Although the tundra bear dropped a large number of avalanches on the road of the ground fissure, he found that he could not stop this move at all, and countless avalanches fell into the ground along with the ground fissure.

In the end, the tundra bear was also swallowed by the fissure in the earth. Fortunately, the leading gopher stopped in time. The tundra bear was not buried deep, and was quickly rescued by the leading gopher by digging a hole in the ground.

But it was already a certainty that it lost its ability to fight, and the game was decided.

"I'm convinced this time, two consecutive victories!" Alice said with a proud look on her hips.

"Hmph, I said, I don't care if I lose to a Pokémon that is not a dragon type." Langley was also a arrogant child, and he just didn't want to show an unwilling expression in front of Alice.

"Oh, you still don't admit it if you lose, what kind of Dragon Destroyer? It turned out to be just a child."

"Yeah, can't I just be a child?" Langley wouldn't admit defeat even if he died anyway, "If I hadn't made a mistake in the first game, I could have beaten you, I have the ability, wait for my treasure. The dream has recovered, let's fight again."

"Okay, just fight!" Alice accepted the challenge.

This was exactly what Shaka wanted, and it was clear that Langley had become a formidable enemy chasing Alice.

"In that case, Alice, Langley, why don't you all go to the East George Battle Tournament. When you get there, you can have a good showdown in the official competition." Tian Lin suggested.

"East George vs. Tournament? What is this? It sounds interesting." The two didn't say anything, but Xiao Zhi was the first to get excited.

"This is a kind of conference that is very common in our public. It is hosted by Mr. East George. There are many trainers participating. Those who win the game can not only get a lot of battle points, that is, BP value, but also get rich rewards. The prize!" Tiantong, as a local and a gym trainer, is naturally clear about the East George Battle Tournament.

"It's great, since I want to participate, right? It's held in Raven Town, right next to the target Raven City we're going to!" Xiao Zhi said immediately.

"How about it, just as Tianlin said, let's fight again at the East George Battle Conference, do you dare?" Langley challenged Alice.

"Hey, what's so daring, just a child, I will definitely defeat you again!" Alice is already a winner, so there is no reason to back down in the face of a loser.

So Tian Lin's team joined Lan Ge Lei and Xiao Zhi, and the scale was expanded to six people. Everyone set off together and prepared to go to Raven Town to participate in the competition.

Chapter [*]: Raventown meets N and Touzi again

A group of six went to Raven Town, which was by far the largest team.

And on their way, they met a Pokémon movie director named Luke.

He was originally just a passerby, but the reason why Tianlin paid special attention to him was that he actually brought a Zoroja with him, which was a rare Pokémon that could not be found in the entire public.

This made Tianlin think of Soroya who he met in Crown City, and he didn't know if he had trained well with his MA. Tianlin had promised him that when he came to Hezhong, he would find him and bring him with him. It went on a trip together, since it promised to do it naturally, it's just that Tianlin doesn't know where Zoroja is now. It seems that he has to ask someone for help.

According to Luke, he worked at the oldest movie theater in town, where he also met Zoroja.

This Zoroja is female and often turns into a girl. When Luke sees his heart, he invites her to perform in his movie, and as a result, the two develop a bond.

Now Luke is dissatisfied with ordinary movies. Since it is a Pokemon movie, battle is an indispensable theme. In order to shoot a more courageous battle, Luke, as a director, decided to experience it himself.

At the suggestion of Tianlin and others, Luke also joined the team, and the six became seven, and they went to Raven Town to participate in the East George Battle Conference.

Raven Town is a subsidiary town of Raven City, not far from Raven City, and it is also the birthplace of Raven City, which is even more historic.

As soon as everyone arrived at Raven Town, they went to the Battle Club to sign up for the competition. There, Tian Lin met two old acquaintances.

"Tuozi, I've told you many times. I don't like fighting, and I don't like watching my friends kill each other. What kind of battle meeting is it, you just go - go for it yourself!"

"Hmph, N, you've gone too far. Battles are the most direct spiritual contact between trainers and trainers, between Pokemon and Pokemon. This is not a cannibalism!"

A man and a woman in front seemed to be arguing fiercely. In addition, there was a cute girl beside them who was constantly persuading them. "Sister Touzi, Brother N, stop arguing!"

