not bad. Although he used a blue toad that he had just conquered, the blue toad's strength was much stronger than that of an otter of the same water type, and his level was so high that he even mastered water cannons.

With such instant combat power, Ash successfully defeated Cabernet Sauvignon and won.

Next, it was Kenny Yang against Bai Lu. He was much stronger than Bai Lu. In order to preserve his strength, Bai Lu still used the weakest foam chinchilla, and finally lost without any suspense.

She is still too careless. It is the most ignorant act to reserve against an opponent who is stronger than herself. If she uses Chao Chao Zhu, she may not be easily defeated.

Next, it was Luke against a passerby named Sekimoto. He easily won with the shadow punch of the clay puppet villain.

With the passing of one game after another, the first day of the game finally came to the last one.

The two people who stepped onto the opposing battlefield were Tou Zi and Xiu Di.

"Tou Zi, it is said that the super genius is no less powerful than Tou." Emperor Xiu looked at the beautiful girl in front of him and was full of fear.

Tou also told him that Tian Lin, who pushed him completely before, was almost pushed by Tou Zi. If Tou Zi made a mistake in calculating the time and space of the trick at the end, Tian Lin's undefeated golden body might have been early. was broken.

In the face of such an opponent, no matter how arrogant Emperor Xiu was, he would not dare to be careless.

"Are you the Xiu Emperor that Touya is taking now, let me see how powerful you are, go, King Yanwu!"

Tou Zi's first appearance was actually King Yan Wu, and the audience who were familiar with Tou Zi immediately became uneasy, "Send King Yan Wu? Is Miss Tou Zi crazy?"

King Yanwu is Tou Zi's initial Pokémon, his strength is not inferior to Tou's Great Sword Demon, and now he has reached the high rank of the Heavenly King. At this kind of conference, it is no exaggeration to say that he is invincible.

If Touko did this, he would inevitably be suspected of bullying the newcomer.

Although Tianlin abused Emperor Xiu, he only used the rattan snake that Hezhong had just conquered, so no one would say anything, but Touzi was too bullying.

"That's not it, Sister Touzi also wants to help that Xiudi." Yayi felt the power of the mind coming into play again.

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