This girl is tall and slender, with a bun on her head, two long braids hanging down to her waist, and ultra-short hot pants and black pantyhose on her lower body. This is a combination of innocence and charm.

"Tuozi, N, and that girl, shouldn't it be Yayi?" These three were really easy to identify to Tianlin. After all, in Tianlin's previous life, they were among the most popular characters.

"How are you guys, Tou Zi, N, long time no see!" Tian Lin stepped forward and greeted him. Seeing him, both N and Tou Zi's eyes lit up.

Yayi looked at Tianlin and was a little curious, who is this person? You must know that N and Touzi are extremely stubborn people. Once they quarrel, no one can persuade them, but now they have stopped arguing for the person in front of them at the same time. .

"Okay, Tian Lin, you're here too, and you're here to participate in the East George Battle Conference, right? I'll charge you some interest before the league competition." Tou Zi said with awe.

N looked at Tian Lin in dissatisfaction, "You, the number of Pokémon on your body has increased again. After talking about you last time, not only did you not release them, but you even intensified and subdued more of my friends."

"Now, take them out to fight."

N was also deeply impressed by Tianlin. After all, Tianlin almost destroyed N’s beliefs, but during this time, under the deliberate guidance of Kui Qisi, N saw more trainers who abused his Pokémon. Even a cruel poacher, which once again strengthened his belief that was about to collapse.

Sure enough, humans and Pokémon cannot live together.

At that time, N was almost blackened, which was what Kui Qi thought, but unfortunately, he didn't expect Tou Zi to appear by N's side, and no matter how hard N rushed, he couldn't drive him away.

After learning about N's thoughts, Touko was determined to change such extreme thoughts. What she saw with N was more of a picture of people and Pokémon getting along well, and she was also the only piece of clarity in N's heart. land.

Facing N's questioning, Tian Lin did not get angry, but took out the six Poke Balls on his body and put them in front of him.

Tianlin knew that N could hear Pokémon's voice even through the Poké Ball, so let them answer him by themselves.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

Judao Xiaobing: "It's finally time to fight, this baby must win the championship for the master this time."

Centipede: "Betting on the reputation of the leader of the centipede, I will win."

Death Coffin: "For the sake of the master, bury the opponent!"

Dharma Baboon: "I just woke up, I slept for so long that I even forgot how old I am. By the way, I should call myself this baby or the old man. Forget it, don't care, fly all the opponents and go back to sleep. ."

Qingteng Snake: "This princess is naturally beautiful. This time, let the master see the charm of this princess. As long as it is a male Pokémon, if you meet this princess, you will be completely fascinated?"

Fang Lu shark: "A group of bear children upstairs is tired, but I, as the eldest brother in the team, can't ignore them. The black-bellied girl in Pokkis is slipping very fast, damn it!"


N shed a cold sweat, Tian Lin, what the hell are these, why are each one more belligerent than the other, and now they are in the same situation as before. Friends want to fight, if he stops them, they can't be called friends. .

Sure enough, every time I see Tianlin, there will be conflicts that are difficult to resolve.

"Looks like you heard, my partner is just like me, full of fighting spirit." Tian Lin pressed his elbow against N's chest with a smile, "N, why don't you try it too, I promise, when the battle is hot and bloody, When it's agitated, you're bound to fall in love with the battle."

"Don't be kidding, since you asked for it by your friend, it's the limit if I don't stop it. How could I even fight in person? This is completely contrary to my ideal." N firmly refused, "Besides, I don't. I will think that you are really good to my friends like this, and one day, I will realize the ideal of liberating all Pokémon and build an ideal country that only belongs to Pokémon."

"Freeing all Pokémon is a foolish ideal!" Hearing N's rhetoric, suddenly, a disdainful voice came from the door.

"Everyone has the right to choose for their own ideals, and the same is true for Pokémon. What is an ideal country, this is only known by Pokémon, and no one can interfere. You have such an inexplicable wish, it can only show that you Just a paranoid!" Jin.

Chapter [*] East George Battle!All assembled!


"Brother Touye!"

Tou Zi and Ya Yi looked at the people who came in different tones, Tou Zi was surprised, I didn't expect that Tou, who was supposed to be cultivating for the competition, would also come to participate in such a competition.

Yayi was a surprise. Tou Ye, like Tou Zi, loved her very much. She just went on a trip this year, and they were all taking care of her. They were like her own brother and sister.

"I didn't come to the conference, I just brought him here." Tou Ye explained to the two of them, only then did everyone see that there was a young man next to Tou Ye, who was Emperor Xiu.

Tou also cared about this junior, and he never forgot to mention him when he was cultivating. This time, he brought him here, hoping to use the East George Battle Conference to promote the growth of the emperor.

"You just said my ideal is stupid!" N walked up to Touya with a hostile expression on his face.

"Four Four Seven"

"That's right, that's what I said, and I don't plan to apologize to you, because I think so too." Tou Ye responded mercilessly.

"These two people feel so antagonistic, as if they were born opponents." Bai Lu whispered in Tian Lin's ear.

"Yeah!" Tian Lin nodded, as if he could see the two people's distinct auras in black and white.

Ideal and real, if N is the kind of person who has beautiful ideals, then Tou also recognizes the present and feels that the current situation is the best real person.

"Zekrom, Lehiram, are you the ones you're waiting for?" Tian Lin murmured softly, remembering what the two giant dragons had said before they left.

Since they have awakened, the people who symbolize ideals and reality must have appeared, no accident, it is the two guys in front of them.

Their ideas are all good, but they are completely opposite. This is exactly the same as the founding legend of Hezhong back then. I am afraid that the war between ideals and reality will one day start again.

"Brother N, brother Touye, please don't quarrel, okay?" At this moment, a voice suddenly dispelled the tit-for-tat aura between the two.

Yayi, N and Tou both love this cute girl very dearly. Toru has always regarded her as her own sister. Although N has just met her through Tou Zi, she is very concerned about this girl.

"Okay, I won't argue with him. Whether it is my ideal stupidity or his real stupidity, we will find out one day." N touched Yayi's baotou and smiled.

"Hmph, then let time be the witness, Xiudi, sign up with me!" Tou Ye took Xiudi away, and the smoke of gunpowder suddenly disappeared.

"Grey!" Tian Lin looked at Ya Yi and suddenly spit out the word, grey is the color mixed with black and white, he looked at Ya Yi and smiled, "It seems that to resolve this war between ideals and reality, it is not There is no way."

"Okay, let's go sign up too!" After watching a play, Tian Lin didn't forget his business.

"In order to participate in the battle tournament held in Raven Town, many masters gathered in the East George battle!" Luke decided to film the whole process of the meeting, full of energy.

It's a pity that his shooting has not been smooth, because Bai Lu fell in love with his Zoroya, followed Zoroya regardless, and interfered with his shooting in various ways.

"Tianlin, you really came."

"Xiao Zhi, long time no see."

"Tiantong, this time, I must win you!"

At this time, several more people appeared, namely Dino, who had a relationship before, Kenny Yang, a new rival that Xiao Zhi met not long ago, and Tiantong's sommelier opponent Cabernet Sauvignon.

Tian Lin couldn't help sighing, is there too many NPCs in this Hezhong place?

"Leave everything about the battle to the old man!" Everyone came to the registration point, and it turned out that Uncle East George was in charge. They all looked exactly the same.

Each received the registration form. In addition to filling in the birthplace, they also filled in the three Pokémon used for participating in the conference. During the competition, you can only choose which of the three Pokémon that have been determined to play, and you must not arbitrarily. replace.

This needs to be carefully considered, because every one of Tianlin wants to go into battle to see.

"Well, Bodhidharma baboons, fried pigs, and foam chinchillas, it's done!" Bai Lu didn't need to struggle, she completely filled out the registration form in one minute and submitted it. She currently only has these three.

"If that's the case, I'll choose them, Centipede Centipede, Little Soldier, Dharma Baboon!" Tian Lin also made a choice, and the ones he chose were the newly conquered or weaker ones in his team. , In fact, he doesn't pay much attention to the victory or defeat of this competition, it doesn't matter if he loses, he is more to let his partners experience 0 ........

After a while, everyone filled out the form and handed it to East George. This time, a large number of excellent trainers have been assembled in this competition, and the competition will definitely be very intense.

Of course, this is what Tian Lin is looking forward to.

Dividing line

In the early morning of the second day, everyone came to the venue of the battle meeting. The arena outside Raven Town was not too big, but it was very lively at the moment.

All the trainers appeared under the cheers of the audience, and among them, Tou Zi was the top talent who was famous among the public, and she cheered the most.

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